Contented Gen Xers In Their 40s Share Their Best Advice For Millennials And Gen Z

Happiness is one of those vague, nebulous, concepts we struggle do define but we all just sort of “get.”

In theory, at least, we understand that happy looks different for everyone. In practice, humans have this really nasty habit of completely and totally forgetting that fact applies to them, too.

Reddit user peeledraspberry asked: 

“People who are 40+ and happy with their life, what is your advice to people in their 20s?” 

Yeah it’s okay for everyone ELSE to struggle, but not you. YOU must be perfect.

Don’t act like you don’t know what I mean, I know we’re all out here sobbing along to “Surface Pressure” for a reason. It’s okay. You’re among friends.

All of us need little reminders every now and then or we end up getting in the way of our own happiness. Let’s take a look at what advice actual happy human beings of Reddit had for the rest of us mere mortals.

Get ON My Lawn

“I hesitate to give advice, being unqualified to do so.”

“Instead, here are some points that may or may not be worthy of consideration:”

“Time is very short, and as you get older it speeds up more and more.”

“Time is more important than money. In theory, you could end up a billionaire. But nobody is ever a ‘time billionaire.’ Rich or poor, you’re gonna get maybe 100 years at the absolute max, and probably not that much.”

“There will be several versions of You as you walk your path, but one version that kind of colors all the other versions. This version you could call ‘the real you’ It pays to spend time figuring out who that real you is.”

“You will have to deal with people. Learn how to leave them happy to have been in your presence, and you will not lack for friends and loved ones.”

“Speaking of loved ones: just because someone is a blood relative, it doesn’t mean they’re worth a shit. If your parent, sibling, or child is a complete a-hole unworthy of your attention, don’t waste further time on them.”

“Find something you love to do, and do that. Do it every day. It doesn’t matter if you make money at it, or get recognition because of it.”

“Do it like Henry Darger did his writing and drawing, and like Vivian Maier did her photography. Do good work. It is its own reward.”

“I am a geezer, 64 years old. It does not have to suck being old. I think it’s f*cking great, for many reasons.”

“If you’re ever in my town, drop by and get ON my lawn.”

– clit-eastwould

Three Things

“I am 40 years old and I have three pieces of advice for anyone in their 20’s”

“One: Accept that perfection doesn’t exist. Your relationships will have problems, your car will break down, someone else will anyways have a better phone, a newer car, or a bigger house than you, no matter where on the social ladder you stand.”

“Constantly chasing perfection will keep you permanently stressed. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to better your life, just know that if you expect perfection you will never be statisfied.”

“Two: Pay attention to your diet and health. I have been working out at least 4 times per week since my mid 20’s. I am fitter, healthier and look younger than almost everyone else my age.”

“Three: Don’t stop doing the things you love. Even though I have a wife, kids, job etc. I still make time to play video games, draw, write stories, read comics, play basketball, listen to music, etc.”

“There is no reason to become a miserable old bastard!”

“People ask how I find time to fit in all these hobbies. Honestly, I have to make the time.”

“Apart from working out (which I do at 6am before everyone else wakes up) I’m not doing these things every day.”

“I only game on the weekend if I get the chance, I read ebooks on my phone when I’m killing time in the day, I may buy a comic 2-3 times a year and I can usually find a few hours in the week to draw.”

“I still make time to chill out with my wife in the evenings and do things with kids. I just fit my hobbies in between them. I also don’t watch much TV or go out, but that’s just me.”

“The point is to make sure you keep doing stuff you actually LIKE.” 

– Denaris21

Turn Around And Change It

“I was a raging alcoholic in my twenties and thought I would never recover from it.”

“I never found a real job using my first degree or my masters. Part of it was because I was always drunk, part of it was the job market at the time.”

“I went back to school in my thirties and found something I like a whole lot more. Now, I’m married, nearly ten years sober, and have a great job.”

“My point is, if you end up on the wrong path or don’t like where you are, there’s always time to turn around and change it. Too many people just assume they’re stuck where they are and stuck with the issues they have.”

