Women Talk About When They Knew They Wanted to Marry Their Husbands

Hey, there!

Today I met the boy I’m gonna marry…

Remember that song? It’s a good one! A golden oldie, if I do say so myself…

And we love it because it reminds folks about when they first knew that The One was really gonna be THE ONE.

Women on Buzzfeed talked about when they knew they were gonna marry their husbands.

Let’s take a look!

1. Comforting.

“A week after our first date, I got knocked over in a bike accident and ended up at the hospital with a broken neck and a fractured spine.

While visiting me in the hospital, he wasn’t allowed anywhere near my head, so since he couldn’t reach my hand, he held my foot the whole time instead.”

2. That’s nice.

“We were at brunch when a disabled vet came over and started a conversation with him about his motorcycle jacket.

My man had just gotten laid off, but he looked at his budget and bank app right there at the table to figure out where he could cut a corner to pay for that vet and his wife’s meals.

I almost cried.”

3. No walk of shame.

“I thought I was going to have to do the ‘walk of shame’ from his place at 6 a.m. one morning after we’d been out.

I was putting my dress back on when he got out of bed and put on jeans and a dress shirt to walk me home instead.”

4. First date.

“My (now) husband and I were on our first date, and we wandered into a café with a live band that was so loud we couldn’t hear each other at all.

Well, the music was really good, so rather than ignore me or suggest that we leave, he started texting me questions about my dreams, fears, and hopes for the future.”

5. The One.

“I found out I had cancer on our third date, and I found out a few months later that I probably couldn’t have kids.

I was crying during our car ride home when he took my hand and said, ‘We can always adopt.’”

6. A stand-up guy.

“We were supposed to have a fourth date when I called to tell him I couldn’t make it because my dad had just gone to the ER with metastatic colon cancer.

Well, he could tell in my voice how stressed I was about it, so he drove two hours to be with me at the hospital. And we had that fourth date in the hospital’s cafeteria.

We’ve been married for six years and have been through hell and back together. But we find new ways to love each other all the time.”

7. Animal lover.

“When I saw him chasing a random stray cat because he wanted to pet it.”

8. That came later.

“When we were chatting about amusement parks and he said, ‘I love…Universal Studios,’ and I realized that I thought he was going to say, ‘I love you,’ and that I wished he did.”

9. All about the soup.

“Neither of us likes soup. But we attend a lot of events that have soup courses.

So without a word, he’ll eat all his soup and quietly switch his finished bowl with my full bowl then eat mine, too.

Then he’ll whisper sweetly, ‘Good job eating your soup, hun!’”

10. Huey for the win!

“We had just moved in together, and I wanted to blast some Huey Lewis while washing my car, but my ex always made me feel silly for liking ’80s music, so I was embarrassed…

Well, I finally decided to just do it — and he looked at me and said, ‘Oh my god, I LOVE Huey! Are you playing ‘Hip to Be Square’?!’ I knew then that we were meant to be together.”

11. No problem.

“We were visiting his parents in the Bay Area, and just as we were leaving, his mom — who was very ill — asked him to cut her toenails.

Most men wouldn’t do that in front of a new girlfriend, but he just went into her bathroom, got the clippers, and cut her nails.

I knew that if he took care of her like that, he’d take great care of me. And he did.”

12. Authentic.

“My husband won my heart when he jokingly called me an *sshole on our first date.

I had been internet dating for a while, and first dates were usually stiff and felt like job interviews. So it was refreshing for someone to be authentic.

I felt like I knew him well as soon as I met him.”

13. That’s the good stuff!

“The first day I met him I noticed that the way he talked about the things he was passionate about was so moving.

His eyes lit up, and he smiled the whole time in a way that made my heart melt.”

14. Part of the family.

“My dad died a month ago at a routine hospital visit, and we had just signed the DNR when my husband walked into the waiting room and immediately took my mom into his arms.

That’s when I realized it isn’t just me he loves and cares for.”

Alright, folks, now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us about when you knew that your partner was THE ONE.

Let’s get all lovey dovey!

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14 Wild Things Couples Really Fight About

There’s this weird phenomenon on Twitter where people share the funny little things they fight about with their significant others, and sometimes they’re so weird that you’re not sure whether to laugh or message them and ask if they’re ok.

Where’s the line for that?

Let’s see if we can find out with these tweets.

14. If you have to ask

This is what we in the business call a no win situation.

13. Once you pop…

It’s the little things you learn to cherish.

12. What a headache

I think I can see where the pain is coming from.

11. Team thingee

This is also my understanding of the hobby and I’m as disappointed as you are.

10. How boring

Now you’re ready to take on the final boss.

9. Communication is key

“But like, why can’t guys just talk about their feelings?”

8. Rice is nice

Are you opening a soup kitchen or?

7. Well that’s just grate

And once again, the cheese stands alone.

6. The sacred cloth

That is a napkin for the TABLE ONLY.

5. Give me some shade

Little did they know how much they’d miss this season the following year.

4. Nothing to sneeze at

“Oh what I don’t get to sneeze?”

3. Root for the home team!

Look man, I don’t know, I’m just going by jersey color.

