Hairdressers Share the Things You Should Stop Doing at Your Appointments

Even if you love your hairdresser, who maybe even calls them a friend, there’s a good chance you’ve been uncomfortable in that chair a time or two. It’s an odd relationship, or power dynamic, or something.

If you’re wondering if you do something that’s weird or wrong under the cape, these 16 hairdressers are letting it all hang out.

And listen. They’re also going to tell you the things you’re doing right.

16. Be honest.

Just be honest! I have plenty of clients who like to bring a book or their laptop, or even just chill quietly while I’m doing their hair & I appreciate those folks just as much (if not more so sometimes) than the talkers.

I would say most of us try to make conversation at all costs because it’s what’s expected of us (I have known stylists who have been told they were “rude” and left bad reviews just for being quiet/reserved people even if the haircut was good, which is dumb)… but I definitely have no qualms about just being quiet & doing my thing. In many cases I would prefer it, hahaha.

15.  Just trust them.

I love it when people say do whatever you want. It’s my job then to ask questions and see what style and color would work for your life style.

I give people what I think they will maintain as well as something flattering.

14. Check your wardrobe.

I see a lot of good ones on here, but one that might not have been said is DON’T WEAR A HOODIE or a turtleneck, if you can take it off, fine but they both Get in the way a lot if I’m trying to cut/color your hair.

Also your hair doesn’t need to be dirty for me to style it. In fact I would REALLY prefer if it was clean. And it also doesn’t need to be dirty/clean/covered in coconut oil for me to color it. Just come in with normal dry hair.

13. They can’t work miracles.

My friend is a hairdresser and her biggest complaint is unrealistic expectations. People want to go from dark brown to platinum in one session, bright pink hair that never fades, amazing rainbow hair from a heavily filtered photo on Instagram….

It’s mostly about expectations e.g. if you want blue hair then expect bleach damage and split ends, be prepared to spend money on colour safe shampoo, conditioner, hair treatments, maintain it regularly, change your pillowcases, etc. Don’t blame your hairdresser if you go swimming for hours and your hair turns green.

12. Stop trying to talk over the blow dryer.

Like people have said above, have realistic expectations. Just because Sally was able to go from black to blonde in one appointment, doesn’t mean you can. Your hair isn’t Sally’s.

It’s always helpful when you bring in pictures of styles you like, and just as helpful when you have an idea of styles you hate.

Please don’t talk with your head, it’s frustrating trying to keep the tension on the hair, on a client that moves their head just as much as their mouth lol.

I also 99% time can’t hear you when blow drying, and it’s bloody impossible to have a conversation when blow drying now we all have to wear masks lol

11. Just sit still.

Lifting your head in the shampoo bowl! Don’t do that.. That’s how we end up soaking the back of your shirt!

10. There are stylists that specialize in textured hair.

Maybe this sounds harsh but: They more than likely style it straight because they don’t know how to handle textured hair, even if its “only” wavy. I worked at a curly-specialized salon where our intent was to avoid interfering with the hair’s natural texture as much as we could.

Most hairdressers are trained on straight-haired models and techniques, and will actively do things to straighten not-straight hair so it is easier for them to work with.

If you want to preserve and foster your natural texture, mention this to your stylist. but also maybe check around for places that are curly-friendly (be aware: sometimes “curly” salons specialize in things like chemical straightening, this is not what you’re looking for!)

9. Come natural.

im a barber not a hairdresser but yeah pretty much *same thing*

most things have been said already. but a couple i want to add to. washing hair is important. if you cant its not the end of the world. especially if its apart of the service you are about to get. a washed head of hair puts all hair in its natural state makes it so much easier to cut and get a better end result (this also applied with hats if you wear a hat and take it off your hair has been pushed into an unnatural position and a clipper and our combes wont be able to make it go normal)

but damn dont come in when you have a product in your hair that isnt suppose to be in your hair.
i had a client once who came in wanting a 0 fade and he said i dont want anything done to the top (when he said i had a sigh of relief). why? he seem to have styled his hair with some kind of glue. there was no way the stuff he had in his hair was for hair. even so i finished the fade didint do anything on top, i asked him all is good, he said yes all is good, but can you take some off the top just a bit? i said no there is no way thats possible with whats in your hair. he insisted that i tried, so i wet down his hair knowing it wasnt going to work (but to prove a point) and it rolled odd his hair. i did this a fair amount, and said i cant even attempt to try. and ended up telling him if i was to try it would be a lot more expensive to cover the cost of new scissors.
(also bear in mind this was during covid lockdown and at the time we werent allowed to wash peoples hair either so that was out of the question)

also children if your child either hates having his hair cut or moves a lot. dont expect a fantastic hair cut. if you really wish your child who does hate having his haircut get it done by a stranger, have something in mind that isnt a lot of work. tell the hairdresser / barber that they dislike having it done. and ask for advice on what haircut can be done that is quick and easy. and then listen to them and take the advice.

oh and dont move your head with us, we move for a reason dont move your head unless we tell you to. angles are very important, if you move while we are doing something that angle is now wrong.

8. Don’t go with dirty hair.

You’d be shocked at how just washing your hair can make a huge difference between a good haircut and a great one.

7. The pictures do help.

Make-up artist here, so not a stylist but I’ve worked with scores of them and here’s what I’ve heard: Try to find images of hair similar to yours. If you have super thick curls, a pic of someone with fine straight hair won’t do you any good.

Similarly, go in with your hair close to your natural texture if you’re dealing with a new stylist. Also, if you like a cut on a model, cover his/her face with your finger and make sure you like the hair and not the face.

