Check out Some Wholesome Stories You Can Feel Good About for a Change

It’s pretty easy to get depressed over the endless stream of bad news right now. That’s why the folks at Wokesloth compiled a pretty perfect collection of counter-examples.

It’s tough to look on the bright side, what with all the…everything. But we shouldn’t forget that there’s plenty of good out there too, both on the large scale and the small.

1. Helping him live on

2. This kid is more popular in kindergarten than I’ve ever been

3. Those sweet, sweet upgrades

4. Reconnecting with someone you’ve never actually met

5. When jokes lead to more saved lives

6. Getting looked out for by a stranger

Source: Wokesloth

7. Whether this is true or not, it’s amazing

Source: Wokesloth

8. Notes from kids are the best

Source: Wokesloth

9. When you hustle to help and hustle is life

Source: Wokesloth

10. When you remind someone they do have family

Source: Wokesloth

11. When you suddenly don’t feel so underappreciated

12. It’s the little things that sometimes mean the most

13. Sometimes all you need is a little color

14. Cheers!

What’s something you’ve encountered recently that gave you a case of the wholesome feel-goods?

Let us know in the comments. Seriously, we need this right now.

The post Check out Some Wholesome Stories You Can Feel Good About for a Change appeared first on UberFacts.