People Talk About What’s Much More Dangerous Than Most Folks Realize

There’s danger lurking around every corner every time you step outside your house.

Speeding cars, wild animals, sketchy people, etc.

And there are also a lot of dangerous things out there that you don’t even realize…

People on AskReddit spoke up about what is much more dangerous than most folks realize. Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Risky.


It’s actually a lot easier to overdose on than most people realize, and it slowly destroys your liver over a period of days.

Not a fun way to d** to put it lightly.”

2. Can be dangerous.

“Exploring abandoned places.

When I was a kid I would do it all the time and take photos without any form of facial protection. Fast forward years later and I learn about how toxic certain molds can be, how many older buildings used materials like asbestos which can be in the air when places are left to rot, etc. At this point I just thank God I never had to deal with the aftermath of any of that!

Also to anyone who enjoys doing this, I get it. I just want to bring awareness to the fact that if you participate a respirator and goggles should be a must!

Also as a side note, be wary of scrappers and individuals looking for a place to do drugs had a run in like that during one of the last excursions I made and it’s not fun.”

3. Gotta be careful.

“Touch screen consoles in cars. Mazda now disables touch functionality in their vehicles because they found that when drivers interact with the touch screen they drift the vehicle to the right.

Taking your eyes off the road to press 3 buttons in three different positions on the touch screen, with a latency each time you press a button, because your seat heaters are literally burning your a**, while trying to maintain control of the vehicle during freeway traffic is God d**ned dangerous.”

4. Eyes on the road.


Over 120 people a year d** from deer directly, and another 175 to 200 from car accidents caused by deer (with some 10,000 injuries), and more d**ths and injuries related to deer hunting. By the way, deer are pretty mean and terrible parents.

I have seen a deer push her fawn ahead of her near the food, to see if there is a predator, then, if the fawn is ok, go out and hit the fawn to get at the food herself.”

5. Heavy machinery.

“Adam Savage has a good explanation about respecting workshop equipment. Last year, he had an accident with his lathe where it almost destroyed his hand.

Seeing him get emotional about not only the accident but also that he allowed it happen was quite sobering. I think he claimed that the brief lapse of judgement was almost akin to him putting too much trust into it and he felt like he didn’t respect it at that moment.”

6. Gotta know what you’re doing.

“Horses. They weigh 1200 pounds, they’re extremely jittery, and they can crush you or kick you to d**th on accident.

And that’s just horses in general. Stallions will try to hurt you just to assert dominance. And these are animals that have been known to bite each other’s throats out when they fight.

Don’t mess with horses unless you know what you’re doing. Always be careful, even if you do.”

7. Keep an eye on that thyroid.

“Anything to do with the thyroid.

It’s a bit more well known nowadays, but when I first was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (they told me it was Hypothyroidism at first), I didn’t even know what the thyroid was.

For people who might not know, the thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland in your throat. Without getting into it too much, it releases hormones that regulate many things. You wouldn’t expect this tiny little organ to be so important, but holy c**p it is.

I found out I had thyroid issues when I was 15 after I was constantly tired, had irregular periods (I’ve gone two months without a period before), my weight was out of wack, my mental health was constantly declining, and I had issues with breathing among other symptoms.

Apparently if I hadn’t started taking thyroid medication when I did, I would’ve gone into a coma within 2 weeks.

It didn’t help that I had a dad who constantly made fun of my weight and appearance even after finding out I had thyroid issues and learning how hard it was for me to loose weight. Turns out, his two sisters had Hypothyroidism and his brother had Hyperthyroidism.

It took quite a few years to finally find hormonal balance and I’m 20 now, but I’m doing a lot better than I was before, physically and mentally.”

8. Get moving!

“Lack of exercise.

People think if they’re sedentary but just eat so little that they don’t get overweight, then they’re just as healthy.

Sadly, no. Simply being thin does not equate to being healthy.

100 calorie snacks are not saving your life, they’re nothing but another sales tactic. A way to sell you less for more.”

9. Get out while you can.

“Toxic relationships.

Far too many s**cides happen because of bad relationships and no other way out.”

10. Swept out to sea.

“I live on the north coast of California.

People do not take seriously the signs that are posted on the beach regarding sneaker waves. If you are standing along the shoreline and not paying attention water can rush past on overtake you.

So when walking on the beach keep your head on a swivel and be mindful of the water.”

11. Don’t do it!

“I’ve heard enough horror stories from my parents who are both nurses to last me a lifetime.

Legs on the dash of a car are not allowed while I’m driving for this reason alone”

12. Put down the work once in a while.

“Working to d**m much.

I know, it’s expected, you’re a lazy f**k if you don’t. It leads to not getting rest so your body can heal, a really f**ked social life (i.e. none), and just general stress, which suppresses your immune system, appetite, and even your heart.

Also, people that nag about you not working enough. Huge health risk, both to themselves and others. We aren’t ever gonna make them happy no matter what, so f**k em, let them freak out and have a heart attack.”

