Scientists Believe Drinking IPAs Could Negatively Impact Male Virility

Guys, listen up.

If you prefer more hops in your beer and you’re a dude, well…there may be some side effects that go along with enjoying your favorite brew.

And no, it’s not just the extra calories.

India Pale Ales have a signature, bitter flavor that comes from hops, and hops contain a plant-based form of estrogen called phytoestrogen.

And scientists believe that phytoestrogen could cause men to develop man boobs and also (oops) erectile dysfunction.

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Review 1992 – Even More Cowbell – Lervig / Amundsen – India Pale Ale – ABV 7.5% – Can from Systembolaget – "The most hops per litre ever used in Scandinavia. 50 gr/litre". This first statement could very much be true, I have no idea, but the main question is if it's even good with that crazy amount of hops? I may be a bit colored in my review, but I am a sucker for hops, it's as simple as that. Aroma is pretty light and malty despite the hops used here. Also citrus, grapefruits and pineapple spring to mind. I feared a massive hop burn in the taste, but that isn't the case. It does carry a light, hars note and a touch of salmiac, but it's still fruity and tropical sweet. Quite "milky" and murky in the taste, but fruity and tasty overall. There is a slight harsher sting in the end, but I think it doesn't go overboard. Interesting but maybe not worth the money in that sense? 50 gr per litre also mean the same amount in price increase. 4.0/5.0 #lervig #amundsen #evenmorecowbell #indiapaleale #hopexplosion #norwegiancraftbeer #craftcans #casksweden #thebeernation #hopmaestro #drinkitlikeyoumeanit

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They’re calling it “Brewer’s Droop,” which…I’m not sure that’s going to stick.

A team of researchers from Columbia and Spain wrote about the condition in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

“It does not seem to be just a temporary problem, because erectile ability was still affected after a year and, according to the results, did not seem likely to improve just with alcohol abstinence.”

Stephen Herrod Buhner, herbalist and author, warned in Vice that too much phytoestrogen in men can cause hormonal imbalances that could cause a condition called gynecomastia (enlarged breasts).

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Jaipur IPA от @thornbridge – пиво, обросшее признанием и наградами. По культовости сравнимо, пожалуй, с Punk IPA. Кстати, впервые оно было сварено в 2005 году сооснователем Brewdog Мартином Дики, который в то время работал на пивоварне Thornbridge. На тапке ни одного чекина от френдов и общая оценка 3,66. Тот случай, когда на невысокий рейтинг не обращаешь внимания, хочется же прикоснуться к истории:) . Это пиво из прошлого, каноничный американский IPA. Сейчас оно удивляет разве что очень светлым соломенным цветом. Хороший хмелевой букет из старых-добрых Chinook, Centennial, Ahtanum, Simcoe, Columbus и Cascade, достойная для 5,9% плотность, уверенная горечь, цитрусы, сосна, мед, пряности. Сбалансированное, легко пьющееся пиво, являющее собой лайт-версию современных мощных, ярких ипашек. 14 лет назад на заре крафтовой революции в Великобритании оно, вероятно, было откровением. Сейчас же какая-нибудь условная Прачка рвет его в клочья. Баночка подуставшая, майская. Ценник 170 р. в Пив&Ко на Вайнера. #thornbridge #jaipur #ipa #jaipuripa #indiapaleale #ипа #americanipa

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“From long-term exposure to the estrogenic properties of hops, they eventually have difficulty sustaining an erection.”

On the upside, hops also contain a substance called xanthohumol, which some believe has antiviral, anti-clotting, anti-inflammatory, and anti-tumor properties (according to Dr. Andrew Weil). Hops have been used since ancient times to promote sleep, too, and if you’re a woman (especially over a certain age), a little extra estrogen could be just what the doctor ordered.

There are pros and cons when it comes to most things in life, and I mean, man boobs never hurt anyone.

What I’m saying is that if you love hops, well, enjoy your beer.

You like what you like, right?

The post Scientists Believe Drinking IPAs Could Negatively Impact Male Virility appeared first on UberFacts.