Enjoy These Times When Dogs Just Us With Their Greatness

Let’s talk about dogs for a moment. Are they good bois? They are. Are they good girls? Indeed. Are they, in fact, the bestest ever, with paws and cutesie snoots for booping? It is decidedly so.

On the topic of how they got so good, is such a thing knowable? And what of their other characteristics and the origins thereof? Why are they so small? Or big? Or fluffers? And why won’t they tell us?

While pondering these questions, let us look to the doggos of Twitter.

11. Let us play

We are gathered here today to celebrate doggos.

10. Wrinkles in time

This kid is on a roll.

9. Morning glory

You must feeds. Am starve. Have not eaten for a whole four hours.

8. The driver

When DMV stands for Dogs Moving Vans.

7. The best care around

I would put my life in Shiloh’s hands.

6. Rules are rules

These puppies are better at following medical safety protocols than humans.

5. He’s been licked

All he wants to do is help and you won’t help him do that.

4. Pure excitement

“This is the best show I’ve ever seen in my life” – dogs, probably

3. Mask up

He got it over the nose! You’re doin’ it right!

2. Live and learn

“Explain your smolness.”

1. Long conversations

He’s all ears.

A team of researchers has been working round the clock to answer the ever-looming question of “who’s the bestest dog in the world” and they have concluded that it is, in fact, your dog.

Tell us all about your dog, won’t you?

In the comments. For science.

The post Enjoy These Times When Dogs Just Us With Their Greatness appeared first on UberFacts.