15 Times Florida News Headlines Baffled Us All

Oh, boy, here we go…

Webster’s Dictionary defines Florida as “Some sort of hot swamp full of tigers, maybe.”

The definition can’t go into much more detail than that because to date, nobody who has entered Florida has ever escaped to tell the tale.

Looking at these headlines, though, we might just get a bit of a glimpse inside…

15. Get a leg up

And it would’ve gotten away from him too, if it weren’t for those meddling kids.

Source: MSN

14. The fruitcake

Why are you laughing? WHAT DO YOU KNOW THAT WE DON’T?

Source: Click Orlando

13. The most important meal

She crawled so that future Karens could run.

Source: Action News Jax

12. Hole in one

Whatever it takes to keep that score low.

Source: UPI

11. Going up?

“Can you please open up, I’m very late.” – alligator, probably

Source: MSN

10. Beneath the mask

Yeah, you should join, we have these ceremonies where we just sorta keep our distance and we worship the concept of not dying a preventable death.

Source: Fox 35 Orlando

9. Mist me

He a little confused but he got the spirit.

8. Something squirrelly

Genuinely, it’s my job to write funny little remarks about these things, but what could I possibly add to this masterpiece?

Source: Sun Sentinel

7. You kid

I don’t think I’d like to know any more about this.

Source: AP News

6. Spray it out loud

Yeah, not super sure that’s how viruses work.

Source: KIRO 7

5. Sign of the times

You know you can just like…easily lift those out of the ground right?

Source: News Channel 8

4. Polly want a cracker

I will be reading this article in full later, thank you very much.

Source: Tampa Bay Times

3. Whatcha gonna do?

He played the ol’ reverse card on ’em. Now it is THEY who are the bad boys.

Source: Click Orlando

2. Full contact

Well, you get what you pay for, I guess.

1. Thou shalt not steal

This sounds way more exciting than the church I grew up in.

Source: Daily Mail

If you’re feeling adventurous, maybe give Florida a chance. Later. For…obvious reasons.

What’s the strangest thing about where you live?

Tell us in the comments.

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Memes About Dogs We Think Will Improve Your Health

We really don’t deserve dogs. That much is not in dispute. But I really need ya’ll to stop saying it out loud so much.

See, I was reading a thing the other day about how maybe dogs understand more of our language than we give them credit for, and it’s got me nervous. Because if they’re picking up on the parts where we keep talking about how they’re too good for us, they might realize we’re right, and finally go off to form the doggo society they should.

Just keep it hush hush and enjoy these dog memes, OK?

10. The afterwoof

Checks out, I’m pretty sure that’s an actual cloud.

Via: Someecards

9. Fuzzballs

You better keep an eye out for these troublemakers.

Via: Someecards

8. The sniffy betrayal

I will never forgive you until four seconds from now when I forget.

Via: Someecards

7. Snuggle up

Do you like this art I had commissioned of us?

Via: Someecards

6. Canine Karen

These dry bones are far too dry. Who can I speak to to make this right?

Via: Someecards

5. Dog day afternoon

Hey man, nobody can stop you.

Via: Someecards

4. Woofday

TGIF – thank God it’s fluffy.

Via: Someecards

3. Get down to it

Somebody said “lay down” and she just went for it.

Via: Someecards

2. The excite

No matter how many hundreds of times it happens.

Via: Someecards

1. Fawning over you

These creatures are too precious for us.

Via: Someecards

Go pet a dog today and give them a treat. Bring us all one tiny step closer to deserving the honor of their presence.

What’s your dog like?

Tell us all about them in the comments.

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Creepy Urban Legends You Should Read With the Lights On

Most cities have at least a few creepy urban legends.

And thankfully people from all over the world can come to Reddit and share theirs for all the online world to read.

The following 12 people have heard some s**t, and now you can read it!

Let’s take a look!

12. “she threw the baby off the bridge…”

“In Wichita, there is a bridge, Theorosa’s bridge. There are a few versions of the story, but most of them tell that there once was a woman who had an illegitimate baby, and she threw the baby off the bridge into the water to be rid of it.

Full of grief and regret, she then jumps in after the baby and drowns herself. Supposedly, if you go to the bridge and yell loudly that your are Theorosa’s child or that you have her child, she will appear and drown you in the river.”

