Enjoy These Funny Tweets About Self-Care

A lot of times, in the midst of our incredibly busy lives, we forget that we need to take the time to relax, reflect, and take care of ourselves. Maybe not all the time, but at least occasionally.

I’m sure you’ve heard of “Self Care Sunday,” where you treat and pamper yourself after a lot of hard work? Well, these tweets are kind of about that phenomenon, but they flip it on its head a little bit with some humor.

Enjoy…and see if these tweets speak to you…

1. Please fix me.

2. Does it work, though?

3. All good tips.

4. Totally worth it.

5. I have a feeling it would be popular.

6. Do what you gotta do.

7. I do!

8. Sorry about that…

9. Start today!

10. This is so funny.

11. All very good tips.

12. The last one is crucial.

13. Doesn’t seem to be working…

14. I need to talk about how healthy I am.

15. I see…

Take good care of yourself in 2020 and beyond!

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Here Are 20 of Best Tweets That Women Shared This Year

2019 was a great year for women being hilarious on social media. Whether it was on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, TikTok, you name it: the ladies were killin’ it.

I have a feeling the ladies will step up their game even further in 2020, but for now, let’s enjoy some of the best that 2019 had to offer…

1. They sure did.

2. Yikes.

3. Keep it coming!

4. Never thought about that before…

5. Free shirts.

6. It’s a long process.

7. Dancing like a stripper.

8. That’s kind of disturbing.

9. Remember those days?

10. Boom!

11.  The good stuff.

12. Hahahaha. So accurate.

13. Won’t do that again.

14. Prove to me that you’re okay…

15. Oh, I’m worrying.

Did you come across any hilarious posts from women this year that you’d like to share?

Let’s see them in the comments!

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We Think These Tweets Will Always Be Funny

Certain tweets are only funny for a few minutes, but others can get shared over and over and you’ll still laugh at them every single time they pop up in your feed.

The latter are harder to find, and if you haven’t run across these 15, we think you’re missing out.

If you have, you’ll probably laugh again anyway.

15. If only it had been a marble rye.

14. There’s no judgement in Amazon land.

13. GET OUT.

12. I think we all know the answer to that.

11. And one only hurts for a minute.

10. Variety is the spice of life.

9. No one missed that.

8. He’s going to need you to back on up.

7. A poignant commentary on our culture.

6. That’s…that’s an elephant?

5. This is just so cute and innocent.

4. *snort*

3. I am not happy with this product and no longer want to receive it.

2. …your mum?

1. There goes your tip.


This is the best part of the internet, don’t you think?

Do you have a favorite tweet? Share it with us in the comments!

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Funny Tweets About Things That People Think Are Better Than Sex

Sex is great…but have you seen these tweets?

People are weighing in on social media about what they think is as good or better than doing the deed, knocking the boots, doing the horizontal mamba…or whatever you want to call it.

Let’s dive into these and get inside the heads of these folks…

1. That is SEXY.

2. Very satisfying.


4. Not yet…

5. Way better than sex.

6. What a relief.

7. This is my space.


9. Might not be able to beat this one.

10. This has to be a fantasy.

11. Meetings are pretty brutal.

12. That’s impossible.

13. Made a new friend.

14. Showed them…

15. Ahhhh, I’m spent.

Those are pretty hilarious.

Why don’t you share your own version in the comments…we know you have a few of these on your mind!

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These Tweets Might Just Turn Your Frown Upside down

We all need a little help now and then, and even though I am in no way encouraging you to smile if you don’t feel like it or telling you that you owe one single person a smile (you don’t), if YOU feel like you could use a laugh, well….here you go.

I’m just going to set these 13 tweets full of wholesome goodness right here and let you enjoy at your will.

13. Let me think. No.

12. This is your daily PSA about drinking too much and why it’s bad but also can be amusing.

11. Ladies, you know what he really wants.

10. Nothing to see here but AWWWW.

9. I don’t know about you, but I can relate to this.

8. When you’re just too good at making breakup playlists.

7. A George Costanza for the modern age. #doaleavebehind

6. “Dork a** losers” is officially my go-to now.

5. He identifies with Parker’s grandpa so much.

4. I think about this when I hand out papers but I still do it because THEY STICK OKAY.

3. I think this is Dakota’s official statement.

2. Pardon me I may have been mistaken.

1. It’s the decimal points that make the tweet.

Now that’s what I’m talking about – A+, internet!

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These Jokes Would Have Made Absolutely No Sense at the Beginning of the 2010s

We’ve come a long way in the past ten years. It’s hard to keep up with all the technology flying at us. Heck, I’m still trying to figure out the appeal of Twitter.

