Awesome Tattoos That People Got of Their Cats

I love when I see folks who have tattooed their pets onto their bodies. It’s a lifetime commitment, just like your relationship with your dogs and cats!

They always have a great story about their beloved dogs and cats and they’re always very willing to tell you all about the lives of their furry friends.

I mean, those pets are inked onto their bodies permanently, after all.

Here are some really awesome tattoos that we think you’ll love of peoples’ cats.

Let’s enjoy these together! Meow!

1. Come on out of your hiding place!

Now we can see you!

2. This one is awesome.

Out in the woods.

3. A fully-formed kitty.

Full moon cat! I like it!

4. This is really cool.

It’s so creative!

5. This cat got the cartoon treatment.

And it looks great!

6. Very cool!

I love the colors on this one.

7. In her favorite shark costume!

She loves it!

my girlfriend’s tattoo of her cat in a shark costume and her actual cat in a shark costume from aww

8. That’s you on her arm!

I hope you like it!

9. This is classic.

And it speaks the truth.

10. Don’t get too close…

This cat looks very wary of you.

11. An awesome one!

Making a mess!

My cat patronus tattoo done by Pike at Tattoo Charlies in Louisville KY from tattoos

12. Give me a paw bump.

Best friends forever.

13. Fly this broom to the moon!

Check out this group.

14. Two peas in a pod.

These two look like they’re good buddies.

Now we want to hear from you!

Do you have any tattoos of your pets?

If so, please share some pics of them with us in the comments.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

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10 Interesting Facts for You to Enjoy Today

We all need a break…a FACT break, that is!

And we think we have some damn good ones lined up for you to look at that will make you think about the world in a new and interesting way.

Hey, it’s what we do…and we LOVE doing it!

So dive into this set of facts and feel free to share it with your family and friends.


1. That is horrifying.

Can you imagine these creatures roaming around?

Photo Credit: did you know?

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2. A true story.

And a tragic one.

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1

3. That should get them to talk.

Let’s start from the beginning…

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2

4. That’s kind of crazy to think about.

Did you know about this?

Photo Credit: did you know?

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5. Mayday! Mayday!

Make sure you use it the correct way.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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6. Women are survivors.

And they always have been.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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7. I wish they lived to be 80…

But, such is life…

Photo Credit: did you know?

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8. I love this idea!

Let’s bring it over here!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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9. Stop and smell the roses.

It’s good for you.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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10. And they never forgot this…

They’re still kind of worshipped, aren’t they?

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2 Source 3

How about you?

Have you seen any facts or interesting stories lately that have really caught your eye?

Share them with us in the comments.

Please and thank you!

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This Mom Crocheted Skeletor and Xenomorph Costumes for Her Son

There are two kinds of moms in this world we live in – moms who make Halloween costumes from scratch every single year, and moms who run to the Halloween store the day of and pick through the leftovers for a $30 piece of plastic that will go in the trash later that night.

No judgement. I would be the second kind of mom except I have an amazing cousin who was the first kind of mom and she gives me her hand-me-downs.

Cleveland, Ohio mom Stephanie Pokorny is definitely the best kind of mom, because she gave her son not one, but two amazing, homemade crocheted costumes to choose from last year – one glow-in-the dark Xenomorph and one Skeletor.

I mean, look at this thing, y’all?

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Ready for #2?! XENOMORPH ALIEN! ? Jake's choice and he has been asking, no BEGGING, since Predator, so here it is! Absolutely so excited with the result! Suspended tail ready to strike, coils, spikes, spines, and that DROOL! Alien overload! Icing? HE GLOWS IN THE DARK! You so must head to my page for the video, I promise it's worth it! So… tell me what ya think!! ? . . About 45 hours of work, fully freehanded, NO patterns. His face sits inside the neck of the alien so he appears full body, but vision is clear! #xenomorph #alien #predator #alienvspredator #crochet #cosplay #halloween #halloweencostumes #crochetcostume #instacrochet @ripleysbelieveitornot #diycostume @comics_artuniverse #avp

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How could he not choose the Xenomorph?

It glows in the dark!

But then there’s Skeletor…

And those eyes, y’all!


(Side note: Do you think her son appreciates the work or it or is he like, rolling his eyes and wishing he could have a lame store-bought costume because kids always want whatever they don’t regularly get? I love nothing more than my mother’s homemade bread now, but as a kid, how I wanted a sandwich made on Wonder Bread, you know?)