11. “once they came out running with a bat…”

“We have the Watchers. The story (that I have heard) is that their daughter was kidnapped and murdered decades ago and the family completely snapped. They boarded up their windows and installed CCTV stuff and now they watch not just their yard but their whole street 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If they think someone is suspicious they will run out of the house with a weapon and attack.

The Watchers are completely legit, it’s pretty much a rite of passage in my area and they DO come running out after you. I’ve done it twice, both times in a car, and once they came out running with a bat and another time they came out with a knife. No idea what really compels them, especially since this has (supposedly) been going on since the 70s or 80s, but it’s real.

It isn’t a rural area, either- it’s just a house on a normal California street. I know their (new) next door neighbors, too. Nobody knows what their deal is.”

10. “people used to hide behind the trees on the side of the road…”

“Shades of Death Road is actually located about five minutes outside of my town. A lot of people get really into it and insist that they see ghost on the side of the road.

I remember my teacher telling me it was a really old road and people used to hide behind the trees on the side of the road and murderer them and have an old fashion GTA. There is also a lake next to the road called Ghost Lake. I love that road and lake. I’ve taken many beautiful drives down that road and have hiked and explored around the lake.

The lake at night can give out a weird vibe, though.”

9. “There were reports of green like ooze dripping…”

“In my hometown there is a legend that one of our high schools is haunted by a girl who committed suicide in the school.

There were reports of green like ooze dripping from the ceiling and the hallway supposedly covered in fog everyday. The hallway has been closed on the fourth floor that has been closed off for decades. Some hear a girl sobbing near the hallway, some see her waving at them from the balcony, even some see a girl jump off of the balcony and see her vanish before she hits the ground.”

8. “and said that they tried to sacrifice her…”

“There’s a church in a suburb town of Dallas with no real windows, and if you go there at night, there’s always at least 1 car, sometimes 2 parked in the entrance and really spooky choir music audible. The doors are all metal, and the 10″ish square windows in the doors have that shatter-proof wire mesh in them. Keep in mind that this church is not in a terribly bad area. Not great, but not bad.

Rumor is that a woman walked into a nearby convenience store covered in blood, and said that they tried to sacrifice her. No idea if it’s true, but I used to live near the church, and I can confirm the car(s), spooky music, and overbuilt door bits of the story.

Might actually try to go by there after dark and get a video or something. Anyone interested?”

7. “legend has it he still haunts a trail by the railroads…”

“Where I am from, there is a man known as the Green Man.

He was a normal person who endured a traumatizing accident in his youth. Basically, a freak accident melted his face clean off, and the the locals called this person ‘Charlie No-Face.’

Eventually he died, but legend has it he still haunts a trail by the railroads, which is where he would do his night time walks, away from people that would be too afraid of him during the day.”

6. “The slaughter house was built sometime originally in the 20’s”

“I used to live near Statesboro Georgia for a time, and while my own home town didn’t have its own creepy urban legend, there was a legend about the old abandoned slaughter house on the aptly named ‘Slaughter house Road.’

The slaughter house had been built sometime originally in the 20’s, and worked through the mid 40’s before a fire ran through the place, killing a number of the employees. The legend was that the fire had been started by the owner when he found out that his young bride to be wanted to break off the marriage in favor of her childhood sweetheart. Among the dead reported were the woman, and the presumed sweetheart. The owner himself effectively vanished off the face of the earth after the fire, making the case technically (he’d be long dead now) still open.

The building has long stood abandoned, with no power, phone, nor access to the very top most floor. Yet this hasn’t prevented phone calls to 911 cropping up from there, as well as strange sightings of a woman walking aimlessly along the top floor where the offices were.”

5. “her eyes are completely black with bloody tears…”

“The little girl in the white dress.

Apparently a father went crazy in the 1950s and tied up & blindfolded his young daughter that was wearing a white dress. He placed her on train tracks and she was decapitated.

There are sightings to this day of a young girl standing right next to the tracks where the roadway is. They always say that it looks like a real human until she turns around and her eyes are completely black with bloody tears running down her face. Then, poof, she’s gone.

