These Movies Were Explained So Badly, We Couldn’t Help But Laugh

It’s kind of wild how much movie trailers have changed. Back in the 1980s, the details a movie trailer would give you about a plot were so immense that you basically got the entire story told to you before you’d even seen the thing. Better hope there was a lot of spectacle, because otherwise the whole thing is pretty much spoiled, right?

Compare that to the blockbuster trailers of today, which are often little more than brief, out of context snippets, a little stirring music, and are a bunch of blackouts. They really hype up the mystery of the experience now.

I suppose either one is better than the approach taken by this subreddit, which intentionally explains the plot to you, but really badly.

Here are 11 movie plots hilariously misexplained (original taglines included for contrast.)

11. Titanic (1997)

“Nothing On Earth Could Come Between Them.”

10. The Lord of the Rings (2001)

“One Ring To Rule Them All”

9. Deadpool (2016)

“Sit on this”

8. Speed (1994)

“Get ready for rush hour.”

7. The Martian (2015)

“Help is only 140 million miles away”

6. Finding Nemo (2003)

“71% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. That’s a lot of space to find one fish.”

5. The Shining (1980)

“He came as the caretaker, but this hotel had its own guardians – who’d been there a long time”

4. Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005)

“There’s No Room for Mistakes”

3. Harry Potter (2001)

“Journey beyond your imagination”

2. WALL·E (2008)

“After 700 years of doing what he was built for – he’ll discover what he’s meant for.”

1. Every Adam Sandler Movie


Man. Can’t wait to get back in those theaters.

What movie would you like to explain badly?

Give it a shot in the comments.

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