Mention if something bothers you, “I hate blow-drying” “I need to be able to put it up” “My forehead looks weird” the best stylist I’ve ever worked with is also super honest with me “I can do something similar, but this exact length will give you fat face”.

Finally, ask questions. “How do I style this?” “What products should I use?” “What does the upkeep look like?”

6. It seems basic, but…

Unhelpful: moving your head all around. Lifting your head up when you’re getting shampooed.

it doesn’t help and it’ll just soak your back. Don’t wear a hoodie or turtleneck. Don’t expect a miracle color change without investing a lot of time and money. Trust your hairstylist. Lol.

Helpful: bring pictures of what you want. Try to be on time. Don’t no call no show your appointment. If you don’t like it – just be nice and to the point.

5. It’s fine to say you don’t want to talk.

Hey! I do this with my tattoo artist sometimes (and I’m a hairstylist in training, 400 hours left!!), I usually say something like “I’m not really in the mood to talk today, is it okay if we just chill while you work?” or something like that.

Any person worth their shit will respect your boundaries to their fullest capabilities while still providing excellent service.

4. Avoid controversial topics.

My wife is a stylist. Her main complaint is when clients, mostly men but some women, start spouting their political beliefs for all to hear.

It’s as if they think when they sit down in that chair, all conversational etiquitte gets thrown out the window and there are no consequences to what is said.

3. Don’t hide your mistakes.

(responding for my mother, who is one)
Have a picture of something like what you want done, descriptions don’t do a justice
Be 100% honest about what you’ve done to your own hair

Don’t bring filtered pics or ones that are wigs (just don’t have unrealistic expectations) Don’t move your head when you’re in the chair, only move when your stylist says so Stop insisting babies and toddlers have hair cut- it’s traumatic

2. Or at least, be polite.

I wanna add on to this as a stylist! I have no problem talking about some more ‘controversial’ topics with clients who can discuss politely. But I do have to remember that there are other clients within earshot and I have to be appropriate for them too.

So just because my client and I are comfortable, I can’t get too into these topics because I could still get a complaint from my neighbors client.

1. Find someone who likes kids.

When our daughter was very little, we took her to a salon that ONLY cut little kids’ hair. They were great, her hair looked super cute and everyone was smiling at the end. It was a little pricey but so worth it!

Well, I for one found this very…informative.

If you’re a hairdresser, what would add? Hit us with it in the comments!

The post Hairdressers Share the Things You Should Stop Doing at Your Appointments appeared first on UberFacts.

A Parent From a Wealthy Neighborhood Asked if They’re a Jerk for Ruining Halloween for Less Wealthy Families

Halloween is a night for kids to run wild and have fun with their friends…but, as you know, there’s always bound to be some kind of wrench thrown into the works whenever parents get involved.

And this parent asked if they were wrong for making Halloween not a festive night, but a real downer for a bunch of kids from another part of town.

Let’s see what they had to say and how people on Reddit reacted to the story.

AITA? for ruining thousands of kids’ Halloween and not feeling bad about it?

“I live in a large neighborhood, about 90 houses. We are what’s considered the ‘rich’ neighborhood. So our neighborhood as always been a hotspot for trick or treaters.

We used to get about 700 – 1000 kids a year, I’ve always loved getting trick or treaters because my kids are teens now and don’t trick or treat anymore. But in the last four years, it’s gotten ridiculous.

There’s thousands of kids and their parents flooding the streets, people with hay in their rigs carrying kids around, trampling yards, littering candy wrappers everywhere, and the amount of small children walking around by themselves is APPALLING. People from the neighboring town of 30,000 people take their kids to my neighborhood.

I was annoyed, but I never really did anything about it till two years ago. My daughter tripped and broke her arm (we didn’t think it was a break but we wanted to go to the er anyway to get it checked out) and there were so many people in our neighborhood, we couldn’t get out.

There were cars everywhere, lining the streets, parked in people’s yards, it was horrible. We had to wait until everyone left (about 1 am) to go to the hospital. My daughter had to wait in pain for HOURS.

At that point, I was done. I contacted the neighborhood community and we managed to get some folks (cops mostly) to stand the at the gate with a list and only let in certain people. (folks that live here, family members, friends)

If you wanted to get in, you had to be close to someone in the neighborhood. It was great, there were only about 300 kids in the neighborhood and after there was barely any trash. And, we’re doing it again this year.

I recently told my sister what I have done, and she got really angry. When we were kids, we had to trick or treat in other neighborhoods because we lived in a trailer park with no other kids. She told me I was a horrible person for ruining thousands of kids Halloween.

But honestly, I’m not too broken up about it. It was a hazard, if there was a fire or an emergency, no one would be able to get in to help. When I was a kid, there was never any cars lining the streets, the residences could get out if they wanted, it was never dangerous.

I don’t think I’m in the wrong, but I’ve always respected my sister’s opinion. AITA?”


This Reddit user said that the parent is not wrong in the situation and that she took this action because were clearly not behaving.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person said they deal with a similar situation on Halloween where they live, but with one big difference: there’s no littering and destruction.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This reader said that the neighborhood the person is talking about is clearly not set up for these kinds of crowds and that it’s a safety issue.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user said a similar situation happens in a neighborhood by them and it’s just too busy and crowded.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Finally, one person said they think that this parent is being a bit of an *sshole and they shouldn’t ruin kids having a good time just because their parents are incompetent and disrespectful.

Photo Credit: Reddit

How about you?

Do you think this parent acted like a jerk or were they justified in their actions?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments. Thanks!

The post A Parent From a Wealthy Neighborhood Asked if They’re a Jerk for Ruining Halloween for Less Wealthy Families appeared first on UberFacts.

