What are the Healthiest Fruits?

Are there really any unhealthy fruits?  After all, the food pyramid suggests two to four servings of fruit per day as part of a healthy diet.  All fruits provide nutrients our bodies need, but what are the healthiest fruits, the ‘superfruits’?  Read on to find out. What is a Superfruit? The term superfruit is more for marketing purposes than identifying a fruit as exceptional.  However, these fruits when eaten whole, are the best mix of nutrients and phytochemicals.  They’ve been through the clinical research process and have been identified for their potential to improve your health and lower the risk

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Is It Safe to Eat Expired Eggs?

Nobody wants to eat an egg that has gone bad.  If you’ve ever experienced symptoms of a Salmonella infection (diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, chills, fever, and headache) it’s understandable you would be hesitant to eat an expired egg. The good news is an expired egg doesn’t necessary mean a bad egg.  Eggs are often still good to eat for a few weeks after the sell by date.  Many people assume the ‘sell by’ date is an expiration date, but that’s not the case.  The sell by date just means that’s the last date the eggs should be sold, and

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Why Do We Cough?

We cough to clear irritants and mucus from our throat.  The irritant will stimulate nerves that send a message to your brain, triggering a cough.  Coughs force air from our lungs at over 50 mph and can travel up to seven feet.  A vigorous cough’s velocity can approach 500 mph and in some cases, such as prolonged vigorous coughing, can even break a rib! Some coughing is beneficial.  When we’re congested, we need to cough in order to clear mucus from our airway.  The mucus we expel during a cough is actually not the reason for our illness, but rather

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8 Facts About Brown Eyes

Your iris, the colored part of your eye that surrounds your pupil, is as unique to you as your fingerprint due to its many textures and patterns.  A pigment called melanin is what’s responsible for the color of your eyes.  There are up to 16 different genes involved in determining the amount of melanin in your eyes, so you can imagine the amount of variations in eye color that exist. People with brown eyes have the largest amount of melanin, and those with dark brown eyes have the most.  Those deep brown eyes have a lot of benefits.  Read on

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5 Horrifying Facts About Processed Meat

What do bacon, sausage, hot dogs, salami, beef jerky, and ham have in common?  They are examples of processed meat.  Processed meat is meat products made from muscle meat, animal fats and additives.  The addition of additives changes the color and texture making the product palatable and visually appealing. Sometimes animal skin, internal organs, and blood are used in the processing. Smoking, curing, fermenting and adding salt or preservatives are the main methods used in meat processing. You may ask, why are these processes bad?  Cancer-causing chemicals like N-nitroso compounds and benzopyrene residue can form during processing.  It’s estimated there

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7 Health Benefits of Giving Up Alcohol

C2H6O, the chemical formula for ethanol, is the primary ingredient in alcohol.  It can affect nearly every type of cell in your body, including your central nervous system.  What happens when we give up alcohol?  Read on to discover the health benefits of abstaining from alcohol use. 1. Improves Quality of Sleep During optimal sleep delta waves are dominant in the brain.  Delta waves are linked to the restorative phase of sleep where tissue growth and repair begins, your energy is restored, and hormones such as HGH (Human Growth Hormone) are released. HGH is essential for growth and development, including

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5 Benefits of Drinking Water

Water is essential for life.  Without it, you’d most probably die within three to five days.  It’s part of almost every process in your body from digestion to excretion. Your body is made up of about 70% water.  Each day it loses up to one quart of water from the kidneys and skin, about one cup from the lungs, and one-half cup from elimination, a total of about six to ten cups.  You lose water with every breath you take, even while asleep. If you don’t replace the amount of water lost each day, you become dehydrated.  Dehydration leads to

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What Vitamins Are Good For Energy?

In 1912, scientist Cashmir Funk coined the term vitamine when he designated a group of compounds vital to life.  ‘Vita’ means life and ‘amine’ means contains nitrogen.  It was originally thought all vitamins contained a nitrogen component known as ‘amine’, but when determined not to be the case, they dropped the finale ‘e’ to form the word we’re familiar with today. Vitamins are either water-soluble (B-Vitamins and Vitamin C), or fat-soluble (Vitamins A, D, E, and K).  Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed by fat globules that travel through the small intestines and into blood circulating throughout the body.  They’re stored by

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6 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

The Babylonians (c. 5000 BC) discovered Apple Cider Vinegar when a courtier found wine had formed from grape juice that was forgotten, leading to the evolution of vinegar.  But it was Hippocrates, that first put it to use medicinally to treat wounds of soldiers.  From there it evolved and is now used for cooking, cleaning, health, and beauty. With over 100 documented uses for Apple Cider Vinegar, it’s understandable you can be confused by how many are proven versus anecdotal.  Below I focus on six of its uses supported by science, including details on how they work in your body.

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6 Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

The coconut is loosely defined as a fruit, a nut, and a seed. It’s actually a drupe – a fruit with a fleshy outer part, thin skin and a seed in the middle. Whatever its classification, one thing is certain, the coconut is very versatile. Its many uses are documented throughout history, from medicinal, to nutritional, and cosmetic. Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA’s), specifically lauric acid, caprylic acid, and capric acid. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-viral properties, making coconut oil an excellent addition to your diet. Read on to see six of the powerful benefits

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