So… I have no idea which one I would choose!

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IT'S COSTUME TIME!! ? Introducing SKELETOR!! Jack's pick this year and I am so excited my stomach hurts! He is fully freehanded, no pattern. Those eyes? They light up for an extra evil touch! Muahahaha! Want to see a video? Come to my page & see, it's so cool! What do you think? Happy 1st day of Halloween! ?? About 45 hours of freehand work for him ♡ All the facial details are top of head/forehead so chin down he is fulllll body scary; head up vision is clear! We live in Ohio so that coziness of crochet is always so welcome on brisk (sometimes snowy!) Halloweens! I adore doing this for my babies, thanks #skeletor #heman #costume #crochetcostume #instacrochet #crochetaddict #yarn #freehand #80skid #80smovies #halloween #halloween2018 #crochetverse #maker #diy #handmade #handmadeisbest #oneofakind #cosplay

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She says in her captions that she did the entire thing without a pattern, and that in total, the two costumes took her about 90 hours to complete.

We can all agree that she’s amazing, her work is priceless, and if she wants to make adult-sized ones this year, we’d all be in line, right?

Solidarity, Stephanie! And keep it up!

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Artist’s Illustrations Show That Every Type of Woman Can Be a Warrior

We all know women are warriors, both in the actual and metaphorical senses of the word. All of us, even if we don’t look like Gal Gadot or Xena or Charlize Theron most days – which is exactly what illustrator Yael Nathan wants to show with her new series.

Big, small, old, young, we can all make a difference – just like the women in these 15 photos.

15. Just wear your backpack, little dog.

She’s carrying that big sword!

14. And with a daemon no less.

I’m a big fan.

13. This is pretty much a flawless drawing.

The woman, the cat looking at the audience. *chef’s kiss*

12. The hair and the fierce expression.

Like wine and cheese, my friends.

11. If only my arms looked like that.

The juxtaposition of her holding a bunny is amazing.

10. Women supporting women.

Now and forever. Grab the sword.

9. You know this woman.

And chances are you’re already afraid of her.

8. When your dog is fancier than you.

But you can both kick a$$ if need be.

7. You definitely want this lady on your side.

She’s got quite a story to tell.

6. The expression on her face is important.

I love how there’s someone out there who loves seeing themselves in a picture.

5. The silent worries she carries.

I wish I could know her tale.

4. A woman with a crow is one to be feared.

They are wicked smart.

3. Happy AND fierce.

Just like her duck.

2. I love this older lady.

She’s definitely got the wisdom.

1. She’s polite, but she does what needs doing.

Like every woman everywhere. Except for the polite bit.

I’m feeling empowered and excited, how about you?

Which of these is most like you? Representation matters!

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This Artist Creates Adorable Felt Cats With Big Personalities

We can’t get enough cats, and this Russian artist gives us one more reason to rejoice!

Elizabeth Delektorskaya’s felt kitty creations are the stuff of “aww!” They look like they could come to life at any moment, not as real cats, necessarily, but as their big-eyed, animated counterparts (think Puss and Boots from Shrek.)

The kitties come complete with precious whiskers, little pointed ears, and sparkling eyes that reveal their mischievous and loveable personalities. Delektorskaya has added accessories, including matching scarves and collars, giving each cat a distinct character.

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КОТИК ДОМ НАШЁЛ / SOLD☀? ENG⏬ Посвящается всем, кто хотел этим летом на море ? Кот выполнен в технике сухое валяние. Высота 9 см, лапы и хвост на проволочной основе, глаза стеклянные. В комплект с котом входит: стакан с соком, шезлонг, пальма (высота пальмы 12 см, ствол на проволочной основе). * * SOLD. The cat is made using the technique of dry felting. The height of the cat is 9 cm, the legs and tail are on a wire basis, the eyes are glass. The kit includes: a cat, a glass of juice, a deck chair, a palm tree (12 cm high, a barrel on a wire base). * * #feltingtoys #cutetoys #kitty #handmade #catlove #cat #miniature #wool #wooltoy #cattoy #felting #валяние #сухоеваляние #рукоделие #игрушкручнойработы #котигрушка #feltingwool #needlework #фелтинг #woolsculpture #войлочныеинрушки #шерсть #коллекционнаяигрушка #авторскаяигрушка #животные #animal #ручнаяработа #кот

A post shared by Игрушки из шерсти. Валяние (@lizasiama) on

Some look like they are ready to play with a massive ball of yarn, while others give the distinct impression they just want to cuddle. Whatever their choice, it’s fine by us.

