Check out These “Watercolorized” Paintings Based on Internet-Famous Cat Photos

If you’ve scrolled through social media sites over the past few years, chances are that you’ve seen quite a few cat photos that have gone viral.

An artist based in Indonesia named Amelia Rizky has taken on the task of recreating these hilarious, now-famous cat photos by creating watercolor paintings of these funny moments.

Are you ready to have your socks knocked off by Rizky’s work? Let’s get started!

Be sure to click to the right in the Instagram posts so you can see the original photos!

1. All the colors.

Mama ran out of ink.

2. A very chonky kitty.

And an adorable one!

3. If a cat can wear a mask, then you can, too!

Just do it!

4. You got your head up your ass!

How many times have you heard that in your life?

5. All squished in.

And nowhere to go!

6. Time to read the news.

Anything I need to know about?

7. Wash those hands!

That is one very smart cat.

8. Hangin’ on for dear life.

You doing okay there?

9. Come on in, the water’s fine.

But she wants to test it out first.

10. Testing, testing, one, two, three.

Is this thing on?

11. You little thief!

Can’t leave him alone for one second.

12. Can you give me a hand?

I’m stuck and I don’t know what to do!

Those are really great!

Do you have any photos of your cats that you’d like to have watercolorized?

If so, please share them with us in the comments and tell us a little bit about your furry friends.

The post Check out These “Watercolorized” Paintings Based on Internet-Famous Cat Photos appeared first on UberFacts.

Check out These “Watercolorized” Paintings Based on Internet-Famous Cat Photos

If you’ve scrolled through social media sites over the past few years, chances are that you’ve seen quite a few cat photos that have gone viral.

An artist based in Indonesia named Amelia Rizky has taken on the task of recreating these hilarious, now-famous cat photos by creating watercolor paintings of these funny moments.

Are you ready to have your socks knocked off by Rizky’s work? Let’s get started!

Be sure to click to the right in the Instagram posts so you can see the original photos!

1. All the colors.

Mama ran out of ink.

2. A very chonky kitty.

And an adorable one!

3. If a cat can wear a mask, then you can, too!

Just do it!

4. You got your head up your ass!

How many times have you heard that in your life?

5. All squished in.

And nowhere to go!

6. Time to read the news.

Anything I need to know about?

7. Wash those hands!

That is one very smart cat.

8. Hangin’ on for dear life.

You doing okay there?

9. Come on in, the water’s fine.

But she wants to test it out first.

10. Testing, testing, one, two, three.

Is this thing on?

11. You little thief!

Can’t leave him alone for one second.

12. Can you give me a hand?

I’m stuck and I don’t know what to do!

Those are really great!

Do you have any photos of your cats that you’d like to have watercolorized?

If so, please share them with us in the comments and tell us a little bit about your furry friends.

The post Check out These “Watercolorized” Paintings Based on Internet-Famous Cat Photos appeared first on UberFacts.

8 Philosophical Thought Experiments That Are Easy to Understand

Many of us love philosophy and can sit around the table for hours discussing the events of the world and thought experiments.

The idea of combining philosophy with illustration is appealing, and many of you will probably enjoy this project that philosopher and artist Helen De Cruz put together of 8 illustrated philosophical thought experiments.

As Helen explains, many philosophers use thought experiments to contextualize and reveal the intuitions behind their ideas. Thought experiments are basically like short stories that help give meaning to ideas that can be difficult to grasp.

See if you can figure out how each of these thought experiences work!

1. The missing shade of blue

In this thought experiment, the man pictured has seen every color except for one specific shade of blue. However, if he’s seen other gradations of blue, he could arrange them in his mind and understand that one is missing.

The question: will the man be able to fill in the missing color using only the power of his imagination?

The story behind it:

Philosopher David Hume came up with this thought experiment while developing his idea that people learn about the world by experiencing it. This experiment is meant to be a counterexample of his argument.

If we really all learn about the world through our experiences, then the man would not be able to fill in the missing shade.

However: most of us can fill in the shade! But it might not be as easy as you suspect.

