#WhyImSingle Hashtag Might Make You Feel Better About Your Own Life…Maybe

I’ve been single for quite a while now, and I’m okay with that.

I know I have my quirks and I also know that it’s gonna take a very special someone for me to give up my independence.

And knowing is half the battle, right?

These brave souls were nice enough to get real about why they’re single. Let’s dive in.

1. That wasn’t a compliment.

In case you didn’t know.

2. That’s your best?

If you say so…

3. Never give up hope!

That call might come tomorrow.

4. Now it’s over.

Time to move on.

5. You’re lying!

That was a test.

6. That could be a problem.

Just letting you know.

7. I’m right about this!

People and their laundry…sheesh.

8. Not the one.

Not by a longshot.

9. Father always knows best.

And here’s one more example.

10. Can I clone myself?

And sleep in a cave?

11. Find your happiness.

Focus on yourself!

12. Darn right!

You nailed it!

Are you single?

If so, why?

Talk to us in the comments and spill your guts!

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Funny Memes About Being Single

If you’re single, you know it has its pros and cons.

First, the pros: no one tells you what to do, you don’t have to answer to anyone ever, and you can eat pizza every single night if you want to.

Now, the cons: soul-crushing depression and loneliness, no sense of accomplishment, and you don’t get to split half of the bills with someone.

It’s a real toss-up, huh? I know where I stand…

Forget about all that for now and let’s enjoy these funny memes about single!

1. Sure I do!

Just of a different variety…

Photo Credit: someecards

2. That was fast.

They won’t try that one again.

Photo Credit: someecards

3. That’s not happening.

Did they learn a lesson?

Photo Credit: someecards

4. It’s much easier to just give advice.

The actual relationship part? A little bit harder.

Photo Credit: someecards

5. No, another one.

Sorry, pal…

Photo Credit: someecards

6. I’ll be over here drinking a beer.

Always the seventh wheel.

Photo Credit: someecards

7. Not a great idea.

It won’t end well…trust me…

Photo Credit: someecards

8. Hey, this isn’t bad.

I can get used to this!

Photo Credit: someecards

9. Didn’t go as planned.

But that’s okay!

Photo Credit: someecards

10. Might be here for a while…

Maybe even decades…

Photo Credit: someecards

11. This is the life!

And here is my Bill of Rights.

Photo Credit: someecards

12. I don’t actually play the game.

But I can dish it out with the best of ’em!

Photo Credit: someecards

Hahahaha. Those are pretty hilarious, if I do say so myself.

Now we want to hear from you.

If you’re single, talk to us in the comments and tell us you’re happy about it or if you’re looking for a partner in crime.

We’d love to hear from you.

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If You’re Single, These Funny Posts Should Look Familiar

Being single can be pretty lonely and sad on occasion, but look at it this way: think about all the poor folks who shacked up RIGHT BEFORE the worldwide lockdown and who now can’t stand each other and think they made the biggest mistake of their lives.

I’m doing just fine by myself on my couch, thank you very much…

Oh, also, I spend a big chunk of my free time crying on that couch…

Are you ready to laugh at some hilarious posts about being single?

Let’s get started!

1. The good stuff!

All you can eat!

2. Those days are over.

And they’re never coming back!

3. Yeah, pretty much.

It’s a sad state of affairs out there…

4. Yes! I love it!

Use all the pillows you need, buddy.

5. Time to run away!

It was fun while it lasted, though.

Photo Credit: someecards

6. Pure and simple.

With no distractions.

7. This is actually brilliant.

Get this guy a job!

8. Need someone around to feel safe.

But then you get over it…

9. There you go.

Time to take care of #1.

10. Yeah, it’s pretty bad.

Just focus on yourself for now! You’ll be fine!

11. Sounds like quite a day.

Treat yourself!

I guess being single can be kind of a mixed bag. A lot of ups and downs…kind of sounds like being in a relationship…

What do you think? Is it good or bad?

Do you prefer to be single or to be paired up with someone?