– yeahwellokay

Not A Race

“It’s not a race!”

“Stop comparing yourself to others. Just because they did things sooner than you, doesn’t mean they’re happier or better.”

“Try to start good habits. It is a little rough at first, but in a few years it will be second nature. Do this with things like cooking, cleaning, saving money and self-care.”

“It is okay to not like someone. It is also okay to have someone not like you.”

“People are going to not like you for no reason. That is okay. It’s a “them” issue and not a “you” issue.”

“Don’t be an ass to everyone and give them reason to dislike you, but also know that you are under no obligation to put up with someone else’s bad friendship.”

“There is no shame in seeing a mental health professional.”

– MayUrBladesNVRdull

“It’s been really hard to remember that things aren’t a race.”

“I am 29, graduating college this year, and so many of my classmates are 18-22 with family support, great connections and networks, no weird backstory to explain, no major disabilities (thanks military).”

“I know once I get somewhere I can thrive, I will; but it’s definitely hard to not feel like I’m behind.”

– redwingpanda

“I’ve been feeling bad about this.”

“Entering sixth year of college (graduating in the fall, though) and I just feel bad and like a failure. I feel like I’m not going to get a job when I get out, and I feel pressured to live up to the success my older brother has despite my parents say that’s not important.”

“There’s a lot of other things that hit home in this thread. Struggling from substance abuse, being physically unhealthy and having body image issues are a few others.”

“I want to be a better and successful person, but I’m afraid I’m never going to find the motivation. I’m afraid I’m going to allow myself to be mediocre for the rest of my life.”

“I really should get a therapist like you’ve said.”

– Shrumples1997

Out Of The Hole

“Don’t put yourself in ridiculous amounts of debt trying to portray a certain image. You’ll spend your entire life trying to get out of the hole you dug or you’ll have to declare bankruptcy.”

“Set aside enough money to cover 3-6 months of expenses for emergencies just like now. Moreover, save now for your retirement years. It doesn’t require much and if you have it taken directly from your paycheck you won’t be inclined to not pay yourself first.”

“Take care of your body. Exercise to maintain a healthy weight and good cardiovascular health. As you get older, it’s much harder to maintain these.”

“Enjoy the days of your youth without going overboard.”

“There is nothing wrong with having a good time, yet if you are always waking up wondering what happened last night, why you can’t remember how you spent so much money or you always have a hangover; you should tone it down a bit.”

“Don’t take advice or criticism as a personal attack.”

“Most times the people who care about you have observed behavior in you which is off putting, doesn’t reflect who you really are or could be or would make you a more rounded person.”

– RmeMSG

Anyone else feeling a little attacked?


Just me?

What’s your best advice for happiness? Are there mistakes you want us all to learn from? Wins you recommend people aim for?

We’ll see you in the comments.

People Talk About What They Miss Most from the 1990s

The 90’s. It feels like a lifetime ago.

Maybe even another dimension. Or a weird, puke-green dream.

But a lot of us miss it anyway.

What’s something from the 90s you miss? from AskReddit

What does Reddit think was the best part of this era? Let’s find out.

1. Sit-in Pizza Huts

I was on vacation in the mountains up state and they had one in town. I got to have pizza in an actual Pizza Hut for the first time since the late 90’s early 2000’s.

We had one outside of town and then that closed and they made a to go one that ended up also closing. Now I can have one of the local places or Papa John’s or Domino’s.

The target nearby does have the mini Pizza Hut pizzas and some of their appetizers. It’s hardly the same as getting it from a Pizza Hut itself.

– twin-shadows

2. Goofing off without it being posted

I had to stop drinking with one of my friends because she’d ALWAYS record everyone doing anything even remotely fun or goofy and it’d be on snapchat or Facebook within seconds.

Like, I just wanna get a little drunk and dance and have a good time with my friends, I don’t want every person I hardly know seeing me let loose.

– nothoughtsnosleep

3. Authentic social interactions

Being social with people felt so different and authentic.

My friends would sometimes just “drop by” to see if I was home to say hi.