13. Not worth it.


People are way too eager to prove who’s the bigger bada**. Hit someone the wrong way or start something with the wrong person and someone’s not going home. Then if the police show up, someone’s getting charged.

Depending on the severity of the other parties injuries and the word of witnesses, you could be going away for a very long time. Not to mention the civil suites that may bury you in debt.”

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us what you think is much more dangerous than people realize.

Please and thank you!

The post People Talk About What’s Much More Dangerous Than Most Folks Realize appeared first on UberFacts.

What Is the Saddest Fact You Know?

Our world is filled with sadness.

It’s a fact of life and yes, it is a huge bummer.

So I hope you’re ready to get a little depressed today…

What’s the saddest fact you know?

Folks on AskReddit spoke up.

1. Bad luck.

“A guy in my area had just retired on a Friday. The following Wednesday he was out fishing and a thunderstorm came up.

He pulled his boat out of the lake and while standing next to his car on the boat ramp lightning took him out.

5 blessed days of retirement.”

2. Goodbye.

“Read about a dolphin who had learned some basic communication and was in some sort of pen.

Dolphins can s**cide by going under water and refusing to go back up for air. This dolphin was miserable and told it’s handler goodbye before going under and ki**ing itself.

The fact the dolphin was sentient enough to choose s**cide breaks my heart.”

3. Emotional animals.

“Elephants will mourn other elephants in their group dying and will hold funerals for them and will even recognize the bones of said elephant and cry out in sadness.”

4. Wild kingdom.

“Penguins sometimes get r**ed by sea lions.

These young seals are those who can’t mate with a female because a larger sea lion controls a massive harem.

After getting r**ed, the penguins’ head are munched off most of the time.”

5. No more energy.

“All whales eventually lose the energy to surface for oxygen, so they essentially begin to sink and drown.”

6. Awful.

“For me it’s the d**th of the 13-year-old Colombian girl Omayra Sanchez in 1985.

She was trapped in water after a volcanic eruption, kneeling with her legs trapped under debris, and there was no way to extricate her without triggering a rise in the water level, which would have dr**ned her. Responders considered amputating her legs but decided that she probably wouldn’t survive, and that the most humane thing to do was to let her d**.

The would-be rescuers and some journalists stayed with her for three days while she joked and prayed and sang and left messages for her mother before d**ng of either gangrene or hypothermia.”

7. A national tragedy.

“Some astronauts in the Challenger disaster survived the initial explosion and only d**d once the orbiter hit the water

Can’t imagine how the few felt when their shuttle exploded, some of their colleagues d**d and they are plummeting rapidly to their d**ths.”

8. Sad.

“A majority of people, when asked, would rather d** at home than at the hospital.

A majority of people, when recorded, d** at the hospital rather than at home.”

9. Disgusting.

“That s** trafficking children is real, actively ongoing, and adults will be professionally doing it all across the world any any given point.”

10. Poor dogs.

“For animal testing involving dogs, most laboratories use Beagles because they are the most forgiving of the people inflicting pain on them.”

11. All alone.

“I learned today that if a grizzly bear has a single cub it will abandon it.

The hypothesis is that a single cub will need three years of care, while if she abandons a single cub now, next year or the year after that she is more likely to have twins or even triplets.”

12. Terribly sad.

“785 million people do not have access to safe water.

Access includes having having water within a 30 minute round trip for collecting it and carrying it home.”

13. Not fair.

“Bill Finger, the man who created a vast majority of if not everything that makes Batman a success today, not only never got credit in his lifetime, but was also called a liar by Bob Kane.

Kane who came up with an idea of a bat themed vigilante called The Bat-Man, later used his fathers law firm to make up a contract in which he not only got sole credit but also any major proceeds stemming from the success of Batman.

Bill d**d penniless and on his couch in a s**tty apartment in 1974 while Kane was running around telling everyone he created Batman and such.”

Do you know any sad facts?

If so, share them with us in the comments.

Thanks a lot!

The post What Is the Saddest Fact You Know? appeared first on UberFacts.

Fascinating Facts to Put Your Thoughts on Hyperdrive

There’s a pretty good chance that one of the reasons you follow this page is because you love facts of all kinds – and we all know we could go on for days if started listing all manner of random facts.

These 10 facts are some that are not only wild, but will get your brain juices flowing in a way that will have you clicking onto another page, then another, and another, until oops! Rabbit hole.

We’re not going to apologize, though, because we love a good rabbit hole, right?

10. We have created a zonkey.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Why? Apparently because we can – it’s what you get when you breed a zebra and a donkey.

I guess if it works it can’t be too much against nature.

9. A mysterious, vintage Coke machine used to live in Seattle, WA.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

For decades, there was a vintage Coca-Cola machine in Seattle, and if you put in 75 cents, it would give you a mystery can of soda. Sometimes you’d get a newer can, but other times your prize would be a can of soda that had been discontinued years earlier.

