This Guy Got Revenge on Someone Who Was Vandalizing Mailboxes

If you act like a jerk, it’s eventually gonna come back to bite you.

And that goes double for folks who intentionally mess with other peoples’ property.

And, at least in my humble opinion, this person definitely got what was coming to him…

Take a look at this story from Reddit about a vandal who learned his lesson in a painful way.

Intentionally unintentional revenge on a mail box vandal.

“This is my dad’s revenge, not mine and this happened last summer.

My parents live out on a lake just outside of town. Their property extends to both sides of the road, and their mail box is on the opposite side of the lake and the house.Over the 4 years they had lived at the property, a black SUV has knocked down their mail box 6 times (they catch the vehicle on the security camera on the gate but get no identifying info).

My dad would report it every time, but not much could be done. It was knocked over by a drunk driver once as well, but he crashed a bit further down the road so that was the only time that my dad got reimbursed for the damage.Well after the seventh time it was knocked down, he had had enough.

The land on the opposite side of the road dropped off steeply immediately after the shoulder, so my dad contracted some guys to build out a small gravel pad (15 feet long and 3 feet deep or so) so he could set his mail box back from the road. My dad told me that if someone tried to knock it down now, they would regret it.Well about 4 months after the work was complete, my parents were awoken to a loud crash in the middle of the night.

They called the police and went out to investigate. They found the black SUV off the road and having crashed into a very large tree.The guy was taken to the hospital and was charged with a DUI from the crash as well as possession of drugs they found in the vehicle.By building out the gravel pad and moving the mail box back by just a few feet, it still appeared that the mailbox was on the shoulder, and still seemed like an easy target.

In reality, those 3 feet made all the difference. Because the pad was so short, the vandal left the roadway before the pad started, and when the right side of his vehicle went off the shoulder, he car went veering down the steep incline.

The dude was pretty badly injured, and I know my dad felt bad about this. I think this was much more effective than he had in his mind.

My dad isnt the kind of person to intentionally injure someone, so I am sure he was hoping to just cause damage to a vehicle and teach a lesson that way.”

Wow…what a story…

Now let’s take a look at how Reddit users reacted.

This reader said they wouldn’t feel bad at all about what happened because the person was driving under the influence of alcohol.

Justice was served!

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person argued that it didn’t really turn out the way the dad wanted, but the guy got what he deserved.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual said there might be some potential legal problems here for the dad, so they offered up an excuse about an excuse he could use if asked about what happened.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And finally, this Reddit user said that the dad was not to blame here and that this guy, who is obviously a jerk, did this to himself.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think about this story?

Talk to us in the comments and spill your guts!

We’d love to hear from you!

The post This Guy Got Revenge on Someone Who Was Vandalizing Mailboxes appeared first on UberFacts.

This Woman Refused to do Extra Work After She Didn’t Get the Promotion She Was Promised

I think we’ve all been in this position before…

You’re promised something at work and then it doesn’t happen. It’s a bummer but we’ve all been there.

But a woman took matters into her own hands about how she’d work moving forward when this happened.

Let’s see what went down.

So I’m not getting the promotion you promised? Then I’m not doing the extra work.

“This isn’t my story, but my wife’s. She doesn’t have Reddit and said I could share her story with you lovely people. Allow me to set the scene.

My wife – Harper’s – official title is Mental Health Professional, or MHP, and she has been in this position for three years at a live-in care facility for adults with mental illnesses. Before that, she work for several years on the mental health ward at the hospital, so she had more experience walking into her current position than anyone else they had hired.

Within her first year, she got 2 lifers to progress in their treatment plans so thoroughly that they both got the okay to move out into the sister program that has more freedom and independence. She was working with a third “lifer” who was about ready to apply for the sister program when lockdown hit and the transfers between housing, or even non-AMA releases, were suspended.

All this is to say that she has made some very serious and positive changes for this facility from the moment she started working there. They made her the Lead MHP, and her direct supervisor’s boss started giving her more responsibilities; like the morning team report for the whole facility, handling client money, making decisions on big changes to help the overall workload, ect.

Her yearly review happened in December, which was promised to come with a large raise to reflect all the added responsibilities she has been gradually given. Of course, it didn’t. She stayed on HR about her raise for a month or so after the review itself until the big boss finally brought her into his office to discussed with her a promotion.

It would be a bit tricky because she has her Bachelor’s in psych and social work, but not her Master’s – which we’re working on getting her back in school soon to complete, and which she needs to officially fulfill the job title they had in mind.

Still, she was clearly leaps and bounds beyond her coworkers, often staying over to help clients or to help finish paperwork, filling in wherever she’s needed. So, promoting her would be cheaper than hiring on someone new, and of course this would come with an even better pay raise.

So, for the last few months my wife has been doing even more for her supervisor’s boss and the big boss. Anything they ask of her, dangling that official promotion over her head, constantly saying it would be a “gradual transition” and she needs to learn this or that – do this or that – to train for it. Out of her own pocket, she bought new binders and other supplies that made the various parts of her job and theirs easier.

She planned, reorganized, filled-in, whatever. The supervisor’s boss even told her verbatim “I don’t know what I would do without your help!” several times. All this with the promise of an official promotion and a raise.