2. The experience machine

Here’s another one for you!

What if you had a device that could make any experience you want to happen? That’s what the experience machine is.

The experience machine can convince you that whatever you want is really happening. If you want to believe you are racing a horse, you will be. Amazing!

But the reality is that you are floating in a tank with electrodes attached to your brain.

The question is: would you plug into the experience machine for the rest of your life? You would be happy, but you would also be “living” a life that doesn’t really exist.

The story behind it:

Philosophers have asked themselves a key question for thousands of years. What is happiness? Is happiness more than just experiencing pleasure?

The belief that pleasure alone is all you need to be happy is known as hedonism, and the experience machine offers a direct challenge to hedonism.

If pleasure was the direct line to being happy forever, just about everyone would plug themselves in. But it’s not, and we know it.

The philosopher Robert Nozick believed this is because humans know that we want more than just pleasure in our journeys. We have dreams and goals that go far beyond anything being plugged into a machine can offer us.

3. The child at the well

The philosopher Mèng kē, or Mengzi, was a Confucianist who is widely celebrated as the “Second Sage” (second only to Kongzi, also known as Confucius).

Mengzi believed that compassion is a fundamental trait in humans, and he used this thought experiment about a child who is about to fall into a well to prove his belief.

Nearly all of us who see this image will immediately feel worried about the child, right? That’s a dangerous situation!

We wouldn’t feel alarmed and worried because we want someone to tell us we’re a good person for being worried about the child — we would feel worried because the child could get hurt, and others might think less of us if we didn’t try to prevent that from happening.

The story behind it:

Mengzi believed that all humans have four roots (or “sprouts”) that guide our morality.

The roots are ren (compassion), yi (rightness), li (ritual propriety), and zhi (wisdom).

While we each have these roots or sprouts inside of us, like any good gardener, we have to nurture them.

4. Sleeping Beauty

Many of us know the fable about Sleeping Beauty, right? In this thought experiment, the story has been modernized. Sleeping Beauty is participating in a research experiment, and she’s been put to sleep by the researchers.

Here’s how the experiment works: when Sleeping Beauty wakes up, she will be put back to sleep with a medication that will make her forget that she woke up in the first place. The researchers will toss a coin.

If it lands on tails, Sleeping Beauty will be awoken on Monday and Tuesday for a short while.

If the coin lands on tails, she will only be awoken on Monday.

And here’s the crux of the experiment: when Sleeping Beauty wakes on Monday without any idea what day it is, what proof does she have that the coin landed on heads?

The story behind it: 

Many of us believe that the odds of the coin landing on heads is 1/2, which makes sense — there are only 2 sides to a coin.

However, philosopher Adam Elga, who specializes in game theory, would argue that Sleeping Beauty should believe there is a 1/3 chance that the coin landed on heads.

Why? Because she doesn’t know whether it’s Monday or Tuesday, so she likely believes it’s either.

When Sleeping Beauty wakes up, P(Tails and Tuesday) = P(Tails and Monday) = P(Heads and Monday), so the probability of each occurrence is 1/3.

5. Otto and Inga visit a museum

This is a pretty fun one! Otto and Inga want to go visit the Museum of Modern Art.

There’s a catch, though: Otto has Alzheimer’s, and he has a notebook he carries with him that will help him remember how to get to the museum. The notebook tells him that the museum can be found on 53rd Street.

Inga, however, can use her biological memory to recall the same information.

Many of us would understand that Inga has an intuitive, understood belief about where the museum is because she can recall it from her memory. Would we assume Otto has the same belief even though he uses his notebook?

The story behind it:

There is one big question being asked here. Do thoughts only happen in our brains, or do they also happen in the world?

In this experiment, both Otto and Inga have a tool that they use to retrieve information. Their tools work in the same way, but are they the same tool?

It can be reasonably argued that Inga’s belief about the location of the museum is no more or less useful than Otto’s belief, though one is based on memory and one is based on information in a notebook.

Both memory and the notebook are not fail-proof; Inga’s memory can be impacted by something like having a drink at lunch, and someone could steal  Otto’s notebook (or he could lose it).

