No matter who you are or where you’re from, if you’re an adult, I can guarantee that you’re tired. If you said, “Nope, not me!” then you’re either a god-damned liar or you live a charmed life (probably both, actually).
Being tired sucks, because you often end up doing some pretty silly things in that state. So today we’re bringing you 19 people who did the same so we can laugh and relate with them.
1. Now that’s tired!
Photo Credit: Whisper
2. But why?
Photo Credit: Whisper
3. Thank you technology!
Photo Credit: Whisper
4. Well, better than socks.
Photo Credit: Whisper
5. I have literally done this before.
Photo Credit: Whisper
6. Haha, so that didn’t work…
Photo Credit: Whisper
7. She’s not wrong!
Photo Credit: Whisper
8. Wow. Harsh AF!
Photo Credit: Whisper
9. Well, but what if you ARE?
Photo Credit: Whisper
10. I don’t disagree with this approach…
Photo Credit: Whisper
11. Let’s see here … 1… 2… 3… 4.
Photo Credit: Whisper
12. Wait, what?!
Photo Credit: Whisper
13. “New phone who dis?”
Photo Credit: Whisper
14. Hey, why move it if it feels okay?
Photo Credit: Whisper
15. Yeah, the pole doesn’t turn green either.
Photo Credit: Whisper
16. So, don’t put them next to each other next time. #problemsolved
Photo Credit: Whisper
17. How was that?
Photo Credit: Whisper
18. Whoa. Are you sure you weren’t drunk AND tired?
Photo Credit: Whisper
19. I have literally been there.
Photo Credit: Whisper
Alright, I’m going to bed. Need to get rested to write about more secrets tomorrow.
The post 15+ of the Funniest Things People Did When They Were Really, REALLY Tired appeared first on UberFacts.