Then it happened. Last week, Harper was tasked with sorting through potential new hires – as they had been hurting for more MHPs for some time, and the bosses had taken some of Harper’s clients off her work load to make room for the new responsibilities – she noticed that of the stack she was given, all applicants had a Master’s or qualifying credential in social work. Hmmm… Worrisome.

Two days ago, it was business as usually for most of the day until about an hour before Harper was supposed to clock out. She called me in angry tears ranting about the conversation she had just had with the supervisor’s boss. He told her she would unfortunately be taking on more clients, and the promotion would be put on hold for the time being.

She said he didn’t come right out and say he had decided to hire one of the people with a Master’s instead for the position, but what he did say was “you’ll have to relinquish any added responsibilities and return to being just an MHP”.

Okay. Bet.

After trying to calm her down, I gave my normally frustratingly accommodating wife a nudge in the malicious direction. One of the first added responsibilities she was given was the morning report. It was her job to have all the staff gather during the clients’ breakfast to relay what happened during 3rd shift, the plans for the day, coordinating client appointments, ect.

She would have to be in the facility before 3rd shift clocked out to get their notes, and then plan a traveling and gas budget for all the appointments, review any safety concerns or incidents, and this all added about an hour to her morning.

So, how happy was she the next morning when she got to snooze her alarm and sleep in a bit longer. When she got to the facility at her usual clock in time as an MHP, she said the place was already in chaos.

A fight had broken out and someone had some money stolen out of their room (all normal events for this place) but no one was exactly sure on the who or why of it because 3rd shift had had no one to pass along the notes so they just filed them and left. Of course Harper knew where they had been filed, because she organized the filing system no one had thought to check.

As soon as supervisor’s boss saw her clock in, he asked why she wasn’t there for report. See, he is always a seemingly sweet and soft spoken man, which made the sudden change of mind all the more surprising. Harper said she just stared him down, trying not to grin, and said “I’m just an MHP. I can’t handle the morning report.”

She then spent the rest of the day giving him the cold shoulder; relaying only necessary information to him while focusing on her clients and paperwork. I want to be clear, it isn’t that the chose a more educated person for the hire position.

That makes plenty of sense. It’s that they promised her that position, spent the last few months transitioning her responsibilities to that position, promised her the pay raise to go with it, and then ripped it out from under her. That’s some underhanded bulls**t.

Oh, and since she isn’t getting the promotion, she went to HR to see about her over due yearly raise. She was told no one is getting a raise at the moment because of Covid.”

Now let’s take a look at how readers responded to this story.

This person said that you should always be on the lookout for what else is out there in your field, no matter what.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual said the woman needs to take advantage of her new title and start looking at other companies if her current boss is going to drag their feet.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader shared their own story: sometimes, you just have to play hardball.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Finally, this person brought up a good point: these kinds of work experiences can actually cause PTSD for some folks.

Photo Credit: Reddit

How do you think you would’ve handled this situation?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post This Woman Refused to do Extra Work After She Didn’t Get the Promotion She Was Promised appeared first on UberFacts.

This Homeowner Was the Victim of Revenge After They Harassed People Nonstop

I’ve said it before…people never cease to amaze me…

And today we have a tale from Reddit about a homeowner really needed to be put in their place.

Let’s see what went down, shall we?

Homeowner got what was coming to him after daily harassment

“I worked an engineering/construction job last year for a home builder and we had to deal with a bunch of 5g anti vaxxer health nuts moving in to one of our neighborhoods.

Constant complaints about the construction, the noise, the debris, which made no sense because they chose to move into the neighborhood before construction was completed.

One man in particular would harass us daily, complaining about the streetlights being too bright (they weren’t) and complaining about a generator we had running about a block away from him to power the site temporarily until we had the infrastructure in.

The complaints ranged from the generator was damaging his hearing (thing was almost completely silent) or that the fumes from the generator were coming into his house and causing him and his kids to have stunted development. They would come up with stuff that made little to no sense.

It escalated to the point where he got the city and the mayor involved, and we got sued so we gave in to his requests and moved to generator to an inconvenient location & had to take the time and money to rewire to be able to power the areas needed (this was including important stuff like the streetlights, we had to leave off for a couple nights until the move was complete, and you guessed it, he would call to complain. The nerve of this man.)

So, here comes the revenge. We received an order from the city to install a 5g tower on site to improve cellular connection because the area we were in had pretty bad service.

Since my team and I were in charge of creating the plans to install the infrastructure, guess where we all simultaneously agreed to put the tower: right smack dab in front of the angry mans house. We thought this was incredibly hilarious and couldn’t stop laughing every time he would call freaking out while the tower was being constructed.

Got to the point he tried to file another lawsuit, got laughed away, and within a week we never heard from them again. Moved out faster than the wind.”


Now let’s see how Reddit users reacted.

This person asked a very good question: how can anybody take these kinds of folks seriously?

I’d like to know that, too…

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader poked fun at the homeowner in a way that I think you’ll appreciate.

Get your tin foil hat!

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person said that this guy was kind of worked up about nothing at the end of the day…

Photo Credit: Reddit

And lastly, this Reddit user said that there will always be these kinds of folks out there: the ones who attack all the new technology.

Good grief…

Photo Credit: Reddit

Okay, friends, now it’s your turn to sound off.

Tell us what you thought of this story in the comments.

We look forward to it!

The post This Homeowner Was the Victim of Revenge After They Harassed People Nonstop appeared first on UberFacts.

