12 People Reveal Why They’re Still Single

It’s one thing to ask your friends or family why they think you’re still single, and quite another to self-assess. These 12 people took a frank look in the mirror and share with the world the truth (in their eyes) about why they haven’t found that special someone.

#12. Wine and takeaway pizza

“I really can’t be bothered to put myself out there. I’m a lazy fuck and I’d much rather laze around with friends than go out and meet people. I’m a hopeless romantic at heart, but I’m also a hedonist who likes lounging in pyjamas in my bed. Give me wine and takeaway pizza any day.”

#11. A hard truth

“Because even though one is the loneliest number, two can be bad as one.”

#10. It must be

“Probably I am just too handsome and nobody dare to approach, yes it must be.”

#9. But with a nice vocabulary

“I’m a boring & misanthropic hermit with a lot of trust issues and self loathing.”

#8. Because, people

“Because I hate people and finding someone to date is a pain in the ass.”

#7. The grind

“When you work 60 to 70 hours a week you don’t have time to talk to anyone.”

#6. Peace and quiet

“I’m introverted, self conscious, and I love peace and quiet, so I just don’t seek relationships. Also, the world is populated enough already.”

#5. Everyone has their thing

“My personality is as attractive as a turd.”

#4. Because of the kids

“I was widowed when my kids were 5, 9, 11 and 13. They came first in my life. Now that they’re grown and successful, I’m too set in my ways and comfortable on my own.”

#3. One is the happiest number

“Honestly, I don’t want a partner. People never believe me when I say it, but it really is true.

I was in a relationship for years, and I was depressed. At the time I didn’t realise what the problem was, but then when it ended (and after a period of not knowing what to do with myself) I became happier than I’d ever been.

I’ve been in a couple of short-lived relationships since, and they were fine, but I still wasn’t as happy as when I was single, so I had to end them.

I think the whole “You MUST find the person of your dreams otherwise you will be SAD and LONELY” is complete bullshit.

There are other things in life. Hobbies. Friendship. Family.

I do want children at some point though, so I may run into trouble there…”

#2. A sausage fest

“I’m a guy in an industry that is all guys. All my friends and friends of friends are married. It’s a real challenge to meet any women when your life is an endless sausage fest and no one you know is single.”

#1. Never settle

“I decided I’d rather have no relationship at all than one that doesn’t fit quite right.”

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