Delektorskaya, who hails from Severodvinsk, Russia, creates these adorable kittens from 100% natural sheep’s wool and a unique dry felting technique. Depending upon their complexity, and how much of the kitten she’s making (just the face or the whole body), she spends anywhere from 3 hours to 7 days on one piece.

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КОТИК ДОМ НАШЁЛ/SOLD Котик выполнен в технике сухое валяние. Высота 17 см, голова и верхние лапки подвижные поворачиваются, глазки стеклянные. * * * SOLD ❤ The cat is made using the technique of dry felting. Height 17 cm, head and upper legs moveable, eyes are glass. 100% handmade. * * * * #feltingtoys #cutetoys #kitty #handmade #catlove #cat #miniature #wool #wooltoy #cattoy #felting #валяние #сухоеваляние #рукоделие #игрушкручнойработы #котигрушка #feltingwool #needlework #фелтинг #woolsculpture #войлочныеинрушки #шерсть #коллекционнаяигрушка #авторскаяигрушка #животные #animal #ручнаяработа #кот

A post shared by Игрушки из шерсти. Валяние (@lizasiama) on

Delektorskaya shows off all her many cat creations on Instagram. There’s no word as to whether you can commission any, but if you have a friend that reads and writes Russian, perhaps they can help you find out.

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Брошь "Спящий котёнок" В наличии нет/ Sold * Брошечка выполнена в технике сухое валяние из натуральной овечьей шерсти. Размер 8*8 см, в самом широком месте, где ушки ширина 10 см. * * Sold. This brooch is created using the technique of dry felting from sheep’s wool. 100% handmade. Size: 8 * 8cm. In the widest part, where the ears are 10 cm wide. * * #feltedcat #felting #felt #needlefelting #wool #feltedbrooch #artwool #artdoll #handmadetoy #handmade #catfelting #catlove #broochcat #брошькот #валяние #сухоеваляние #интерьернаяигрушка #брошь #брошьваляная #ручнаяработа #рукоделие #творчество

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She wants people to know that, although her felt four-legged friends are cuddly, they are indeed fragile; they are pieces of art and should be handled with extreme care.

While of these cute kitties are your favorites? Let us know in the comments below!

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Take a Look at This Russian Artist’s Amazing Miniature Sculptures He Makes on the Tips of Pencils

What you’re about to see is so cool, I really think you’re gonna be impressed.

Salavat Fidai is an artist from Russia who creates amazing little masterpieces on pencil tips. It almost seems like it wouldn’t be possible until you see photos and videos of his incredible work.

Scroll through these pics of Fidai’s work and keep reminding yourself that these tiny creations are 100% real.

They’re amazing!

Let’s take a look.

1. One cool cat.

Look at the detail!

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The Cat

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2. Ready to listen to some tunes.

I love this one. He’s just chilling with his headphones on.

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3. A yellow rose.

Beautiful, isn’t it?

4. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.

This one is amazing.

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Do You Remember His Name? ??

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5. A balancing act.

From a pink elephant.

6. A match for comparison.

Now I’m hungry.

7. A nice sunflower.

As someone from Kansas, I love this!

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#sunflower ?

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8. The black swan.

On a pink background.

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9. This is cool.

I like the hair!

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Congrats @charlidamelio with 50M on #TikTok ?

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10. A solitary panda bear.

Sitting atop her perch.

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I am calm, relaxed and peaceful ? #Panda #wwf

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11. A Russian hockey player.

Linus Omark is his name, by the way.

12. A rabbit in a hat.

That old trick never gets old!

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Rabbit ?

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13. Mortal Kombat!

Who will be the victor? And at what price??

I’m a huge fan of his work!

It’s so unique and intricate!

Now we want to hear from you.

As a bonus, here’s a video of Fidai’s work.

Have you seen any kind of art that has really blown you away lately?