This Person Shared a Revenge Story About Someone Telling Their Mom to Speak English

Do you love revenge stories?

Well, you’re in the right places, guys and gals!

Because a Reddit user told a story that happened to their mother when they first came to the U.S. and it’s pretty interesting.

Let’s see what happened.

Tell my mom to speak English? Okay!

“This is a story that was recently brought up again by my mom when she was recounting some really sh**ty r**ism she encountered when she first came to the United States.

I’ve heard this story a few times before but didn’t think to share it anywhere else. That is until I was made aware of this subreddit. Enjoy.

It was the late 1980s in Los Angeles, California. By this time my mom, a Japanese immigrant, had been living in the United States for ten years. Although she could speak English well, she wasn’t fluent and preferred to speak Japanese with others from the local Japanese-American community.

One day, she and a friend were waiting to be seated at a restaurant on Beverly Boulevard. As they chattered away in Japanese, a large shadow cast down upon them. Looking up, they found Karen’s 1989 counterpart leering down at them.

Mom couldn’t remember how the woman looked except for the look of pure contempt trying to work its way across facial muscles frozen by Botox.

“You two,” Karen barked, “this is America! Speak English.”

Startled, my mom and her friend made eye contact, unsure of what to do. Encounters like this were, sadly, ones they had run into many times since they came to live in the USA. They were not ones for confrontation.

Before, they couldn’t do anything while their bullies marched off, unpunished. But then, as they made eye contact, a brilliant thing happened.

Mom likened the moment to their thought processes coming in sync together. They had a shared idea that didn’t need any further elaboration or explanation.

“Masami, my dear, I do think the waiter ought to have shown up to escort us to our table by now,” Mom chimed in the poshest British accent she could muster. “It’s frightfully rude to keep us waiting like this!”

“Yes, darling,” her friend replied, invoking her best impersonation of the Princess of Wales, “it is frightfully rude indeed!”

As they continued to twitter away in their fake English accents, Karen began to slowly back away. Her Botox face reddened and twisted itself in a visage as hideous as the Furies.

Realizing that she had just been outsmarted by two young women obsessed with British culture and celebrity, all she could do was storm off down Beverly Boulevard a defeated bully.

While there was no direct punishment, it was a story that my mom would continue to retell thirty years later. It has always made me chuckle to myself, and I hope you enjoyed it too.”

We did enjoy it! Let’s see how folks on Reddit reacted.

This reader said that, sadly, not much has really changed in regard to this kind of attitude among some Americans.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person could relate to people trying to correct their English and they shared their experience.

Have you ever tried to talk to someone from Glasgow before? The accents are wild!

Photo Credit: Reddit

And another Reddit user had a bit of a different experience, but in some ways it’s similar because it deals with something we all need to fight against: IGNORANCE.

Photo Credit: Reddit

You gotta love it!

Have you ever experienced something like this?

If so, tell us your stories in the comments. Thanks!

The post This Person Shared a Revenge Story About Someone Telling Their Mom to Speak English appeared first on UberFacts.

This Person Shared a Revenge Story About Someone Telling Their Mom to Speak English

Do you love revenge stories?

Well, you’re in the right places, guys and gals!

Because a Reddit user told a story that happened to their mother when they first came to the U.S. and it’s pretty interesting.

Let’s see what happened.

Tell my mom to speak English? Okay!

“This is a story that was recently brought up again by my mom when she was recounting some really sh**ty r**ism she encountered when she first came to the United States.

I’ve heard this story a few times before but didn’t think to share it anywhere else. That is until I was made aware of this subreddit. Enjoy.

It was the late 1980s in Los Angeles, California. By this time my mom, a Japanese immigrant, had been living in the United States for ten years. Although she could speak English well, she wasn’t fluent and preferred to speak Japanese with others from the local Japanese-American community.

One day, she and a friend were waiting to be seated at a restaurant on Beverly Boulevard. As they chattered away in Japanese, a large shadow cast down upon them. Looking up, they found Karen’s 1989 counterpart leering down at them.

Mom couldn’t remember how the woman looked except for the look of pure contempt trying to work its way across facial muscles frozen by Botox.

“You two,” Karen barked, “this is America! Speak English.”

Startled, my mom and her friend made eye contact, unsure of what to do. Encounters like this were, sadly, ones they had run into many times since they came to live in the USA. They were not ones for confrontation.

Before, they couldn’t do anything while their bullies marched off, unpunished. But then, as they made eye contact, a brilliant thing happened.

Mom likened the moment to their thought processes coming in sync together. They had a shared idea that didn’t need any further elaboration or explanation.

“Masami, my dear, I do think the waiter ought to have shown up to escort us to our table by now,” Mom chimed in the poshest British accent she could muster. “It’s frightfully rude to keep us waiting like this!”

“Yes, darling,” her friend replied, invoking her best impersonation of the Princess of Wales, “it is frightfully rude indeed!”

As they continued to twitter away in their fake English accents, Karen began to slowly back away. Her Botox face reddened and twisted itself in a visage as hideous as the Furies.

Realizing that she had just been outsmarted by two young women obsessed with British culture and celebrity, all she could do was storm off down Beverly Boulevard a defeated bully.

While there was no direct punishment, it was a story that my mom would continue to retell thirty years later. It has always made me chuckle to myself, and I hope you enjoyed it too.”

