Teenager Creates Driveway Drawings to Entertain Little Brother During the Shutdown

Have you been having a hard time keeping your kids entertained during this seemingly never-ending lockdown?

If that’s the case, you might want to look to a 14-year-old girl from Libertyville, Illinois named Macaire Everett for inspiration.

Macaire has been creating unique chalk drawings on her family’s driveway and then her brother “travels” through the art and photos are snapped of the action.

And it all looks like a really great and creative adventure!

Let’s take a look at Macaire’s art.

We think you’ll love it!

1. Be careful on that rope bridge!

Now that looks like an adventure!

2. Spending a little time in Japan.

Get to know the culture!

3. Hot air balloons for as far as the eye can see.

What a sight that would be!

4. Be careful in the ring.

Mess with the bull, you might get the horns.

5. Weeee! That looks like fun!

An amusement park sounds fun right about now.

6. Hold up that tower.

And yes, it’s Pisa, not Pizza, FYI.

7. A rope swing into the water.

Looks like a blast.

8. Sending out a message in a bottle.

I hope he’s not on that island by himself.

9. Living it up in San Francisco!

The city by the bay has a lot to offer.

10. Be careful with that thing!

And don’t get too close!

11. He time travels, too!

Here he is defending the castle.

12. Time to take a dip.

Have a great summer! Hopefully we’ll be back to normal sooner than later.

Aren’t those awesome?

Are you doing anything creative during quarantine?

If so, please tell us all about it in the comments!

The post Teenager Creates Driveway Drawings to Entertain Little Brother During the Shutdown appeared first on UberFacts.