No one knows who stocked and maintained the machine – or who removed it in 2018. It was there for nearly 30 years, and then it wasn’t.

8. The oldest animal alive was born in 1832.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Jonathan the Tortoise has lived his whopping 189 years in the Galapagos Islands.

7. Sperm whales don’t like to sleep alone.

Image Credit: Pexels

They sleep in large pods, and they all snooze while vertical.

I’m not sure why I never imagined whales sleeping, but I never would have guessed they sleep like this, either!

6. Shakespeare may have lost his head.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A group of archaeologists got together in 2016 and used ground-penetrating radar to study the contents of Shakespeare’s grave, and get this – he doesn’t appear to have a head.

This seems to confirm a tall tale that circulated for years, that a group of thieves in 1794 broke into the coffin and stole Shakespeare’s head in order to sell it for 300 pounds.

It doesn’t, of course, tell us where that head might be now.

5. The world’s oldest wine survived for almost 2,000 years.

Image Credit: Speyer

The 1700-year-old bottle from a gravesite in Speyer, Germany, is still in its liquid form, which is basically unheard of.

Experts think it was able to survive so long because they poured olive oil into the bottle to seal it off from the open air before placing the cork.

4. During prohibition you could get a prescription for whiskey.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Pharmacists were allowed to fill prescriptions for “medicinal whiskey,” which basically gave them a monopoly on selling alcohol during prohibition.

Running a pharmacy was quite lucrative at the time because of that fact, drugstore owners (like, say, Jay Gatsby) were essentially making money bootlegging whiskey.

3. There was a backup speech in case the moon landing didn’t go as we hoped.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

It’s always good to be prepared, and of course no one knew what would happen if Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin made it to the moon but couldn’t make it home.

Here is the full text:

Fate has ordained that the men who went to the moon to explore in peace will stay on the moon to rest in peace.

These brave men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, know that there is no hope for their recovery. But they also know that there is hope for mankind in their sacrifice.

These two men are laying down their lives in mankind’s most noble goal: the search for truth and understanding.

They will be mourned by their families and friends; they will be mourned by their nation; they will be mourned by the people of the world; they will be mourned by a Mother Earth that dared send two of her sons into the unknown.

In their exploration, they stirred the people of the world to feel as one; in their sacrifice, they bind more tightly the brotherhood of man.

In ancient days, men looked at stars and saw their heroes in the constellations.

In modern times, we do much the same, but our heroes are epic men of flesh and blood.

Others will follow, and surely find their way home. Man’s search will not be denied. But these men were the first, and they will remain the foremost in our hearts.

For every human being who looks up at the moon in the nights to come will know that there is some corner of another world that is forever mankind.

2. A frog in your milk can keep it fresh.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Before modern refrigeration was a thing, people in Russia dropped brown frogs into their milk because they claimed it made it stay drinkable and fresh for longer.

It sounds crazy, but Russian brown frogs actually secrete a gooey substance that has strong antibacterial properties.

So, I have no idea how the first person to figure this out did it, but they weren’t wrong.

1. Some very inept thieves tried to ransom the FIFA Cup in 1966.

Image Credit: Mpilcher84

The cup was stolen in London, just a few months before the tournament was set to begin. The police received a ransom note and the public began to panic, but before anyone could decide what to do about the 15,000 pound ransom, the trophy was found.

The hero of the day was a dog named Pickles, a collie who sniffed the trophy out in a bush while on his evening walk – proving once again that dogs are the absolute best.


I’ve got to go find out some more details on some of these myself, I swear.

What’s the best rabbit hole you’ve tumbled down lately? Share with us in the comments!

The post Fascinating Facts to Put Your Thoughts on Hyperdrive appeared first on UberFacts.

What Food Seems Okay Until You Realize How It’s Made? Here’s What People Had to Say.

We’ve all heard the stories about how hot dogs are made…yuck!

But they sure are delicious, don’t you think?

You know it! But still…kinda gross…

What food sounds fine until you learn how it’s made?

Here’s how AskReddit users responded.

1. Didn’t know.

“I once was at a conference in Japan.

Me and some friends went into a small restaurant for dinner. My French colleague insisted on ordering Foie Gras, besides other things.

I knew the German name for this but not the French one, so I didn’t know what he ordered there until I later called my boyfriend and he told me.

In Germany you can’t even produce Foie Gras due to obvious animal welfare problems with literally force feeding geese into developing a fatty, sick liver just to eat it.”

2. That’s a bummer.

“I was surprised to learn from people who’ve worked on farms just how bloody harvesting crops is.

There’s not really a good way to clear out wild animals so all of them get ripped to shreds by the heavy machinery moving through the fields.

I miss being able to assume no animals d**d making my produce.”

3. Scraps.

“While off-putting I see no problems with some of the “scraps” we eat.

