Parenting Memes to Brighten Your Morning

There’s nothing like an applicable meme to kickstart your day. It makes you laugh, it girds your loins, and it reminds you that millions of other people just like you are waking up to do the same thing.

Here are 14 memes we think definitely fit the bill, so open your eyes and enjoy!

14. I mean it happens to the best of us.

Just go and have a good time.

Image Credit: Instagram

13. Just some peace and quiet.

And in lieu of that, alone time.

12. But you’re too tired to fool around.

Netflix and dozing it is.

This will be me tonight!

Posted by Appetite for Honesty on Sunday, June 19, 2016

11. That’s probably a bit too subtle.

I’m just saying. He’s a man.

Image Credit: Instagram

10. In this case, it’s accurate.

But then we just go to bed.


Posted by Happy You Happy Family on Sunday, August 28, 2016

9. Why does it bring us so much joy?

Are we evil? Do we care?

8. It’s a long list.

And no, it’s not always their fault.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

7. You feel so free and unfettered.

You’re definitely drunk on it.

6. It’s not that they don’t care.

They’re just not going to change anything about their behavior.

Image Credit: Instagram

5. Yeah just give up the ghost.

I’m 41 and my mom is still trying.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

4. At least they’re working together.

Take the win.

3. Even the cat wants in.

You’re the most popular person in the house.

Image Credit: Facebook

2. Quiet is not the dream you want it to be.

Quiet is trouble.

1. And you’re a good mom.

But maybe not that good a mom.

Feeling ready to kick the day in the teeth?

There’s no better feeling than that!

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You Won’t Be Sorry You Scrolled Through These Funny Parenting Memes

I think parenting memes have got to make up a good fifty percent of what comes across my feed. A fact for which I’m extremely thankful, because if there’s one thing I need on a regular basis, it’s a laugh.

If you feel the same way, scroll through the hilarious and on-point parenting memes we’ve gathered below!

13. Oh, dads.

They’re just the same everywhere.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

12. I mean Roseanne was a pretty good mom.

On the show, not irl.

Image Credit: Instagram

11. Their expressions are amazing.

Outtakes are the best.

10. Friday and Saturday nights are no different than regular nights.

Don’t @ me.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

9. Yes, you are normal.

That doesn’t make it easier, though.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

8. While they strew 100 other things about.

You still have to clap.

7. Sometimes it’s a perfect circle.

Thankfully not too often.

Image Credit: Daddy Files

6. Where do they all gooooooo?

We may never know.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

5. How dare you eat in front of me.

Don’t you know everything you have is mine now?

Image Credit: Instagram

4. It’s definitely the latter.

But you can pretend it’s not if you want.

More like just avoiding everything I need to do.

Posted by momcode on Thursday, July 28, 2016

3. Tiny tyrants, the lot of them.

Good thing they’re cute.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

2. You don’t want to interrupt.

This qualifies as a break.

Image Credit: Instagram

1. Those are the hardest days.

When you think the clock must be broken.

Posted by momcode on Thursday, June 23, 2016

Did we hit the nail on the head? Or did we hit the head on the nail?

Let us know which of these was your favorite in the comments!

Please and thank you!

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These Parenting Memes Will Revive Your Zen

We could all use a little bit of zen these days, if you ask me, and if scrolling through a list of memes that remind us we’re not alone gets it done for parents, more power to us.

These 13 memes should make it a bit easier to breathe in and breathe out, so go ahead and give them a look.

13. As long as they can’t move their arms.

Function over beauty.

Image Credit: Facebook

12. Remember, this is what you wanted.

Someday it will be worth it.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

11. You don’t know until you know.

And then your heart is in your throat.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

10. It’s a pipe dream, my friends.

Maybe one day. Right when you start to miss it.

Image Credit: Reddit

9. Maybe just a bit.

She’ll still tell you she’s not wet, though.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

8. Then you keep walking because it’s just. not. worth it.

Seriously, it’s not.

Image Credit: Instagram

7. This is no lie.

It makes you want to give up.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

6. They will happily go about their day.

Until bedtime, when they will demand a snack.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

5. Every. Single. Night.

Just anticipate it and give up.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

4. You gotta show them who’s boss.

No weakness.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

3. You’ve never eaten so many apples in your life.

Can’t let them spoil.

