14 Tweets from Teachers from Friday the 13th

Last Friday was the 13th, and it was a full moon, so teachers everywhere were battening down the hatches, girding their loins, or just calling in sick expecting their already crazy jobs to go completely off the deep end.

And while some teachers surely breathed a sigh of relief at the end of the day thinking they’d gotten off easy, these 14 teachers will surely rethink going to work at all the next time such an ominous confluence looms.

14. What a coincidence – this is also what I do on Friday nights.

13. Yeah, let’s just take a quick minute to rethink that idea.

12. You could leave it and claim those are the bloody tears of your students.

11. So…you teach dogs?

10. Middle schoolers will absolutely never give you what you want.

9. I have been this sub, so thank you.

8. Do you give them points for creativity, though?

7. The caption for this headline should win some kind of award.

6. It’s definitely not a 9-5, that’s for sure.

5. You have ONE JOB copy machine.

4. It really is all about how much you can insult them without anyone being able to prove it.

3. Why is this sooooo true there are not enough layers.

2. You have to know when to accept it and when to fight it. Pick your battles, etc.

1. I love how teachers also feel obligated to explain what made that smear.


I don’t know; some of these are pretty darn funny!

What about you – do you believe in full moons and Friday the 13th, or is all of this purely coincidence? Let us know in the comments!

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Taylor Swift Fans Freaked out When an “Unknown Band ” Named Tool Grabbed the #1 Spot on the Charts

In very amusing (if you’re not a Generation Z kid) Twitter news, Taylor Swift fans are confessing they’ve largely not heard of popular 90s band Tool.

Tool has always had a strong, loyal following and, since they’ve just released their first album in over 13 years, it’s not hard to believe they’re most likely going to eclipse Lover, Swift’s latest, on the top Billboard chart.

Swift’s fans are not only upset that she’s only going to get to spent one week reigning the charts, but they’re awfully confused…because they’ve never heard of Tool and can’t understand how this “new” band has dethroned Tay.

Swifties have taken to Twitter to try to rally support for Lover, encouraging fans not to give up and to keep streaming, even though everyone realizes it’s probably all for naught.

The best part (if you’re a millennial or older or just someone with great taste in what can now be considered classic rock) is how they’re directing their outrage at this band “no one has heard of” for daring to release such a successful album.

They’re also (perhaps rightfully) “shook” seeing the lengths on most of Tool’s offerings.

For their part, Tool fans everywhere are pretty much delighted at the reaction – and the return of the band to the airwaves and the charts.

I mean, what fun is logging into Twitter if you can’t giggle at teenagers whipped into a frenzy over one of the great bands of your own youth, right?

Are you a Tool fan? A Swiftie? Neither?

No matter what, these tweets are pretty darn funny, if you ask me!

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11 Tweets from Women That You Might Find Hilarious

We need some funny, NOW.

Work sucks. Life sucks. The world is going to hell.

What else do you have in your life right now except a little bit of funny? Is that too much to ask?

No, of course not! And leave up to the ladies to deliver time and time and time again!

11 of the funniest tweets coming at ya!

1. That political horse race… neigh?

2. Who doesn’t see texts? I mean, come on…

3. I hate 2019. Really, really a lot.

4. That skin cream game is real, fam!

5. Oh the fun we’ve had!

6. I’ve got the same list for my dad! Weird!

7. “I’d like to not sleep with you any longer, unless you’re okay with me sleeping with everybody. Your choice.”

8. True dat. Those nieces and nephews getting WAY too much attention…

9. OMFG… those receipts are the stuff of legend!

10. Yes. Yes I am. You nailed it.

11. I’ve tried this and it works PERFECTLY

That was fun! Which one did you like the best? Let us know in the comments!

And while you’re here, why not trying out some other posts? It’ll only take a few minutes, and you’ll laugh your ass off.

Guaranteed or your time back!

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Zao Is a Deepfake App That Snaps Your Photo and Makes You a Celebrity

Deepfakes are pretty creepy, if we’re being honest. Though they don’t seem to be especially helpful to anyone, deepfakes nonetheless look like they’ll be around for awhile.

Now, it’s easier than ever to produce your own deepfake (yay) with an app called Zao, created by Chinese developer MoMo.