A Woman for Advice After She Found Out Someone Tried on Her Wedding Dress in Secret

Do you want a life tip that could potentially save you some major drama?

Never, EVER, touch a woman’s wedding dress. EVER.

I didn’t think there would be a whole lot of gray area about this, but a woman took to Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole?” page to ask if she was wrong for getting all fired up because she found out that not one, but TWO other people tried on her wedding dress…

Let’s see what went down.

AITA For demanding my fiancé and his mom to pay for a new wedding dress?

“Me 26F and my fiancé 28M been engaged for 4 months, we’re planning on having our wedding on October 18th.

My future mother in law kept annoying me and sending me suggestions for choosing the right wedding dress, and said that she knew better and tried to get me to approve of wedding dresses that she chose and when she couldn’t enforce her decision she demanded that I take her with me to buy my wedding dress so she could have an opinion.

Before I went shopping I called her to ask if she wanted to come but started making excuses about how busy she was with my sister in law, I went shopping with my mom and I was able to find a really nice dress although it cost me a little over what I saved up for, but it was worth it.

I made some changes to it and it was perfect, it arrived to my apartment at the end of the week, I made sure it was stored in a safe place so it doesn’t get ruined.

Yesterday, I got back from my mom’s house, and found that my fiancé wasn’t home neither was the dress, I called him immediately knowing that he must’ve taken it to show it to his mom since she continuously asked to see it and refused to have me send her pictures of it on Facebook.

I was so mad when it was confirmed that my fiancé took it to show it to his mom, he said he was gonna be home in 30 minutes after he went to the supermarket I waited for longer than I had to and then when he arrived I ran to get my dress that was buried underneath grocery bags.

I took it to check on it and it’s zipper was broken and the dress itself (fabric) was stretched out, I was like what the f*ck happened to it, my mother in law must’ve tried it on, because it looked ruined, the straps were almost loose.

I had to call my mother in law when my fiancé told me his mom and sister took turns to try it on, I was absolutely livid, she told me she did nothing wrong and that I was making a big deal out of it.

She said she’d get a replacement for the broken zipper, but I told her to pay for a new dress since it was stretched out and no longer fitting, she refused and said that I probably wasn’t happy with my dress choice and wanted to her to pay so I could get a new one.

I yelled at her for trying it on and ruining it, that she and my fiancé were responsible for ruining my dress so they should pay for a new one, It’s done, no longer fitting, the straps are in a horrible condition, my mom said she’d pay for fixing it but I just hate it now that someone else wore it before me.

I’m mad at both of them and seriously considering postponing the wedding.”

Uh oh…that was a terrible idea.

Let’s see what people had to say.

This person stated the obvious: her fiancé and his family were way, way out of line on this one.

Photo Credit: Reddit

The Reddit user was pretty mystified by the whole situation. I mean, who does something like this?

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person said that this is, in fact, a big deal, contrary to what her finacé says about the situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

An individual made no bones about the way they feel: she needs to dump this guy ASAP.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Finally, this person also suggested that the woman shouldn’t marry this fella and that his family is and always will be a major headache.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Ladies, we want to get your thoughts on this situation?

Would you be mad if this happened to you?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

The post A Woman for Advice After She Found Out Someone Tried on Her Wedding Dress in Secret appeared first on UberFacts.

A Petting Zoo Worker Let an Animal Spit on Some Misbehaving Teenagers. Were They Wrong to Do So?

I already love this story just by the name of the article!

But we’re still gonna get to the nitty-gritty details of what exactly happened here because that’s what we do!

Here’s the deal: a person who works at a petting zoo took some unusual actions against some teenagers who were behaving badly…and they wanted to know if they were wrong for doing so.

Let’s take a look at the story.

AITA for allowing two teenagers to be spit on by a llama?

“I work at a petting zoo here, and this weekend we had two teenagers (around 16, boyfriend and girlfriend) who were antagonizing a llama.

I told them “you might want to cut that out! Llamas spit in self-defense.” But they kind of laughed my warning off.

Now, I knew that llama spit was a whole lot worse than they probably thought it was. But I decided not to tell them about that. I figured if they persisted, I’d trust the llama to teach them a lesson.

The llama was being patient. At one point it gave them a “warning spit” (just saliva) and they went “eww” and laughed about it and brushed it off, and then kept going at it.

Finally, the llama had enough…and unleashed its green, defensive spit that llamas are known for. It got the girl square in the face. She dropped to her knees and started retching, and eventually threw up. Her boyfriend was gagging and ran away, towards the building that I was in.

To make things worse for them, I didn’t even let them come in to wash up in the petting zoo’s only bathroom! It was a slow day, so I just locked the doors. I told them I didn’t want that smell inside, and made them leave the farm without washing up.


The girl’s parents called me the next day and yelled at me saying that was too harsh. Maybe it was…I knew that if you don’t wash out llama spit right away the smell sinks into your skin and becomes extremely hard to remove, but I wanted the lesson to sink in as well.”

Lesson learned!

Here’s what people said…

This Reddit user said that the petting zoo employee is definitely not the *sshole in this situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader agreed that the kids deserved exactly what they got for being jerks and messing with the animal.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This person said that they think everyone involved in this story did the WRONG thing.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user called the employee an *sshole and said they should have come to the defense of the animal before they allowed it to spit on the kids.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Lastly, an individual who works in a zoo said that everyone involved was a jerk. It’s pretty clear-cut!

Photo Credit: Reddit

I thought this was kind of hilarious, actually…

But now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, let us know what you think about this situation.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The post A Petting Zoo Worker Let an Animal Spit on Some Misbehaving Teenagers. Were They Wrong to Do So? appeared first on UberFacts.