Talk to us in the comments, we look forward to hearing from you.

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15 Funny Jokes About Being Single and Ready to Mingle

Being single has its ups and downs.

And it also depends on what kind of person you are. Let’s just put it this way: being in a relationship consists of the good, the bad, and the ugly.

That’s why being single is the best! Sometimes…

Let’s take a look at some folks who are livin’ the single life.

1. Who won?

2. Make your move.

3. It’s not going well.

4. That’s a fun game, isn’t it?

5. A sad state of affairs.

6. All kinds of trash.

7. That was your topic of conversation?

8. Back away. Slowly.

9. You’ll be back on there in no time.

10. Seems like a good move.

11. That’s pretty much the only way to make it work.

12. Two sides of the coin.

13. Get away from me.

14. Imagine that…

15. What does touch feel like?

Are you single? Dating? Married?

Give us an update in the comments and let’s see who’s living their best lives!

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13 Reasons Why Single Life Is Actually the Best Thing Ever

Let’s be honest for a moment… relationships…kind of suck.

And let’s be honest for another moment: sex is NOT something we need a relationship to get. In fact, it’s not even super complicated for a single person to find a hookup these days…just look on Tinder.

So today we’re going to take a look at some reasons being single is fantastic. Perhaps the best thing ever.

13. Diagonal Sleeping

The bed is all yours, and you can sleep on it however you damn well please. True story, there are a lot of couples who sleep in separate beds anyway, so if you’re in a relationship and you want to try separate sleeping, you’re definitely not alone.

12. Your Netflix is Your Netflix

No waiting to catch up on that series together. No screwing with your viewing algorithm. Yeah, you can create separate users, but nobody does. Your Netflix belongs entirely and solely to you.

11. Eat Wherever You Want and Whenever You Want

Feel like Mexican food tonight? Great! Go have that. And you’ll never get into that conversation where somebody doesn’t know what they want to eat, but they know what they don’t want to eat. Because that is a fresh hell we’ve all experienced and never want to again.

10. No. More. Crazy. Families.

No creepy uncles. No overbearing mothers. No politically inappropriate dads. They’re all gone – at least, all the ones that don’t belong to you.

Ahhhh, doesn’t that feel good?

9. Remember Your Friends and Family? Now You Do!

Being single means that you can actually spend time with the people who will always be there for you. Use that single time to strengthen the fuck out of those relationships, because you need them far more than you need an SO.

8. Holidays = Vacation

No more driving in a car 14 hours to the suburbs outside of Cleveland to stay in a childhood bedroom that smells like old dolls and broken dreams. Not at all like your childhood bedroom, which smells like awesome memories…

You can go anywhere you damn well choose during the holiday season, so do it!

7. Anxiety Be Gone!

Worrying about what someone else is thinking and doing is fucking exhausting. And then there’s where you are in your relationship. Are things cool? Are they just okay?

You don’t have worry about any of that shit anymore. So take that sigh of relief. You’ve earned it.

6. Take It To The Bank

No more dinners or movies that you didn’t want to spend money on in the first place. The less you spend on somebody else, the more you can save or spend on you. And it adds up quickly.

That’s just math, folks.

5. No Permission Needed

Your schedule is your own, and you don’t need to juggle it around another person’s life.

Maybe you want to watch TV tonight. Maybe you want to go play trivia with your friends. Maybe you want to go on that mountain bike ride.

Whatever it is you want to do, you determine the when, where and how much.

4. The Decor Is Yours

Did your SO have some weird toy collection they had to put up in a very visible place that absolutely horrified you?

Well, yeah, that’s not happening anymore. Because you’re single, and you’re not weird like that!

3. Also, the Radio Is Yours

Driving in the car has never felt freer now that you can tune in to whatever the fuck you want.

Sing it loud and sing it proud. Because you chose it. Naturally.

2. You. You. You.

Spend time with you! Focus on you! Do whatever the fuck you want.