Thats how the sightings always go too. Nobody ever sees her from the front first…it’s always from the back, she turns around, people see the face, are horrified, then they see a mist where the ‘girl’ was and she disappears.”

4. “you can see Old Man Taylor’s eyes watching…”

“From rural Alabama…we had the story of Old Man Taylor. Tl;dr Old Man Taylor’s house caught on fire during a Sunday night poker game, everyone ran out, someone went back in for Taylor, saw his head had been cut off or something like that.

Legend is that the wrong man was convicted, so you can see Old Man Taylor’s eyes watching where his house used to be for the actual killer to come back.”

3. “these people also took their lives in a local forest…”

“Randomly, the amount of suicides in my home town will spike from absolutely zero to about 6 or 7 a year. We can go for 20 or so years without a single suicide, then all of a sudden many people take their lives over the course of 12 months.

I first heard about it when my mother was explaining what happened to some of the people she mentioned by name but I had never met. Two of them happened to take their own lives in the same year, as did 4 other people. They are normally in their early or mid twenties, have pretty normal lives, and usually aren’t connected much in anyway, so it’s not like these are suicide packs.

It’s creepy as hell because this is a small rural town in the highlands of Scotland. The population never really goes over 1,500 people. Most of these people also took their lives in a local forest by hanging themselves.”

2. “I noticed a few shadowy figures out of the corner of my eye…”

“I live in Princeton right now but I’m from a suburb of Seattle but I always say I’m from Seattle because people don’t know where federal way/Tacoma/auburn/Renton is.

So the story goes that if you go Federal Way, on foot or bike at night, and then to Tacoma (doesn’t matter exactly where) you’ll began to notice little things start to get weird. Usually you’ll feel as if you’re just stuck in the same 500ft stretch of land that just repeats over and over again forever. Then paranoia and the last thing would be some things chasing you on foot, shadow figures.

I thought it was stupid when I heard it in the 7th grade until I tried it, except in a car years later. I noticed a few shadowy figures out of the corner of my eye looking at me, at that point I peeled out and drove to my girlfriends in downtown Seattle and said some bullshit about wanting to see her.

Would never try it again. I had an intense paranoia that I couldn’t get rid of. Like night terrors that I felt for days at a time.”

1. “their skin is super pale and tinted blue.”

“I live in Southern California, and about half an hour east of the cities in the foothills. It’s very rural with lots of steep rocky hills and dry brush.

The blue people are a cult that live in the deep foothills. They never come out during the day, so their skin is super pale and tinted blue. They will leave a person laying on the rd out in the rural areas, and when a car stops to help them, they’ll surround the car and the person and the vehicle are never seen again.

I once got lost with very little gas out in the foothills at night and this story freaked me out so much I had to keep convincing myself it was just a story.”

Wait… the BLUE PEOPLE?!? What in the actual f**k?

Okay, I’m not sleeping tonight. Thanks Reddit!!!

Which of these really freaked you out? Let us know in the comments!

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Weird Things About Being Over 30

It’s my birthday very soon, and I’m gonna be thirty (mumble mumble) years old. How do I feel about that? I don’t know. I try to tell myself it’s just a number, but then my back pain yells that it’s very much not.

Here are some things about the whole experience that you’ll understand if you’re in the same achy boat.

10. You gotta lower the bar

“Serotonin? In this economy?”

9. You’re outdated

It is absolutely wild to remember a time when it took like three days to pull up a Netflix movie and that felt fast, somehow.

8. You fall hard

I slipped on the ice like a week ago and I’m still paying for it.

7. You get the worst combinations

Am I a child or a vampire? DECIDE, BODY!

6. You’re still a kid inside

Gonna put a bunch of those stars on my ceiling and let ’em fall on my face.

5. You grow apart

Then like four years will go by and you won’t even notice it.

4. You hang WAY over

Just clear the whole day.

3. You’re always cleaning

It just sort of regenerates, somehow.

2. Everything costs way too much

I’ve never purchased any rug larger than a bath mat for exactly this reason.

1. You’re caught in the middle

I know how to use Zoom, but I’m still gonna yell at it.

I may not be super cool with the whole ageing thing, but as many philosophers have pointed out, there ain’t much I can do about it. Might as well just enjoy the insanity!

