It’s time for 10 tweets that we definitely want to share because, if we don’t, we’re just not being responsible human beings.
And while there’s no objective measure for what constitutes a “perfect” tweet… we’d hazard a guess to say that these come damn close.
Damn close, I say!!!
And away we go!
1. When that day comes… it’s not good.
I need another pair, stat!
Photo Credit: The Chive
2. What’s rarer than rare?
You probably wouldn’t understand…
Photo Credit: The Chive
3. I can see this turning out well..
Replace them, you monster!
Photo Credit: The Chive
4. Oh damn… look at the bad ass!
Mark Magark is probably the funniest name ever.
Photo Credit: The Chive
5. That’ll do it.
Works every single time.
Photo Credit: The Chive
6. Why didn’t I think of this?!?
It’s JUST that easy.
Photo Credit: The Chive
7. To the studio!
Let’s get this situation fixed, now!
Photo Credit: The Chive
8. Same.
But it’s not a sitcom… it’s Law and Order. Yeah, I’m weird.
Photo Credit: The Chive
9. This is good advice for anybody at any time.
Do not do this ever.
Photo Credit: The Chive
10. That’s not how you do it, Ron!
What did the Echo every do to you, huh???
Photo Credit: The Chive
So, those were the best 10 tweets we could find today. Come back tomorrow when we’re sure to have some more. Maybe. No promises.
But hey, want to help us out? Have some awesome tweets you want to share?
Do that in the comments! Please and thank you!
The post Tweets That May Very Well Be Perfect appeared first on UberFacts.