Listen, ultimately we’re all we’ve got in this world. So if we’re not good with ourselves, we’re not going to be good with somebody else. And being alone is not a bad thing at all.

And if you want to find somebody to be with, well, focus on yourself and get that train humming along the tracks smoothly. If you do, odds are that you’ll meet somebody moving just as smoothly who you can ride or die with.

1. No Need to Clean For Two

Things used to get dirtier twice as fast. No longer.

Now you’re responsible for only the messes you make. So yeah, you don’t have to treat another adult like a child. Which is, ya know, a nice thing.

Btw, we know you can read a lot of stories these days, so we’re really thankful you chose Humans of Tumblr.

I guess what I’m saying is… you rock!

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20 Very Happy People Share Why Being Single Is Totally Worth It

This was the question on Reddit:

“Singles of Reddit, what do you like most about being single?”

And hey, being single does have its downsides, but these folks are having NONE of that. They love being single. And they have their reasons.

Let’s get it…

1. What if you slept in different beds…

“You don’t wake up because someone else is snoring.”

2. Can’t stop. Won’t stop.

“You know the feeling you get the first time you have your house to yourself?

It’s kinda like that — you get to do what you want, the way you want.”

3. Sleep is important ya’ll!

“Being able to sleep diagonally across my bed — so much space!”

4. Beat the heat

“I was single for almost all of my twenties. I miss setting the thermostat to whatever temperature I want.”

5. You couldn’t do this?!?

“Being able to go to the movies alone!”

6. Naturally…

“I can flirt with every cute person I meet — and there are MANY.”

7. So many reasons…

“Not having to share a bed.

Not having to share your food.

Your space. Your free time. Your time out with friends.

But best of all …

Not having to have unnecessarily long discussions on where to eat.”

8. Focusing on your own damn life…

“I enjoy not worrying about their success.

Life can be difficult, so supporting an S.O. while putting personal struggles on the back burner can be exhausting.”

9. Two very good reasons for long term happiness

“I save a fucking boatload of money and can do what I please.”

10. Yeah, texting is the worst.

“Not having to worry about texting someone back.”

11. Bonus!

“Everything in my car and apartment is exactly where it should be.”

12. Pfffftttttttt

“I can fart whenever. No guilt.”

13. Ladies… why the jealousy?

“The fact that I can just talk to my female friends and no one gets jealous or gets the wrong impression.”

14. People should be okay with needing space, anyway.

“That stuff can just happen.

If I want to change my entire weekend plans, bam — done. If I stumble upon a thing that happens and want to participate, boom — done.

If I don’t want to talk to anyone, ka-blam — done.”

15. Yeah, this kind of stuff isn’t fair at all.

“Not getting dragged into lame events with her family that essentially ruin my weekend.”

16. Literally you do not anymore. Yes.

“I don’t have to choose between hanging with my friends or my S.O.”

17. Laughter is the best medicine…

“I never have to laugh at unfunny memes found on Facebook, or explain why I’m laughing so hard at anything.”

18. Taking care of your own damn self for a change!

“I can do whatever I want, whenever I want.

I can spend money on myself with zero regard for what anyone else thinks.

I don’t have to factor anyone else into my plans or life decisions.”

19. Why do people move things?!?

“The fact that when you put something somewhere IT FUCKING STAYS THERE!!!”

20. Mobile AF!

“Being able to move to another city and state as I please for work or hobby-related purposes.”

Oddly enough… not a lot of mention of sex, though…

Just saying…

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Jokes for People Who Will Probably Be Single Forever

You always want what you can’t have, ain’t that the truth?

Being single can be lonely and depressing at times, but can be pretty nice as well.

Take a look at these jokes if you think you might just be all by your lonesome for the long haul.

1. Don’t be rude to my partner

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. I might be with someone…

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Tell me all about it

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. She sounds wonderful

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. True. Very true.

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Wear them proudly

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Maybe go somewhere else

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Nothing to report

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Others

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. NO

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. You’re good

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Many moons ago

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Can’t deal with it

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Leave my sight

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. What is warmth?