It’s perfectly fine to me that I’m eating the scraps of chicken in chicken nuggets. Gelatin from bones and ligaments. The reject pieces of animal being used to make so many great foods or items. People want to say the Natives had the right idea, using every part of the animal.

But suddenly turning around to say eating black pudding is disgusting? I feel better knowing that we used every ounce of that cow, the cow didn’t d** in vain. The cow was used for milk, once done with that stage sold for meat. The meat market sells the bones for dog bones, gelatin, beef stock, literally anything else. Nothing goes to waste.

Don’t get me wrong the treatment from cow to meat and then the food waste alone is problematic but that’s not what the thread is about. We use every part of every item. ‘Scuse me, I have nuggets in the oven that are ready.”

4. Never had it.

“Black Pudding is a common breakfast food, but kinda messed up when you think about how it’s made.”

5. Hell no.

“Cranberry harvesting.

There are a lot and I mean a ridiculous amount of spiders especially Wolf spiders, everywhere.

They crawl up the machines, they crawl up the people harvesting them it’s a nightmare.”

6. Now that’s ruined.

“Gummy Bears ( or just gummies in general).

Took me 19 years to find out that the way they’re made is with pig carcasses and bones.”

7. Hmmm…

“Cheez whiz. It’s transparent until they add the orange coloring.

I don’t know why but that makes me nope out. Not like Cheez Whiz is a salad or anything, don’t get me wrong.

But I don’t think I fully comprehended just how fake it was until I found that out.”

8. Messed up.

“Goose liver.

The goose has been force fed corn and fatty foods its entire life causing intense strain on the liver as it swells and bloats within their body, resulting in better flavor at significant expense of the goose quality of life.”

9. What’s that smell?


Comes from processing cattle faces, noses and ears still attached. I worked in a tannery, the face doesn’t have any viable use once tanned so it’s cut from the rest of the hide.

Fun Fact: the truck only came once a week and the pieces were stored outside in a half walled shed, so during summer the smell could be rather…ripe.”

10. Avoid them.

“Avocados from Mexico.

I just learned about the avocado cartel and how they make more money than the drug cartels and it’s insane. Do some research.

Don’t eat avocados from Mexico.”

11. Wow.

“Fish sauce

I went to a fish sauce factory in Vietnam a few years ago. In a giant silo, they put in 1 tonne of fish, and 1 tonne of salt.

After a year, they open a tap at the bottom of the silo, and hey presto, the liquid that pours out is fish sauce.”

12. Thanks, Grandma.

“My German/Polish grandmother made Czernina – Duck Blood Soup.

Being a good farm wife, she would go out to the shed where my grandfather kept some of his birds (chicken, ducks, geese, guinea fowl, peahens, peacocks and a few more I don’t remember). She usually was able to grab a duck on the first try and slit its throat with the straight edge razor she used for butchering small animals. She would squeeze the blood into her steel Thermos bottle, cap it and butcher the duck (sometimes a chicken).

She would roast or fry the bird and make the Czernina which smells exactly like you would think boiled blood smells like but worse. It would take at least a week for the smell to leave the house.

There were times when she would send me to school with her Thermos bottle (filled with milk this time) to school a day or two after she washed out the blood.

Of course, she also made Jello salad with peas, carrots and corn in it. Also, tuna hot dish. There’s no such thing as a casserole in Wisconsin or Minnesota, its proper name is Hot Dish, that’s a hill I will d** on.”

Are there any foods that you refuse to eat because of how they’re made?

If the answer is YES, please talk to us in the comments.

Thanks in advance!

The post What Food Seems Okay Until You Realize How It’s Made? Here’s What People Had to Say. appeared first on UberFacts.

Off-Putting Animals That Might Just Appear in Your Toilet

I love all animals. I think mice are cute, I don’t kill bugs, even in the house (unless they’re flies or will sting/bite me) and I go out of my way to be kind, indoors or out.

But listen. Some animals are just inherently more dangerous than others, and the fact that some of the scarier ones could grab you at one of your most vulnerable moments – sitting down on the potty – is enough to give the kindest heart the heebie-jeebies.

If you’re wondering what sort of horror show could possibly show up in your toilet, come along – here are 5 that you probably wouldn’t want to sit on.

5. Snakes

Image Credit: Pexels

This is probably my number one fear, and that’s just a regular snake showing up in my house – in 2015, San Diego Animal Control removed a 5.5 foot-long boa constrictor from a toilet. Someone had noticed there was excessive water in the bowl, but when they used a plunger, something came up instead of flowing out.

She described it as “every person’s worst nightmare,” and it’s hard to argue.

Snakes popping out of toilets seems to be fairly common, and they can be dangerous. Cover up your bits and call an expert if it happens to you.

4. Frogs

Image Credit: Pexels

Frogs aren’t exactly scary, but they do jump, and every horror movie buff will tell you a jump scare will do the trick just fine in a pinch.

