Tweets That Will Make You Feel Old…In a Good Way

It’s one thing to realize that you’re no longer in the youngest generation around, it’s another thing altogether to realize that the younger generation is now going to college and taking over the culture and you’re no longer cool if you ever were.

Though to be honest, it’s not all bad. The pressure to be cool is overwhelming. Not to mention stupid. To be told “hey don’t worry about it, there’s a whole new shift of people competing to be cool now, nothing is expected of you, you’re relieved of duty” is sort of nice.

So I don’t mind these tweets that make me feel old. I embrace them. I enjoy them. And I hope you will too.

12. Oh, baby

How do you still have the stamina to go to a club?

11. Rock my world

Timeline aside, that’s not their genre.

10. Sharpen up

Do kids use exclusively mechanical pencils now? Do they use no pencils? Help me.

9. Dolla dolla bills

Oh how quickly we forget.

8. How touching

“Let me tell you about this little piece of madness called the scroll wheel.”

7. Hawk one up

They just re-released this, so maybe he’ll know soon?

6. Compliments of the house

Wait. This was posted in 2018. If that guy was born in ’98, that means he was either 20 or 21.
In other words, exactly the perfect age range for ID to be required.

5. Cool hang


4. Bitter sweet

It was a virus portal is what it was.

3. A curse on our house

Let them laugh.
Let them mock.
Their time is coming soon enough.

2. Pay to play

It took us way too long to realise cable TV was a scam.

1. Girl, bye

Just hit me with the truth.

These tweets have made me feel so old that I think I can legally retire now.

How old do you feel, and why?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Tweets That Will Make You Feel Old…In a Good Way appeared first on UberFacts.