Dog Memes to Make a Real Difference in Your Day

Dogs are pretty amazing, I’m sure you know that.

If you’re a human with some red blood in ya, you know that dogs can improve any day. Even if it’s just some memes of dogs, the effects can be quite remarkable.

So with that in mind, let’s consider our health, and look at some memes of dogs.

15. The rabbit hole

It’s cool, those are just birds chirping outside my window.

Via: The Chive

14. They think the world of you

So go ahead and be as big as that.

Via: The Chive

13. Change my mind

The practical hurdles involved are taking a backseat to my heart, which says yes.

Via: The Chive

12. Shower power


Via: The Chive

11. Drink it in

Never have I seen a pupper appear so contemplative.

Via: The Chive

10. Bone alone

Man, dating apps are getting weirder and weirder.

Via: The Chive

9. Don’t look desperate

Lol I have no sense of time.

Via: The Chive

8. That look

He about to lick or about to pounce. Either way I’m in.

Via: The Chive

7. Spot the spot

I’ve seen some things. Well, half of them anyway.

Via: The Chive

6. The betrayal

You fry to me or you lie to me.

Via: The Chive

5. Pay attention

Gotta let it all soak in.

Via: The Chive

4. The bork

He’s going for a world record and I’m cheering him on.

Via: The Chive

3. The cutting edge

Pretty sure this is the Pup Pope but OK.

Via: The Chive

2. I thee wed.

Get used to it, that’s gonna be the dynamic.

Via: The Chive

1. Your cheatin’ heart

“You said it was the last time.”

Via: The Chive

Man, I really need to find a dog to pet now.

Do you have a doggo? What are they like?

Tell us all about them in the comments, please.

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Person Has a Clever Dog That Puts Itself in Time Out and We’re Fascinated

We all know that dogs are smarter than us.

Exhibit A – my dog whines like a maniac if I work one minute past 5 pm.

But a recent Tumblr post revealed that sometimes a good boy is more than just smart.

Colorado based @mothsplaining has a couple of different Tumblr accounts dedicated to, among other things, gorgeous pictures of beautiful dogs.

One of them is a Sheltie named Karybelle… who’s QUITE a looker.

This amazing dog went viral last year after @mothsplaining posted about a training exercise. The note read:

Over the last several months, we have been implementing a protocol to eliminate karybelle the sheltie’s barking surrounding her mealtimes.

We have accomplished this by initially introducing an alternate activity during prep time (stuffed kong) and religiously giving her a time out gated in the yard if she stops that activity to bark, thus delaying her dinner until she’s quiet.

Who knew you could give a dog a time out?

Something tells me this would not work with my dog, who is not trained in the slightest.

But for Karybelle, it worked!

This has been extremely successful; She’s gone from barking literally 100+ times during meal prep to barking 0 times, and only occasionally slips up.

Proving that Karybelle is a very good dog. But there’s always a trade-off, isn’t there?

The behavior she has chosen to replace her meal-prep-screaming (after all, that energy has to go somewhere) is frantically – but silently – running circles around the coffee table to finally slam into a perfect down-stay as her bowl is set down.

10 out of 10. Karybelle nailed the landing.

But sometimes even good doggos have to make a little noise.

This evening as the food was coming out, karybelle seamlessly slipped into her silent circling routine. except after a couple of reps, she abruptly changed course, yeeted herself out the dog door, barked once, and immediately jumped back in to resume her circling.

She actually PUT HERSELF into timeout for a second!

If that isn’t a demonstration of crystal clear understanding of criteria, i…don’t know what is lmao.

Fellow Tumblrs were appropriately amused. Even if they’re not Kong-using pet parents.

Image credit: Cheezburger

Others noted that the experience was all too human–one we are all familiar with.

Image credit: Cheezburger

What do you think? Is Karybelle basically a genius?

Let us know in the comments!

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Memes That Prove Dogs Are Simply the Best

If you’ve ever met even a single dog in your life that you did not love I’d ask you to seriously consider the possibility that perhaps YOU are the problem.

Because it’s probably not them. Not the floofers. The woofers. The boopy-snoot boopers. They are innocent and pure and all that is right with this world.

You need proof? Cause we got it right here. In meme form.

10. Dog gone

They can’t even read but they get the gist.

Via: Someecards

9. Shut up

“I know how this goes. I go out to watch a bird and then you make me homeless forever.”

Via: Someecards

8. Very aware

Everyone step back from this ferocious creature, I need him all to myself.

Via: Someecards

7. Home again, home again

I wish I could be as excited about anything as a dog is about everything.

Via: Someecards

6. Complete treat

Did you step on a tail? No worries, there’s a quick fix for that.

Via: Someecards

5. The drop

How could I have betrayed myself this way?

Via: Someecards

4. Paws for reflection

This boi is taking “play dead” to a whole new level.

Via: Someecards

3. The evening’s entertainment

He’s just trying to keep you informed on current events.