2. When life gives you lemons

Hahahahaha (dude run.)

1. All you can eat

Of all the problems to have, this one doesn’t sound too bad.

Remember, if you’re actually fighting all the time about everything, that’s not quirky, that’s toxic.

What’s the silliest thing you and your S/O have fought about?

Tell us in the comments.

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10 Weird Things to Fight About with Your Significant Other

Are you thinking of getting into a long-term relationship but are worried that you might not have enough things to fight about?

Well, worry no more! You can be angry and/or fight about literally anything if you’re with someone for long enough! That’s the magic of human connection!

Not sold on it yet? Just check out a few of the bickering items available to you via these wonderful Twitter testimonials:

10. Interrupted sitcom fantasies

How am *I* doin? A lot worse now, thanks a lot JEN.

9. Unsupervised clothing preparation

He just wants you to see how much better he is at it now than he used to be. He’s come a long way.

8. Simultaneous jump scares

At last, my long and very stupid plan has come to fruition.

7. Attire retirement and comparative virtual culinary efficiency

Um. What?

6. Presumptions of retail scheduling

Ok but like, you do know though.

5. Head comfort and dental applicant cleanliness

This is some whataboutism at its finest.

4. Lack of comedic appreciation

As a guy who works in comedy, I get it, but also, don’t be this person.

3. Container percentage requirements

Some see it s half empty, others are correct.

2. Plumbing placement

We’d ALL use it.

1. Televised spoiling

My guy, that show ended more than 20 years ago.

If you’re not sold yet on the idea of really mixing it up with someone over nothing, just hop on Twitter yourself and start scrolling, there’s plenty more where that came from!

What’s the dumbest thing you and your S/O have fought over?

Tell us in the comments.

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10 Really Dumb Things Couples Fight About

I guess if you’re in a relationship for long enough, you can just get mad at each other over literally anything.

Especially if, say, you’re in a situation that requires you to stay at home together with pretty much no breaks for months and months at a time.

The couples of Twitter are certainly no stranger to feeling the pressure. That pressure that comes from that feeling that you love ’em so much but also you kinda want them to die for not much of a reason? Take these ten examples.

10. Time management

I don’t know what year any of us are living in anymore.

9. Let it go

Dude. Come on. You did that on purpose.

8. The eyes have it

Maybe ya’ll just need a little bit of breathing room.

7. The secrets we keep

Wait, aren’t you IMDb?

6. Just plane weird

As a lifelong insomniac, I’d like you to apologize to me as well.

5. In the blink of an eye

Given this tweet, I’d guess he was signaling for help in morse code.

4. Chew on that

Gee oh boy, sounds great!

3. Absolutely trashed

I think that placement is pretty much the international signal for “this is not desirable.”

2. A comforting feeling

MAN does this sound like fun!

1. Turn, turn, turn

As long as they’re not licking it, I guess.

I suppose the moral of the story is – if you don’t wanna get mad at your partner over something stupid, don’t have a partner.

What’s the dumbest thing you and an S/O have fought about?

Tell us in the comments.

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Funny Tweets About Married Life That Might Look Familiar

I have a feeling that the shutdown we’re still dealing with during the pandemic has affected married couples one of two ways.

They’re either falling in love all over again and rediscovering that spark that brought them together in the first place…OR they’re ready to pack their bags and head for the hills because they can’t stand the sight of the other person much longer.

Good times!

Let’s hope more people are experiencing the former situation instead of the latter, but you have to admit that this past year has been rough on everyone, including married folks.

But forget about all that for a few minutes and enjoy these funny tweets about livin’ that married life.

1. It’s my turn to go!

Things are getting ugly…

2. That’s a good thing!

It’s bringing you closer together.

3. You guys are wild and crazy.

Tell us your secrets about how to keep it HOT.

4. You’re right about that one.

Come up with a new name!

5. That’s gonna go over well.

Please remember to record her reaction for us.

6. Oh, NOW you’re interested?

Isn’t this always the way?

7. Tell me what’s really going on here…

This just doesn’t feel right…

8. Honey…it’s me again…

Yes, I need the correct measurements again…

9. Does this look familiar?


10. Sounds like a blast.

At least make him clean the garage.

11. Hey, it worked!

That’s the way to get things done.

12. Totally off the charts.

This guy knows what he’s doing. No doubt about it.

13. Listen to my knees, please.

We all get to this point eventually.

Okay, folks, it’s time to spill the beans…

How’s your marriage going these days?

Are you and your significant other at each others’ throats or are things pretty hunky-dory?

Talk to us in the comments!

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People Share What They Think Will Make a “Happy” Marriage

I remember when I was young, my dad said to me, “Son, before you ever get married, you make sure you do one thing to prepare.”

“What’s that, papa?” I asked, a gleam in my eye and wonder in my soul.

“Before you should propose, I think it only right you open up Twitter and scroll through for a while and figure out what a bunch of internet strangers have to say about being hitched. Write those down as a set of principles, and go from there.”

“I will, dad. I will.”

Today, I fulfill that promise.

12. The fry rule

Every day is fry day if you keep the peace enough.