We did enjoy it! Let’s see how folks on Reddit reacted.

This reader said that, sadly, not much has really changed in regard to this kind of attitude among some Americans.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person could relate to people trying to correct their English and they shared their experience.

Have you ever tried to talk to someone from Glasgow before? The accents are wild!

Photo Credit: Reddit

And another Reddit user had a bit of a different experience, but in some ways it’s similar because it deals with something we all need to fight against: IGNORANCE.

Photo Credit: Reddit

You gotta love it!

Have you ever experienced something like this?

If so, tell us your stories in the comments. Thanks!

The post This Person Shared a Revenge Story About Someone Telling Their Mom to Speak English appeared first on UberFacts.

A Random Twist of Fate Helped This Woman Get Revenge on Her Brother

If you love a good revenge story, you’re in luck!

Because a young woman who has a strained relationship with her twin brother finally got some serious revenge on him and she shared her story on Reddit.

Let’s check it out!

Fate helped me get back at my brother.

“I originally posted this in two parts as it was unfolding on r/relationship_advice, and a couple people told me to post it here. I didn’t know this sub existed but I’m happy it does. So…

My brother (23M, we’re twins) is so mean. He’s constantly doing messed up stuff to me (23F), but the worst thing happened five years ago.

I got my first boyfriend when I was 18 and a senior in high school. I know we were young, but I really really really loved him. We’d been dating for ten months when my brother randomly decided – for literally no reason at all – to make up a story about how he “caught me cheating” and tell it to my boyfriend.

He planned it all out, he came up with details – he made it sound real. And because he’s such a scarily good liar and a master manipulator, my boyfriend believed him. No matter what I said or did to prove it wasn’t true, he believed my brother over me. My brother kept up with his act the entire time and refused to admit he was lying.

At one point I thought I’d finally gotten my boyfriend to believe me, but then he broke up with me a few months later and confessed it was because he was still convinced I’d cheated on him and he couldn’t move past it. He said, “the worst part is that you won’t just tell me the truth” and not to sound dramatic but that still haunts me; I want to cry every time I think about it.

And I still miss him to this day. (Also, I think it’s important to note that my brother has never once apologized ! He’s so insanely mean that he just thinks it’s funny. I even asked him once if he’d consider hitting my ex up and telling him the truth for my peace of mind and he just laughed at me.)

I never got over what my brother did, and I always told myself I was gonna do the exact same thing to him one day. He’s dated several girls since high school, but he’d never been serious enough about any of them for me to consider tricking them.

I knew it wouldn’t hurt him like he hurt me if I just tricked one of his flings or something. But he finally got his first serious girlfriend last year, and after thinking about it for a looong time I decided I was gonna do it.

We live in different places now so I had to do it all online. I used a different method than he did; I contacted his girlfriend pretending to be “the girl he’d been cheating with”. I made up an elaborate detailed story like he did to me and even photoshopped “proof” and stuff.

I made my story even more believable than he made his. And exactly like he did to me, I went as far as denying it even to him because I knew he might use my texts/calls to prove to his girlfriend that it isn’t true. He knew I was behind it, though, solely because the girl I made up doesn’t exist and there’s no one else that would do this. But I kept denying it.

His girlfriend wholeheartedly believed me, and my brother kept calling and texting me and begging me to “give it up” (even though I still wouldn’t admit it was me). He was manipulating me and arguing that it’s “different” because I was younger when he did it to me and my relationship “wasn’t serious”.

But my relationship was serious, and like I said, I still miss my ex. My brother really, really messed me up. I have empathy though (he doesn’t) and I was starting to feel bad for his girlfriend because she’s innocent. I was kind of regretting everything and thinking that maybe I should tell his girlfriend the truth (for her sake, not his).

But then….

His girlfriend asked me a question which led to her admitting that she’s “been suspicious of him for a long time”, so I pried a little bit and encouraged her to look through his phone. She told me she couldn’t because she didn’t know the passcode and he wouldn’t give her access to it.

I guessed a few passcodes I thought it could be and gave them to her under the guise of “seeing it once but not being sure which one I’d seen” (that was kind of dumb but I couldn’t think of anything else to say and she didn’t question it). She got in because it ended up being the same one he’s had since 2012 when our dad got us iPhones and made us use the same passcode. Idiot.

Anyway, low and behold….it turns out my brother actually cheated on her and my set up was the reason she found out. He’s been talking to and hooking up with multiple girls for pretty much the entirety of their relationship.


I’m not surprised, because he’s a terrible person and cheating seems right up his alley, but I’m shocked at the same time. I literally can’t believe things worked out this perfectly; it feels like a dream or something. The universe loves me.

I hate to revel in his girlfriend’s misery, but I was feeling guilty about her being collateral damage, so I feel like this is the best possible outcome. My lie ended up being the truth – well not exactly but you know what I mean – so I didn’t scar his gf or leave her with permanent damage for no reason.

All my interference did was speed up the process of the truth coming to light. In fact, my brother may have been able to hide his cheating forever if not for me. He probably would’ve just manipulated his gf and/or refused to give her phone access forever. She hasn’t broken up with him and I’m honestly not sure if she will.

Idk how relevant that is but it attests to how manipulative he is. He screws people over all the time but somehow always gets his way anyway. It’s honestly infuriating and scary.

