10 Signs of an Iron Deficiency

It may not be the kind of health problem that keeps you up at night, but an iron deficiency is definitely going to make life a bit less pleasant. Health officials estimate that as many as 9 percent of women suffer from this problem, and this is true even for the most physically active women. This is one of those things that can sneak up on you and may escape your notice until you begin to experience some of these tell-tale signs. 1. You’re Always Tired This may be the number one sign of an iron deficiency, and since this

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8 Foods Rich in Vitamin D

It’s a fact. Bad things happen to your health and well-being when you don’t have sufficient levels of vitamin D in your system. Even though our bodies manufacture vitamin D when we are exposed to sunlight, many of us don’t get enough exposure to maintain healthy levels of this important vitamin. As many as half of everyone living in the United States may be deficient when it comes to vitamin D. The list of benefits associated with healthy levels of vitamin D may be too long to list but it’s well-established that it helps keep bones healthy, ward of depression,

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Dangers of Taking Antidepressants

At times it seems like we are living in an age where there is literally a pill for everything. The significance of many modern drugs that have been developed in recent decades should not be diminished, but sometimes their overuse can become a serious problem. A classic example of this is with antibiotics. They have been so overused for so long that their continued use has come into question because so many of them are ineffective against bacteria that has developed resistance. Perhaps resistance to antidepressants will never become a problem for the people taking them, but do doctors today

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11 Benefits of Juicing

Juicing is not new, and the health benefits associated with it have been known for many years. With more focus on good nutrition and natural health alternatives these days, more and more people are paying attention to juicing. Although there is a bit of work associated with juicing, if you do it yourself, in the long run, it makes it easy to get the maximum health benefits from a number of nutritious fruits and vegetables at the same time. There are tried-and-true juice recipes that have been used by millions, and also the possibility of coming up with your very

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10 Fun Facts About Cereal

Breakfast cereal is a big business. Take a walk through any supermarket and you are quite likely to find an entire aisle dedicated to breakfast cereal. There does not seem to be any end to the ideas manufacturers come up with to create new cereal blends. Breakfast cereals have been around as long as most of us can remember, and it’s a pretty good bet that practically everyone in the western world has at least tried one at some point in their life. Like most other things in life, breakfast cereal has it’s wild side, and there are more than

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11 Health Benefits of Juicing

Juicing is not new, and the health benefits associated with it have been known for many years. With more focus on good nutrition and natural health alternatives these days, more and more people are paying attention to juicing. Although there is a bit of work associated with juicing, if you do it yourself, in the long run, it makes it easy to get the maximum health benefits from a number of nutritious fruits and vegetables at the same time. There are tried-and-true juice recipes that have been used by millions, and also the possibility of coming up with your very

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10 Ways to Lose Body Fat

Whether it’s due to a pair of jeans that are much more difficult to squeeze into, a big social event on your calendar, or just a desire to be healthier, there are plenty of good reasons to work on eliminating excess body fat. Most people don’t like how it makes them look, but there are reasons that may be even more important. Recent research has revealed that excess body fat can be a genuine health hazard. Even if someone is not considered obese, that bit of extra fat around the mid section can increase the risk of serious health problems

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5 Horrifying Facts About Processed Meat

What do bacon, sausage, hot dogs, salami, beef jerky, and ham have in common?  They are examples of processed meat.  Processed meat is meat products made from muscle meat, animal fats and additives.  The addition of additives changes the color and texture making the product palatable and visually appealing. Sometimes animal skin, internal organs, and blood are used in the processing. Smoking, curing, fermenting and adding salt or preservatives are the main methods used in meat processing. You may ask, why are these processes bad?  Cancer-causing chemicals like N-nitroso compounds and benzopyrene residue can form during processing.  It’s estimated there

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Why Do Hiccups Happen?

Universal and annoying, everyone knows what hiccups feel like. Scientifically, it’s the involuntary contraction of the diaphragm and a closure of the vocal cords – causing the classic ‘hic’ sound we associate with hiccups. In layman’s terms, the muscle just beneath your lungs tenses and relaxes quickly, pushing air up against your voicebox. Why do you get hiccups? Though hiccups are a reflex, meaning something our body does that we can’t control, unlike sneezing and coughing, which help clear our airways, hiccups seem to have no useful purpose whatsoever. Once started, hiccups have a regular rhythm, and usually go away

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7 Health Benefits of Giving Up Alcohol

C2H6O, the chemical formula for ethanol, is the primary ingredient in alcohol.  It can affect nearly every type of cell in your body, including your central nervous system.  What happens when we give up alcohol?  Read on to discover the health benefits of abstaining from alcohol use. 1. Improves Quality of Sleep During optimal sleep delta waves are dominant in the brain.  Delta waves are linked to the restorative phase of sleep where tissue growth and repair begins, your energy is restored, and hormones such as HGH (Human Growth Hormone) are released. HGH is essential for growth and development, including

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