Millions of people have found frogs hanging out in their toilet bowl )or more than one). Experts advise putting a mesh screen over the toilet vent and keeping lights off at night, if you seem to have an issue with it.

3. Rats

Image Credit: Pexels

Rats can do anything they put their minds to, and crawling up pipes into your house is no exception. If you search YouTube you can find many, many people who have posted videos of rats entering their homes via the toilet, and pest control expert Eddie Marco confirms it could happen to anyone.

“It happens all the time, especially if you live in the basement or a first floor apartment. The pipe is empty, the rat crawls through the pipe and up over the hump and into the porcelain. And he can’t get back out.”

Maybe one day they’ll figure out that little trick, and then we’ll never know if they come and go.

I think that sounds worst, actually.

2. Opossums

Image Credit: Pexels

People tend to rag on opossums because they’re not exactly adorable, but they’re harmless and actually eat gross stuff, like ticks, so they’re ok by me.

I did not know they enjoyed a nice swim sometimes, though, but people have found them – big and small, dead and alive – in their toilet bowls.

Treat them kindly if they’re alive!

1. Squirrels

Image Credit: Pexels

Squirrels are just rats with fluffy tails, and they have some of the same bad habits of getting themselves into situations they can’t find a way out of – which includes exploring pipes and ending up in your toilet bowl.

If you can get it safely out and release it, great. If not, there are experts who are ready and willing to help.

I do not know for sure how I would handle any of these situations, but I think not well.

Has anything frightening ever shown up in your toilet? Share the story with us in the comments!

The post Off-Putting Animals That Might Just Appear in Your Toilet appeared first on UberFacts.

What Do People Think is Harmless but It’s Incredibly Dangerous? People Responded.

It’s interesting how you can think something (or someone) can be totally harmless…until the situation gets flipped on its head and you realize you’re dealing with something that’s actually dangerous.

And the world is full of this kind of stuff!

What seems harmless but is actually really dangerous?

Folks shared their thoughts on AskReddit.

1. Keep your eyes open.

“Walking along the train tracks.

It’s crazy how fast millions of pounds of freight can sneak up on you.”

2. Jeez.

“ER nurse here.

I had a teenage girl come from Home economics class. She was sewing and had a pin between her lips.

I mean , who hasn’t done that? She sucked it in and it got lodged in her throat. While waiting for a scope she felt it dislodge and went deep into her main bronchial. She required major surgery.

Had a young boy running with a toothbrush in his mouth. Got jammed way deep , almost hit a major artery.”

3. Ouch!

“A human bite.

I worked at a kindergarten and one kid was sometimes super sweet but sometimes really mean. He could switch in a second. While I was naming the colouring pages they were about to get he walked up to me and bit me in the arm. Didn’t think it was through, cuz no blood.

But it started swelling and getting red and the marks were clearly there. Went to the doc right after my shift. He explained a human bite is the second most dangerous bite there is. Got antibiotics but they didn’t work. Arm just kept swelling and getting completely dark purple over two days.

Doctor sent me to the hospital where I got strong antibiotics. Basically everything in me was cleaned with that s**t, felt weak for months. If it didn’t start working by that night is have to come back and be hospitalized to get my underarm removed. I’ve shat some bricks there.

Never thought a kid’s bite could cause this. Luckily the swelling got less and the bruise stopped spreading so I still have my arm, but that was very close.”

4. Gotta follow directions.

“Having a small snack before a medical procedure that requires anesthesia.

Intubation can cause you to throw up your food and you can choke.”

5. Be careful.

“Pool covers. It’s like being wrapped in a bedsheet underwater. You cannot get free and you cannot scream for help. Once you’re in the only way to get out is to be incredibly lucky and get free or have faith that someone saw or heard you fall in and hope that they get you in time.

It’s a lengthy, terrifying, d**th that’s completely avoidable.”

6. Wow.

“Having a loose animal in the car.

A safety instructor once told me doctors had to dig dog bones out of a person after it got between them and an airbag.”

7. Pretty scary.

“Oceanside cliff blow holes.

People think they’re so much fun to stand around and play with.

You fall into one of those things, you aren’t getting out.

The waves will just bludgeon you against the rocks until you d** or you’re lucky enough to drown first.”

8. Know your flowers.

“Kids picking flowers in the park. I am a conservation

Technician for a county park system, at least once a year I have to stop parents with kids picking flowers off the trail because I see kids with either poison hemlock (one of the d**dliest plants if ingesting even a tiny amount) or wild parsnip, which can cause some serious permanent scarring, burns, and boils if the sap gets on to your skin and is exposed to sunlight.

Don’t let your kids pick or eat anything you aren’t 100% sure of.”

9. No way I’m doing this.

“Confined spaces, above ground or worse, below the surface.

If you do urban exploration, caving, or anything like that, get a 4 gas detector, clip it to you chest or belt, and set the alarm to max.

