Had Your Tonsils Removed? Here’s Some Bad News for You…

For decades, doctors removed the tonsils and adenoids from children who suffered from chronic strep throat infections. The reason is that the tonsils and adenoids trigger a first-line immune response for pathogens entering the respiratory tract, and can become chronically inflamed during our early years.

It probably seemed like a no-brainer to remove organs that don’t perform any essential purpose in favor of happier kids, but a recent study published in JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery suggests kids who are missing their tonsils could be at risk for more illnesses in the future.

Photo Credit: MaxHealthline

The study is one of the first of its kind, but the massive dataset of around 1.2 Danish individuals lends serious weight to the results.

“Given that tonsils and adenoids are part of the lymphatic system and play a key role both in the normal development of the immune system and in pathogen screening during childhood and early-life,3 it is not surprising that their removal may impair pathogen detection and increase risk of later respiratory and infectious diseases,” they conclude.

Researchers followed the health of participants from birth to at least age 10, keeping up with some until the age of 30, and found that those who had their tonsils removed before age 9 were 3x more likely to suffer from allergic or infectious upper respiratory tract diseases like asthma, flu, and pneumonia. An adenoidectomy during the same period was associated with a two-fold higher rate of those diseases, plus COPD and conjunctivitis.

Photo Credit: Lavur

In light of the results, the doctors involved in the study conclude that the procedures should be avoided when other treatments are available, and if options run out, the procedures should be delayed for as long as possible to allow a child’s immune system to develop further.

“The growing body of research on developmental origins of disease has convincingly demonstrated that even small perturbations to fetal and childhood growth and development can have lifelong consequences for general health.”

So, you might be screwed, but at least you can save your kids from the same fate!

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These 5 Morning Habits Can Jumpstart Your Weight Loss

A good morning sets the mood for the rest of the day, and that includes setting the tone for the way we eat. According to science, our morning rituals can even influence whether our lunch is big or small, and whether or not the body will use calories or store them “just in case.”

Bottom line? Our habits can cause weight gain – or promote weight loss.

#5. Drink a glass of water before breakfast.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Our bodies are 55%-60% water, so drinking a glass right after you wake up has some crazy benefits, like jump-starting your metabolism for the day. It also flushes out toxins and, according to this experiment, helps reduce body fat.

#4. Eat a big breakfast.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The time we eat is more important than what we eat, say scientists from Tel Aviv University, who proved that people who eat a big breakfast and a light dinner have a much easier time losing and/or maintaning their weight.

Why? Your metabolism speed varies according to the time of day – higher at the outset and slowing as you go. So, ideally, you’d have a high-calorie breakfast, a moderate lunch, and a light dinner.

#3. Don’t read the news in the morning.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Long-term stress turns stem cells into fat cells, says research out of Stanford University. Stress causes the body to produce adaptation hormones, which in turn promotes the practice of “storing calories” in case we need them later. The body only stops when the stressful situation ends, so if you’re constantly stressing yourself first thing in the morning but trying to lose weight, you might be fighting a losing battle.

#2. Walk in the sun.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Yes, even when it’s cold outside! Researchers at the University of Alberta conducted an experiment that proved lipids decrease in size when exposed to sunlight – basically, sunlight literally burns white fat tissue.

#1. Adopt a pet.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Not only will you be saving a life, but research shows that people with pets tend to be happier and better able to control their weight. They’re also known to have a positive impact on your emotional health, which means you might reach for a cuddle instead of a cookie (or ten) to improve your mood!

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5 Carbs That Can Actually Help You Lose Weight

There are a ton of fad diets out there, and a bunch of them claim to show you the path to weight loss (and sometimes nirvana, apparently) by completely giving up carbs. Which is silly to me, since carbs are actually the path to nirvana, in this girl’s opinions, but it also turn out that science has something else to say about carbs altogether.

Which is that they’re not evil, they’re part of a healthy, balanced diet, and we can’t actually survive without them.

So, if you’re wanting to lose weight and stay healthy, here are 5 carbs that can help you do it.

#5. Mushrooms

Photo Credit: Pixabay

They pack a lot of nourishment into very few calories, which makes them an ideal diet food. Use them to stock up on amino acids, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, and vitamins B, C, and D.

#4. Chickpeas

Photo Credit: Pixabay

They contain protein and great amino acids that help promote a proper metabolism. Not only that, but you guys – hummus!

Nutritionists recommend replacing products high in saturated fats with chickpeas if you’re looking to drop pounds.

#3. Wild Rice

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Wild rice is an aquatic grass, not a grain, and contains huge amounts of fiber, protein, and tryptophan. Don’t eat too much of it or you’ll be snoozing on the couch by 8pm!

#2. Corn

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The protein and vitamins it contains promote healthy skin, hair, and nail in addition to contributing to fat burning and a boost of fiber.

