What Is the Saddest Fact You Know?

Our world is filled with sadness.

It’s a fact of life and yes, it is a huge bummer.

So I hope you’re ready to get a little depressed today…

What’s the saddest fact you know?

Folks on AskReddit spoke up.

1. Bad luck.

“A guy in my area had just retired on a Friday. The following Wednesday he was out fishing and a thunderstorm came up.

He pulled his boat out of the lake and while standing next to his car on the boat ramp lightning took him out.

5 blessed days of retirement.”

2. Goodbye.

“Read about a dolphin who had learned some basic communication and was in some sort of pen.

Dolphins can s**cide by going under water and refusing to go back up for air. This dolphin was miserable and told it’s handler goodbye before going under and ki**ing itself.

The fact the dolphin was sentient enough to choose s**cide breaks my heart.”

3. Emotional animals.

“Elephants will mourn other elephants in their group dying and will hold funerals for them and will even recognize the bones of said elephant and cry out in sadness.”

4. Wild kingdom.

“Penguins sometimes get r**ed by sea lions.

These young seals are those who can’t mate with a female because a larger sea lion controls a massive harem.

After getting r**ed, the penguins’ head are munched off most of the time.”

5. No more energy.

“All whales eventually lose the energy to surface for oxygen, so they essentially begin to sink and drown.”

6. Awful.

“For me it’s the d**th of the 13-year-old Colombian girl Omayra Sanchez in 1985.

She was trapped in water after a volcanic eruption, kneeling with her legs trapped under debris, and there was no way to extricate her without triggering a rise in the water level, which would have dr**ned her. Responders considered amputating her legs but decided that she probably wouldn’t survive, and that the most humane thing to do was to let her d**.

The would-be rescuers and some journalists stayed with her for three days while she joked and prayed and sang and left messages for her mother before d**ng of either gangrene or hypothermia.”

7. A national tragedy.

“Some astronauts in the Challenger disaster survived the initial explosion and only d**d once the orbiter hit the water

Can’t imagine how the few felt when their shuttle exploded, some of their colleagues d**d and they are plummeting rapidly to their d**ths.”

8. Sad.

“A majority of people, when asked, would rather d** at home than at the hospital.

A majority of people, when recorded, d** at the hospital rather than at home.”

9. Disgusting.

“That s** trafficking children is real, actively ongoing, and adults will be professionally doing it all across the world any any given point.”

10. Poor dogs.

“For animal testing involving dogs, most laboratories use Beagles because they are the most forgiving of the people inflicting pain on them.”

11. All alone.

“I learned today that if a grizzly bear has a single cub it will abandon it.

The hypothesis is that a single cub will need three years of care, while if she abandons a single cub now, next year or the year after that she is more likely to have twins or even triplets.”

12. Terribly sad.

“785 million people do not have access to safe water.

Access includes having having water within a 30 minute round trip for collecting it and carrying it home.”

13. Not fair.

“Bill Finger, the man who created a vast majority of if not everything that makes Batman a success today, not only never got credit in his lifetime, but was also called a liar by Bob Kane.

Kane who came up with an idea of a bat themed vigilante called The Bat-Man, later used his fathers law firm to make up a contract in which he not only got sole credit but also any major proceeds stemming from the success of Batman.

Bill d**d penniless and on his couch in a s**tty apartment in 1974 while Kane was running around telling everyone he created Batman and such.”

Do you know any sad facts?

If so, share them with us in the comments.

Thanks a lot!

The post What Is the Saddest Fact You Know? appeared first on UberFacts.