Anyway, I’m still not going to admit to my brother that I’m behind it all, because there’s no point. That would just get me in deeper trouble. I got a comment on my original post that said “deny til you die baby”…and that’s exactly what I’m planning on doing lol.

Life’s crazy.”

Life sure is crazy…and here’s how folks responded on Reddit. And I think it’s pretty unanimous that her brother is a major creep.

This person said that she needs to go further to protect her privacy online.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user said that she needs to tread very carefully because her brother might try to escalate this situation to an even higher level.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual stated the obvious: her brother is a real piece of s**t.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And finally, this person might have hit the nail on the head.

The guy actually sound like a full-blown sociopath.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Do you have any good revenge stories you’d like to share with us?

If so, please do it in the comments.

We can’t wait to hear them!

The post A Random Twist of Fate Helped This Woman Get Revenge on Her Brother appeared first on UberFacts.

Person Got Satisfying Revenge on a Racist Karen and Got Her Business Closed Down

Racism is one of the topics at the forefront of the minds of many these days, and rightfully so. Everyone needs to have a plan for what they’re going to do if and when they find themself staring it in the face.

This person had to enact that plan after a racist “Karen” called the cops on her young cousin, and I have to say, I think she knocked it out of the park.

The cousin had always dreamed of starting a salon and managed to do just that, with family helping out in all kinds of roles and everyone taking ownership of the fledgling business.

My cousin (23,F) recently opened up her own salon. From a young age, she taught herself how to thread/wax eyebrows and developed an interest in makeup and hair. Everyone in our extended family would go to her before events and on a monthly basis for their threading, waxing, hair and makeup needs. In 2020, she had a full-time job (non-salon related) but decided to renovate the basement of her home to create a small salon space.

She now spends her free time taking clients in her at-home salon and there’s nothing but great reviews! Her sister helped with the renovations and now helps her with marketing the business (social media, community pages) and I help with the finances (budgeting, price-setting). We all support her and are really proud of her! The salon is our baby.

Covid took a toll on the business, like it has on most things, but they were managing to keep forging ahead with precautions.

We’re now in the middle of a pandemic and this greatly affected her salon business. As a result, she implemented safety measures and our small team made sure to keep up with covid regulations in our city. This included having one customer inside at a time, doing temperature checks, making masks/face shields and gloves mandatory, wiping down the salon after each client…etc. Also, when our city was in lockdown, the salon was closed as it is not an essential service.

Once their city went into lockdown the salon was forced to close temporarily, making sure clients knew through Facebook, etc.

There was a comment on an old post offering a deal, from when the salon was allowed to be open with precautions, that she couldn’t believe her salon had to be closed and this one didn’t – but no one saw it right away.

Our city is once again in lockdown since the end of December to the end of January. The salon has been closed since the lockdown began. The salon’s social media pages had been updated to let the current clientele know that the salon is closed.

Now comes the Karen. Karen sees a community post from OCTOBER detailing a discount that the salon was having on a certain package we offer. She comments on the post saying that she can’t believe the salon is open in the middle of a lockdown when her salon has to be closed. This is important for later. Karen fails to notice that this post was made in October, when salons were allowed to operate as long as they followed safety regulations.

Karen doesn’t bother checking more recent posts indicating that the salon was closed. My cousin doesn’t see her reply at this time.

Then, the police showed up, wanting to see the cousin.

She wasn’t home and so she missed them (twice) but they left a card and asked her to call them back.

The next day, two police officers show up at my cousin’s door while she’s at a doctor’s appointment. The officers ask for my cousin and my aunt lets them know that she’s not home right now. My aunt does not speak English very well and lets the officers know that she would call my cousin and ask her to come home. Maybe the officers didn’t believe her but they insisted on coming inside the home.

My aunt had already called my cousin as she was worried. My cousin asked what it was about, but my aunt didn’t know. My cousin then asked if they had a warrant for anything. When she found out they didn’t, she told her mom not to let them come inside and that she would be there in about 20 minutes. My cousin began driving home when my aunt called her to let her know that they simply left. Hearing this my cousin was less worried and decided to go grocery shopping as planned before heading home.

Turns out, the officers came back half an hour later and once again demanded to see my cousin. My aunt called my cousin again and asked her to come home but in the 20 minutes she took to come home, the officers were gone. They had left a card and asked her to call back.

When she did they informed her the business had been reported for operating during quarantine. She explained she hasn’t been seeing clients and has been following all of the rules, suggested that if they were getting their information from Facebook they should double check the dates on the posts, and figured that was the end of it.

My cousin managed to get a hold of the officers and was told that someone had reported her business. They claimed that she was operating during the lockdown and they had proof. My cousin knew this wasn’t true as the salon had been closed for quite a while.

By now, my cousin had seen the comment from earlier and mentioned that she knew exactly what their so called proof was but the post in question was from October. My cousin was very upset as this post was not even close to being actual evidence of her operating now, in January. She was also very upset that they insisted on coming inside the house with no cause or warrant when they could clearly see that my aunt does not understand the language very well.

At the end of the conversation, the police officer apologized to my cousin and we thought it was the end of it.

Then, the Karen who made the comment called, pretending to be a customer.

You must be wondering how we know that Karen was the one who called the cops. Well, she told us! The next day, my cousin received a message she realized was from the woman who commented on the post. Karen decided to pretend like she’s a customer.