We could pick up the phone and have hour long conversations.

It felt like text message cheapened that.

The lesser dependence on technology seemed to cultivate more genuine friendships but that was just my experience.

– runr7

4. TV with specific broadcast times

We would all gather in my tiny college apartment to watch The Office every week. Good memories!!

And I believe Game of Thrones was the last time I did that with any friends as well.

I wonder if we’ll ever do that again.. weird to think that might have been the last time.

– Smilingaudibly

5. Being unreachable

I miss not being able to be reached, or being able to reach people.

Back then you’d call your friend and it would ring somewhere in their house. If there was no one there (which was common) you’d shrug and just carry on your day. If you just wanted to chill out on your own you’d just not answer the phone.

Now, everyone knows people are never without their phones. I’ve had people p**sed at me because I took an hour to reply to a text.

– kor_hookmaster

6. The 90’s aesthetic

It was extreme and alternative, not family-friendly wacky or dystopian like a lot of people think when they see an 80’s aesthetic.

Example: the entire aesthetic of Nickelodeon in the 90’s. Slime and extreme s**t.

– XtremePizzaBuilder

7. Online privacy being the norm

It’s unreal how blithe some people have gotten toward privacy.

My brother’s a high school teacher, and a few years ago he caught a girl in his class livestreaming herself just…sitting there, learning. He asked her to stop, and noticed that there were 15 people apparently watching her on the stream, and suggested that the kinds of people who would watch a 16-year-old girl sitting in class are maybe not the kinds of people she should want watching her.

The girl’s response was a confused “Why not?”

– Dahhhkness

8. Mor affordable housing

There was a time when my kid could have moved out and rented with room mates or even on his own.

But its very hard for young people to start out with the current condition.

– etriff

9. Just general childhood

Free from most adult responsibilities, free from social media, free from bulls**t politics (they were there for sure, but you literally had to look for them, lol), free from a general miasma of fear coming from the media.

When I think back, all I remember is sunshine, the lack of a weight bearing down on my shoulders all the time and the sweet sounds of amazing music.

While I miss it, I am just grateful that I got to experience it.

– Throwaway7219017

10. The optimism

It was a pretty happy decade. The Cold War was over. The economy was booming. Technology seemed to be offering us solutions before we even knew we had a problem.

The products of pop culture almost never dwelled on dystopia or decline.

Air travel was about as dangerous as bus travel.

Acid rain and the hole in the ozone layer were problems of the decade before that seem to have been fixed, and climate change was still called global warming and was not nearly so front and center in how people talked about the future.

All in all, the 90s were a pretty solid decade.

– faceintheblue

11. Mom and pop shops

Family owned convenience stores, diners, burger joints, ice cream parlors, cafes, bookstores, delis, etc.

Even small neighborhood grocery stores.

And independent music venues!

Seems like I’m talking about the 50s but in the 90’s these places still existed. In my hometown most of them are completely gone and were replaced by generic corporate chains or condos. The ones that are still around are struggling to stay afloat and compete.

I’m glad I got to enjoy them while they existed but also realized how much I took them for granted.

– dotskee

12. The optimistic internet

I genuinely feel like the Internet has gone from “the most important and greatest achievement of humanity” to “something that might have been a mistake” during my lifetime

It’s really sad because a global communications network should be a great thing for everyone

– Badloss

13. The airports

I miss how chill and cool airports were.

Watching the plane leave after hugging my parents goodbye or waiting at the window watching it dock knowing someone you were waiting for was about to get off.

– MindSecurity

14. The arcades

Arcades died specifically because home console graphics caught up to them. The PS1 and Saturn got close enough that the differences started feeling minor and then with the Dreamcast and PS2 (and the rise of online gaming) it was all over.

It’s not as though Dave and Busters and Round One are unpopular, but you go for experiences that don’t translate as well to home, which means the few modern arcade games are either steering wheel racers, light gun games, or peripheral-based rhythm games.

– milespudgehalter

15. Full size Frosted Strawberry Pop Tarts

They’re, like, half the thickness these days!

