As a mom, it can feel like the rest of the world is passing you by, especially when your kids are young. The world is turning, but your days and nights are consumed by tiny terrorists who need your undivided attention 24/7.
These 11 memes see you and the struggle, though, and the best thing about them is that they let you know you’re not alone.
11. We all do desperate things during the newborn days.
If you say you didn’t, it’s because you forgot.
Image Credit: Ruin My Week
10. Because you also have to wipe their butts.
I hope you don’t have to do that with your friend.
Image Credit: Ruin My Week
9. Better than any alarm clock.
I think he definitely knew that.
Image Credit: Ruin My Week
8. There’s always gotta be one.
And we love those ones.
Image Credit: Ruin My Week
7. Ooh I never thought of that.
I usually dutifully buy a replacement from Amazon.
Image Credit: Ruin My Week
6. Wow. Jealous of those communication skills.
So you’re doing something right.
Image Credit: Ruin My Week
5. That’s a fun word to say.
Even if you’re screaming. Especially if you’re screaming.
Image Credit: Ruin My Week
4. Seriously, what a hassle.
It’s more work for the parents than anything.
Image Credit: Ruin My Week
3. Seconded and carried.
Every day is pajama day.
Image Credit: Ruin My Week
2. How many towels do you need to bathe a child?
The limit does not exist.
Image Credit: Ruin My Week
1. Her face, though.
A lesson she won’t forget.
Image Credit: Ruin My Week
I am offering all of my fellow parents a virtual fist-bump right now!
The best thing about it is that it’s germ free.
The post These Memes Will Make Parents Feel Seen appeared first on UberFacts.