Was This Guy a Jerk to Un-Invite His Parents to His Wedding? People Shared Their Thoughts.

Family drama is here in a major way!

We all have drama in our families on some level, but some folks really take it to another level, you know what I mean?

A guy took to Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole?” page to ask if he was way out of line for uninviting his parents to his parents after his mom was…less than polite.

AITA for uninviting my parents to my wedding after my mom said “I don’t care about your f*cking wedding”?

“I’m engaged to the love of my life. We’ll call her Sarah. Sarah doesn’t have issues with my parents but there is a little tension on both sides and no one has attempted to be close, which is fine I guess. It makes me a little sad that they are not more excited about her.

Sarah asked my mom the other day if she would help make centerpieces. Sarah is into DIY but we are running out of time and she was asking around to see who would be willing to help.

She admitted to my mom that it was kind of grunt work and if she didn’t want to, no pressure. My mom got offended and said of course she doesn’t want to, we haven’t cared about her at all, so she doesn’t care about our f*cking wedding. This hurt Sarah but she didn’t fight back.

Sarah told me and I called my mom. Honestly I probably went into it a big aggressively, but I yelled at her for saying that to Sarah. My mom said that Sarah hasn’t included her in any of the fun parts, or cared about her opinion on anything, so why would she help make centerpieces. I asked her to apologize to Sarah and my mom said no, she was done talking about it, so I uninvited her to the wedding.

My dad sent me a text, because I said he could still come, and pretty much told me to f*ck off if I thought he would come without my mom. My mom is now upset because everyone is going to ask where she is. Sarah is very happy and feels like I defended her, and literally everyone else thinks I’m the *sshole.”

Let’s take a look at what Reddit users said in response to this story…

This person said they agreed with the man getting mad, but they would have handled it in a different way.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This person thinks that the man’s mom (the mother-in-law to the bride) seems a little controlling and maybe shouldn’t be involved in some of these decisions…

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said that this whole blow-up could be a sign of BAD things to come.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user said that the man is to blame here and that his bride-to-be isn’t in the clear, either.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this person agreed that the man is also the *sshole here and that they’re taking advantage of the people in their lives during the wedding planning.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Uh oh…

And now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us what you think about this situation.

Don’t hold back now, friends!

The post Was This Guy a Jerk to Un-Invite His Parents to His Wedding? People Shared Their Thoughts. appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s the Funniest Thing You Heard Someone Say or Do While Sleeping? Here’s What People Had to Say.

I have a confession to make: I sleeptalk. A lot.

And, in my younger days, I even took the occasional stroll in my sleep and scared the hell out of my parents and my siblings.

And if you’ve spent any time sleeping in the vicinity of other humans, you know that things can get really weird once the lights go out for the night.

AskReddit users talked about the funniest things they’ve seen folks do and say in their sleep.

1. Well, that’s weird.

“My ex-boyfriend sometimes talks in his sleep and the funniest story was this one time I was still up reading a book and I hadn’t noticed that he was already asleep next to me.

Suddenly he bursts out ” Will you just give me the f*cking yogurt already, Shannon!?” in a flawless British accent and scares the sh*t out of me.

We’re both German and none of our first languages include English. We didn’t know a Shannon. He’s lactose-intolerant.”

2. Making conversation.

“My girl woke up one night and said “Did you find your rocks?” and I asked her what she was talking about and she said “I don’t know, I’m just trying to make conversation.” and promptly went back to sleep.

She has no recollection of this.”

3. This is amazing.

“My boyfriend either recites postcodes (delivery driver) or calls the dog in his sleep.

So either he is mad no one is responding to his postcode nonsense or I get a flying 30 kg dog to my body.”

4. Horse.

“Once my ex said “horse.” That’s all. Just horse. But with a sense of urgency…

The same ex told me I once sat straight up in bed and mumbled, “Jesus, grandma, you scared the sh*t out of me.”

I had been dreaming that I was in bed at night and my grandma (still alive at the time) wandered into the room and stood at the end of the bed with a blank stare.”

5. It’s very fluffy.

“So this one time while my s/o was sleeping, she randomly reaches over and starts to pet my leg softly.

When I ask her what she’s doing she looks at me like I’m stupid and says “what does it look like? I’m petting this fluffy baby penguin.” Then pauses for a second, pats my leg again and blurts our “Wait this isn’t a penguin!”

I have never laughed so hard over someone talking in their sleep.”

6. Lost in the supermarket.

“My wife started screaming one night that she was lost in the local grocery store. And that no matter where she went she couldn’t find her way out.

I asked her has she tried checking out at the cash registers? She then looked at me and said in her most sincere voice, “that’s why you are the smartest person I know.”

And then she rolled over and fell back asleep.”

7. Wasn’t me!

“He farted very loudly and proceeded to say, “you got the wrong guy!””

8. Don’t move.

“One night, my boyfriend woke me up in the middle of the night, tapping me on my shoulder. He put his finger on his mouth, whispered “shush” to me, then pointed at the door and told me “I can hear something, don’t move”.

Predictably, I nearly sh*t my pants. All the worst possible scenarios crossed my mind, and the moment of silence after he shushed me felt like hours.

Then, he started waving his hands and talking about Tetris, ‘the twirlies’ (idk), and making sure we don’t align… And that’s how I learnt my boyfriend talks in his sleep.”

9. Your wife is scary.

“My wife was an avid sleep talked for a long time and her midnight announcements range from simple single words to elaborate speeches. The ones that really stand out to me are:

Waking up in the middle of the night to her suddenly sitting violently up in bed, throwing back the covers, and screeeeaaaaming: “TARANTULA!!”. That will make you very awake, very quickly.