According to Insider, the app topped Chinese iOS download charts after its recent unleashing.

If you didn’t know, deepfakes are bizarrely realistic CGI videos created by an algorithm. Deepfakes can be silly, like putting Nick Offerman’s face on every character in the Full House opening credits. But the scary thing about deepfakes is that they could also be used to falsify the words or deeds of an innocent person.

Now, with the touch of a button.

On your phone…

Indie game developer, Allan Xia, created a video of  a deepfake of himself as Leonardo DiCaprio in some of his movies. He shared the video to Twitter, where it quickly went viral because of how realistic it was. The program read one photo of Xia and paired it with DiCaprio’s facial expressions and mouth movements. Xia noted he only needed one image of himself and about eight seconds to create the deepfake.

Despite Xia’s achievement with the app, he also noted its potential dangers.

Is the intent purely to entertain?

Will it be used to bombard us with images of ourselves for marketing purposes?

Others on Twitter posted deepfakes of themselves as cast members of TV shows and movies.

The app’s developer, MoMo, is also a large social media platform in China. They have already been banned on WeChat due to a line buried in their usage terms that retains “free, irrevocable, permanent, transferable, and relicense-able” access to all content it is used to generate.

So, they can own your face.

China’s expansive surveillance network already uses manipulated images of people, for which it has received criticism from both inside and outside the country.

Thankfully, you must have a Chinese phone number to download Zao, and if you don’t live in China, Zao having ownership of your face is not necessarily going to mean anything practical to you. After all, Facebook can use any of the content you’ve uploaded for whatever they want, too.

Xia has been microblogging about the app and disturbing impacts, both real and imagined on Twitter.

The future, it turns out, is creepy.

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Zao Is a Deepfake App That Snaps Your Photo and Makes You a Celebrity

Deepfakes are pretty creepy, if we’re being honest. Though they don’t seem to be especially helpful to anyone, deepfakes nonetheless look like they’ll be around for awhile.

Now, it’s easier than ever to produce your own deepfake (yay) with an app called Zao, created by Chinese developer MoMo.

According to Insider, the app topped Chinese iOS download charts after its recent unleashing.

If you didn’t know, deepfakes are bizarrely realistic CGI videos created by an algorithm. Deepfakes can be silly, like putting Nick Offerman’s face on every character in the Full House opening credits. But the scary thing about deepfakes is that they could also be used to falsify the words or deeds of an innocent person.

Now, with the touch of a button.

On your phone…

Indie game developer, Allan Xia, created a video of  a deepfake of himself as Leonardo DiCaprio in some of his movies. He shared the video to Twitter, where it quickly went viral because of how realistic it was. The program read one photo of Xia and paired it with DiCaprio’s facial expressions and mouth movements. Xia noted he only needed one image of himself and about eight seconds to create the deepfake.

Despite Xia’s achievement with the app, he also noted its potential dangers.

Is the intent purely to entertain?

Will it be used to bombard us with images of ourselves for marketing purposes?

Others on Twitter posted deepfakes of themselves as cast members of TV shows and movies.

The app’s developer, MoMo, is also a large social media platform in China. They have already been banned on WeChat due to a line buried in their usage terms that retains “free, irrevocable, permanent, transferable, and relicense-able” access to all content it is used to generate.

So, they can own your face.

China’s expansive surveillance network already uses manipulated images of people, for which it has received criticism from both inside and outside the country.

Thankfully, you must have a Chinese phone number to download Zao, and if you don’t live in China, Zao having ownership of your face is not necessarily going to mean anything practical to you. After all, Facebook can use any of the content you’ve uploaded for whatever they want, too.

Xia has been microblogging about the app and disturbing impacts, both real and imagined on Twitter.

The future, it turns out, is creepy.

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This Twitter Account Hilariously Mocks the Absurdity of Modern Technology

I’m all for modern technology, but sometimes it feels like it’s kind of out of hand.

We all think we’re so enlightened and our lives are so advanced, but maybe we’re getting dumber? And maybe we don’t really need all of this stuff after all?

Check out some hilarious (and accurate) examples from the “Internet of Sh*t” Twitter account.

