Morning Cup of Links: The Spinal Tap Lawsuit

filed under: Links

The Creators of This is Spinal Tap Still Haven’t Been Paid. It’s lawsuit time in a 33-year-old case of Hollywood accounting.
Why Poverty Is Like a Disease. The effects can last for generations.
In April of 1945, Swedish Jew Norbert Masur met with Gestapo chief Heinrich Himmler as a representative of the World Jewish Congress. Himmler spent the time rationalizing his actions and covering his tracks. [PDF]
Does Iceland Really Have the Best Hot Dogs in the World? Here are opinions from two correspondents who tried them.
Disposable lighters come in all colors, but the white ones are bad luck. How did this superstition ever come about?
DoggoLingo is the internet language about dogs. Even if you’ve never heard of it, you recognize it when you read it.
No one understands health insurance. That’s a problem.
19 Fictional Characters Whose Names You Don’t Know. But you will after you read this!

April 24, 2017 – 5:00am
