A Teenager Made a Tiktok Video of Her Cat and It Went Mega-Viral

Once in a while, videos that go viral in huge ways just can’t be explained. Chalk it up to the right place, the right time, the perfect content. Even if it seems incredibly silly, sometimes it just works.

And that perfectly sums up the funny video that 17-year-old Jade Taylor-Ryan created of her cat, Ed (named after Ed Sheeran).

Taylor-Ryan set her 12-second video to the 1954 song “Mr. Sandman” by The Chordettes and it features Ed the cat clapping his paws, looking into the camera, and doing a little dance to the tune. She said she was inspired after seeing another person use the nine-camera filter on TikTok.

Taylor-Ryan said…

“I put my phone on the floor and set a timer on it so I didn’t have to use my hands to film. I then timed when my cat would pop up in the frame based on the beat of the music.”

As of this writing, the video has 1.8 million likes on TikTok, and the hype bled over onto Twitter as well.


After the success of Taylor-Ryan’s video, other folks were inspired to make their own similar clips with their own feline friends.

Almost there…

Not quite…

The lesson here: if you get a little bit of inspiration, even if it seems pretty silly, just GO WITH IT. You never know when you (and your pet) might become a viral sensation.

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