Tweets That Will Make You Feel Old…In a Good Way

It’s one thing to realize that you’re no longer in the youngest generation around, it’s another thing altogether to realize that the younger generation is now going to college and taking over the culture and you’re no longer cool if you ever were.

Though to be honest, it’s not all bad. The pressure to be cool is overwhelming. Not to mention stupid. To be told “hey don’t worry about it, there’s a whole new shift of people competing to be cool now, nothing is expected of you, you’re relieved of duty” is sort of nice.

So I don’t mind these tweets that make me feel old. I embrace them. I enjoy them. And I hope you will too.

12. Oh, baby

How do you still have the stamina to go to a club?

11. Rock my world

Timeline aside, that’s not their genre.

10. Sharpen up

Do kids use exclusively mechanical pencils now? Do they use no pencils? Help me.

9. Dolla dolla bills

Oh how quickly we forget.

8. How touching

“Let me tell you about this little piece of madness called the scroll wheel.”

7. Hawk one up

They just re-released this, so maybe he’ll know soon?

6. Compliments of the house

Wait. This was posted in 2018. If that guy was born in ’98, that means he was either 20 or 21.
In other words, exactly the perfect age range for ID to be required.

5. Cool hang


4. Bitter sweet

It was a virus portal is what it was.

3. A curse on our house

Let them laugh.
Let them mock.
Their time is coming soon enough.

2. Pay to play

It took us way too long to realise cable TV was a scam.

1. Girl, bye

Just hit me with the truth.

These tweets have made me feel so old that I think I can legally retire now.

How old do you feel, and why?

Tell us in the comments.

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Memes To Make You LOL

The memes we’ve gathered up today are mostly made for a female demographic, but I say bust the molds, screw the preconceptions, these are funny no matter who you are.

Unless who you are is someone who is incapable of finding memes funny, I guess, in which case you should really go see a doctor immediately.

Otherwise, you should sit back and enjoy these memes!

10. Get a leg up

These are clearly different shades, what are you, blind?

Via: Someecards

9. Too much chill

I could just live in a sock, that would be fine.

Via: Someecards

8. Sharing is caring

Look buddy, I didn’t get a phone so that people could call me.

Via: Someecards

7. Once again

This me after a little too much puff puff pass pass.

Via: Someecards

6. Into the woods

We’ve all got our dreams and aspirations.

Via: Someecards

5. Dead serious

We’re all just at the mercy of our brain chemicals, if ya think about it.

Via: Someecards

4. Special delivery

Think INSIDE the box.

Via: Someecards

3. Mighty neighborly

Sounds like things are getting pretty thorny over there.

Via: Someecards

2. Beanie babies

Oh Frank, what has become of you?

Via: Someecards

1. A great idea

You had me at “drink.”

Via: Someecards

Now THOSE are some quality memes. You’re not gonna find memes like that unless you look, like, generally anywhere on the internet.
Like, there are probably some standing right behind you this VERY MOMENT!

Speaking of which, what’s your favorite spot to find new memes?

Tell us in the comments.

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Funny Memes For All the Ladies Out There

We’ve got some memes here that are specially curated for some lady-types, though honestly, I love ’em all, and I’m not a lady-type. I don’t think, anyway?

Note to self: look into this. Further research is needed. Also, get a notepad so you stop writing these things on your hand.

Anyway, you should not think about it too hard and just enjoy these memes.

10. Skin and bones

He didn’t survive, but he set an example for us all.

Via: Someecards

9. The big switch

Look, don’t worry about it, just keep scrolling.

Via: Someecards

8. True intimacy

We’re not gonna put on any masks tonight.

Via: Someecards

7. A shoe in

Oh, the agony of the feet.

Via: Someecards

6. Playing games

That relationship sounds exhausting but ok.

Via: Someecards

5. Space trash

Our whole planet is just some rocks that floated together after a thingy went boom.

