Being fired is bad, no doubt about it. But being fired for no real reason, other than your boss just deciding he doesn’t want you around anymore, now that’s a tough pill to swallow.
That’s exactly what happened to one woman, except she didn’t take her unjust firing lying down. Not by a long shot.
With the help of an awesome employment lawyer, she was able to get the sweetest revenge.
Here’s how the story begins:
Photo Credit: Reddit
She started working as an auto repair shop:
Photo Credit: Reddit
She started the job and things quickly ywent downhill from there:
Photo Credit: Reddit
Sanding became all she did:
Photo Credit: Reddit
Until one day, she got called into the boss’s office:
Photo Credit: Reddit
Photo Credit: Reddit
And here’s where the story starts to get good:
Photo Credit: Reddit
So she got her lawyer involved:
Photo Credit: Reddit
It gets better:
Photo Credit: Reddit
And better and better:
Photo Credit: Reddit
Wow, now that is some seriously epic revenge. Just wow. It just goes to show you that a good lawyer can be worth their weight in gold, and it’s always worth pursuing something you believe in to the very end. Karma is, in fact, a bitch.
Have you ever been fired from a job when you felt you shouldn’t have? We’d love to hear from you!
Let us know in the comments!
The post Woman Takes Down Former Employer’s Business After She Was Unjustly Fired appeared first on UberFacts.