Via: Someecards

2. New tech

He’s compatible with none of my favorite apps and I don’t care in the slightest.

Via: Someecards

1. Remember, remember

Some things in life are just a little more important than others.

Via: Someecards

And there you have it, proof positive that every dog is good and good alone. I will not be taking any questions or criticisms at this time.

What’s your dog like, and why are the best?

Tell us in the comments.

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Memes About Dogs We Think Will Improve Your Health

We really don’t deserve dogs. That much is not in dispute. But I really need ya’ll to stop saying it out loud so much.

See, I was reading a thing the other day about how maybe dogs understand more of our language than we give them credit for, and it’s got me nervous. Because if they’re picking up on the parts where we keep talking about how they’re too good for us, they might realize we’re right, and finally go off to form the doggo society they should.

Just keep it hush hush and enjoy these dog memes, OK?

10. The afterwoof

Checks out, I’m pretty sure that’s an actual cloud.

Via: Someecards

9. Fuzzballs

You better keep an eye out for these troublemakers.

Via: Someecards

8. The sniffy betrayal

I will never forgive you until four seconds from now when I forget.

Via: Someecards

7. Snuggle up

Do you like this art I had commissioned of us?

Via: Someecards

6. Canine Karen

These dry bones are far too dry. Who can I speak to to make this right?

Via: Someecards

5. Dog day afternoon

Hey man, nobody can stop you.

Via: Someecards

4. Woofday

TGIF – thank God it’s fluffy.

Via: Someecards

3. Get down to it

Somebody said “lay down” and she just went for it.

Via: Someecards

2. The excite

No matter how many hundreds of times it happens.

Via: Someecards

1. Fawning over you

These creatures are too precious for us.

Via: Someecards

Go pet a dog today and give them a treat. Bring us all one tiny step closer to deserving the honor of their presence.

What’s your dog like?

Tell us all about them in the comments.

The post Memes About Dogs We Think Will Improve Your Health appeared first on UberFacts.

Enjoy These Times When Dogs Just Us With Their Greatness

Let’s talk about dogs for a moment. Are they good bois? They are. Are they good girls? Indeed. Are they, in fact, the bestest ever, with paws and cutesie snoots for booping? It is decidedly so.

On the topic of how they got so good, is such a thing knowable? And what of their other characteristics and the origins thereof? Why are they so small? Or big? Or fluffers? And why won’t they tell us?

While pondering these questions, let us look to the doggos of Twitter.

11. Let us play

We are gathered here today to celebrate doggos.

10. Wrinkles in time

This kid is on a roll.

9. Morning glory

You must feeds. Am starve. Have not eaten for a whole four hours.

8. The driver

When DMV stands for Dogs Moving Vans.

7. The best care around

I would put my life in Shiloh’s hands.

6. Rules are rules

These puppies are better at following medical safety protocols than humans.

5. He’s been licked

All he wants to do is help and you won’t help him do that.

4. Pure excitement

“This is the best show I’ve ever seen in my life” – dogs, probably

3. Mask up

He got it over the nose! You’re doin’ it right!

2. Live and learn

“Explain your smolness.”

1. Long conversations

He’s all ears.

A team of researchers has been working round the clock to answer the ever-looming question of “who’s the bestest dog in the world” and they have concluded that it is, in fact, your dog.

Tell us all about your dog, won’t you?

In the comments. For science.

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Dog Memes to Improve Your Life

Elizabeth Taylor once famously said, “Some of my best leading men have been dogs and horses.”

Personally, I don’t have a lot of experience with horses, but I can see how dogs would be preferable to most dudes.

Because dogs are amazing, as these memes will attest.

15. Paws off

I am the chosen one and you shall not intervene.

Via: Someecards

14. Holding steady

My whole life is built around this heckin’ good boi.

Via: Someecards

13. All the right words

I never thought of it this way, and now I’m having an existential crisis.

Via: Someecards

12. Heaven can wait

We don’t deserve dogs.

Via: Someecards

11. The inner circle

Note how 2020 is left blank.

Via: Someecards

10. Simple solutions

We have a lot to learn from the canines.

Via: Someecards

9. Ride or die

He’s bad to the bone.

Via: Someecards

8. That bites

Here kitty, kitty, kitty.

Via: Someecards

7. Paws for reflection

None of us stand a chance against this.

Via: Someecards

6. Glorious food

You try eating the same thing every day and see how YOU like it.

Via: Someecards

5. Vet your response

I see right through your deception, Kevin.

Via: Someecards

4. Sniff ’em out

You’ve got a lot of explaining to do.

Via: Someecards

3. High praise

You are at least ten thousand candles in the wind.

Via: Someecards

2. On a roll

Dream on, pupper. These delicacies are all for me.

Via: Someecards

1. A girl’s best friend

If I had a genie it would be my very first wish, no question.

Via: Someecards

Here’s to dogs – may we some day deserve them.

What’s your doggo like?

Tell us all about them in the comments.

The post Dog Memes to Improve Your Life appeared first on UberFacts.