Karen: Can I book an appointment?

My cousin: Hey love, we are currently closed due to the lockdown. Once the lockdown is over, we will be more than happy to book you in.

Karen: Oh my gf was there yesterday, my apologies

My cousin: You must have gotten the date wrong. The salon is not taking clients until the lockdown is over. Thank you.

Karen: Np but I didn’t get the date wrong lol I also know the police came due to you being open. Take care

My cousin: I’m not going to sit here and entertain your boring life. Maybe for a change you can find another hobby rather than spreading lies and wasting people’s time, including the police’s time. Or even better, find an actual job. Have a good night.

Karen: I own my own spa that’s closed as should yours be. My mom is the one who called the cops. You are not entertaining me at all. Go back to your own country instead of fucking with ours.

My cousin decided to block her at this point. My cousin was happy this was all over. Her sister and I were still outraged at the racist comment and how someone could make up lies about a small business that led to the cops terrifying my aunt. When my cousin told me about Karen, the fact that she had her own spa really stood out. I did some digging.

It turns out she made a mistake, though, because not everyone is willing to let comments like that go – as they shouldn’t.

urns out Karen runs her own spa out of her house. Doing some more snooping, I found reviews from her clients on her business page that were posted on days that the city was under lockdown. The reviews could be from clients who received services before the lockdown and only now had a chance to write a review. To be sure, I found Karen’s Instagram page.

I decided to use her own trick against her! I created a new account with a generic name and followed her page so she couldn’t see that I was related to my cousin. I then messaged her to ask about the prices for her services.

Me: Hey, I love your pics! I was wondering how much you charge.

Karen: Hey girl, thank you so much! What service are you after?

Me: I’m really interested in the BB glow facial.

Karen: That’s awesome. My biggest seller for sure. Normally it’s 125 but it’s on B.O.G.O (buy one, get one) so you pay for one session and get 2!

Me: That’s such a great deal compared to others! When is your next available date?

Karen: Where are you located? I can’t have people come to me in lockdown but I travel to my clients.

Head’s up, going to people’s houses was still not allowed during their lockdown rules, so she totally told on herself.

And then OP told on her, because tit for tat.

aren was not operating from her home location due to lockdown restrictions but was traveling to her clients’ homes which is still against regulations! I then made up a lie about my home not having adequate space and asked for her address so we could meet up at my friend’s place somewhere between her and I’s locations. She foolishly told me her address.

During this time, I also tried joining other community groups that she was a part of. In one particular group, people in the community were promoting their small businesses. She had recently made a post about discounts on her services for the month of January! I immediately went online and submitted a report about her business still operating including screenshots, her address, full name…etc.

The police checked it out and fined her, and since it turned out to be a second (or perhaps third) offense the penalties were stiff, and her business was shut down.

She was angry, made threats, etc, but I mean…meddlesome racists get what they get, don’t you think?

A few days passed by and I had forgotten to check up on it as I was busy with life again. I saw the incident report number on a sticky note I had on my desk and decided to check in. Apparently, this was not Karen’s first offence! Karen had already been fined $750 for having a client in her home during the first lockdown in my city. After being fined, she decided to change her business model and go to the client’s home instead. Now, she was fined $10,000!

I was still following her on Instagram so I decided to check it out. She had gone on a rant about how she was going to do very bad things to the person who reported her. She also mentioned that she was no longer allowed to run her business! I’m not sure what type of ban the regional police put on her but I immediately deleted the account and exited the groups I had joined earlier. At the end of the day, Karen got was she deserved and I fulfilled my dream of pretending to be Sherlock Holmes.

Naturally, reddit had A LOT to say about this story. And all of it was supportive.

Image Credit: Reddit

Because Racist Karens are gonna do what they do…

Image Credit: Reddit

And some people really gave it to the cops.

Image Credit: Reddit

And hey, some business tips!

Image Credit: Reddit

Did this person go too far? Should they have been a bit more understanding in the times of Covid, one small business owner to another?

Drop your thoughts on the matter down in the comments!

The post Person Got Satisfying Revenge on a Racist Karen and Got Her Business Closed Down appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About When They Got Sweet Revenge on Someone

Sweet, sweet revenge

It feels good when you get it, right?

No, that doesn’t make you a terrible person! Sometimes in life, people just get what’s coming to them, even if it takes a very long time.

Are you ready for some tales of epic revenge?

Let’s check out these stories from folks on AskReddit.

1. Felt good.

“When I was 11 I got a job as a paper runner for a junk paper advertising agency but I never got the chance to hand in the contract that they made me sign (which pretty much said I was getting paid 16 bucks a week for hours and hours of work including retrieving the junk mail, sorting them together, and delivering to hundreds of mail boxes.

Also if I was hit by a car the company wouldn’t take the blame).

I worked for this company for about a month, working my little *ss off delivering papers awesomely letter box by letter box, eagerly waiting my 72 bucks pay at the end of the month.

Until I realized I never got it, so I got my mom to call the company and ask them why they refuse to pay me. They say it’s because I never gave in the contract and said they refuse to pay fir what i have already done once i handed the contract in.

I was 11 and I was still doing hours and hours of work already so I got really pissed off and just stopped delivering the papers. For months. The place where they would leave the papers for me stacked up to about neck high in undelivered junk mail when they finally rang my mom to yell at her saying we’d have to pay a 2000 dollar fine because of the “damage”.

