15 Tweets About Animals That Might Put a Big Smile on Your Face

It’s not as if you weren’t probably already aware that animals are hilarious. Most of the time it’s unintentional, but sometimes you’d swear they know exactly what they’re doing and how much we’re going to love it.

Proof? These 15 tweets right here!

Enjoy these precious moments. Because they won’t be around for long…

1. You’ll get it!

2. Hi. Bye.

3. Yo yo homie

4. There’s so much that’s right about this… but those cat situps!

5. Cutest. Dog. Ever.

6. Alright, listen here you little butthead…

7. Wiggle wiggle wiggle

8. dat frosh lewk!

9. Donald!

10. Same

11. Fruit of his labor…


13. Da best!

14. This is perfect!

15. BFFS!

Are you still saying “awwwwwwwww”? Because I am.

Alright kids… favorite tweet? Let us know in the comments!

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15 Funny “Can’t Unsee” Tweets That Are Very Accurate

Sometimes you see stuff that gets burned into your brain for the rest of your days. It’s not pretty, but you have to learn how to deal with it.

In the spirit of that fact of life, here are 15 tweets that point out things you can’t unsee.

I apologize in advance…

1. That’s Roland Rat!

2. Time for some stir fry.

3. Whoa! Mind is blown.

4. Poor big fella.

5. Why, Fred? Why?

6. This, I can deal with.

7. In the “A hole.”

8. That is eerily accurate.

9. Paging Jake Gyllenhaal.

10. Totally the same energy.

11. All the same moms.

12. Slack Quack. All day.

13. Well, that’s ruined now.

14. That’s pretty creepy.

15. One more for good measure.

Do you have any of your own things you can’t unsee?

Let’s hear about ’em!

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Women Will Probably Enjoy These “Men Have an Underdeveloped Frontal Lobe” Tweets

Guys are…not the smarter sex. We’re rude, crude, ignorant, and we should thank our lucky stars that the ladies put up with us at all.

This is especially true when we’re younger. But who am I kidding, a lot of us never grow up and our frontal lobes never fully develop like they’re supposed to by age 25.

What I’m trying to say is that we’re children.

Ladies, these tweets are for you.

1. Don’t hold your breath.

2. A long, long wait.

3. That’s being very generous.

4. Drop the zero, get with the hero.

5. It’s not my fault.

6. Might never happen.

7. Might not even happen then…

8. Wow. There’s that.

9. That’s your excuse?

10. Wish it was a better movie.

11. Times are tough.

12. Just like babies!

13. The ladies have it pretty rough.

C’mon guys, let’s get it together, okay?

Ladies, I apologize for all of us…

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16 Tweets That Accurately Capture the Struggle of Adulthood

“Youth is wasted on the young.”

I often think about this quote when I ride in to work every day and consider what I’ve done with my life. Because we had all that time! And what did we do with it? Eat gummy fruits and watch reruns? Why wasn’t I investing in stocks?!

Thankfully, there’s Twitter. Where comedians hang out and tweet funny shit that we can all relate to.

Let’s have fun.

16. I scream! And… that’s it. I just scream.

15. MINE!

14. Q: What do you want to be when you grow up? A: An employee, apparently.

13. Drugs help.

12. So much me. So much.

11. I didn’t ask for this!

10. 4 hours at least. 6 hours at the most.

9. What a pain!

8. Why doesn’t anybody stop me from doing these things?!

7. Time works differently now.

6. OMG. This is so true!

5. Too expensive!

4. Can I hire a domineering mom for another 5 years?

3. I read lots of Böökes

2. Stop jumping! I want to get back on my feet!

1. Wait… how much is THAT?

Now that was some good adulthood! I feel MUCH better about ALL my choices.

What do you think? Do you struggle with being all grown up and stuff?

Let us know in the comments!

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13 Memes That Show Us Why Australia Might Be Better Than the USA

Have you ever been down under? Because things there are pretty awesome.

  • First, that accent is amazing… especially when it comes to making people more attractive. It’s like an English accent, but sexier. I get the shivers just thinking about it.
  • Second, the weather and the beaches… wow. Enough said.
  • Third, the way they respond to tragedies actually makes sense! Who would have thunk it?

So, without further ado, here are 14 times Aussies got the upper hand on the United States, and there’s not much we can do about it.

1. Colors equals value with their currency… so no need to look at numbers!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Speaking of money, look at all those cute animals on their coins!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Two words: Chicken Salt. It’s better than ANY other salt.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. They never get in conversations like this…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Yeah… why is it ROOMmate?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. No tipping means no worries…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Lots of subsidized education means that student loans aren’t NEARLY as bad…

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Gravy the way gravy should look… brown NOT grey…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. No fake cheese. No canned cheese. Just REAL cheese.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Metric system is soooooooo much better!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Hershey’s has ruined chocolate for the US. #truth

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Aussies know how to Kmart, but our Kmarts don’t even know how to Kmart.

