Uplifting Memes That Made Us Feel a Little Bit Better

It’s tough out there right now. It’s good to take a break from all the negativity every once in a while and remind ourselves that, despite everything, the world really is quite full of uplifting stories and actions. A kind gesture, an encouraging word, a loving reminder; these all go quite a long way.

So let these 10 samples of wholesome make your heart a little lighter.

10. Joke or choke

There are little victories to be found every single day.

Source: someecards

9. Doggo attack

He’s so fluffy I’m gonna die.

Source: someecards

8. Ebony and ivory

I promise to love him forever and ever.

Source: someecards

7. Much love

You’re the best.

Source: someecards

6. Weight for it

Dude, it’s fine.

Source: someecards

5. Sergeant Pupper

Hi fren. Wat doin? I give camera a big important face.

Source: someecards

4. Type righter

“Like the ring around the sun, a crown.”

Source: someecards

3. Furball

This is a cute chunk of snow and you can’t convince me otherwise.

Source: someecards

2. There’s always tomorrow

Enjoy the present when you can, embrace the future always.

Source: someecards

11. Wheel feels

I wonder what’s going through his head?

Source: someecards

Hope you enjoyed those little bits of happiness. Take ’em with you for the rest of the day. Maybe go watch some Bob Ross. Remember there’s good in the world.

What’s something positive you’ve encountered lately?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Uplifting Memes That Made Us Feel a Little Bit Better appeared first on UberFacts.

Tweets With Some Good News (For a Change)

It’s time to sprinkle some happiness in your life with some posts that contain only good news!

I know it’s hard to figure out how to feel about these, since everything is like, brimstone and fire these days, but I swear – these 13 posts are going to make you remember that it’s nice to smile sometimes!

13. I would like to meet the person who was brave enough to dress these geese.

Those things are mean as hell.

12. This is just slaying me.

That dog is so embarrassed but at least hair grows.

11. I’m going to need an update in 18 years.

He’s definitely getting drafted if baseball is a thing by then.

10. Nobody wants to pray alone.

Except, you know, most people.

9. I have never been more jealous in my life.

How do I tempt foxes to have babies in my yard?!

Two foxes have decided to take advantage of the UK lockdown and use my friends garden to raise their cubs. from aww

8. I approve of this message.

It’s better than the original, honestly.

7. I’m going to need more of this immediately.

Ever teacher needs to make this a project, STAT.

6. Love is real, you guys!

And it also involves being in the room while the other person poops, but nothing is perfect.

5. Well, she’s marrying into the right family.

Talk about hitting the lottery!

My mother-in-law set up a sweetheart table for my fiancée and I on what was supposed to be our wedding day. from MadeMeSmile

4. This is the saddest dog on the planet.

My heart, y’all. MY HEART.

3. Peak lockdown right there.

Sheep are dumb, but that doesn’t mean they don’t know how to party.

Sheep discovers how to use a trampoline from aww

2. This is definitely a thing that makes me smile.

New Yorkers are good people.

1. The lure of Animal Crossing knows no bounds.

It’s one of the things bringing us all together.

I definitely needed these in my life today, how about you?

Which one did the trick? Tell us in the comments!

The post Tweets With Some Good News (For a Change) appeared first on UberFacts.

Check out Some Wholesome Stories You Can Feel Good About for a Change

It’s pretty easy to get depressed over the endless stream of bad news right now. That’s why the folks at Wokesloth compiled a pretty perfect collection of counter-examples.

It’s tough to look on the bright side, what with all the…everything. But we shouldn’t forget that there’s plenty of good out there too, both on the large scale and the small.

1. Helping him live on

2. This kid is more popular in kindergarten than I’ve ever been

3. Those sweet, sweet upgrades

4. Reconnecting with someone you’ve never actually met

5. When jokes lead to more saved lives

6. Getting looked out for by a stranger

Source: Wokesloth

7. Whether this is true or not, it’s amazing

Source: Wokesloth

8. Notes from kids are the best

Source: Wokesloth

9. When you hustle to help and hustle is life

Source: Wokesloth

10. When you remind someone they do have family

Source: Wokesloth

11. When you suddenly don’t feel so underappreciated

12. It’s the little things that sometimes mean the most

13. Sometimes all you need is a little color

14. Cheers!

What’s something you’ve encountered recently that gave you a case of the wholesome feel-goods?

Let us know in the comments. Seriously, we need this right now.

The post Check out Some Wholesome Stories You Can Feel Good About for a Change appeared first on UberFacts.