Photo Credit: Twitter

16. Laugh track

Photo Credit: Tumblr

17. Isn’t that great?

Photo Credit: Tumblr

18. Is this flirting?

Photo Credit: Tumblr

19. Make up your mind

Photo Credit: Tumblr

20. I’ve been there

Photo Credit: Tumblr

C’mon, don’t cry…you might meet that special gal or fella…

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15 Singles Discuss What They Love Most About Their Lifestyle

These days, I’m quite happily married, but it wasn’t that many years ago that I was living the single life. While I’m definitely happier today than I was then, there are definitely some parts of the single life that were pretty great.

There are a lot of perks, as these 15 people are quick to point out.

#1. My entire social battery.

I can do what I want whenever I want!
Well, actually I still gotta help my family and go to work and that pretty much drains my entire social battery.

#2. Not getting dragged into lame events.

Not getting dragged into lame events with her family that essentially ruin my weekend.

“Oh no, I totally want to drive three hours and hangout with your family this weekend. I had these crazy plans to relax, maybe go for a bike ride, have some beers by pool, go to a movie with our friends, etc. But you’re right, lets drive three hours away to listen to your family argue about politics, eat bland food, and sleep on a futon. Sounds great.”

#3. What I love about being single.

All of my shit is exactly where I left it when I get home.

My bed is still made, my dishes are still done, my food is still there, my clothes are still clean, and nothing is missing from my cash stash.

If I want to stay up late and watch movies or listen to music, I can.

If I want to go to bed early, and use the whole damn bed, I can.

If I want to go out and have a few drinks with my friends, I can.

I never have to laugh at unfunny memes’ found on FaceBook, or explain why I’m laughing so hard at anything.

I never have to justify my joy.

I’m my own person. Full, complete, and content.

And no one can drain that from me.

This is what I love about being single.

#4. So much space!

Being able to sleep diagonally across my bed, so much space !

#5. The same goes for me.

No one has to deal with my shit, and the same goes for me. Dunno how I’d handle that.

#6. Free of the constant anxiety.

I’m free of the constant anxiety of if I’m being a good boyfriend.

#7. No obligations.

the fact that I have no obligations to anyone on a daily basis (outside of my family and shit). all I gotta do is worry about myself. also I get to use all my money for me

Edit: Thanks for the silvers and all the replies, even the ones who disagree, I enjoy hearing your perspectives.

#8. When you put something somewhere.

No longer single but the fact that when you put something somewhere IT FUCKING STAYS THERE!!!

Edit : thank you for gold and silver!

#9. The thing I miss most.

married father here chiming in.

The thing I miss most about being single is the ability to act purely in your own self-interest without having any sense of guilt or responsibility to another person. And I’m not even talking about something with high stakes — I’m talking about something as simple as wanting to eat an entire bag of skittles without sharing with another person.

Don’t get me wrong, I love sacrificing for my family and sharing any and every thing I have with my wife and kid, but when you’re single, you have the ability and right to make every tiny decision based on your own self-interest or selfishness, and that’s something I sometimes miss on a very simple rudimentary level.

#10. Not worrying about their success.

I enjoy not worrying about their success. Life can be difficult, so supporting an SO and putting personal struggles on the back burner to do so can be exhausting.

Overall, a healthy relationship is still my favorite… but single is much better than an unhealthy one.

Obligatory Edit: Holy karma! Thank you everyone! I’m so happy that so many of you found some value in this post. I’m in the middle of a divorce and had been habitually putting myself second to my wife, so I’ve really been trying to convince myself this is true. All these fake internet points reassure me in my thinking and make me feel pretty great, so I really appreciate you all. Please stay awesome! 👉🏻😎👉🏻

#11. Delightfully selfish.

I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. I can spend money on myself with zero regard for what anyone else thinks. I don’t have to factor anyone else into my plans or life decisions.

It can be lonely sometimes, but it’s also delightfully selfish.

#12. I don’t have to choose.

i don’t have to chose between hanging with my friends or my SO.