6. The invisible gardener

Photo by Emiel Molenaar on Unsplash

Two partners or roommates have returned home and their garden is overgrown and neglected.

However, they notice that there are still flowers blooming, and one comments that someone must have been sneaking in and taking care of the garden. The other doesn’t agree.

They decide to ask their neighbors if anyone has been in the garden, but everyone says no.

So then they commit to learning about what happens to a garden when no one takes care of it.

The skeptical partner believes that their research proves there is no gardener, but the other partner believes the gardener is invisible but that there is evidence of this person’s presence that can’t be seen or heard.

How will they ever solve their disagreement?

The story behind it:

If you haven’t caught on yet, this experiment is definitely an analogy about whether or not God exists.

The skeptical friend is not a believer, and he doesn’t see a larger sense of design in the world around him.

The experiment forces us to ask ourselves: to what degree will we bend reality so that it can support (or refute) a belief in God?

There’s also a second question to ask: is the debate really about God, or is it about having two different ways to look at the world? I might see a garden, but you might see a wilderness.

7. The Russian nobleman

A young Russian nobleman is planning to split his estate among peasants instead of his family members, but he knows he is young and idealistic and he’s not sure if he will have the same ideals in his old age.

He decides to put his idealistic plan into a legal document and to place his wife in charge of revoking the plan.

He then asks his wife to promise that she will not revoke his plan even if she does change his mind.

He also tells his wife that the ideals are so important to him that “If I lose these ideals, I want you to think that I cease to exist.”

Fast-forward a few dozen years, and now the man is middle-aged and wants to revoke the documents. What choice does she have?

The story behind it:

This experiment calls into question the idea of personal identity. Is the middle-aged Russian nobleman the same man he once was?

Should his wife have to decide what to do, or should she be relinquished from the agreement? After all, if she has changed, hasn’t she?

8. The floating man

Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

Ibn Sina, or Avicenna as he is often referred to in the West, was one of the most important thinkers of the Islamic Golden Age.

He frequently debated the nature of existence. In this experiment, we imagine a man who is brought into the world as an adult.

The man just appears and has no memories of having lived any other part of his life.

The man is floating in the air with his eyes closed, he can’t hear a thing, and his limbs are spread out wide so that he cannot feel his own body.

With all this in mind, we now ask ourselves: is the man aware that he exists?

The story behind it:

Ibn Sina is asking whether our selves are the same as our bodies. The great philosopher did not believe that our bodies are the summation of ourselves.

If this were the case, the man would have some awareness of his body’s experience, and he would have memories as well.

Ibn Sina’s conclusion? Our awareness comes from our souls, not our physical experiences.

Those were pretty amazing, right? Don’t forget to share with your friends, and let us know which of the experiments is your favorite in the comments!

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LEGO Makes Pop Culture Art Kits for Adults Now. Yay!

Just about everyone loves LEGO…I mean, except for the parent who accidentally steps on one (or several) when they least expect it.

Many a child has spent their time happily building with the toy blocks, and the company knows it. Now, they’ve decided to release a brand new product that’s for adults LEGO Art.

The LEGO Art sets feature famous faces you probably already love, like Marilyn Monroe, The Beatles, Iron Man, and Star Wars characters.

LEGO explained more about the sets in their press release:

The LEGO Art sets offer adults a new creative experience to help them relax and recharge as they transform a blank canvas (or in this case, small interlinking base plates) using LEGO tiles.

The art kits are designed to be easy to rearrange so that it’s easy to display a brand-new version of your kit in your home. After all, you’re definitely going to want to show off your hard work!

LEGO also says that each kit is super easy to hang up:

All four new sets come with a signature tile unique to the set that is worthy of any true work of art, and a new hanging element to make them easy to hang up and switch around.

The art sets are also a great way to relax and unwind during this extended time of turbulence around the world.

Each set is priced at $119.00, and the art is truly stunning.