If it makes a sound, get the f**k out or you are going to d**.”

10. Gotta do it.

“Not checking / changing the tires on your car.

Someone back me up on this.

You can’t just drive around with the same tires on forever.

Eventually you’ll end up doing donuts in the middle of a wet interstate because your back tires lost traction.”

11. I didn’t know that.

“Eating raw or undercooked kidney beans can make you very sick or even k**l you.

It only takes like 3 undercooked kidney beans to ruin your day.”

12. Could be very harmful.

“Small cuts you get when doing marine stuff.

If you are diving/snorkeling at a coral reef and lightly scrape yourself on some coral, for the love of god disinfect the living s**t out of that, no matter how “mild” it looks. The bacteria on coral will literally eat your leg off.

Having small cuts on your hand while handling stuff like diatomaceous earth or sea sponges can cause tiny glass spines to enter your blood stream and poke tiny holes in all those blood highways running through you.

While this is a bit of a he-said she-said story, my professor apparently had a student hospitalized and d** due to massive internal bleeding issues from handling this s**t day after day.”

What do you think seems harmless but is really dangerous?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

Thanks in advance!

The post What Do People Think is Harmless but It’s Incredibly Dangerous? People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss What Looks Harmless but Is Actually Very Dangerous

You know koala bears?

Those cute, cuddly creatures may look adorable and soft, but, from what I’ve been told, they can be vicious animals and they can make you instantly regret ever getting near them.

Who knew?!?! I sure didn’t…

People on AskReddit talked about what looks harmless but is actually really dangerous.

So you better pay attention!

1. Heads up.

“Garage door springs. People don’t realize just how much tension those things are actually under.

Never repair a garage door yourself unless you know exactly what you’re doing. The stored energy in them is enough to break bones and sever limbs.”

2. Jeez!

“Pushing someone’s face into a cake as a joke.

Some cakes have little wooden spikes inside to support the cake.

Saw a post where a girl’s face was gored by one of these.”

3. Keep your feet down.

“Putting your feet up on the dash while riding as a passenger in a moving car.

You do NOT want to see post-accident photos of what happens when someone is in that posture in a surprise head-on collision.”

4. Cat scratch fever.

“Cat bites. Cat fangs puncture deep and trap bacteria deep within your tissue, leading to horrible infections.

You might think one isn’t serious because it’s not bleeding much, but that just means the wound isn’t flushing properly – if you get seriously bitten by a cat, it’s very important to go to urgent care so they can properly disinfect the wound.”

5. Surround yourself with good people.

“Hanging around idiots.

Most of the time they only do dumbs**t that affects themselves but when they do something that affects you it can change your whole life.

So just remember if you’re in with a group of imbeciles you’re rolling the dice with your life every second, its like standing in low-grade radiation, its unnoticeable right up until it’s incurable.”

6. FYI.

“Those black foodstuffs with charcoal in them.

Charcoal interacts with a bunch of medications, gets in the way of nutrient absorption, and can really upset your digestive tract.”

7. Water dangers.

“Water in general, but fast moving water specifically.

2 or 3 inches of water is all that’s needed to sweep you off of your feet if it’s moving fast.

12 inches of water will lift and sweep away a car.

Water is heavy and will f**k you up if you don’t respect it.”

8. Changing lanes.

“Changing lanes without leaving a proper gap or checking your blind spot and signaling your intention.

On the surface it seems fine because, hey, you’re going faster than the person you’re passing right? Nope, all it takes is something like a deer to completely f**k your world sideways.

When passing anyone always wait to get into the lane they were in until you see their headlights fully in your rearview mirror and have cleared your blind spot. It’s even more dangerous to do this to a semi, your car will be eaten if it hits you.

Always, always, always visually check your blind spot. Always. Blind spot sensors are not an adequate substitute for a visual check. You’re asking for trouble if you don’t make sure someone hasn’t popped in there.

Use your dang turn signal. Other drivers are not mind readers, signal your intent and follow through with it.”

9. Just don’t do it.

“Feeding wildlife.

Even if it seems safe for yourself to do so it’s probably very dangerous for the animal you feed.

It’s very likely that feeding a wild animal may lead to it’s d**th.”

10. Didn’t know about this.

“Grapefruit juice.

By itself it’s perfectly fine, but a lot of people aren’t aware that grapefruit juice specifically has interactions with a LOT of different drugs, both medical and recreational, and can be potentially very dangerous when combined.”

11. Don’t get close.

“Taking pictures of bears ( apparently it looks harmless to people in Yellowstone ).

Bears are faster than many expect especially uphill so if you are ever near a bear and want a picture stay in your car to do it.”

12. Wrap it up.

“Unprotected s**.

There was an optional, hour-long class I took my freshman year about STIs. I took it by accident and it was simultaneously the most traumatizing and important class I’ve taken in my life.