Via: Someecards

4. I don’t take shift

You can keep that crap to yourself.

Via: Someecards

3. No butts about it

I wish I could be in charge of this stuff.

Via: Someecards

2. Card games

This is ever so slightly inconvenient, I won’t survive it.

Via: Someecards

1. The cold truth

Just put me in a furnace already.

Via: Someecards

Note to self: go find more memes, these seem fun. Also, seriously, get a notebook or an app or something, I’m running out of space to write this on my arm.

What’s your favorite place to find new memes?

Give us all of your hot tips in the comments, won’t you?

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What is “Boomer Culture?”? 10 Tweets Reveal All…

You’ve probably heard that the older generation around today are called “boomers” – though it’s important to note they’re far from the oldest generations around.

Depending on your definition, there are still many from The Silent Generation, a few from The Greatest Generation, and even a handful from The Interbellum Generation, which started at the turn of the 20th century.

“Boomer” is short for “Baby Boomer,” a term first coined in 1963 by the Salt Lake Tribune. It refers to the folks born just after World War II, when soldiers returning home en masse and a renewed sense of hope led to an enormous “boom” in U.S. births.

But that’s what academics think of baby boomers. What does…say…Twitter think?

10. Being extra

Yeah that’s called having money.

9. Good jokes

Thanks, the cashier definitely hasn’t heard that a billion times today.

8. Line skipping

Yeah but all of you are YOU, and I’m ME. See the difference?

7. The Chipootles

I don’t care how you pronounce it, it’s delicious.

6. The audacity

But my EYES saw a thing and now they want that thing!

5. An air of exclusivity

I wash my hands of all of it.

4. The unfair game

Bonus points if you actually call the waiter over to complain about this, as though there’s something they can do about it.

3. Bad entrances

“Meh, that’s for other people.”

2. The contradictions

Very weird to want more for your kids, but not to want your kids to know anything you didn’t.

1. The saltiness

Welp, today I learned I’m a boomer.

But yanno, don’t take any of those jabs too seriously, boomers. After all, it’s just Twitter. And that place is a mess.

What would you add to this list?

Tell us in the comments.

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Tweets We Think Will Make You LOL

Look, the internet loves cats. We know this. It’s practically a law of nature. It’s practically in the Bible.

But just because we love them doesn’t mean we have to surrender everything to them. We have to put our human paws down every once in a while and say NO. THESE TWEETS ARE FOR HUMANS. NOT FOR KITTIES.

If it wasn’t apparent, my cat and I are in the fight right now and I’m not sharing any of the cool tweets I find with him. But I’ll share ’em with you:

10. Nobody’s hero

And then you hear those little creaky guitar sounds and it’s just all over for you.

9. Bag check

They best not have forgot my fries or we’re gonna have words.

8. The mantra

It’s solid policy like this that should have landed him the nomination.

7. That’s a wrap

It’s a tough jobs but somebody’s gotta do it.

6. Growing pains

Things get more confusing.

5. What a vibe

I’m at the KFC
I’m at the Sephora
I’m at the combination KFC / Sephora

4. Gotta bounce

Come to think of it, there are few “fun” activities that are more embarrassing.

3. Gran-berry

Click the image if you can’t see the punchline yet.

2. Oh, baby

Somebody on Twitter said he was about to drop the hottest album of 2002.

1. Sweet release

Don’t do it. Seriously, it’s gonna hurt.

My cat and I have now reconciled and I’ve lifted him to the screen to show him the tweets. He didn’t laugh though, so we’re fighting again.

Who are the best people on Twitter today?

Tell us in the comments.

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Tweets Designed to Make You Laugh

Hello, kids. It is I, a young person. I’m here to enjoy with you the things that we like, specifically Tweets.

No old or out of touch folks here, no sirree. Certainly nobody around who would unironically use the phrase “no sirree.” Just us youths. Youths as far as the eye can see.

Here are eleven Tweets that your dad won’t like.