That and eating them while watching back to back episodes of Saved by the Bell on Saturday mornings. Good times…

– panamanimal

Yeah. I agree. With just…all of that.

What do you miss about the past?

Tell us in the comments.

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Tweets That Will Make You Feel Old…In a Good Way

It’s one thing to realize that you’re no longer in the youngest generation around, it’s another thing altogether to realize that the younger generation is now going to college and taking over the culture and you’re no longer cool if you ever were.

Though to be honest, it’s not all bad. The pressure to be cool is overwhelming. Not to mention stupid. To be told “hey don’t worry about it, there’s a whole new shift of people competing to be cool now, nothing is expected of you, you’re relieved of duty” is sort of nice.

So I don’t mind these tweets that make me feel old. I embrace them. I enjoy them. And I hope you will too.

12. Oh, baby

How do you still have the stamina to go to a club?

11. Rock my world

Timeline aside, that’s not their genre.

10. Sharpen up

Do kids use exclusively mechanical pencils now? Do they use no pencils? Help me.

9. Dolla dolla bills

Oh how quickly we forget.

8. How touching

“Let me tell you about this little piece of madness called the scroll wheel.”

7. Hawk one up

They just re-released this, so maybe he’ll know soon?

6. Compliments of the house

Wait. This was posted in 2018. If that guy was born in ’98, that means he was either 20 or 21.
In other words, exactly the perfect age range for ID to be required.

5. Cool hang


4. Bitter sweet

It was a virus portal is what it was.

3. A curse on our house

Let them laugh.
Let them mock.
Their time is coming soon enough.

2. Pay to play

It took us way too long to realise cable TV was a scam.

1. Girl, bye

Just hit me with the truth.

These tweets have made me feel so old that I think I can legally retire now.

How old do you feel, and why?

Tell us in the comments.

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What is “Boomer Culture?”? 10 Tweets Reveal All…

You’ve probably heard that the older generation around today are called “boomers” – though it’s important to note they’re far from the oldest generations around.

Depending on your definition, there are still many from The Silent Generation, a few from The Greatest Generation, and even a handful from The Interbellum Generation, which started at the turn of the 20th century.

“Boomer” is short for “Baby Boomer,” a term first coined in 1963 by the Salt Lake Tribune. It refers to the folks born just after World War II, when soldiers returning home en masse and a renewed sense of hope led to an enormous “boom” in U.S. births.

But that’s what academics think of baby boomers. What does…say…Twitter think?

10. Being extra

Yeah that’s called having money.

9. Good jokes

Thanks, the cashier definitely hasn’t heard that a billion times today.

8. Line skipping

Yeah but all of you are YOU, and I’m ME. See the difference?

7. The Chipootles

I don’t care how you pronounce it, it’s delicious.

6. The audacity

But my EYES saw a thing and now they want that thing!

5. An air of exclusivity

I wash my hands of all of it.

4. The unfair game

Bonus points if you actually call the waiter over to complain about this, as though there’s something they can do about it.

3. Bad entrances

“Meh, that’s for other people.”

2. The contradictions

Very weird to want more for your kids, but not to want your kids to know anything you didn’t.

1. The saltiness

Welp, today I learned I’m a boomer.

But yanno, don’t take any of those jabs too seriously, boomers. After all, it’s just Twitter. And that place is a mess.

What would you add to this list?

Tell us in the comments.

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Memes People Over 30 Will Definitely Understand

If you’re seriously thinking about turning 30, I really wouldn’t recommend it. It’s not that it’s terrible, it’s just that it’s meh.

It’s not like 20, which feels like an exciting milestone. It’s not like 80, where people start to admire you just for sticking around so long. It’s just…30. It’s just a middle number.

But if I had to try to describe it with a little more flavor than that, I might use these memes.

10. “Boom boxes”

These days you plug a bluetooth speaker into a little charger for twenty minutes and you’re good to rock all day.
Back in the 90’s though…

Via: Someecards

9. Responsible eating

Cut to me just eating a jar of peanut butter before it expires because I have nothing to go with it but I don’t wanna waste it.

