Nice and Wholesome Posts to Restore Your Faith in Humanity

Many of us are having a hard time dealing with the world right now.

And I have a feeling that I’m probably preaching to the choir and that you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about.

We can’t really leave our houses very much, people are out of work, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. But, even though we get down in the dumps, we have to remember to keep our heads up, ya know?

Because, as they say, this too shall pass…and hopefully these wholesome posts will help you feel a little bit better!

1. “You’re welcome to it.”

Let’s do more of this kind of stuff.

Looking out for our elders from HumansBeingBros

2. Let’s do it together!

This is so pure!

A good relationship with neighbors is golden from HumansBeingBros

3. Everyone needs a day off sometimes.

Even little kids need a break.

This is a good mother . from HumansBeingBros

4. This is awesome.

Way to go!

Biker bro move right there. Oh they found the owner. from HumansBeingBros

5. Helping out the homeless.

Do your best to help out others. It can be tough out there.

Helping the homeless from HumansBeingBros

6. It didn’t matter how they tasted.

That’s what dads do.

My dad (who has no idea how to cook) knew I’d be in meetings all day so he woke up extra early and made me pancakes + coffee. They tasted awful but they were such a wonderful surprise and i love this man. from HumansBeingBros

7. Teach ’em young!

Setting a good example.

Teaching my little people to pickup trash at the beach. from HumansBeingBros

8. This guy rules.

No one should be intimidated when voting.

Good to know from HumansBeingBros

9. Teaching a young panda.

I’d like to see some video of this.

Panda caretakers in disguise teach a baby panda to live in the wild. from HumansBeingBros

10. He went out of his way.

That was most excellent of him.

In Canada, a bus driver saw a young boy on the street crying. He couldn’t ride his bike because the chain had come off. The driver went out of his way to stop the bus, get out, and fix it on the spot. from HumansBeingBros

11. We all go through hard times.

People out there care about you!

I have been having the worst year of my life, and the other day there was a knock at my door. A girl was there and told me she knows I have been going through a hard time and handed me this. from HumansBeingBros

12. Random and incredible.

Made his day!

Random bros hanging around from HumansBeingBros

How about you?

Have you seen anything lately that really warmed your heart and made you feel all fuzzy inside?

If so, please share it with us in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!

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