Photo by Fleur on Unsplash

The customization options mean that you can decide how you want your LEGO art to look. For example, you have the option to recreate Andy Warhol’s famous painting of Marilyn Monroe exactly, or you can mix up the colors and put your own spin on it.

Beatles fans will love being able to recreate the Fab Four’s liner note portraits from the White Album — and you might even want to buy four separate kits so you can display all four Beatles on your wall when you’re finished!

Don’t forget to let us know which set you plan to buy in the comments!

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Statues Nobody Will Ever Tear Down Because They’re Awesome

We’re going through a time of reflection brought on by the protests of Black citizens of the racism they face by law enforcement and in all areas of their everyday lives.

As we strive to have meaningful conversations about race, one of the casualties of the Black Lives Matter movement has been the statues of Confederate generals and early explorers like Christopher Columbus. There are further calls to keep toppling statues until every reminder of racism is removed from sight.

So is any statue safe? Sure!

On Twitter, author and historian James Barr asked a provoking question about the value of statues occupying public parks and streets. He got plenty of answers.

Here are 12 statues everyone seems to like.

1. Tokyo

A life-size Gundam!

2. Dublin

The Famine statues were presented to the City of Dublin in 1997.

3.  Sheffield, United Kingdom

Bronze sculpture by Martin Jennings that remembers the women of Sheffield who worked the steel factories during WWI and WWII.

4. Norway

By Gustav Vigeland. The babies are evil spirits.

5. Vancouver

Terry Fox was a Canadian athelete and amputee who ran across Canada to raise money for cancer research.

6. Vaxjo, Sweden

Whacking Neo-Nazis!

7. New York

By artist Paige Bradley to show a figure disconnecting herself from attachments.

8. London

Mary Seacole was a Black woman who traveled the world and helped people in need. She was best known for her work as a nurse during the Crimean War.

9. University of Maryland

Jim Henson and Kermit The Frog sit on a bench in front of the Adele H. Stamp Student Union Building deep in conversation.

10. Sao Paulo

Commerating Brazil’s essential workers.

11. Denver International Airport

Blue Mustang. Also called Blucifer. Actually killed his creator, Luis Jiménez.

12. Seaham, Co. Durham

Great War soldier by artist Ray Lonsdale.

Just as there are statues that commemorate people who are no longer considered heroes in the current context, there are many more honoring the lesser known men and women who changed the world in valuable ways. Other statues are artistic works and we need art to make us look at life in different ways.

Our history may be considered a source of misery, but we also need to remember the ones that made it as beautiful as they could–and still do. May we learn from them.

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Woman Recreates Cliché Travel Instagram Photos in Her Apartment During the Shutdown

2020 has really sucked so far.

And if you’re a person who regularly travels for business or pleasure, you know that’s it’s been a big adjustment being stuck at home and pretty much not being able to go ANYWHERE.

Travel blogger Sharon Waugh is based in South Africa but she, like all of us, is also stuck at home. So what’s a travel enthusiast to do…?

Waugh decided to spend her time recreating cliché travel photos that you routinely see people post on Instagram in her apartment and they are funny and totally spot-on.

Take a look at her photos. We think they’re great!

1. High on the mountaintop…

But now in your kitchen.

2. The Sydney Opera House.

Nice placement with the dishes, at least…

3. Jump for joy!

But do it inside for now.

4. Oh, to be at the beach…

Don’t try to surf with that ironing board.

5. Come right this way.

Doesn’t quite have the same look to it, does it?

6. Getting out in nature.

The great indoors.

7. Yayyyy! Oh, wait…

Hmmmm, well, this will have to do for now.

8. The Taj Mahal.

I love this one!

9. All the love in the world.

We’ll get back to it soon!

10. Definitely an “influencer” photo.

Get out of the road!

11. Close enough…

Gotta do the best with what you have.

12. Nailed that pose!

The lighting works, too!

Those are great!

Let’s hope that we can all travel to REAL places sooner than later.

Where is the FIRST place you want to go when it’s safe to travel again?

Talk to us in the comments!

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Use the Face Swap App on Your Tattoo and the Results Are Quite Disturbing

I’m warning you that you might want to avert your eyes or close them very soon.