Via: Someecards

8. The tired game

Just thinking about playing is making me sleepy.

Via: Someecards

7. A breadtangle of pizza

I’d still be pretty psyched to eat this, not gonna lie.

Via: Someecards

6. Dashed expectations

It’s a really, really good spatula though.

Via: Someecards

5. Lotsa pain

All the back rubs in the world can’t save you now.

Via: Someecards

4. Early to bed

What do you think I am, some kind of bat?

Via: Someecards

3. You’re a classic now

Oops, they did it again.

Via: Someecards

2. Very different paths

Whatever, I’m living my true life.

Via: Someecards

1. Flip phones

The one thing I miss about these bad boys is that T9 allowed me to text without even looking.

Via: Someecards

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go take one of my nine daily pain naps.

What’s the strangest thing about being your age?

Tell us in the comments.

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Weird Things About Being Over 30

It’s my birthday very soon, and I’m gonna be thirty (mumble mumble) years old. How do I feel about that? I don’t know. I try to tell myself it’s just a number, but then my back pain yells that it’s very much not.

Here are some things about the whole experience that you’ll understand if you’re in the same achy boat.

10. You gotta lower the bar

“Serotonin? In this economy?”

9. You’re outdated

It is absolutely wild to remember a time when it took like three days to pull up a Netflix movie and that felt fast, somehow.

8. You fall hard

I slipped on the ice like a week ago and I’m still paying for it.

7. You get the worst combinations

Am I a child or a vampire? DECIDE, BODY!

6. You’re still a kid inside

Gonna put a bunch of those stars on my ceiling and let ’em fall on my face.

5. You grow apart

Then like four years will go by and you won’t even notice it.

4. You hang WAY over

Just clear the whole day.

3. You’re always cleaning

It just sort of regenerates, somehow.

2. Everything costs way too much

I’ve never purchased any rug larger than a bath mat for exactly this reason.

1. You’re caught in the middle

I know how to use Zoom, but I’m still gonna yell at it.

I may not be super cool with the whole ageing thing, but as many philosophers have pointed out, there ain’t much I can do about it. Might as well just enjoy the insanity!

What’s the strangest thing about being your age?

Tell us in the comments.

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Us in Our Late Twenties vs. Our Parents – A Meme Storm

Living in your late 20’s is a pretty crazy time, and it only gets more surreal when you start to realize just how different your life is from the one that your parents probably expected you to have; from the one that they had.

What can you do with the sort of existential dread that stems from such a revelation? I don’t know. Cry. Drink. Make memes?

Yeah, let’s just go ahead and make memes.

10. Bond, financial bond

I’m sorry, you have $60,000 in savings?!

9. The big move

If I never stop jutting around, nobody can catch me.

8. You’re grounded

Best of luck with that, me.

7. Clean up your act

Just gotta plan for when I want my life to get boring.

6. True grit

It’s rough, and it’s course, and it gets everywhere.

5. I gotta be me

Nobody can tell me what to do, not even the person who is the me.

4. Small miracles

This sentence makes my stomach hurt for some reason.

3. Different strokes

These are a few of my favorite things.

2. My accomplishments

Oh no, we’ve achieves full recursion!

1. The music within

It’s gotten like five streams this month on Spotify so I guess you could say it’s all been worth it.

What are we do with these feelings? Beats me. But remember: it’s your life. You can live it however you want.

What’s the biggest difference between you and your parents?

Tell us in the comments.

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Your Parents’ Early Twenties Were VERY Different From Yours

For a lot of folks, our early 20’s are a fun and wild time, but perhaps nothing is more wild than just how different an experience that period was for our parents. You listen to them tell their stories and you start doing a little math in your head and at some point you realize “Holy crap. They were doing full-on grown up things at my age and I’m about to rewatch Tiger King for the fourth time.”

Anyway, these memes are about that very specific feeling.

10. Marriage plans

Can’t get involved with relationships, I’m too busy with my existential crisis.

