A Server Made a $5,570 Mistake with a Bottle of Wine and Their Manager Told Twitter

How many of us have made a £4,500 mistake in our lives? Not too many, I’m willing to bet.

Somebody at Hawksmoor Manchester did recently and what the restaurant publicly tweeted about the situation might just shock you.

Wow. I mean, that was REALLY nice of them.

So the bottles must have looked a lot alike, yeah?

Oh… hmm….

But this did inspire people to share their own stories about people royally fucking up on the job…

And it gets worse…

But most people (and potential customers) were legitimately impressed by the restaurant’s progressive take on the situation…

Others roasted the restaurant for caring such expensive wine. Because what about the homeless people, huh?

Well, they had the perfect comeback for that too..

Game. Set. Match.

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