11 Tweets from Women That Might Make Your Week Better

These 11 ladies will show you exactly why Twitter exists because they’re dishing out the comedy one hilarious tweet at a time.

Get ready for the laughs, because they’re coming!

1. Yep, makes sense…

2. Oh snap…

3. I like my version better…

4. We can only hope…

5. Arrrrr you kidding?

6. Same.

7. Something feels tinder…

8. NPR is my jam!

9. OR… she’s an asshole. Either or.

10. Correct diagram is correct!

11. My world will be forever changed…

Oh yes, that was nice. I could use another one of those. How about you?

And which of those were your fave? Let us know in the comments!

The post 11 Tweets from Women That Might Make Your Week Better appeared first on UberFacts.