1. Oops

2. Patronizing

3. Close the door!

4. Thanks a lot, Roomba

5. In distress

6. What a time to be alive


8. It’s in your best interest

9. Hacked

10. Love it!

11. Very helpful

12. Time to start yelling

13. No way

14. What year is it, again?

15. That’s enough

Can we go back to the Stone Age yet?

The post This Twitter Account Hilariously Mocks the Absurdity of Modern Technology appeared first on UberFacts.

A Woman’s Thread About Her Obsessive Stalker Is Scary and Accurate

Stalking is more common than you think – a fact illustrated by writer and activist Johnnie Jae, who decided to share her own story of being stalked as a teenager.

She hopes that by telling her story, other young women will realize that they’re not alone…and that they should speak up if something similar happens to them.

When she was 19, a man in his late twenties, a library employee, started following her home after she visited his place of employment.

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

He freaked her out so badly that she quit going to the library, but it wasn’t long before he showed up at her new job.

Part Six

Part Seven

Part Eight

Like many women, she wondered what she’d done. She wondered if she’d encouraged him, if she was freaking out about nothing, if she should chill.

Part Nine

Part Ten

Part Eleven

Luckily, people around her let her know that she was not overreacting at all.

Part Twelve

Part Thirteen

Part Fourteen

Part Fifteen

Part Sixteen

Still, it got worse.

Part Seventeen

Part Eighteen

Part Nineteen

Then, he disappeared.

Part Twenty

Part Twenty-One

It was a strange feeling, to go from being frightened for her own life to being relieved at the loss of someone else’s, but the man’s bizarre and escalating behavior was a red flag no one should ignore.

Part Twenty-Two

Plenty of women had similar experiences, and they were willing to share too.

Seems like most women have a story like this.

It’s honestly really scary how often this happens.

It’s both frightening and empowering, to realize that so many people understand what it’s like to go through something like this, but the big takeaways are this: tell someone, and you’re not alone.

Have a story you want to share? Let us know in the comments.

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If You’ve Ever Had a Boyfriend, These Tweets Might Make You Laugh

As a man, I can confidently say that we can be incredibly childish, we’re not too bright, and, on occasion, we can be pretty funny.

Even if it’s not intentional.

Here are 15 tweets that should look familiar to you (maybe painfully familiar) if you have, or have ever had, a male companion.

1. LOL

2. Noodes

3. I’m right here

4. Not bad…

5. He nailed it

6. He seems excited


8. What a guy

9. Robotic

10. Spill it

11. Here you go!

12. Time to yodel

13. Lost child

14. Hahahaha

15. Not again!

Guys, get your sh*t together!

The post If You’ve Ever Had a Boyfriend, These Tweets Might Make You Laugh appeared first on UberFacts.

If You’ve Ever Had a Boyfriend, These Tweets Might Make You Laugh

As a man, I can confidently say that we can be incredibly childish, we’re not too bright, and, on occasion, we can be pretty funny.

Even if it’s not intentional.

Here are 15 tweets that should look familiar to you (maybe painfully familiar) if you have, or have ever had, a male companion.

1. LOL

2. Noodes

3. I’m right here

4. Not bad…

5. He nailed it

6. He seems excited


8. What a guy

9. Robotic

10. Spill it

11. Here you go!

12. Time to yodel

13. Lost child

14. Hahahaha

15. Not again!

Guys, get your sh*t together!

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These Funny Millennial Tweets That Are Pretty Darn Accurate

Millennials just can’t catch a break, can they?

They get ridiculed by everyone who isn’t part of their generation and they seem to be the butt of endless jokes. But it seems like they (usually) take the harassment in stride.

Let’s give these young people a break…after we laugh at these tweets making fun of them.

1. Ugggghhhh

2. Let’s not get together

3. Check all the boxes

4. That’s not depressing at all

5. Oh God, no!

6. Hang on tight

7. He has a point…

8. Ouch

9. Quite a difference

10. Well, good to see ya

11. The nerve of these people

12. Hmmmmm

13. So true

14. I don’t hear anything

15. The wonders of time

Now, get back to eating your avocado toast!

The post These Funny Millennial Tweets That Are Pretty Darn Accurate appeared first on UberFacts.