What’s the strangest thing about being your age?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Weird Things About Being Over 30 appeared first on UberFacts.

What is Going On in Florida? Hilarious Headlines From the Sunshine State.

Quick question – what in the hell is going on in Florida?

I know the whole “Florida Man” thing is a meme, but the meme comes from real headlines, and every time I see one I’m like…is that place legit? Like, does it exist? I could swear I myself have been there multiple times, and yet…

I mean, look at these.

15. Money talks

Our government is working great, why do you ask?

Source: Fox 35 Orlando

14. Can you smell what we’re cookin?

It’s good to have your priorities straight.

Source: ABC News

13. The cheer squad

When you have no idea what’s happening but you wanna support your team.

12. Cut and dry

Well this changes EVERYTHING for me.

Source: Click Orlando

11. Have a seat

The kids are most definitely not alright.

10. Droning on

I appreciate the effort but I really need it IN the bathroom right now if you know what I’m sayin’.

Source: MSN

9. Irresistible

Chicken of the sea and of the land, fight.

Source: Orlando Weekly

8. Cool it

If you wanna keep being a dad of any description I’d suggest not doing this.

Source: Click Orlando

7. I am the night

I mean, I guess we can’t technically prove him wrong.

Source: KIRO 7

6. Getting high

When you gotta go, you gotta go.

Source: Click Orlando

5. “Weird primary”

And this was when we were just getting started.

4. Life’s a beach

I like that they gave him a mic.

Source: Fox 8

3. Bloody good time

Some people take the celebration of Passover very, very seriously.

Source: WAFF 48

2. The food chain

Maybe just stay out of the water, my dude.

Source: USA Today

1. Candles in the wind

Is this really the time for a vigil?

Source: WFLA Tampa

Florida, whether you’re really a state in the union or you’re just a myth, I salute you. Ya absolute weirdos.

What’s the strangest thing about where you live?

Tell us in the comments.

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What Memory From Your Life Would You be OK with Losing?

One of my favorite movies is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

If you’re a Millennial who has ever been artsy and/or angsty at any point in your life, you’ve probably at least seen it. It’s a sort of parable about the pain of remembering the love you lost, but how in the end, it’s really better to remember it all anyway, because that’s how you know you’re alive.

That’s what I was thinking of as I scrolled through this Reddit thread:

The Average human brain is comparable to about 2.5 million gigabites. Your brain has reached near capacity. What do you delete to free up space? from AskReddit

So, Sunshine‘s message aside, what would you delete if you could? Let’s find out what the internet thinks.

1. Reality vs reality.

Memories of reality shows I’ve watched.

All memories of being bullied and picked on as a child.

– MrDoomsday13

2. When you have VERY exclusive tastes.

Everything but fine dining and breathing.

– redguitar530

3. It can get better.

Yeah, I think I can safely delete about 8 years from the late 90’s to about 2006 when I was a drug addict.

That was just a never ending series of cringe that to this day a random (horrible) memory will pop into my head and I get embarrassed/remorseful/horrified all over again.

I have to physically try and make myself stop thinking about it. Of course, the harder I try the more it’s there ¯(ツ)/¯

– sucks2bdoxxed

4. The ultimate burn.

All “yo Momma” jokes so I can make place for yo Momma.

– xlr8inferno

5. The man knows his priorities.

The spank bank is staying everything else can be deleted.

– 11015h4d0wR34lm

6. Cache me if you can.

I’d delete my entire cache of childhood memories up until age 16.

– pokedbyhand

7. Screw education, I guess?

I need to delete all bullsh*t school taught us to make space for memes

– Sharma_boi_18

8. Dude, see a doctor.

Every time I farted, should free up about half

– Sacred42069

9. Choose your own way.

When I was studying for medical school I lost my mental road maps of the town I grew up in.

Wasn’t using them. They got written over.

It was weird when I visited and couldn’t find my way around.

– mapbc

10. To live it all over again…

My memories of the main campaign of some good video games… so that I can play it again, and walk through it like the first time ever.

– LithiumZer0

11. What keeps you up at night?

All of those awkward moments you think of when you’re trying to go to sleep.