#13. Best of all…

Not having to share a bed.

Not having to share your food.

Your space. Your free time. Your time out with friends.

But best of all …

Not having to have unnecessarily long discussions on where to eat.

#14. Stuff can just happen.

That stuff can just happen. If I want to change my entire weekend plans, bam – done. If I stumble upon a thing that happens and want to participate, boom – done. If I don’t want to talk to anyone, ka-blam – done.

#15. Exactly where it should be.

Everything in my car and apartment is exactly where it should be.

Try not to be jealous, coupled people. We have perks, too.

Just not the same ones.

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10+ Posts That Single People Will Totally Relate To

I remember my single days. The freedom, the independence, the thrill of meeting new people, the crushing loneliness.

Single life is like anything else really – it’s got its ups and downs. Here are the best memes that singles can relate to!

1. Is it really?

Photo Credit: Someecards

2. A little clarity is a good thing

Photo Credit: Someecards

3. She forgot: drive-bys to his home

Photo Credit: Someecards

4. If it were only that simple

Photo Credit: Someecards

5. Denial and admission

Photo Credit: Someecards

6. Only time will tell

Photo Credit: Someecards

7. “This one time…”

Photo Credit: Someecards

8. The worst is when they follow up with, “What books have you read?”

Photo Credit: Someecards

9. “Since the womb.”

Photo Credit: Someecards

10. LMAO

Photo Credit: Someecards

11. So EVERYONE knows what he missed out on

Photo Credit: Someecards

Hang in their singles!  Your time will come.

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12 People Reveal Why They’re Still Single

It’s one thing to ask your friends or family why they think you’re still single, and quite another to self-assess. These 12 people took a frank look in the mirror and share with the world the truth (in their eyes) about why they haven’t found that special someone.

#12. Wine and takeaway pizza

“I really can’t be bothered to put myself out there. I’m a lazy fuck and I’d much rather laze around with friends than go out and meet people. I’m a hopeless romantic at heart, but I’m also a hedonist who likes lounging in pyjamas in my bed. Give me wine and takeaway pizza any day.”

#11. A hard truth

“Because even though one is the loneliest number, two can be bad as one.”

#10. It must be

“Probably I am just too handsome and nobody dare to approach, yes it must be.”

#9. But with a nice vocabulary

“I’m a boring & misanthropic hermit with a lot of trust issues and self loathing.”

#8. Because, people

“Because I hate people and finding someone to date is a pain in the ass.”

#7. The grind

“When you work 60 to 70 hours a week you don’t have time to talk to anyone.”

#6. Peace and quiet

“I’m introverted, self conscious, and I love peace and quiet, so I just don’t seek relationships. Also, the world is populated enough already.”

#5. Everyone has their thing

“My personality is as attractive as a turd.”

#4. Because of the kids

“I was widowed when my kids were 5, 9, 11 and 13. They came first in my life. Now that they’re grown and successful, I’m too set in my ways and comfortable on my own.”

#3. One is the happiest number

“Honestly, I don’t want a partner. People never believe me when I say it, but it really is true.

I was in a relationship for years, and I was depressed. At the time I didn’t realise what the problem was, but then when it ended (and after a period of not knowing what to do with myself) I became happier than I’d ever been.

I’ve been in a couple of short-lived relationships since, and they were fine, but I still wasn’t as happy as when I was single, so I had to end them.

I think the whole “You MUST find the person of your dreams otherwise you will be SAD and LONELY” is complete bullshit.

There are other things in life. Hobbies. Friendship. Family.

I do want children at some point though, so I may run into trouble there…”

#2. A sausage fest

“I’m a guy in an industry that is all guys. All my friends and friends of friends are married. It’s a real challenge to meet any women when your life is an endless sausage fest and no one you know is single.”

#1. Never settle

“I decided I’d rather have no relationship at all than one that doesn’t fit quite right.”

The post 12 People Reveal Why They’re Still Single appeared first on UberFacts.