Take a Virtual Tour of Atlantium, Australia’s Smallest ‘Country’

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Australia is home to kangaroos, the Great Barrier Reef, and—surprisingly—the world’s greatest number of micronations. For the uninitiated, a micronation is a tiny, unrecognized “country” that claims sovereignty from its homeland. Around 100 micronations exist around the globe, and 35 of them are located Down Under.

In the documentary below, director Craig Rasmus gives viewers a virtual tour Australia’s smallest “country,” Atlantium. Founded in 1981 by “ruler” George Cruickshank—who christened himself “Imperial Majesty George II”—the 200-acre micronation overlooks the Lachlan River Valley in New South Wales. In addition to its own flag, monetary system, and national anthem, Atlantium has 3000 “citizens” worldwide (most of whom declared residency by filling out a form online).

Watch below to learn more about how Atlantium is a micronation unlike any other in Australia—or for that matter, the world.

April 24, 2017 – 3:00am