2. Who among us has not been there.

On both sides of the scenario.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

1. Spoiler alert: they have no idea.

What’s a shoe?

Image Credit: Bored Panda

Take a deep breath, and remember to unclench your jaw, my friends.

We can do this together!

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Parenting Memes That Will Delight And Awe

Memes are one of the many ways we’re coping with the world these days, and when you’re a parent, the best way to get your laughs and distractions are in bite-sized bits – it’s all we have time for!

If you’ve got five minutes, we’ve got 14 memes that should just do the trick.

14. All kids do this.

It’s some kind of innate thing.

13. Why do they make you do that?

It’s like they want to have a mean mother.

Image Credit: Twitter

12. Don’t try to understand.

Just get the right spoon.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

11. Like I know people without kids can be tired.

But can they be THIS tired? Remains to be seen.

Image Credit: Twitter

10. I think by 3 you’ve given up.

They run the roost now.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

9. That’s a weird day, right?

It comes for all of us.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

8. It’s annoying but also funny.

Most of the time.

Image Credit: Facebook

7. Puts your heart right in your throat.

At least if you’re a mom.

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Dad's love playing catch ☁

A post shared by Staten Island Parent (@siparent) on

6. No. No, they’re not.

They need NEW toys.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

5. Sometimes all at once.

It’s hard to explain.

4. I don’t make the rules.

Neither do you. Get in the tent.

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Ya you do. #LifeofDad

A post shared by Life of Dad (@lifeofdad) on

3. This is goals, honestly.

As is the lady pig’s whole character.

2. Bless their heart.

You just have to laugh. As long as it’s not your kid.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

1. The same people who refused to give you chocolate ever.

It’s not fair!

Image Credit: Reddit

I just felt my shoulders relax from around my ears! Amazing!

Which one of these made you forget your worries for a few seconds? Tell us in the comments!

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These Memes Will Make Parents Feel Seen

As a mom, it can feel like the rest of the world is passing you by, especially when your kids are young. The world is turning, but your days and nights are consumed by tiny terrorists who need your undivided attention 24/7.

These 11 memes see you and the struggle, though, and the best thing about them is that they let you know you’re not alone.

11. We all do desperate things during the newborn days.

If you say you didn’t, it’s because you forgot.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

10. Because you also have to wipe their butts.

I hope you don’t have to do that with your friend.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

9. Better than any alarm clock.

I think he definitely knew that.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

8. There’s always gotta be one.

And we love those ones.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

7. Ooh I never thought of that.

I usually dutifully buy a replacement from Amazon.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

6. Wow. Jealous of those communication skills.

So you’re doing something right.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

5. That’s a fun word to say.

Even if you’re screaming. Especially if you’re screaming.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

4. Seriously, what a hassle.

It’s more work for the parents than anything.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

3. Seconded and carried.

Every day is pajama day.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

2. How many towels do you need to bathe a child?

The limit does not exist.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

1. Her face, though.

A lesson she won’t forget.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

I am offering all of my fellow parents a virtual fist-bump right now!

The best thing about it is that it’s germ free.

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Memes That Are Perfect for People Who Have Kids

I support every person’s right to decide what they want to do in life – kids, no kids, partner, no partner, a bunch of partners, whatever.

There are some things you can’t know, though, and that you definitely won’t find amusing, unless you have children – and these 12 memes fall into that category for sure.

12. I can’t imagine a better comeuppance for telemarketing.

The toddler will make anyone have regrets.

11. It is a truth universally known.

You also might have to take Dramamine.

10. Isn’t summer vacation lovely?

And now it basically lasts forever.

9. Nap time is sacred, y’all.

Never ring a doorbell between noon and four.

8. They will throw you under the bus every time.

They do not, and I can’t stress this enough, care.

7. Or they want to play a game on your phone.

Or they want a snack.

6. At a minimum.

We have a lot of together time to counteract right now.

5. You have to pretend there’s nowhere you’d rather be.

When everyone knows you’d rather be in Europe. Or getting a pedicure.

4. To be fair, you still don’t have to entertain them.

As long as you don’t let them kill each other.