11. It’s time to stop

Surely if I get it down to the second I can explain myself.

10. Blue sea blues

Everyone be quiet, I want to hear his music.

9. Holy crop

I would like “The shade, the skill” to be what goes on my headstone, please.

8. Missing persons

It’s the thought that counts.

7. The sh*t is bananas

“It’s one banana Michael, how much could it cost? Ten dollars?”

6. I scream

As someone who has had to run around in these costumes before, thank you for your service.

5. Game night in

Don’t truck with this guy.

4. Out of this world

You might wanna just kinda stay up there for a while.

3. Big accomplishments

How is he still literally smokin’ hot?

2. This and that

You gotta stay original and stay on brand.

1. Save it up

I hope it’s enough to make the sun stop setting at like 3:00 pm in Chicago because this is bogus.

Totally radical, am I correct my young peers? And now I am off to do the TikTok magnesium challenge or whatever it is we do.

Who are your favorite people on the Tweeters?

Tell us in the comments.

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Tweets So Good You Might Want to Kiss Them

Have you ever seen a Tweet so good you wish you could be friends with it? Or maybe even MORE than friends?

I mean, think about it. They could have made anything the icon for expressing your approval of a tweet, but they went with a romantic red heart.

So, do you like the tweet or do you LIKE like the tweet? See how each of these tickles your fancy.

11. Share a coke

Don’t forget that they gave out heroin as medicine.

10. A hand out

Um…do you mean like…handing someone money? That’s not new.

9. Edgy comedy

That is just flat out wrong.

8. We are not smiles times

Hey how about you drink an entire glass of chill and get back to me.

7. The final countdown

Ironically, you should probably see a therapist about this.

6. Bird brains

“Nobody even drops good food anymore, this is bogus.”

5. Somethin’ nice

See, you’re joking, but the reality is you could use Bezos’ money to buy a mansion and if nobody told him he’d literally never know.

4. Sunk in

Oh hey there toilet, it’s me, ya boy.

3. The artistry

Every once in a while I’ll still see these in the wild and just marvel at ’em.

2. Party time!

To be fair to her, it’s a ridiculous custom we’ve created.

1. Leaked footage

Your son is absolutely going places and I would like to follow.

I’m gonna take all those tweets out to make out point and just smooch ’em. You can’t stop me.

Who are your favorite people to follow on Twitter?

Tell us in the comments.

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Tweets For You to Read on the Toilet

Sorry if this is too personal a question but are you like, in the bathroom right now?

It’s cool if you are, I’m not here to judge. In fact, I do it all the time, and what I like to have alongside me for a nice long potty sit are some good tweets to read.

So in the spirit of all that, I hope you like these tweets?

And I hope your um…session goes well.

10. Oy, mate

I was gonna say I’m pretty sure that’s Adam Driver but to each their own.

9. Special effects

Well, if you can’t celebrate the little things…

8. An explosion of flavor

He appears to be surprised, but not in the least bit sorry.

7. Wall to wall

Cool cool cool cool, you’re gonna need to go ahead and move out immediately.

6. Inception

How come nobody in Star Wars has ever said those words together?

5. Screening process

Oh cool now I’m sad about everything, thanks.

4. Highway hypnosis

How are any of us even alive at this point?

3. Lawless times

I mean, Google exists so just better hope they don’t check anything.

2. A great personality

I had to learn how to cope with it all somehow.

1. Nun of your business

Dude I would have so many questions, that is a thoroughly trippy episode.

Don’t forget to wash your hands when you’re done. Also, other people need to use the room, you should probably get up now.

What’s your favorite thing to scroll through in the bathroom?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Tweets For You to Read on the Toilet appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Memes We Think You’ll Love

You ready for some memes? I assume that’s why you clicked on this. If you were looking for like, deals on silverware or whatever, we can’t help you.

But memes? Oh yeah, we got those.