I got the phone off her because I and said “I didn’t sign any contract. I never worked for you.” and hung up. Felt good.”

2. Oh, boy.

“One summer I took an algebra 2 class. During a break me and a class mate played black jack for cash.

One day I was down about $20 bucks, and I paid up. The very next day we played again, but I won my money back and then some. My class mate wouldn’t pay up. I was pissed, so I was plotting revenge.

I would always have a pack of gum on me and that bastard would always ask for a piece. I went to the drug store after class and I purchased a pack of Clorettes and a pack of Feen-a-Mint gum(laxative gum), because the packaging looked the same. I have no idea why that company invented a laxative gum, but I thank the lord some crazy bastard did.

The next morning I walked into class snapping gum. Sure enough he took the bait. He asked me for some gum, and I gave him two pieces. He chewed that gum for about an hour. That *sshole also stole a fruit pie from another kid’s lunch bag right next to him while still chewing on that gum.

He spit out the gum, ripped open the fruit pie, and inhaled it. He leapt up from his seat like frogs in a dynamite pond and ran out of class never to return.”

3. What’s that smell?

“Since kinder-garden there was a kid that bullied me to no end. He would hurass me, call me names, and toy with my weak emotions (I was a small sensitive child) So after 9 years of constant torture, we were put in the same math class in eighth grade.

Needless to say, I wasn’t happy with this. I was bullied on the bus, and in class, ’till one day I decided I’d had enough.

I decided to strategically purchase a second lunch, once every few days (I had to save up my spare quarters). After I bought them, I stored them in my locker, which I didn’t really use.

After two months, those lunches had morphed into the most putrid mush on the planet. I had stored them in plastic baggies as to prevent the smell from escaping my locker, but that sh*t STILL reeked.

At this point it was June, and the end of the year was coming, as was my revenge. My school has a large spiral-like stair case, where there is a balcony over looking the lower stairs. After my last math class of the year, we were released early to go to our buses.

I rushed to my locker and grabbed the garbage bag full of nausea and prepared myself.

Without a word, as I watched my bully go down the stairs, I dropped the bag off the balcony and immediately strutted off like I wasn’t doing anything. I heard a very loud “WHAT THE F*CK” and then ran to the bus via another stair way.

Watching him have to sit on the bus covered in rotten food all the way home (which was 20min away) was the best feeling ever. And I got off scott free too!”

4. Serves him right.

“Nerd revenge:

I had a roommate in college who thought it was the greatest fun in the world to hack into our personal computers, even though none of us made any attempts to protect them from anyone else in the house. He would leave stupid messages on our desktops and change our backgrounds, and it just got annoying after a while.

One day I was bored and fed up and decided to return the favor. This was back when PC ISA cards all needed their IRQs set up by flipping jumpers on the cards.

One of the most common results of an IRQ conflict in a sound card was that the first sound you played after boot would fill only a small buffer (4096 bytes, more or less) and loop it forever until you rebooted, fiddled with the IRQ jumpers, and tried again.

My roommate had gone through this procedure several times that week trying to install a new video card without IRQ conflicts. So in revenge, I ‘hacked’ into his computer, and found his startup sound file. I took the first tiny snippet, looped it in a new file that lasted about 10 minutes, and copied it back to his computer.

When he booted his computer up, it sounded EXACTLY like he had an IRQ conflict on his sound card, and he spent the next 3 days tearing his PC to bits and putting it back together again to find the problem.

He finally fixed it by reinstalling Windows, and never suspected any foul play. Served him right.”

5. Now we’re even.

“The first time I ever got drunk, my neighbor was having a keg party and told me to come over. A bunch of my older brother’s friends were there, and not really knowing anyone else, I was hanging out with them.

I asked the fateful question, “How do you know when you’re drunk?” “When you can’t feel your face anymore.” SLAP!

5 years later, I was at a party with a bunch of the same people. I walked up to the man who slapped me, wound up, and slapped him as hard as I could across his stupid bearded face. The whole room went quiet, and I announced “5 years ago, ______’s party, you slapped me. Now we’re even.”

Slow clap.


6. Scandalous.

“Found out my then-wife was f*cking a lawyer/politician. She was 32, he was 50. Being a politician, his home phone number is public. I calmly called his wife and told her that her husband was banging my wife.

Needless to say, she took him to the cleaners. Best part was he was steaming mad at me and said “You had no right to call my wife”.

I said “I had every right, you scumbag politicians have public phone numbers”. Apparently he didn’t know that.”

7. You’re alive?

“I convinced my abusive ex-boyfriend that I was dead by telling him that I had bronchitis and pneumonia (true) and then blocking him on Facebook/not responding to his text messages, etc.

It was probably one of the best pranks I have ever played in my life. I saw him 2 years later at a Christmas party. The look on his face was amazing, because it isn’t like he could say anything.”

8. Ouch.

“Before I start, let me say I AM NOT a violent person, this being the only fight I’ve ever been in. For 5 years the bully of my grade passed around a rumour that I had had s*xual relations with my younger brother.

It followed me to 2 separate schools. It was very dark time in my life. Due to this I didn’t have a huge amount of friends, so I spent my spare time learning kendo, aikido, and lifting weights, not so typical 6th grader activities. 2 years later I ran into the guy at a monthly youth group event.