If so, please share photos and links with us in the comments.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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This Artist Makes Amazing Miniature Sculptures on the Tips of Pencils

When I first saw these sculptures, I had a hard time believing they were even REAL. That’s how impressive these works of art really are.

A Russian artist named Salavat Fidai takes sculpture to another level with his incredibly unique and intricate works that he creates on the tips of pencils.

You really do have to see his work to believe it. It’s totally amazing!

Here are some great examples of what Fidai creates. Enjoy!

1. Calm and peaceful.

A very cool cat.

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calm done and relax ?‍♂️?

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2. Don’t have a cow, man!

The iconic Bart Simpson.

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Bart #simpsons ?

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3. Only one Dalmation.

I wonder where all his friends are?

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Dalmatian ? #puppy ? Music: @andygrammer "Best of You"

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4. The Man. The Myth.

You know you love LEGO!

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The Man ?‍♂️✏ ? music: Rufus Du Sol "Treat You Better"

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5. Check out this big Oscar.

Or little Oscar, I should say.

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OSCAR 2020 – #JOKER ?#JoaquinPhoenix #Oscar2020

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6. Will you accept this rose?

I think we all know the answer to that.

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Red #Rose ?

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7. A menacing, miniature cat.

I’d like to see the real-life version of this little guy.

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Red #cat ? ?

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8. Baby Yoda for the win!

Can’t get enough!

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#BabyYoda #theMandalorian #StarWars ✏ SOLD

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9. Cool buildings from around the world.

I love these! So detailed!

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Which one is your favorite? ➡ slide

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10. The black raven.

It’s kind of intimidating, don’t you think?

11. Get your ice cream!

A summer treat we can all agree on.

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Micro Ice cream on the tip of a pencil You can see these micro ice creams on the highest viewing platform in Europe on the 89th floor in Moscow. And also you should definitely see a real ice cream factory @chistaya_liniya_icecream , where every visitor to the site #pnr360 is offered to try natural tasty ice cream and can be eaten in unlimited quantities for free! Вы можете увидеть эти микро мороженки на Самой высокой смотровой площадке Европы на 89 этаже в центре г.Москва. А также вы обязательно должны увидеть настоящую фабрику мороженого "Чистая линия" @chistaya_liniya_icecream, где каждому посетителю площадки #pnr360 предлагают попробовать натуральное мороженное и его можно есть в неограниченном количестве бесплатно!

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12. I’m a huge Halloween fan, so this one might be my favorite.

So cool and spooky!

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Happy ?Halloween ?

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Those are pretty awesome, aren’t they? As a bonus here’s a video of Fidai in action.

Have you seen any really cool art of any type online lately?

Painting? Sculpture? Anything at all?

If so, please tell us about in the comments and remember to share a link.


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This Makeup Artist Paints Herself as Pop Culture Figures and Optical Illusions

It’s pretty amazing to see how far makeup has come in the last few decades.

These people are true artists and they’re definitely upping their games in ways that folks didn’t even think was possible until recently.

Ellie Lewis is one such artist who is making waves with her incredible work.

She’s based in the United Kingdom she has the ability to use her face as a canvas for her makeup work that you have to see to believe.

Let’s take a look, shall we?

1. Princess Fiona.

Someone needs to rescue her!

2. Happy Valentine’s Day.

Any lovebirds out there?

3. This is awesome!

Check out the detail!

4. Getting a little Satanic on us…

Which is totally cool in my book!

5. Creature From the Black Lagoon.

This one is epic!

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Creature from the Black Lagoon?‍♀️ My entry for the @mehronmakeup monster contest! My idea was a modern take on the original creature from the black lagoon, revamped for a modern remake sequel – so obviously more spooky and more gory ? – – – Products: @mehronmakeup @mehronuk paradise paints 30 colour palette, Mimi Choi illusion palette, metallic powder (gold with mixing liquid),stage blood (dark), tooth fx (spinach), liquid latex, spirit gum @samplebeauty paradigm shift II palette @makeuprevolution rose gold glow highlight Scales/fins are craft foam + hot glue Gills/tentacles are silicone prosthetics by dottiedofx – #mehronmonster #sfxmakeup #creaturefromtheblacklagoon #horrormakeup #goremakeup #sfx #mehronmakeup #swampmonster #filmmakeup #monstermakeup #makeupfx #cosplay #prostheticmakeup #transformationmakeup #spooky #villaincosplay #monstermash #sfxmakeupartist #seamonster #horrorart #creatureart #classichorror

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6. The Walking Dead.