Whispering my name repeatedly which woke me up so she could share in a hushed, cautious voice: “There is an alligator in here.” When I expressed my concern (playing along) she told me, still whispering, that: “It’s okay. It has been here before.”

But my all time favorite was when, from her perspective as she later explained, she was dreaming that I was playfully sneaking up on her and she saw me and was calling me on it.

From my perspective, my wife sat up in the middle of the night, starting into the darkest corner of the room and said repeatedly in a soft sing-song voice: “I seeee youuuu.” My flipping blood froze.”

10. Well, this is weird.

“Years ago, my wife was mumbling in her sleep and seemed a bit upset. I wanted to comfort her, without waking her up too much, so I said, “Honey, you’re fine. Do you know where you are?”

She slugged me in the arm, and said “I’m in place where punch buggies are seen first.” She then rolled over and muttered to herself, “chugga-chugga-chugga-buggy”, and went back to sleep.

She didn’t remember a think the next morning.”

11. Mom.

“My mom sleepwalks sometimes.

When she was in the middle of her residency, she came into my room in the middle of the night and sharply asked, “Did you give {patient} her dose of {medication} like I asked you to 15 minutes ago?”

I groggily replied, “Who? Wha?”

She just huffed and said, “Well I guess that answers my question.” Before turning around and leaving. (without closing the door of course)

She didn’t remember a thing about it the next morning.”

12. Stop that!

“My boyfriend woke me up the other day by gently putting his fingers in my mouth and I kept moving my head out of the way until eventually I was like “can you stop that!!!”

He then sounded genuinely upset and asked why I woke him up as he was having a really nice dream about feeding a deer.


Have you ever heard someone say something really funny or weird in their sleep?

If so, please tell us all about it in the comments.

Thanks in advance!

The post What’s the Funniest Thing You Heard Someone Say or Do While Sleeping? Here’s What People Had to Say. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About Things That Are a Lot Cheaper if You Do It Yourself

I wish I knew how to fix cars…

I supposed it’s never too late to learn new things, but it’s something that I just never took the time to figure out or explore when I was younger and I think it would be nice to be able to some of those basic maintenance things myself.

And it would be cheaper, too…

People on AskReddit talked about what is much cheaper if you do it yourself.

1. Give it a shot.

“Buying computer upgrades separate from the OEMs, like RAM and storage.

Apple is a perfect example. $1000 for 64 GB of RAM for an iMac.

You can buy 128 GB of RAM for $600 off Amazon.

What a ripoff.”

2. Get ‘er done!

“As a woman, anything related to our beauty saves me so much money!

Waxing, one on one lashes, manicure and pedicure, professional make up, hair extensions, etc etc etc.”

3. Let’s get fancy.

“Drinking fancy drinks.

A fancy cocktail at a restaurant or bar will run you about 7 dollars depending on what you get and where you go.

You can buy the ingredients and make it yourself, and end up paying less per drink than you would at the restaurant.”

4. Most vehicle stuff.

“Vehicle maintenance.

Not talking engine swaps or anything but most stuff is relatively easy to do and parts are cheap. Get a scanner that connects to an app on your phone and if the check engine light comes on see what the fix is. Watch a youtube, get a friend and some beers and try it yourself.

If you have a motorcycle change your own oil. I put in the best synthetic with a good filter for less than $70 while a dealer would charge me $120 for whatever oil they use. It takes maybe 5-10 minutes rather than dropping it at a dealer for the day and because it is so convenient I do it more often.”

5. Pest control.

“Minor pest control.

Buy some borax ant traps for crawling bugs, and buy an indoor bug zapper to kill flying bugs like flies and mosquitoes.

It’s like $20 for an indoor bug zapper and it was one of the best investments I ever made to stop getting bit by mosquitoes inside my house every summer.”

6. Good idea!

“When my aunt got a quote for how much it would cost to remodel her kitchen she was like “Forget that!” and took a basic carpentry course and remodelled it herself which ended up being much cheaper and influenced her future endeavours.

Now she does woodworking and has a pretty good business selling her work at art fairs and she restores and resells antique furniture for fun.”

7. Truth!

“Picking up your take away food.

Covid made it super convenient to order from services like Uber Eats, but when it’s all said and done, a $20 dinner is closer to $40 after service fees, delivery fees, and tips.”

8. Might as well try it.

“Making your own pizza.

Get the dough ingredients. Make a good batch of tomato sauce (freeze the rest) and get the toppings you want.

You’ll save labor and delivery costs.”

9. You can do it!

“Eating healthy.

It is very inexpensive and easy to prepare at home. So many people want to use the excuse ” I can’t afford to eat healthy!”.

Not true at all. If you can afford fast food, you can actually save money by eating healthy.

Vegetables and a protein source (chicken, fish, beef, pork, beans) are easily less than $20 a week per person.”

10. It adds up in a hurry.


I lived in the US for a year as an exchange student a couple of years back and I COULD NOT UNDERSTAND WHY some people felt the need to go out EVERY SINGLE DAY to get coffee.

And some of the people I know didn’t even go to a regular Café, they went to F*CKING STARBUCKS EVERY SINGLE DAY. B*tch, just buy a f*cking coffee machine and make coffee at home.

“Oh, but I don’t like black coffee, I like other flavors and blablabla…”

First of all: go f*ck yourself. Second: you can learn how to make those complicated drinks in a weekend, you’re just too lazy to learn and too stupid to save money.”

11. Get busy!


It will be cheaper of you use grandma’s old cleaning solutions and a little bit of elbow grease.