I threw him through a coffee table, kicked his ribs in and pissed on him. I was promptly removed from the youth group and never heard from the guy ever again.”

9. Nice work.

“Girlfriend cheated on me, so I hooked up with her younger, hotter, sl*ttier sister.

Much better s*x.

Then I told the GF.”

10. Held back.

“Junior year of high school. In my Civics class, there was a certain individual (we’ll call him Dave) that was one of those Too-cool-for-school *ss-holes. Now, for years this guy had picked on me, for being the class nerd. Needless to say, I hated his guts.

But back to Civics. He never paid attention in class, thus failing almost every test, not that he cared. Near the end of the year, it was brought to his attention that if he failed the class, he would be held back. He needed to pass the final. So he formulated a genius plan to copy off of my test, making sure he passed. He even had the balls to tell me what he was going to do. Bad move.

As soon as the test starts, I take my time filling in all the wrong answers, while Dave casually pulled the ol’ stretch-and-peek every five minutes. Once he finished his test and turned it in, I set to work erasing all my answers and replacing them with the correct ones.

I scored a 95 on the test, I believe he pulled a 32. Guess who got to repeat junior year?”

11. Power move.

“I caught my husband cheating on me, so in the course of a week, I found a place to live, hired movers, and planned for all of the utilities (gas, water, electricity, cable/internet) to be transferred to the new house, it was convenient that they were all in my name.

I made all the arrangements to occur on Friday, I scheduled for the movers to come after he left for work and they packed up the furniture (I did leave his clothing and absolute personal things) and moved it to my new place. So, he came home from work around six pm to an empty house with no utilities.

I don’t imagine he went to stay at his new girlfriend’s house since she was a college student living with her mom and dad. Also, it just happened to be April First.

Every April Fools Day I giggle just a little for the biggest fool I’ll ever know.”

12. You can wait.

“I used to work at a movie theater and this *sshole came up to the concession stand and was overall being a complete d*ck about everything he said. Just rude to me and snotty to the people he was with.

My theater was really a landing strip pretty much. One long hallway that had all of the theaters lined up, concessions stand in the front and one way in the back as well. I was in the back one.

So he paid for his food and I purposely short changed him and went “Oh, whoops! Forgot some of the change!” He annoyingly said he’d wait while a manager unlocked my drawer.

Little did he know that all of my managers were on break and wouldn’t be back for 15 minutes, along with walking down the crazy long hallway to get the money. The entire time, I chilled in the back room (in the guy’s eyesight of course) and munched on some popcorn.”

How about you?

What’s your best revenge story?

Tell us all the dirt in the comments!

The post People Talk About When They Got Sweet Revenge on Someone appeared first on UberFacts.

Woman Takes Down Former Employer’s Business After She Was Unjustly Fired

Being fired is bad, no doubt about it. But being fired for no real reason, other than your boss just deciding he doesn’t want you around anymore, now that’s a tough pill to swallow.

That’s exactly what happened to one woman, except she didn’t take her unjust firing lying down. Not by a long shot.

With the help of an awesome employment lawyer, she was able to get the sweetest revenge.

Here’s how the story begins:

Photo Credit: Reddit

She started working as an auto repair shop:

Photo Credit: Reddit

She started the job and things quickly ywent downhill from there:

Photo Credit: Reddit

Sanding became all she did:

Photo Credit: Reddit

Until one day, she got called into the boss’s office:

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

And here’s where the story starts to get good:

Photo Credit: Reddit

So she got her lawyer involved:

Photo Credit: Reddit

It gets better:

Photo Credit: Reddit

And better and better:

Photo Credit: Reddit

Wow, now that is some seriously epic revenge. Just wow. It just goes to show you that a good lawyer can be worth their weight in gold, and it’s always worth pursuing something you believe in to the very end. Karma is, in fact, a bitch.

Have you ever been fired from a job when you felt you shouldn’t have? We’d love to hear from you!

Let us know in the comments!

The post Woman Takes Down Former Employer’s Business After She Was Unjustly Fired appeared first on UberFacts.

Man Gets Revenge on Greedy Landlord Years Later By Random Chance

As more and more people are renting because they have no better options, the few who hold the properties are coming under closer scrutiny. Laws concerning what a landowner can and can’t do in regard to a tenant are complicated, vary from place to place, and many know that tenants simply won’t know their rights in that regard and can thus be taken advantage of.

Just like any position, there are good landlords and there are bad. This story, posted to Reddit by user RockyMoose, is about a bad one, and is particularly satisfying because it ends in a revenge that couldn’t have been engineered. Read on.

Chapter 1: Ante Up

Chapter 1 – Part 2

Chapter 1 – Part 3

Chapter 1 – Part 4

Chapter 2: Raise and Fold

Chapter 2 – Part 2

Chapter 2 – Part 3

Chapter 3: The Turn

Chapter 3 – Part 2

Chapter 3 – Part 3

Chapter 3 – Part 4

Chapter 3 – Part 5

Chapter 4: All In

Chapter 4 – Part 2

Chapter 4 – Part 3

Chapter 4 – Part 4

Damn! Whether or not you believe in karma has some real outside force, there’s no denying that treating others poorly can come back to bite you if they’re given the chance to have anything to say about it.

What’s been your worst experience with a landlord?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Man Gets Revenge on Greedy Landlord Years Later By Random Chance appeared first on UberFacts.