Knowing of STIs isn’t enough, seeing pictures, learning about each one, as well as how they get transmitted, that’s important.”

13. Dangerous.


This drug is fine within the recommended doses but it is ubiquitous in a lot of OTC medicines and so easy to take too much.

This is potentially damaging to the liver. Intentional overdoses are fatal.”

14. Protect your head!

“Horseback riding or biking without a helmet.

Sure helmets suck and don’t look cool, but you gotta protect those BRAINS.

And soooo many people just don’t.”

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us what you think looks harmless but is really dangerous.

Please and thank you!

The post People Discuss What Looks Harmless but Is Actually Very Dangerous appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Warnings From Nature That Might Save Your Life

Pay attention to nature, always!

That can be kind of complicated if you don’t know what you’re looking for, but it’s absolutely true…because nature has a way of knowing when something bad might be right around the corner.

People on AskReddit talked about warnings from nature that might just save your life.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. It’s a twister.

“During “stormy weather” in the Midwest…If the sky turns greenish and the pressure bottoms out, it’s time to head for the basement.”

2. Higher ground.

“If you are in a canyon, slot or otherwise, and you see clouds anywhere in the sky GTFO.

It could be raining miles away and cause a flash flood in less than 10 minutes as water rushes through the canyon.

Get to higher ground.”

3. Dangerous.

“If something, especially in the ocean, is very pretty or colorful or very ugly and doesn’t run away from you, it’s probably very venomous.”

4. Big warning.

“If you’re on the beach and see that the shore is much further out in the ocean than it usually is, you should get away from there immediately.

This is the mayor warning sign of a tsunami and you can see this e.g. in video tapes of the great tsunami in 2004.

But people weren’t leaving, they rather tried to figure out where the water went.

I once also heard a story about a girl who went to holidays with her parents to a region which was hit by the tsunami and a few weeks before the vacation she learned about tsunamis at school, so she noticed what was happening and she rescued her family.”

5. Don’t go there.

“Do not go wading in water that is heading toward a cliff! Also known as a waterfall. The current is much stronger than you might think.

I am only here thanks to a handy bush as my father as a teenager was almost swept to his d**th in Yosemite.”

6. Camp elsewhere.

“For novice campers, be able to recognize what d**d standing trees look like – and don’t camp near them.

A couple of campers are k**led every year by trees falling on them during the night. Usually during storms.

There was one near our campsite last year, so I took it down. So if you’re in a park with regulations not to cut trees down d**d ones are the exception.”

7. Heads up.

“My hair literally stood on end, including arm hair. Pulse went way up.

I hit the deck face first in the shrubs and the ground around me exploded in thunder and lightening impact.

Way too close.”

8. Good to know.

“If you have come across a small bare area under a tree, and bark is missing from the tree, you’ve probably stumbled upon a bears summer bed.

Also dont use bear bells in places that is also cougar country. You are basically ringing the dinner bell.”

9. They know.

“Pets like dogs or even cats can often tell if there if there is something wrong with a person.

If you notice your dog is constantly sniffing, touching, or just gravitating to a certain part of your body, you should get it checked out.”

10. Don’t eat that!

“If you’re eating plants out in the woods, and it tastes like almonds, SPIT IT OUT.

It’s very likely to be poisonous. Only eat what you know is safe.”

11. Silence.

“If you’re ever in a forest or mountain area and all goes quiet; birds stop chirping, bugs stop buzzing, leaves stop rustling… you are either:

A) Being stalked by a mountain lion and about to become his lunch so say your prayers.


B) About to be kidnapped by Bigfoot who will make you strip and fold up your bright red shirt and place it nicely on a rock next to your shoes; then shuffle you away to an alternate realm where the fairies will decide whether or not you should return to your homeland after they feed you a nice home cooked meal.

If this happens run but I’m not sure that will actually help. Worth a try though.”

12. We should all know this.

“If you are outside in winter and you suddenly get really warm DO NOT take your clothes off.

You are about to d** to hypothermia.

You need warmth as fast as possible.”

13. Flash flood warning.

“If you are swimming in a river and the starts turning dark (brown, muddy) and you started seeing a lot of trash (tree branches, leaves) GTFO of the water.

Those are usually the signs of flash flood.”

14. And keep this in mind.

“If are ever out and about and you suddenly get a bad feeling or a feeling that you should stop doing something or do something different LISTEN TO THAT FEELING.

Those are your instincts talking to you, we have over 100,000+ years of evolution we spent developing survival instincts.

Please don’t waste them/ignore them.”

What are some more little-known warnings from nature we need to pay attention to?

Talk to us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post People Share Warnings From Nature That Might Save Your Life appeared first on UberFacts.

This Person Wonders if They’re a Jerk for Asking Their Friend to Pay for Their Dog’s Surgery

If you happen to have pets, then you already know that vet bills can be astronomical.

And this situation involving a dog from a person on Reddit seems like it might just end a friendship.