Protip: Mixing corn and beans, both of which contain resistant starch, a carb that dodges digestion, can make it even easier to lose weight.

#1. Pasta

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Yes, you can have pasta! Rejoice! Make sure it’s whole grain, because it contains complex carbs that give us energy and clean us of toxins in the process. Bonus points if you cook it al dente to preserve more of the good stuff.

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How Much Sleep You Need, Based on Your Age

Pretty much every single article out there that talks about getting and staying healthy – body and mind – will tell you that you need to make sure that you’re getting enough sleep. But how much sleep do you need?

It can be a complicated question that takes into consideration various factors like your age, health level, metabolism, etc. At least, it was until you discovered this handy-dandy chart.

Take a look!

Photo Credit: Brightside

Are you getting enough sleep?

Just as important is your quality of sleep, so if you feel like that’s lacking, you can click here for some tips on improving it.

Happy sleeping!

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7 Surprising Benefits of Walking

We should know by now that the simple act of walking can have many health benefits – mental and physical – but here are 7 benefits that you might not have been aware of until now.

If so, the knowledge will definitely get you up and moving!

#7. It can increase vitamin D levels

Photo Credit: Brightside

Vitamin D is connected with brittle bones, fractures, and difficulty in walking – but walking 15-30 minutes a day in the sun can help you get enough to avoid these common health issues.

#6. It can help reduce your blood pressure

Photo Credit: Brightside

40 minutes of daily walking can reduce blood pressure in individuals with hypertension – 3 to 5 points.

#5. It increases creativity

Photo Credit: Brightside

It turns out creative types who like to take walks for inspiration aren’t crazy – this study found that creativity levels rise for a short time during and immediately after a walk.

#4. It can reduce instances of breast cancer in women

Photo Credit: Brightside

7 hours of walking per week reduces the risk of breast cancer in post-menopausal women by up to 14% – if you walk more than that, your chances drop by up to 25%.

#3. It can boost your immune system

Photo Credit: Brightside

A moderately-paced 30-45 minute walk every day can help protect your body from common colds.

#2. It reduces your risk of contracting diabetes

Photo Credit: Brightside

Just 3,000-7,500 steps per day can help treat and/or prevent type 2 diabetes.

#1. It slows the aging process

Photo Credit: Brightside

Walking is one of the most effective ways to avoid losing mobility as you age – it also keeps your skin tighter and can even reverse the aging process (and help avoid dementia!).

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In 2015, Norma Bauerschmidt…

In 2015, Norma Bauerschmidt, a 90 years old woman was diagnosed with cancer. Instead of starting treatment, she, her son, daughter-in-law, and dog, went on a year long road trip around the US, travelling 13,000 miles around 32 states. 00

The woman, named Joy Milne…

The woman, named Joy Milne, can smell Parkinson’s. In one test, she was given 12 t-shirts, 6 from those who have Parkinson’s and 6 from those without. She identified 11 of them but was adamant that one control subject had Parkinson’s. 8 months later that subject was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. 00

The 5 Best Workouts, According to One Harvard Doctor

Health and fitness are a billion dollar business these days, and it seems like every time you turn around, one of your friends is trying to hock some new, amazing, pain-free diet and workout program that’s sure to change your life in the next thirty days.

Well, you can ignore them going forward, because this Harvard doctor has come out with a list of the 5 best workouts available, and guess what? Most of them are old school.

So get moving!

#5. Walking

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Surprise! You don’t have to join an expensive gym or program to get a low-intensity workout that benefits the body and the brain. Just make sure and do it for a period of at least 30 minutes on more days a week than not. Voila!

#4. Swimming

Photo Credit: Pixabay

According to Dr. Lee, swimming is the perfect workout. It’s low impact, so it won’t damage your joints, and it works almost every muscle in your body. In addition, it raises your heart rate and, if done regularly, can help you battle depression, aging, and stress.

#3. Tai Chi

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The flowing, detailed movements combine purposeful breathing and attention to balance, all of which can act as a moving meditation that benefits the mind as much as the body.

#2. Kegels

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Apparently, men and women can benefit from strengthening their pelvic floor. The exercises maintain the muscles around the uterus, bladder, small intestine, and rectum. Doing them regularly can help you reduce, um, leakages later in life.

#1. Strength Training

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Okay, so maybe your Crossfit friends have a point. Dr. Lee recommends both resistance training and high-intensity interval training for strengthening muscles and achieving cardiovascular benefits. Like with the rest of the workouts on this list, consistency is key.

h/t: Elle

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In Japan doctors would prescribe…

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A medieval English recipe…

A medieval English recipe was found to cure MRSA, an infection characterized by a resistance to antibiotics. It consists of wine, garlic, leek, and oxgall standing in a brass vessel for nine days. Each step “was crucial for its efficacy”. 00