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Aussie coffee is REALLY good, so none of that shit is needed.

Photo Credit: Whisper

Alright, who wants to go Australia with me? Because I’m getting on the next flight.

Anybody been? Let us know in the comments! We want to commune with all your mindz!

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13 Memes About the White Claw Sensation That Is Sweeping the Nation

Have you heard about the White Claw train?

Oh, you have! So I don’t have to explain it’s basically alcoholic water with some CO2 mixed in? Yeah, we’re putting liquor in water instead of the other way around. That’s what we’ve come to these days because of calories and waist lines and things like that.

Here are 13 delicious tweets about the drink that has no laws…

1. It’s holy AF!

2. No, I don’t want to see your sleeve tattoo

3. If this is your first night at White Claw Club… you have to fight

4. The evolution of trash water…

5. OMFG!

6. Oh… you fancy!

7. Actually, I’d listen!

8. Rachel… come on now…

9. Everybody’s doing it…

10. Blessed be the lord of boozy seltzer…

11. You know what… yes. Accurate.

12. No. Not at all. Ever.

13. Yeah, guys ruin every damn thing…

I think we can all agree it definitely was the summer of White Claw, but will the trend keep going?

Well, they just introduced this…

Why? Because they hate us all, that’s why.

Alright, leave your thoughts in the comments, because we’re sure you have PLENTY…

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15 Memes That Will Look Familiar If You Have Brothers

If you grew up with brothers in your family, you know that things got ROUGH and that your parents were not prepared. Ever.

Thankfully, we have memes that will make all that pain seem like something far, far away…

1. Does this look familiar?

2. Not my problem

3. NOW I want it

4. Run!

5. Not quite…

6. This is all you’re getting

7. How could you?!?!

8. Treated like a king

9. I barely touched you!

10. The way it goes

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11. That’s not happening

12. Well, technically…

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A post shared by no shoutouts? (@growingupwithsiblings) on

13. We weren’t fighting

14. The answer is NO

15. Power struggle

So… does this bring back good memories or bad ones?

Let us know in the comments! We love reading about people’s pain… good or bad!

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11 Tweets from Women That Might Make Your Week Better

These 11 ladies will show you exactly why Twitter exists because they’re dishing out the comedy one hilarious tweet at a time.

Get ready for the laughs, because they’re coming!

1. Yep, makes sense…

2. Oh snap…

3. I like my version better…

4. We can only hope…

5. Arrrrr you kidding?

6. Same.

7. Something feels tinder…

8. NPR is my jam!

9. OR… she’s an asshole. Either or.

10. Correct diagram is correct!

11. My world will be forever changed…

Oh yes, that was nice. I could use another one of those. How about you?

And which of those were your fave? Let us know in the comments!

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Here Are Some Tweets About Dogs Who Might Melt Your Damn Heart

Pretty much every dog puts a big smile on my face, but these puppers are really going above and beyond the call of duty.

They deserve a day of snoozing in the sun and belly rubs for their efforts.

11. Why sleep in a bed when you have a dog?

10. They’re going to be best friends for life.

9. The dog, yes, but also the caption.

8. This guy is not quite as slick as he’d like to think.

7. You’ll get no argument from me!

6. This is just like having kids.

5. You’re going to want to make sure your sound is up for this.

4. My heart cannot take it.

3. I’m sure they thought no one was looking.

2. Whose day wouldn’t be brightened by Max?

1. They both look so proud of each other!


I hope their owners are ready to pamper these little sweeties!

Do you love browsing the web for cute dogs? Show us your favorite below!

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18 Funny Tweets That Might Make You Smile

Summer is almost over, so it’s time to round up the best tweets from the past season so we can make room for the autumn humor coming your way.

We think these 20 tweets definitely come out on the top of the pile!

18. There is nothing more real than this tweet.

17. And that’s what’s known as nailing it, my friends.

16. Girl you don’t want to miss that photo op.

15. This is honestly the best possible Uber experience.

14. Just laugh you don’t have to understand why.

13. I said what I said!

12. Why are you like this?


10. Why is this so real though?

9. Thank goodness for food delivery amirite?

8. It’s all a scam!

7. I want to see the results though.

6. Honestly one of the most refreshing things about this generation.

5. I mean at least he still feels like wagging his tail.

4. They survive by inviting a woman with a purse to come along.

3. One of the things I’m most looking forward to about parenting.

2. A picture is worth a thousand words.

1. Give me a minute, I’m dying.

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for this heat to break and to order my coffee hot!

Did you have a favorite tweet from the summer? Share it in the comments!

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