Because what you’re about to see is quite disturbing.

You’ve probably seen people posting photos using the Face Swap app of them switching heads with their kids or their friends, but now people are doing it with their tattoos.

An Instagram page called Tattoo Face Swaps collects these kinds of creepy photos on their page and we have to say that they are unsettling…but we’ll let you be the judge.

Let’s take a look…


Take it away, please!

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@tattoofaceswaps #tattoofaceswaps

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2. Time to bleach my eyeballs.

Why did this have to happen?

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✌✌ @gabriellatattoo @tattoofaceswaps #tattoofaceswaps

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3. Ugh! No way! Uh uh!

Get that business out of here!

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@chrissyc603 #tattoofaceswaps

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4. Straight out of a horror movie.

And we’ll never be the same…

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@latchidraws #tattoofaceswaps

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5. Mildly disturbing.

Not as bad as some of the others, but still…

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@hilarynancarrow #tattoofaceswaps

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6. This is very confusing.

And I don’t like it!

7. A lot to take in here…

Thoughts on this one?

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@sophiecahilltattoo #tattoofaceswaps

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8. Yikes. Very creepy.

Now I’m getting scared…

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@feralwitchery #tattoofaceswaps

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9. Looks like a corpse.

I have to look away immediately.

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@eve.a.preston #tattoofaceswaps

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10. No thank you!

Haunting your dreams.

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@tique #tattoofaceswaps

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11. The Joker.

Don’t stare at it for too long.

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@paulboxalltattoo #tattoofaceswaps

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12. Let’s end on this gem.

Jesus, that is frightening.

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@bamboo_b0nes #tattoofaceswaps

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Yikes! Nightmare fuel for sure.

How about you?

Have you played around with the Face Swap app at all? With your kids? Friends?

Have you taken some funny or creepy pics with it?

Please share your photos with us in the comments.

Thanks in advance!

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These Photos Look Like Accidental Renaissance Art

This is very interesting

Sometimes, great art is accidental, what else can you say? You point and shoot your camera and you get something you totally weren’t expecting.

And that’s definitely the case with these wonderful photographs.

They may have all been taken recently but what they capture looks like accidental Renaissance paintings.

They’re really very remarkable.

If you want to explore more photos like this, head on over to the Accidental Renaissance page on Reddit.

Let’s dive into these pics!

1. At least six feet away.

A sign of the times.

The Modern Plague from AccidentalRenaissance

2. Wow. Very sad and timely.

Definitely looks like a painting, don’t you think?

Volunteers from Red Cross in Bergamo, Italy, checking up on a 88yo women suspected to have covid-19. Photo: Fabio Bucciarelli from AccidentalRenaissance

3. A beautiful photograph.

This young person is full of fire.

A young man, illuminated by mobile phones, recites a poem while protestors chant slogans calling for civilian rule, during a blackout in Khartoum, Sudan from AccidentalRenaissance

4. We need some peace.

Can’t we all have an olive branch right now?

Italian nurse holding olive branch from AccidentalRenaissance

5. Her two beautiful children.

Well, close enough…

Venus and her fallen children / 1495 Italy from AccidentalRenaissance

6. This is a great shot.

The whole world needs to be disinfected right now.

The disinfector arrives from AccidentalRenaissance

7. Time for a snooze.

We all need some downtime.

da Vinci’s "Downtime of the Essential Overworker" from AccidentalRenaissance

8. A break amidst the chaos.

I love the colors in this one.

A Woman Reading from AccidentalRenaissance

9. This kid is over it.

Oh, the humanity!

Took a picture of my son bored out of his wits by the lock down. Turned out to be my first picture worthy of this sub! from AccidentalRenaissance

10. The mighty horse.

In all its glory!

Horse Worship from AccidentalRenaissance

11. This is amazing.

Jesus is on the move.

the decent of Christ from the cross in the Italian city of Taranto from AccidentalRenaissance

12. I’ll be what I am. A solitary man.

I love the light coming through the window.