Paying someone to clean for you might seem good but if you stop groaning and do it you will have it done in an hour or two.”

12. All kinds of things.

“Lots of things are very simple to fix, and parts are available online.

I’ve saved myself thousands by ordering parts online. I’ve fixed my washer and dryer, A/C, cars and trucks, computers etc. Lots of parts are easy interchange and diagnostics is usually pretty simple.

Plus most things only need simple hand tools.”

13. Bingo!

“Mowing your own lawn.

In addition to some good exercise and outdoor time, it gets you away from the kids for an hour as well!

What’s that honey? “RRRAAAAPPPPAAAA” I can’t hear you!””

What are some good DIY tips that you can share with us?

Talk to us in the comments!

We really appreciate it!

The post People Talk About Things That Are a Lot Cheaper if You Do It Yourself appeared first on UberFacts.

What Is Your Most Toxic Trait? Here’s How People Responded.

It can be really hard to take a long look in the mirror and admit the things about yourself that aren’t exactly great.

But sometimes it can be a useful exercise…even if you THINK you might be perfect.

If you had to admit it, what would you say is your most toxic trait?

Here’s how people on AskReddit responded.

1. Two big ones.

“I can’t let go of things and I take things way too personally.

I rationalize it like this “I wouldn’t dream of saying or doing something like that to this person, so why are they doing it to me?”.

Also, I procrastinate like no other. Seriously, you could give me a year, or 2 days to do something. Wouldn’t make a difference.”

2. Oversharing.

“Growing up feeling very unknown/unseen, I have a tendency to overshare and get excited if someone shows an interest in me. It can come across as overriding and waiting for someone to finish what they are saying just so I can say my thing.

I also want people to genuinely like me so I tell them a lot of the bad or difficult stuff right away, so they are pre-warned and I don’t feel like I’m wasting my time with someone who can’t handle the sh*t that lead to who I am now, and the people I still interact with on a semi-regular basis (mainly family).”

3. Need to be validated.

“Most of the time when I ask people for their opinions, I don’t actually want to hear their opinion.

Instead I want to hear my opinion come out of their mouth. I’m always hoping that they will have the same opinion as me because it makes me feel validated.

I don’t actually care about what they really think.”

4. Insecure.

“I’m extremely insecure and overthink a lot.

I feel constant fear of being disliked or abandoned.

I need a lot of reassurance in things because my anxiety makes me so scared and worried I either hold on too tight or I push people away even though I want them close which only end up hurting them more.”

5. Just can’t hide it.

“I’m not good at hiding my emotions. Specifically, if I’m in a bad mood, everyone knows it.

I used to be an absolute nightmare when I was younger because of it; I’d turn my bad mood into everyone’s bad mood. I don’t do that anymore, but I’m still not good at hiding it.”

6. High standards.

“I have impossibly high standards for myself and I tend to place this on others as well. Then I get p*ssy/grouchy when people fail me.

Deep down it is a self protection mechanism, having been let down by so many people, it is just easier to assume and expect the worst, that even the best of those I love will let me down.”

7. Checked out.

“I mentally checked out of my life.

Sometimes i just sleep for half of my worktime (thanks covid) and after work drink and watch sh*t on Netflix. Rinse and repeat, anticipating weekend. Then friday arrives and i feel even worse (counterintuitive, isn’t it?).

I know i should find me some new stimuli/tasks/hobby/anything but i… Idk? Can’t be bothered?”

8. Back to me.

“I talk about myself way too much and don’t ask about the other person nearly enough.

Probably not my most toxic trait but definitely the one that’s giving me issues at the moment.”

9. Might be time to reach out.

“I’m bad at keeping in touch with people I care about.

The phrase out of sight out of mind is really true for me. I tend to just be absorbed by what’s right in front of me. It’s very rare that I would have a thought like I wonder how my sister is doing or I wonder how such-and-such friend is doing after xyz event or even I wonder how my girlfriends day is going.

I care about these people obviously, but they also don’t seem to naturally occur to me in my daily thoughts. This unfortunately leaves it up to everyone else to reach out to me, to hang, to make the invitation, to chat, etc. I’m always super stoked when they do, but I regret putting that on them. I’m fortunate that they do all make the effort.

I am a good friend… like with anything else I do, when I’m with someone I’m very much absorbed in that interaction, so that I think helps put away any doubts about my interest in the relationship.”

10. Ingrained in you.

“Because my father was and is a huge racist, I still have racist thoughts that I am fully ashamed of and I know they are wrong.

It’s just ingrained into me sadly.”

11. Holding grudges.

“I hold grudges basically forever and I hate it.

To put things in perspective with a little example, a childhood friend one time did something mean to me when we were 7. We kept talking after that, but whenever we did I would remember that day with ridiculous detail like it was etched with a laser on my brain.

I finally let go of that grudge one day when we were casually remembering childhood moments and she remembered that day and apologized. About 20 years later.”

12. At least you’re aware of it.

“I’m manipulative and selfish.

I just finally accepted that a few months ago. I can’t even tell you guys or anyone else the things I’ve done. Even though I regret them now and know they’re wrong I know for a fact I’d have Redditors screaming at me for being a selfish prick.

In vague terms, I’ve used people, lied, guilted, and messed with the system to get what I want and never really thought of it as manipulative until I got on meds and got some help.”

13. Time to recharge.

“I’m emotionally unavailable. Sometimes I just disappear.

My closest friends understand this but it’s off putting for new friendships. It’s nothing personal, I just need to recharge.”

Okay, now we want to hear from you…

What do you think is your most toxic trait?

Talk to us in the comments and spill your guts!