9. Pobody’s nerfect

Nobody nobody nobody, nobody nobody? Nobody.

8. That’s my girl

Guess we’ll find out what kind of ride we’re goin’ on!

7. Vibe check

There’s a monster inside you, and you need to get it under control.

6. Are you feeling it now?

We have very different cultural landmarks and that’s ok.

5. I choose you

You always remember your first.

4. All mine

We must devote ourselves to our passions, whatever they may be.

3. Eat me up

I’m going to need some kind of nourishment for my soul.

2. Fry me to the moon

This is it, this was the goal all along.

1. On the side

These are the defining moments.

Honestly, I’m glad I wasn’t married at age 22 like my parents were. Who needs that kinda headache? There’s Pokemon to be caught.

What’s the biggest difference between you and your parents?

Tell us in the comments.

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Let’s Take a Look at the Existential Crisis of Being a Millennial 29 Year Old

For anyone who hasn’t experienced it in life yet, it’s hard to convey just how weird it is being 29. You know that you’re at the end of your 20’s, and thus coming to the close of the part of your life where anyone is likely to refer to you as “young.”

This makes you start reevaluating absolutely everything, including just how different your life is from that which your parents had when they were at this juncture.

As always, memes express it best. Here are the questions you may find yourself asking…

10. What’s for dinner?

I feel called out as I specifically wrote a review about this recently.

9. Is it the right time?

These things are sensitive and need to be handled correctly.

8. Can I go out?

Why would you even want to, though?

7. Why tho?

Maybe some things are better left in the past.

6. Will I be next?

It’s the closest thing to a vacation many of us could even hope for.

5. Can we chat?

An example of a positive generational shift.

4. Who’s a good kitty?

I don’t care what they say, he’s my baby.

3. Have I watered them today?

It’s especially devastating when you fail even at this.

2. Can I afford it?

I guess I could have done this at home, but my wood isn’t as nice.

1. Can we hang?

Oh boy oh gee I hope he lets me live slightly.

Best of luck to all my fellow millennials out there. You’re gonna need it.

What’s the biggest difference between you and your parents?

Tell us in the comments.

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Tweets for People Who’d Like to Stop Aging NOW

Were you aware that the longer you live, the older you get? I know. It’s weird.

And unwelcome. I didn’t sign up for aging, or having responsibilities, or being a sentient life form of any kind, really. If I had my druthers, I’d probably have chosen to be a nice tree. Something chill and low maintenance. But noooo. I had to become a being of inexplicable consciousness formed within the miracle that is the human brain. Plus I have to pay bills and stuff. Lame.

Here are fifteen tweets about getting older to help soothe the joint pain.

15. We all scream

That’s a cold, hard fact.

14. Loosen up

The only thing I’m chugging now is Metamucil.

13. Poetry in Motrin

You can never be too careful.

12. Take a hit

You’re officially an adult when you stop being surprised by the presence of a dinner table.

11. Taking inventory

This is why digital assistants need to step up their game.

10. Pride of ownership

See it’s funny because the economy that enriched our parents was stolen out from under us by greed.

9. Real cool

Sitcoms are people in their 30’s playing people in their 20’s with no jobs and a $3,000/month apartment.

8. Wine about it

The date stamp on this tweet is ironic. Little did they know this would be the legal limit for all of us pretty soon after.

7. Bring the noise

It’s called the old man creak and I’ve made peace with it.

6. Plot holes

What are friends for?

5. Cut to the chase

Let it grow, let it grooooow, can’t hold it back anymore…

4. Consequences

Thanks a lot, biology.

3. Diminishing returns

For most of us $1,000 just means “you’re allowed to keep living in your home for another few weeks.”

2. Key phrases

Should probably keep it in a drawer for the rest of my life just in case.

1. High standards

Smokin’ hot takes over here.

That’s it, I refuse to age. Somebody get me Benjamin Button on the line, I need to learn his weird secrets.

What’s the weirdest thing about getting older to you?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Tweets for People Who’d Like to Stop Aging NOW appeared first on UberFacts.