Beware of zombies out there…

7. This one is creeping me out a little bit.

Maybe it’s the horns…

8. Inspired by Tim Burton.

You can tell just by looking at it.

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ICON?? My entry for this weeks @glowupbbc @thevalgarland makeup challenge! Of course I chose @timburton as he’s such a huge inspiration to my art. – Most people will know I love turning myself into Tim Burton characters, so this time I challenged myself to create a look that would be representative of him without using any of his characters! I’m not overly excited about how it turned out, but it was a learning curve to try something so different/challenging ? – – – @mehronmakeup @mehronuk paradise paints 30c palette + clown white + Mimi Choi illusion palette @makeuprevolution golden sugar + rainbow haunted house palettes – #valsglowupchallenge #timburton #timburtonmakeup #timburtonart #glowupbbc #timburtonstyle #timburtonfilms #ghostmakeup #spookymakeup #gothic #fangs #gothicmakeup #vampirefangs

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9. It had to be done!

You knew this was coming!–HTHUDBk1/

10. Wow! Bratz! This is on-point!

Very impressive, I must say…

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BRATZ ? It’s 2020 and Jade’s aesthetic is still my goals tbh x (Proportions ended up being way off I know) – – – @mehronmakeup @mehronuk paradise paints AQ palette + Mimi Choi illusion palette @makeuprevolution Lan London + haunted house palettes @loreal infallible foundation + concealer @soapandglory supercat liner – – #bratz #bratzmakeup #makeup #bratzchallenge #cartoonmakeup #comicmakeup #toonme #toonmechallenge #illusionmakeup #mehronmakeup #mehronuk #sfxmakeup #dollmakeup #bratzdollmakeup #transformationmakeup #creativemakeup #crazymakeup #facepaint #art #feature_my_stuff #muaxdiscover #100daysofmakeup #muachallenge #isolationcreation #makeupillusion #artist #00s #00saesthetic

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11. This one might haunt your dreams.

I’m freakin’ out!

12. For all the Aquarius folks out there…

What do you think?

13. Now I’m starving.

I love these things!

14. Living out her goth dreams.

And doing it very well, I might add.

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Just living out my goth dreams ? Inspired by @ellycatt ? I hope to be back with more full looks and regular posts soon, it’s been a busy time moving into a new flat! – – – @mehronmakeup @mehronuk paradise paints AQ + dark blood @makeuprevolution eyeshadow + highlight @lorealmakeup skin @collectionlove brows + liquid glitter @scarecrowvampirefangs small fangs – #makeup #sfxmakeup #creativemakeup #horrormakeup #vampiremakeup #vampire #facepaint #artist #sfx #horrorart #makeupart #beauty #gothbeauty #horror #creativemakeup #sfxblood #fangs #vampirefangs #goth #gothgirl #egirl #sfxmakeupartist #makeuprevolution #undeadmakeup #egirlmakeup #mehronmakeup #scarymakeup #feature_my_stuff #muaxdiscover #egirlaesthetic

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Now we’d like to hear from you.

Have you seen anything really cool online lately?

Art? Photos? Memes? Anything!

If so, please share it with us in the comments.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Teenager Creates Driveway Drawings to Entertain Little Brother During the Shutdown

Have you been having a hard time keeping your kids entertained during this seemingly never-ending lockdown?

If that’s the case, you might want to look to a 14-year-old girl from Libertyville, Illinois named Macaire Everett for inspiration.

Macaire has been creating unique chalk drawings on her family’s driveway and then her brother “travels” through the art and photos are snapped of the action.

And it all looks like a really great and creative adventure!

Let’s take a look at Macaire’s art.

We think you’ll love it!

1. Be careful on that rope bridge!

Now that looks like an adventure!

2. Spending a little time in Japan.

Get to know the culture!

3. Hot air balloons for as far as the eye can see.

What a sight that would be!

4. Be careful in the ring.

Mess with the bull, you might get the horns.

5. Weeee! That looks like fun!

An amusement park sounds fun right about now.

6. Hold up that tower.

And yes, it’s Pisa, not Pizza, FYI.

7. A rope swing into the water.

Looks like a blast.