The post What Is Your Most Toxic Trait? Here’s How People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

Hairdressers Discuss the Things You Do That They Love And Really Dislike

I don’t know a single person who hasn’t been uncomfortable at a hair salon.

It’s a strange power dynamic, they’re in charge of your looks, and you’re never quite sure what you should talk about for all of those endless minutes.

If you’ve ever wondered if you’re doing the right thing or not, these 14 hairdressers are baring it all.

14. Ew, I never thought about that.

Always clean your ears before a haircut you don’t want someone up that close to you with waxy manky ears 👍🏻

13. It’s awkward for both of us.

Please don’t keep your eyes open when washing, it’s kinda awkward if you know someone is staring right up your nostrils.

Be clear in what you want, preferably already know what you want before you sit down in our chairs, having the “do I want pink or do I want blond oh I just don’t know” conversation is really annoying because it takes time we could use in a better way and honestly I’m down for both and it’s not my head so I’m not going to make that decision for you.

If we are done with a cut, please don’t “help” with removing the hair, your not removing it you are actually making it worse by patting it into your clothes, sticking to your skin and letting it fall into your shoes. We know how itchy it can get when you do that.

You don’t have to talk, you don’t have to be silent, just know that we are stylists first and not necessarily therapists, if you tell me you are going to hurt yourself I’m not equipped with helping you with that. We can have a good chat, I can tell you about my struggles and you can tell me yours, but really talk to someone who actually knows how to help and deal with that. It can be a very hard thing to hear for us too.

Please remember we are human, we have lives and families too, so sometimes we are a little less happy, it’s not that we hate you, maybe we lost someone close to us or are going through a break up. Working when you know that any moment now you’ll get a call saying someone died is making it hard to be super cheery. We don’t have to share those things.

Please be realistic when it comes to hair. Good hair isn’t cheap and cheap hair isn’t good. We need to work with what you have, and if you want the impossible, it’s impossible. Its not about not being able to. It’s being realistic. “But she can go from red to blond in a week” no babe, that’s a wig, and your hair won’t make it. Pick something else, either lay down Some serious money and follow the exact care and time instructions, or stop arguing.

Most stylists aren’t making bank, in fact it’s a very low paying job, we are on our feet all day dealing with chemicals and work in positions that aren’t always good for our backs/hands/wrists/shoulders. Its not unusual if we don’t have time for the bathroom or to eat. Many times I have been busy from the moment the door opens until it closes, and still won’t have eating anything. It’s very very hard work, and after we’re done, every single person in my team is done talking for the day and need some winding down time. we are perfectionists and passionate in our jobs. We do it because we love it and the people, but a lot of us are struggling. Especially now, so be kind to us.

12. That second one made me lol.

My wife has cut hair for aver a decade.

From what I’ve learned do two things.

1. Wash your hair at least a day or two before getting it cut.

2. Look at a ruler to understand how units of measurement work.

11. They just want you to be honest.

Hairdresser here.

I had cancer, I want my hair to be long again to my mid back. Can you help me get there? If it were me doing your hair I would suggest just cleaning it up and making it look like you have a style even when you are going through the awkward parts of growing it out.

Often it entails keeping the back short to keep the mullet at bay until the top and sides have had a chance to catch up. Once your hair is at a chin length bob or so, it will be easier to then let it all grow from there. Hair grows average a half inch per month. That’s 6 inches a year. If you have a buzz cut now, 6 inches will be about Bob length. Another year then you’re approaching your goal length.

Keep getting light trims, every 3-4 months or so to keep split ends away.

10. Have some guts.

Former hairstylist, don’t ask to have an inch off all over and then “we can go from there if I want more.”

That’s asking me to do two haircuts, come on.

9. Don’t lift your head.

Helpful- Bringing pictures of what you would like. Visuals are always helpful.

Unhelpful- Lifting your head up to try and help us while we shampoo your hair. This actually makes things more difficult and can end up getting your shirt and/or the floor wet if you lift when we are not ready for it or if you lift your head too high. Just relax your neck and enjoy the scalp massage, we will support and lift your head when we need to.

8. Don’t ever cut your hair in anger.

Do NOT come to the stylist in a raging fit because your boyfriend hurt your feelings so now you’re going to cut your long hair into a pixie to show that you have control over your life.

No matter how awesome it looks, you WILL hate it, you WILL cry, and you will HATE us for allowing you to do it.

This is why stylists will always try to talk you down off that ledge, and many will offer a slower transition (“Let’s try a shoulder length bob!”) or refuse you completely. It’s not that we hate you. We want you to love us and come back, but if you hate your hair you’ll hate us by extension.

7. Well ok then.






6. You have to pony up the dough.

People who are willing to spend 6 hours and $400+ on a fantasy color such as pink, blue, purple etc. Only to not buy professional salon products. I only recommend to my guests what they absolutely need!

The shampoo and conditioner that we have at the salon is made for specific types of hair with special ingredients. If you use herbal essences, Pantene, or tresemme (basically 90% of any shampoo you can find at the grocery store) on a color like that, it will completely wash out the first time you shampoo your hair.

They have a higher pH and will strip your hair. Also they have waxes and silicones that will deposit onto your hair strand to make it feel soft, but really it’s preventing any type of moisture into your hair strand.

5. It’s fine to say you just want a trim.

Barber of 13 years here, clients say this to me at least 3x a day. It’s absolutely fine and perfectly reasonable if you like the shape of the hairstyle but want a shorter length.

Any barber who can’t understand how to execute that shouldn’t be licensed.