So, in the spirit of laughing at our ignorant past selves, scroll through these 10 jokes that would have made no sense at all in 2009.

1. We are getting into cars with strangers and asking for rides. In the olden days, this was called hitchhiking and our parents would ground us for doing it.

2. Girls roll out of bed in sweatshirts, pull on short shorts and put their hair in a scrunchie to go out for the day. In the olden days, this is how girls got ready for bed.

3. We are all wearing cool in-ear speakers. In the olden days, we attached entire stereos to our clothing and got tangled up in the wires.

Photo Credit: Memes Monkey

4. Alexa takes care of us. In the olden days, we had to do our own things.

5. “Millennials have ruined the society we’ve worked so hard to build.” In the olden days: “Millennial babies are so cute. They’re our future.”

6. We cannot agree on anything now. ANYTHING. In the olden days, WE WERE PERFECT.

7. We get ready for the day on social media. In the olden days, we got ready for the day in the bathroom. With the door closed.

8. Our watches are computers. In the olden days, our watches told us what time it was.

9. We don’t need to see each other to have a relationship. In the olden days, we went on dates. Together.

10. We spend a la-oht of money on our phones. In the olden days, we counted our money.

Do you feel old now? Or, are you wondering how we crawled out of our mud holes into these modern times? Discuss.

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15 of the Funniest Tweets from the Past 10 Years

I really enjoy a good tweet. There’s just nothing quite like it, right?

Speaking of good tweets, here are some of the best that the 2010s had to offer.

So let’s start laughing together!

1. No moral to this story.

2. No thanks, I’m good.

3. Very well-read.

4. Agreed!

5. I’m happy for you!

6. That’s a lie.

7. Take your time.

8. Uh oh…

9. We’re losing, by the way.

10. Keep it down.

11. Hahahaha. This is good.

12. It’s perfect for that.

13. That part with the rye is pretty intense.

14. Yeah, Carol…

15. This is humiliating.

What hilarious tweets do you think we missed from the past ten years!

Share your favorites with us in the comments!

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15 Times Kids Asked Hilarious and Ridiculous Questions

You can be sure that kids are always going to ask ridiculous and inappropriate questions at the worst times.

Hey, their filters aren’t fully developed yet, so give them a break.

Let’s see some perfect examples of this…

1. Now I feel dumb.

2. That’s a great question!

3. Need some help with this one.

4. Someone needs to patent this ASAP.

5. All ‘Frozen’, all the time.

6. She’s already annoyed about it.

7. Brilliant!

8. I’d like to go there.

9. Not yet…

10. It is like a church.

11. I can’t answer that.

12. Makes you feel old.

13. Better get it for them.

14. Fight club.

15. An interesting concept.

Now, we know that those of you out there with kiddos have A TON of these kinds of stories.

Share them with us so we can laugh at your embarrassment!

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Funny, Random Tweets That Should Give You a Good Laugh

Twitter brings a lot of things into our lives: crazy conspiracy theories, the thoughts and ramblings of crazy politicians, etc.

But it also brings a lot of LAUGHS. All kinds of laughs, in fact.

It can be hard to separate the good from the bad, so that’s why articles like this are so great. We do it for you!

Enjoy the guffaws!

1. He’s loving it!

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Be very careful…

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. I can’t wait to see all of these.

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Should’ve made it a month.

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Where am I?!?!

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. A big difference.

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Brilliant move.

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. This might backfire.

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. I’m gonna start using this.

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Always nice to hear.

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Not gonna win that one.

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Time for revenge.

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. He was a great man.

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Bad customer service…

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Not all it’s cracked up to be.

Photo Credit: Twitter

I don’t know about you, but I sure LOL’d at those!

The post Funny, Random Tweets That Should Give You a Good Laugh appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny, Random Tweets That Should Give You a Good Laugh

Twitter brings a lot of things into our lives: crazy conspiracy theories, the thoughts and ramblings of crazy politicians, etc.

But it also brings a lot of LAUGHS. All kinds of laughs, in fact.

It can be hard to separate the good from the bad, so that’s why articles like this are so great. We do it for you!

Enjoy the guffaws!

1. He’s loving it!

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Be very careful…

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. I can’t wait to see all of these.

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Should’ve made it a month.

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Where am I?!?!

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. A big difference.

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Brilliant move.

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. This might backfire.

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. I’m gonna start using this.

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Always nice to hear.

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Not gonna win that one.

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Time for revenge.

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. He was a great man.

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Bad customer service…

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Not all it’s cracked up to be.

Photo Credit: Twitter

I don’t know about you, but I sure LOL’d at those!

The post Funny, Random Tweets That Should Give You a Good Laugh appeared first on UberFacts.