3. It’s a grand, old tradition.

You understand your own parents so much better now.

2. You see their beautiful faces in person all day long.

All day long. Every single day.

1. Yeah, stop saying this.

We’re all aware that we’re supposed to be enjoying things and they go so fast.

Now that I’m part of the kid club, I definitely laughed at these.

What’s something you didn’t realize until you had kids? Tell us in the comments!

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10 Memes for Parents Everywhere

One of the truths of the world is that you can’t understand what it’s like to have kids until you actually have kids. The good, the bad, the ugly, the heartache – it all just comes out of nowhere.

Also, you can totally start to get jokes like these 10, which on some days, is really all you need.

10. At least she can still laugh about it.

And the kids are in on the joke.

9. I bathe my kids every day.

Because my husband gives them showers not because I do it. Ha!

8. How true is this, though?

And yes, it is weird if you think about it but we’re all too sleep-deprived to do that.

7. A scarily accurate description.

Especially the last part.

6. Except for the smell.

Most days, anyway.

5. This is the worst part of parenting.

I can’t wait until they’re old enough to make their own bowl of cereal at night.

4. Or just a regular week.

Keeping it real, here.

3. I’m pretty sure they learned it from my husband.

The dishwasher is RIGHT THERE.

2. Only every single night.

Why do they hate to sleep so much?!

1. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

Whatever that means, but this is brilliant.

On the days I’m questioning my life choices, I’ll be thankful that at least I can laugh at memes like these! And if we can’t laugh, well, time to hang it up.

What’s your best “ah, I get this now” story after having kids? Tell us about it in the comments!

The post 10 Memes for Parents Everywhere appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes Parents Everywhere Are Going to Love

All parents are different, and every kid is unique, but listen – there are some experiences that everyone can recognize when it comes to bringing up kids from babies to teens to adults.

So, if you’re anywhere on that path, or have traveled it already (does it ever end?!), these 13 memes are going to make you nod and smile.

13. I’m definitely going to remind them of this one day.

It’s going to be great. If I survive.

12. They can always find you.

And no matter how early you wake up, they’ll wake up, too.

11. This is hilarious and I’m stealing it.

My husband won’t mind it’s fine. We only have wiffle ball bats.

10. My youngest is especially bad about this.

Jealousy starts young, my friends.

9. It’s the cruelest of jokes.

But we wouldn’t be able to watch Netflix or read books otherwise, so.

8. You have to do what keeps you going.

Sometimes that’s processed pastries.

7. They have to make everything so hard.

Who doesn’t love sleep?

6. We’re all a bit better after a vacation.

Regular ones are best and yes it’s been way too long.

5. This just made me laugh.

You gotta find the funny stuff and hang onto it, y’all.

4. As is everything I do for you all day every day sweetheart.

Now clear the damn table!

3. You’ll be much happier once you accept this.

Your mother will never accept it, though. You’ll have to accept that, too.

2. How about the fifth time you’ve had to WIPE their buttcrack?

Why do they poop so often?

1. It’s really one of the biggest sacrifices you can make.

The alternative is getting up in the middle of the night. No thanks.

I’m early on the journey here, but I’m feeling these!

Which one of these hit you just right? Tell us in the comments!

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These 18+ Memes About Parenting Will Tickle the Funnybones of Moms and Dads Everywhere

There are some things that only parents understand, and these 20 memes fall into that category. So, if you are in the process of raising children, sit back with your glass of wine (or beverage of choice) and have a good laugh. You deserve it.

#20. Such a beautiful day.

#19. “What are you doing?” / “WHAT DO YOU THINK?”

#18. Does anyone know where I can get one of those?

#17. Wait, your second kid is supposed to have their own room?

#16. Leaving anywhere, basically.

#15. Introvert nightmare.

#14. They never listen.

#13. How do they do that?

#12. And so it begins.

#11. It is our battle cry.

#10. Basically.

#9. Send wine.

#8. There is nothing more disconcerting, y’all.

#7. If only they understood.

#6. Do you want to die?

#5. No one can make you raise your hand, people.

#4. No words necessary.

#3. Wait for it…

#2. Just don’t.

#1. What?


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