Let’s see what went down…

WIBTA for asking my friend to pay for my dogs surgery after she almost k**led him?

“One of my good friends came to my apartment to go out together one night, let’s call her Lauren. I also have a 20 week old puppy.

Lauren is notoriously messy when visiting. She will go through her clothes, my clothes and just about everything to find an outfit to go out. However, now that I have my puppy I reminded Lauren when she first came in the apartment to please keep everything off of the ground and out of reach of my puppy.

I told her that he will chew/eat anything left on the ground, so for anything she cared about & for my puppies safety, to keep it up high.

Lauren continued to have her clothes and miscellaneous items from her bag sprawled out everywhere. So instead of reminding her after the 2nd or 3rd time, I just started putting her items in another room and closing the door for her to pick up later.

While getting ready Lauren decided to take a shower and she brought her own shaving razor. When she mentioned shaving, I told her to be careful because my puppy had tried to get ahold of my razor before, so be careful.

Long story short, I crate my dog and we go out. I come back and he is having bloody diarrhea and squealing. At 4 AM, I rush to the emergency vet. They tell me he’s probably constipated and to monitor him. I questioned this but didn’t know what he could’ve ate yet, so I take him home and watch him closely.

After coming home and making sure he is okay. I do a quick sweep of my house and try (emphasis on try, there were crop tops, socks, etc. flung all around my room) to find all the items she had left around my apartment. Lauren picks up her stuff and leaves.

The next day when I am taking a shower I notice she left her razor on the ground by my shower. It looked a bit off so I sent her a picture and asked if a part was missing. She says the bikini shaver of it is missing and seems unconcerned. I tell Lauren I think my puppy may have ate it.

So I go to my local vet to have another checkup and they take X-rays. The vet tells me he indeed ate the razor and that he needs to go to another vet over an hour away for emergency surgery, or he would not make it through the night. Of course, I rush there and they do the surgery.

Later I text Lauren that he is having surgery because he swallowed her bikini razor. Lauren tells me she is sorry for leaving it out and didn’t ever mean for this to happen.

We are good friends, I would like to still be. My question is would I be the a**hole it I asked her to cover part of the costs from his surgery?

My puppy is obviously a bit at fault here for eating it, I’m at fault for not searching my apartment well enough after she made a mess, but I believe she is at fault for leaving a razor out where he could get to it after being reminded SEVERAL times.

I’m not intending on asking her to cover full cost, but would I be the a**hole for asking for anything?”

And here’s how people on Reddit reacted.

This person doesn’t think the writer of the post is in the wrong at all for asking her friend to help pay the bills for the dog.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader couldn’t believe that the friend didn’t offer to pay the whole amount!

I think I agree!

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user said the person’s friend is obviously not a responsible individual.

At all.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this reader went so far as to say that they might’ve dodged a bullet with this “friend.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

Lastly, this individual made it quite clear and simple: this is not how real friends treat each other.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think about this story?

Let us know in the comments!

We’d love to hear from you!

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This is the Real Reason Why Gorillas Beat on Their Chests

It’s interesting to look at nature and try to figure out why animals do what they do – and how it can (or cannot) be related to human behavior in some way.

The latter is especially true when it comes to the great apes and other monkeys, since they are more closely related to humans in general.

If you’ve ever stood at the zoo and wondered why those huge, male gorillas seem to enjoy beating on their chests, we’ve got some answers for you below – and you know what? They might even be surprising.

Image Credit: Pexels

In a paper recently published in Scientific Reportsresearchers at Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology say they’ve learned why – and while one reason for the posturing behavior is about intimidating rivals, that’s not the only reason they do it.

The behavior, which includes a male gorilla standing on two feet, cupping his hands, and beating an alternating pattern on his pecs, also serves as a nonvocal way to attract females.

Adult silverback males can send the acoustic and visual cue more than 1 kilometer away – and both juveniles and even infants display the behavior in play, as practice, and in order to gain social feedback from their elders.

Image Credit: iStock

The researchers’ came to their conclusions using a technique called photogrammetry, which allowed them to measure the gorilla’s size in a noninvasive way.

They found that the larger the male, the lower peak frequency of their chest beats. The larger males have a better success rate with females and also sit higher in the social hierarchy.

Other males can gauge whether or not they want to tangle with the chest beater based on this auditory feedback as well, though contact aggression between males is not at all common.

Gorillas live in multifemale social groups, typically with only one adult male, though the females are free to move between groups if they find another male more attractive.

Researchers also found enough variation among males to make them suspect that the number and duration of the beats may be akin to an individual signature.

They’re hoping to do more research to confirm that theory.

Image Credit: Pexels

They don’t do it as often as we might believe, though – the average is only .5 times every 10 hours, though when females are ready to mate, those frequencies do increase.

Now you know – go on and impress your kids the next time you’re at the zoo.

You know you want to. 😉

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