Study of a man in isolation from AccidentalRenaissance

13. The Pope taking public transportation a dozen years ago.

A man on the move.

Pope Francis circa 2008 from AccidentalRenaissance

Those are pretty great.

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, please share your own photos that you think look like accidental Renaissance art.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

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Modern Photos That Are So Good They Look Like Renaissance Paintings

Have you ever snapped a picture on your camera or your phone that you thought was so impressive, it almost looked like a painting?

That’s exactly the case with these beautiful photographs that were all taken in recent years but somehow ended up looking like Renaissance art.

They’re really awesome and I think you’re going to be blown away!

Photos like this are collected on a Reddit page called Accidental Renaissance.

They are quite impressive! Let’s take a look.

1. A classic portrait.

One question: what’s on his head?

My grandfather looking like a classic portrait from AccidentalRenaissance

2. That’s a great photo.

It looks like time stood still there.

Sunset by the Canal.. from AccidentalRenaissance

3. It’s all about the light.

Definitely a Renassaince photo.

A photo of my friend – the light just hit right… @matthew.robin from AccidentalRenaissance

4. The hand is all you need to see.

Doesn’t that look familiar?

Found in a hostel in Florence from AccidentalRenaissance

5. A tragedy unfolding before our eyes.

I hope he got that sandwich back…

The attempted salvage of the post Oktoberfest Döner from AccidentalRenaissance

6. Take good care of him.

Taking the late subway home.

The Death of Adrian from AccidentalRenaissance

7. What a beautiful pic.

The colors are wonderful.

Took this photo last year in Khan El-Khalili in Old Cairo, Egypt. Sorry not right dimensions but I hope that it fits here. from AccidentalRenaissance

8. Wow. That is amazing.

And it looks very dangerous.

Found in r/HeavySeas from AccidentalRenaissance

9. The end of a long day.

The bride deserves a drink, okay?

The bride after dark from AccidentalRenaissance

10. Weddings always take a toll on people.

Have another drink. You’ll need it.

The Aftermath of the Wedding from AccidentalRenaissance

11. Everyone still needs to eat.

A lonely food cart…

Hunger doesn’t stop for a pandemic. from AccidentalRenaissance

12. This photo is kind of terrifying.

But very beautiful.

Easter in Spain from AccidentalRenaissance

13. That doesn’t even look real.

A painting come to life.

Uncertain, Texas from AccidentalRenaissance

14. A perfect example of what we’re talking about.

Just take it all in.

The night before the wedding from AccidentalRenaissance

Aren’t those awesome?

Have you ever taken any photos that you think look like accidental Renaissance art?

If so, please share your photos with us in the comments.

Please and thank you!

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Street Artist’s 3D Chalk Illustrations Are Really Great

I’ve seen a lot of chalk art on the street and on sidewalks lately when I’ve been taking walks, but I’ve never in my life seen anything quite like the chalk art of a man named David Zinn.

He creates really cool, 3-D chalk art of little creatures and animals and he uses the street as his canvas.

He describes his work this way: “Street artist specializing in small-scale, improvised and (mostly) light-hearted chalk art.”

Let’s take a look at his art.

Be sure to check out Zinn’s book on Amazon, as well!

1. The Sandbag Bandit.

Even though he’s a bandit, you have to admit that he’s pretty cute.

2. Happy birthday to you!

The owl even has a cake for you.

3. He loves me…

He loves me not…

4. Look what I found.

You never know what you’ll discover.

5. This must be the place!

Use your time wisely!

6. Looks like a good spot.

To kick back and relax.

7. Lost in a foreign land.

And trying to navigate your way through it.

8. I love this one.

One cookie per day.

9. Two good friends.

Just taking it all in.

10. Love is love.

And you can see it on display in this drawing.

11. The tools of the trade.

When pigs fly…

12. You have a new buddy.

Enjoy it!

Zinn’s work is really great, don’t you think?

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, please tell us some other cool artists we should be following on social media.

Thanks in advance. We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post Street Artist’s 3D Chalk Illustrations Are Really Great appeared first on UberFacts.