These Designers Were All Really Creating for the People Who Use Their Products

In a world where we can get just about anything we want with only a click of a mouse or a swipe on a screen, it can feel a little exhausting to constantly be marketed to.

That potential for exhaustion makes it extra nice when you see a product that is so clearly designed for the person who will buy it.

From doormats that were clearly designed to help you out to a mug that doubles as a hand warmer, here are 10 times that designers proved they had their users in mind when they came up with a product.

1. This wonderful doormat

It’s cute and it also reminds you of everything you need to take out with you.

2. A helpful mannequin

It shows you what the shirt will really look like.

3. This mug that warms you up.

This is legitimately a brilliant invention. It’s so cozy!

4. This tree-friendly fence

This is such a great idea for anyone who is willing to work with and around nature.

5. An amazing USB connector

Gone are the days of flipping it one way and then the other, because both ways work!

6. This bathroom must-have

A windshield wiper… for your mirror!

7. This helpful wok

The circles show you exactly how much oil you’ve added.

8. Toast grabbers!

Are you tired of burning your hands? This toaster solves that problem for you.

9. Bike-friendly stairs

Truly a wonderful invention for every cyclist!

10. A kid-friendly train

In Copenhagen, the train carts without drivers have “buttons” that kids can play with while they ride.

Aren’t these products pretty cool? Those toast grabbers are seriously impressive. Let us know which is your favorite in the comments!

The post These Designers Were All Really Creating for the People Who Use Their Products appeared first on UberFacts.