4. Be on time!

✂Hairdresser here for a high end salon

Helpful: Bringing a picture (or a couple with similar pictures) of what you want. Try and match your natural hair texture to the texture in the picture. Be realistic if the hair color is making you love the cut-not the cut itself. Good tipping (hey being honest). Finding a stylist you like the overall vibe of. If making a big cut-tell the front desk that when making appointment so they can alert the stylist ahead of time. Willing to understand sometimes a style won’t work for your lifestyle/face/upkeep and we need to find something else

Not helpful: Being late for appointment. Being rude/ telling stylist how to complete the service (if you don’t trust the hairdresser to complete the service I recommend seeing another stylist) Wiggling/Nodding-or not containing children who do so. Dirty/greasy hair Wearing a turtleneck/hoodie to appointment…..🤦‍♀️

3. If you have curly hair, you have to find the right person to cut it.

Not a hairdresser but someone who cuts my own and friends/family hair because I got tired of not being listened to by professionals :

Curly hair should not be cut wet. I used to not mind the way it looked right after being cut (when they blow dried / straightened the crap out of it) but then I’d go home, shower, and discover it was too short and badly shaped when curly again.

A good hairdresser will cut curly hair dry or slightly damp so they can see the shape and real length.

2. Mind your body.

Don’t switch how you’re sitting halfway through the cut! Even crossing/uncrossing your legs can make a difference in how the cut turns out!

1. Be polite, and don’t expect miracles.

Mother who’s a retired hairdresser


if it a style your looking for, bring in a good, quality photo of your style. Don’t bring in cropped, wig photos because your hair isn’t not like a styling head.
communicate with your stylist about what you want and don’t want. If you want to try a product or trimmed in a specific way, let the stylist know! They cannot be mind readers of your needs and wants.
be realistic about your hair style. Certain styles are better for one hair type over another. If your hair has more breakage for a style that is more for a thicker type, do not judge the hairstylist trying to accommodate you. They’re trying to make you happy and they’re trying their best to adjust to that hair type for that style by doing things one way over another.

don’t blast off at the stylist who tried to “up sell” products, they hate it just as much as you do. Just be polite to say no if you don’t want it. They’re aren’t trying to spike up your bill, they have to follow selling guidelines otherwise they’ll get marks on their reports for not selling enough.

if they notice anything off about your hair (mostly lice or something very hazard-like) they have to deny due to protocols. DO NOT scream at them and demand them to do it. They have to be careful with certain things that could possibly be transmitted home to their loved ones or other customers. My mother had to deny a child because this poor kid had over 40+ ticks in his hair and she did not want the ticks to run around (they’re very hard to kill). The mother screamed about it at my mother but protocol had to be followed. Most will be kind enough to let you know how to treat the problem and will gladly accept you back once your able to control your situation.

do not move around like you just drank a bunch of caffeine. There is risk of getting cut, poor cuts on the hair and much more. Moving around makes it worse not only for you but for the hairstylists who would have to redo it again.

I’m definitely appreciative of these tips.

If you’re a hairdresser and you’ve got any more, share them with us in the comments!

The post Hairdressers Discuss the Things You Do That They Love And Really Dislike appeared first on UberFacts.

Amazon Reviews That Got Very Personal

Most of us have used Amazon at some point, and that’s because  Jeff Bezos knows exactly how to take our money.

But we can fight back against the always-grinning, cash-devouring capitalist cardboard monster known as Jeffy with some snappy, and delightful, personal reviews on the products we purchase from his behemoth of a website.

Let’s check out some of the best examples…

1. Morgan Freeman narrates…

“Ahhh, yes, the mighty man-wolves of Wall street. Fueled on designer drugs and delicious penny stocks. Very beautiful, very powerful.”

So like, where are the wolves? from amazonreviews

2. Math is hard, dude.

2(b) or not 2(b)=?

Graphing calculator from amazonreviews

3. Dammit, Janet.

I can still hear you in my soul.

The earplugs work from amazonreviews

4. That art degree, tho.

Currently cutting it as a sandwich artist. And blog writer. You want that toasted?

That cuts deep from amazonreviews

5. A barrel of fun.

Shove that in your Keystone pipeline.

55 Gallons of Lubricant from amazonreviews

6. Shoulda’ bought the Dutch oven.

But I’m fine with the bag of precooked beans.

It’s a trap! from amazonreviews

7. There’s a joke here.

I’m not the one to make it.

I love when reviewers post photos from amazonreviews

8. One-ply is just as bad.

Whoa, ah hot! Hot, hot, hot. Hothothothot.

Too much pain and agony from amazonreviews

9. The geese are dead, Karen.


On a review for down pillows….thanks for the clarification from amazonreviews

10. 10/10 would roll down this hill again.

Only in these pants–and only in every other color.

Ok, I’m sold! from amazonreviews

11. “When was the last time we played Nightcrawlers?”

Only with the good lube, Charlie.

“It’s lube, not much more to say” from amazonreviews

12. Hey, girl.

Nice leg…gings

"I should have picked a different color" from amazonreviews

13. I’m ready, I’m ready, I’m ready.

Catching some DoodleBob vibes here. Me hoy minoy, amma’ right?

Not sure if this has ever been posted, just found this sub from amazonreviews

14. Certified rotten.

As a friend and influencer.

Dammit Chapman from amazonreviews

15. Swing away.

I know a fairy that would pay for a swing or two with that for a handful of change.

Review on fake teeth from amazonreviews

Reviews are important because they give a company or service an accurate and firsthand account of their product or service, so don’t ever stop with the accurate accounts of such things. If you know what I mean.

Do you have a funny review story, tell us about it in the comments!

The post Amazon Reviews That Got Very Personal appeared first on UberFacts.