– Manu442

12. Spice up your life!

I could probably do without the lyrics to the entire Spice Girls back catalogue.

– MakesTypos

13. This program IS an error.


– James-Avatar

14. Seriously, 100 GB, wtf?

Call of duty warzone, should free up at least half of it

– abzzdev

15. I need a location…

My fear of wicker furniture, my desire to play the trumpet, my tentative plans to purchase a hat, and six years of improv workshops.

– William_Harzia

Not sure what I would erase if given the chance. Would probably consult a therapist about it, have tons of anxiety about the decision, and then just decide to say screw it and go back to bed to remember stuff.

What about you? What would you delete?

Tell us in the comments.

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10 Jokes With Great Twists For You to Check Out

I have a buddy named Tim who has this great talent for telling a joke in such a way that you don’t realize it’s a joke until the last second. It’s a sort of deadpan skill coupled with a knack for surprising twists and it’s downright delightful. You feel like you’ve been tricked and also entertained and I can’t recommend conversations with Tim enough.

But since you all don’t know him and he probably wouldn’t appreciate me sending thousands of internet strangers to his house, the next best thing is probably to just read these great unexpected Twitter jokes.

10. Crushing it

You can’t go through life just living life all the time, that’s for suckers.

9. BFF

We’ve been together in wedded bliss ever since.

8. Get it straight

We’ll have a gay old time!

7. Fur real

The double standards of society have got to stop.

6. Change is coming

Plus your body is gonna start to hurt pretty soon, so enjoy that.

5. Intimate moments

This is the future libertarians want.

4. Sleepover woes

Have you tried really telling him how you feel?

3. Cobbled together

Before you make fun, walk a mile in his shoes.

2. On the side

A delicious conundrum.

1. Stealing my heart

Hold up.

People on Twitter are just too clever for their own good. But I’m pretty grateful for it, because what else am I gonna stare at all day? A book? Gross.

Who are the funniest people to follow on Twitter, in your opinion?

Tell us who to check out in the comments.

The post 10 Jokes With Great Twists For You to Check Out appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Memes to Make You Smile

Do you know that special feeling? When you see a meme across the room and you just gotta go over and say hi?

You get those butterflies in your stomach wondering if the meme will like you, or if your friends will like it, and what kind of a future you might have together?

It’s quite a thrill. The sacred and flirtatious dance of the internet.

Here are twelve special memes that just might catch your eye.

12. Fry day

I’m definitely gonna start on that tomorrow or something maybe.

Via: Someecards

11. To be blunt

Yeah, THAT’S the element of that magical fairytale that just doesn’t add up.

Via: Someecards

10. Stay on target

You don’t choose why you’re there. The store determines that for you.

Via: Someecards

9. Warning signs

Read ’em and weep.

Via: Someecards

8. Eyes on you

I’m not sure how, but the back of that guy’s head is a cop.

Via: Someecards

7. True tests

Oh great, we’re gonna reopen this old wound now?

Via: Someecards

6. Summer bummer

Psh, whatever I’m alive.

Via: Someecards

5. Mother clucker

Let’s go around the room and say a little bit about ourselves.

Via: Someecards

4. Many distractions

I’m so broke I can’t even pay attention.

Via: Someecards

3. Holy writ

Checkmate, atheists.

Via: Someecards

2. Tow the line

Sir, this is a permit neighborhood. I don’t make the rules.

Via: Someecards

1. Face the facts

No, it’s not that I hate you, it’s that I hate *me.*

Via: Someecards

I think you and some of these memes are gonna make beautiful music together.

What’s your favorite spot to find new memes?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Funny Memes to Make You Smile appeared first on UberFacts.

Interesting Facts About Temporary Buildings

Entrepreneurs around the world are opting for temporary buildings because the costs for temporary structures are reasonably affordable, and the facilities they can provide are equal to or better than those offered by permanent buildings. The uniqueness of temporary buildings is that they can be erected in any area and for any purpose. All of this is made possible because a specialized company can offer engineering options to find solutions for any kind of topography, snowfall, earthquakes, and other natural events that can have an impact on the safety of the building. The following are some interesting facts you should

The post Interesting Facts About Temporary Buildings appeared first on Factual Facts.