Strange and Funny Facebook Posts That Defy Description

Oh, Facebook. What would we do if you weren’t around?

Live our lives peacefully and unseeking of the randomly administered micro-dopamine hit that comes with the tiny bits of social validation administered through your platform throughout the day? No thanks!

People love Facebook. Even if they have literally no idea what they’re saying on there. Just look!

11. Very rare

I um…I hope you like salmonella.

10. Double trouble

This is such a wild ride and you never see the ending coming.

9. What a vision!

In case this needs saying: never ever ever ever ever look directly at the sun.
It is a giant nuclear bomb in the sky and it will damage your eyes real good.

8. Order of operations

Read this three or four times and you still won’t get it.

7. For what?

Man, when it rains, it pours.

6. Doggy dog

But that sounds like the kind of world I WANT to live in.

5. Good boi

When people look at the instructions but clearly don’t read them.

4. Growing up

I think that baby is gonna be literally quite the opposite of mature, actually.

3. Crunch the numbers

Bad math aside, if you’re saying “it’s the principle” while squabbling over pocket change, you get talked about behind your back, I promise.

2. Half baked

I understand wanting to get these images as a new parent, but why on EARTH would you share them? They look like little alien lava monsters.

1. Time and time again

That’s still a lot of work but presumably you take two days off then?

Man Facebook is crazy. I feel like it’s melting my brain. Anyway, back to Facebook.

What’s the wildest post you’ve seen recently?

Tell us in the comments.

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