11. The inverse volume law

Well but see that’s when it gets boring though.

10. The playing doctor ritual

These are things we really need to keep an eye out for.

9. The stand-up stare-down

One of us is going to blink first and it ain’t gonna be me.

8. The frosting fortune

It’s too bad, we really had a nice thing going.

7. Corporate culture

Never have I smelled something on this scale before.

6. The call and response

Some things transcend life itself.

5. The rescue reminder

Gotta keep him on a tight leash.

4. League placement anxiety

I can’t let this fall apart on me now.

3. Butter habits

There’s very little that fatty foods can’t fix.

2. The tea trade-off

Hey, we’re not here to kink-shame.

1. The pass-out principle

God I’m so envious of people who can just sleep like this.

And with those bits of knowledge, you and I are both ready. Will you marry me?

What’s your best piece of marriage/relationship advice?

Tell us in the comments.

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Hilarious Posts for People in a Love/Hate Relationship with Marriage

The Greek philosopher Socrates once said “By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.”

It seems that a lot of people on Twitter are caught somewhere between good and bad with their spouses and have thus turned into tongue-in-cheek-happy philosophers.

If you don’t understand what I mean, have a look for yourself.

13. If wishing made it so…

Ah, I see what you did there.

12. You’re toast

Why are these things still the most fickle pieces of technology?

11. Work, work, work

We’re all learning brand new things about each other.

10. Sock it to ’em

It’s called the clothes pile and it’s a sacred place.

9. Standard definition

Oh cool so we’re getting a divorce then?

8. The great outdoors

Wow, you’re practically an explorer.

7. On a roll

But did he put it overhand or underhand? Because there is a correct answer.

6. The cold shoulder

Is this dude famous on Twitter JUST for having an annoying marriage?

5. In the mood

We gotta set real expectations for those coming of age.

4. Seek and ye shall find

Solid medical burn right there. Gotta get you to the burn unit.

3. Birds of a feather

I guess we all gotta have a hobby.

2. Shower power

I mean it’s either that or talking about things that bother you.

1. Yes man

Good thing ya’ll are married then, I guess?

I wish you all happy marriages, and happy philosophizing.

What’s your best bit of marriage/relationship advice?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Hilarious Posts for People in a Love/Hate Relationship with Marriage appeared first on UberFacts.

Check Out 12 of the Little Unspoken Joys of Marriage

Marriage is one of humanity’s oldest institutions and the source of a fair bit of our controversies.

But on a smaller scale, it’s the framework in which you can just get mad at each other for opening cans wrong or whatever.

But don’t take it from me, take it from the actually married couples of Twitter.

12. Sleep tight

I don’t know if you really knee’d me all that much.

11. Shop around

Never shop on an empty stomach.

10. Whose job is it anyway?

Join us tomorrow, same time, same channel!

9. Chew on this

Once you pop, the fun don’t stop.

8. Pack it in

But do you just toss in a couple shirts and pants or do you prepare like you’re going to be staying at that hotel for the next four years?

7. Stay on target

It’s a tough job, but somebody’s gotta do it.

6. Can’t get it back in the tube

These are the kinds of peacekeeping measures our leaders should imitate.

5. Just checking in

Didn’t know if I needed to call the cops or whatever.

4. Well blended

Try to use it to make him something delicious right away, he’ll forget he was mad.

3. This is the way

Ah, alright, I’ll just stop living then.

2. Let them eat cake

Why must we play these games?

1. Spoon feeding

Ok we’ve been joking around a lot but this is serious – some kind of heavy intervention is warranted here.

To all the married folks – here’s to you. Try not to kill each other.

What’s marriage like in your experience?

Tell us in the comments.

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These People Are Living Their Best Married Lives

Audrey Hepburn once said “If I get married, I want to be very married.”

She was married and divorced twice in her life, so it seems like maybe she accomplished the goal of being very married, and good for her.

A lot of other people who fit that description seem to be mostly hanging out on Twitter, complaining/venting/joking about it to the rest of us.

Just take these very married tweets for example.

13. Special delivery

Ya gotta keep things fresh, yanno.

12. Flavor of love

Kinda sounds like you’re both childish but ok.

11. Folding in

Pay attention, because this is going to be extremely important, apparently.

10. Not ok

These are the signs that you are officially slipping into old age.

9. Play the fool

You gotta pay attention.

8. Very alarming

If this were me we’d be sleeping in separate bedrooms. Maybe separate houses.

7. Sleepy time

You set a new record!

6. I scream, you scream

How else am I to enjoy a cool Summer treat in the winter?

5. You’ve been replaced

Your one function on this earth has now been eliminated.

4. A toast to you!

Look don’t make me say it again.

3. A special meeting

Now, if you’ll all open up your binders…

2. The reason for the season

He’s gonna be real confused when those fifty boxes turned out to be one tie, somehow.

1. Must see TV

You know that you can’t look away.

Welp, it doesn’t get much more married than that.

What’s your best bit of marriage/relationship advice?

Tell us in the comments.

The post These People Are Living Their Best Married Lives appeared first on UberFacts.