5 Things Men Secretly Pay Attention to in Women

There’s a stereotype (that’s often true) that men are only half-paying attention to anything their better halves are saying, wearing, doing, etc on any given day. In my personal experience, that is absolutely true (and goes double for my young son), but according to this research, there are some things that men absolutely notice.

Go forth and experiment on your own, friends!

#5. Text Signals

Photo Credit: Brightside

Think women are the only ones who obsess over every word in a text message? Think again.

Linguists say that frequent phrases like “I think, I feel” mean that a person is likely to be more selfish. It’s easier to pick up on these kinds of tendencies while texting, which is why people who are tuned in to analyzing and making judgement based on what we send.

#4. Facial Expression

Photo Credit: Brightside

Despite what you may believe, men can absolutely gauge emotions by reading expressions. Don’t let them off the hook!

#3. Drink Preference

Photo Credit: Brightside

It turns out you can tell a lot about someone from how and what they drink. Men pay attention so that they’ll know what to order, but also to gauge a loved one’s mood. They also notice whether a woman is a social or habitual drinker when searching for a long-term partner.

#2. Outfit Color

Photo Credit: Brightside

They may not know who the designer is or remember whether the tie went on the front or the back, but color? Men notice. This is because it sends subtle signals about the mood and appetite for the evening.

#1. How Much Meat We Eat

Photo Credit: Brightside

Women who eat salads appear shy and often less attractive than a woman who orders a steak – she’s confident and relaxed!

h/t: Brightside

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