15. The best of friends

I feel like I’m being set up for a Fox & The Hound situation and I’m already crying.

Via: Someecards

14. Get in

All aboard the carb car. Toot toot.

Via: Someecards

13. The betrayal

“Well played, human. You win this round.”

Via: Someecards

12. Mourning person

Every side of the bed is the wrong side when you actually have to get up.

Via: Someecards

11. Poor thing

Yeah I dunno if you’ve heard of this sick new trend called food and shelter? I wanna get in on that.

Via: Someecards

10. Saving grace

It’s impulse buying but from literally anywhere, we’re doomed.

Via: Someecards

9. In the cards

Time to get down to serious business.

Via: Someecards

8. Real life

From a perfect ten to a weird nightmare.

Via: Someecards

7. Special delivery

Think outside the box all you want, my thoughts reside with what’s IN them.

Via: Someecards

6. Sleep on it

Now somebody bring me some food.

Via: Someecards

5. Knock knock

That’s why I got into this job. It’s my passion.

Via: Someecards

4. The best part of waking up

…is you all shutting uuuup!

Via: Someecards

3. It’s showtime!

Did somebody say my name three times?

Via: Someecards

2. It’s lit

Man, this is way too much work just for a melty mallow.

Via: Someecards

1. The one true response

Dreams can be pretty bad, yanno.

Via: Someecards

Mmm, so fresh. So filling. Nothing like a good meme.

What’s your favorite place to find ’em?

Tell us in the comments.

The post 15 Memes We Think You’ll Love appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share What They’d Like to Delete From Their Brains

Our brains are such complicated things that there’s been a tendency throughout history to compare them to just whatever the most complex or cutting edge technology was at the time.

We used to talk about our brains in terms of steam engines, now we talk about them like computers. For instance:

The Average human brain is comparable to about 2.5 million gigabites. Your brain has reached near capacity. What do you delete to free up space? from AskReddit

Assuming the computer comparison holds true, what WOULD you delete, if you had the choice? Let’s see what the folks on Reddit had to say.

1.  Maybe get back that excitement?

Write down a list of my favorite video games/movies/albums and delete all memory of them so I can experience them for the first time again.

Absolutely wouldn’t free up space in the long run but exactly what I would do with the opportunity.

Realistically I’d probably delete memories of grade school since it was terrible

– Servinah

2. I don’t wanna talk about it…

All of my most embarrassing moments

– cacao_2_cacao

3. This is lodged in our minds forever.

Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, bananaphone!

– c0y0t3_sly

4. Do they live in Texas?

All about my exes

– chichinfu

5. Up up down down.

Cheat codes from the 90’s.

just kidding, those f*ckers are there forever whether I like it or not.

– rawker86

6. It’s just a rehearsal.

Saved scripts to win replays of arguments from twenty years ago

– VastDerp

7. Poor puppers!

The nintendo 3DS dogs I left in my device

– Infinite_Tissue_For

8. There’s a story here.

Poop in pant. Yes, poop in pant

– CherasPoyo

9. Talk about disappointment.

Game of thrones lore… Actually no scratch that just season 8 of the show as a whole.

– Azarken

10. Why do I even know this?

All knowledge that Kim Kardashian and everything associated with her even exists.

– fingers621

11. Stuck in the middle.

Can I delete my whole middle school experience? I wasn’t paying attention anyways.

– AnEpicHibiscus

12. Once you get into it…

All the kinky stuff that I wished I never found.

– TemplarSensei7

13. An ad campaign for our nightmares.

The godd*mn Quiznos rats

– DickaliciousRex

14. The one fact we remember from biology class.

Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell

– tne_fan

15. And of course…


– dothisnowww

Personally, I don’t really have this problem. My long-term memory is crap and it always has been.

Or at least I think it always has been. How would I know?

What would YOU delete given the chance?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Share What They’d Like to Delete From Their Brains appeared first on UberFacts.