8. Sending out a message in a bottle.

I hope he’s not on that island by himself.

9. Living it up in San Francisco!

The city by the bay has a lot to offer.

10. Be careful with that thing!

And don’t get too close!

11. He time travels, too!

Here he is defending the castle.

12. Time to take a dip.

Have a great summer! Hopefully we’ll be back to normal sooner than later.

Aren’t those awesome?

Are you doing anything creative during quarantine?

If so, please tell us all about it in the comments!

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Photographer’s Dog Portraits Are Simply Great

Unleashed Fur is a pet photography company located in Idaho and they do incredible work.

Each photo is totally unique, beautiful, and really gets to the essence of each individual dog.

Which is important, because, if you’re a dog lover, you know how different each pooch really is and how every single one has a great and original personality.

Let’s take a look at the work from Unleashed Fur.

I think you’re going to be very impressed. We know we are! These are great!

1. Running through fields!

Scout looks very happy!

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I got to spend some time with Scout this morning in a field of flowers! There is a perfect path to walk between so we didn't smoosh them while doing the photo session ??? I'm doing outdoor photos if you've been thinking about getting a session booked. . . . . . #dogs #dogsofinstagram #boisepetphotographer #instagram #boise #catahoulasofinstagram #puppy #dog #petphotography #petphotographer #catahoulaleoparddog #7pets #ellendegeneres #theellenshow #adoptdontshop #furryfriend #kathrynalbertsonpark #photooftheday #boisephotographer #dogphotoshoot #pawsup #dogphotography #professionalpetphotography #iamboise #dogsarethebest #canonusa #canon #weirddog #dogphotographer #californiapoppies

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2. God Bless America.

That is one patriotic pooch.

3. I like this guy a lot.

What a cutie!

4. A wise, old dog.

Enjoying some time out in the woods.

5. A case of the Mondays.

Oh, Olive, what will you do next?

6. Maui catching treats!

Good job, boy!

7. Come on, let’s see a smile!

Maybe some other day…

8. A good looking dog.

I love the way her arms are crossed.

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Yesterday I got to meet this lovely lady, Serena, and walk through the Oregon forest. Well that's what it felt like anyway with all this rain! She was perfect at posing and is an IDAPI graduate from the Idaho Humane Society. Isn't she beautiful? It was her mom's birthday and this is what she wanted to do as her present. I feel honored to be able to facilitate this gift to her. ??? If you've been thinking about doing an outdoor session, now is a great time to schedule one! . . . . . #dogs #dogsofinstagram #boisepetphotographer #instagram #boise #labsofinstagram #puppy #dog #petphotography #petphotographer #labradorretriever #blackdog #ellendegeneres #theellenshow #adoptdontshop #furryfriend #kathrynalbertsonpark #photooftheday #boisephotographer #dogphotoshoot #pawsup #dogphotography #professionalpetphotography #iamboise #dogsarethebest #canonusa #canon #weirddog #dogphotographer #7pets

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9. This one is really great.

That’s a dog, not a cow!

10. Bella is a beauty.

Read the caption. Pretty sad.

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I was contacted a few days ago by Bella's owner after she received a devastating diagnosis of her beloved dog, who just last week was acting fine. I think many of us know all too well the feeling of one day having a dog who is playful and energetic to one that has limited time. It's a crushing, helpless, punch in the gut. I know there's so much going on in our world right now but please keep Bella and her owner in your thoughts. She was a little tired during her photo shoot but I think we got some really sweet photos for her pretty little face. . . . . . #dogs #dogsofinstagram #boisepetphotographer #instagram #boise #westie #puppy #dog #petphotography #petphotographer #westiesofinstagram #cutedog #ellendegeneres #theellenshow #adoptdontshop #furryfriend #kathrynalbertsonpark #photooftheday #boisephotographer #dogphotoshoot #pawsup #dogphotography #professionalpetphotography #iamboise #dogsarethebest #canonusa #canon #weirddog #dogphotographer #waterfall

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11. The great outdoors.

Moose is a big, goofy guy.

12. Chief looks very wise.

We could all learn from him.

13. Enjoying the sunshine.

That’s a HUGE smile

Those photos are really great, aren’t they?

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, please share some photos of your pooches and tell us a little bit about them.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The post Photographer’s Dog Portraits Are Simply Great appeared first on UberFacts.