People Talk About When Their Gut Feeling Turned Out to Be Right

Life can be a game of inches sometimes.

And a lot of it comes down to decisions that we make at various forks in the road where we can take one or two paths.

And if I’ve learned one thing, it’s that you gotta listen to your gut. ALWAYS.

When did your gut feeling turn out to be right?

AskReddit users shared their stories.

1. GTFO.

“Last time I was hired for a job. Had it during the final interview with my soon-to-be boss.

My gut told me to GTFO even though everything about that job seemed great. To be fair, in the first few days is was, but then the reality of how poorly organized everything is came crashing down on me and my enthusiasm for working in a toxic environment that was being fueled by boss’s incompetence was gone.

Ended up quitting after two months.”

2. Ouch.

“A few years back I was dating a girl who went camping with “a friend” for a couple weeks, I didn’t mind cause I trusted her.

But I started to get a gut feeling she was cheating on me while she was gone. Shortly before she was supposed to come back into town she called and dumped me over the phone.

Bonus points since I had literally just had brain surgery that she didn’t bother to come back into town for.”

3. Scam.

“I was about to go to ITT Tech. I spoke to a bunch of teachers there. NONE of them seemed to know anything about basic computer stuff. Part of me was thinking these people don’t know what they’re talking about….but maybe I’m just crazy.

A month or two later, they shut down all the schools. When i decided not to go, my family berated me and called me lazy. I explained that school could not offer me any kind of education that would help me.

None of them are computer literate and they they though they could tell ME what I needed/wanted. pfft. When the news came out, and i showed them, they just shrugged it off like they never tried to convince me and berate into going to a scam school.”

4. OMG.

“I’m 14 and was all alone in a dirt path in India and some guy was just sitting on a rock in the middle of the forest.

I didn’t make eye contact but I could see he was crying I wanted to help but my gut told me not to.

3 days later was caught for m**dering his wife and 5 year old daughter.”

5. Close call.

“15 years ago.

My wife and I were leaving the house to drive several hours to go see her brother. We both looked at each other and admitted that something felt…off. No real reason, it just did. Weird, right?

2 ½ hours later, doing 70 odd mph eastbound on I-80 and a tire & wheel landed square in the middle of the hood of our brand new car.”

6. Unhinged.

“My cousin introduced me to her “friend” and I told her idk I dont really like him he seemed nice but he gives off a really weird vibe.

I think I even avoided shaking his hand, I coughed into it and said sorry I need to wash my hands.

Later found out she was dating him and he was abusive and threatened to k**l her and was unhinged.”

7. Horrible.

“Worked with an older guy, he was quiet/skittish, and polite. He strived to be helpful as the work was very group/teamwork oriented.

I couldn’t stand him. I loathed working with him, I even felt the whisper of an urge to fight the d**n guy – and I’m an average-small chick. Very out of character for me, I am absurdly non-confrontational.

My feelings and reaction to the guy puzzled both my husband and I. He would often tell me the dude has never done or said anything to me off color, and he’s right. I still couldn’t like the guy.

One day the coworker doesn’t show up, which is unusual since he almost never called out or was ever late. Later we catch sight of him on the news, busted for an extensive child p**n ring.

Guess my gut knew. On the plus side, I get to gleefully hate any one I want without reason and my husband can’t argue against it.”

8. The accident.

“When I was 14 in the summer before high school, my family lived on the outskirts of town. One night I heard sirens, and naturally as a Midwesterner, I went onto the porch to see what I could see.

It was ambulances, fire trucks and police cars, speeding past my house farther out of town. I had a horrible feeling I’d never had before, gut wrenching.

It turned out to be correct. I learned the next morning that my friend had d**d after being ejected through the windshield onto a fence post.”

9. Scary incident.

“Living in Seattle, running to catch a bus. Just about to catch it and suddenly I thought STOP AND my body just stopped. I let the bus go. I was pi**ed that I missed the bus.

2 stops after mine a guy got on the bus and shot the driver. The bus went off a bridge and landed on an apartment building. Ki**ed a couple people.”

10. Summer camp.

“Was the first day of a summer camp.

Something felt off and my stomach got queasy immediately after getting out of the car. I was told I’d be sleeping with about 14 other boys my age under a old, crusty, tent with no floor, or screen door to keep bugs out during the hottest and most humid month in recent years. I asked to go to the bathroom because I was feeling sick.

Then I told my dad who was with me that I had a stomachache and that I needed to go home. We packed our things and left. My dad told me as we got in the car “thank goodness you felt it was off there too and I didn’t feel comfortable with you in the crappy tent while I was in a cabin almost 2 miles away.”

A massive storm hit the campsite that night, possible tornadoes in the area too, after everything calmed down there the cabins and buildings were untouched while things like the tent I would’ve been asleep in wasn’t even on the camp grounds anymore.

Thanks gut feeling.”

11. Armed robbery.

“A few years back I was babysitting my niece and nephew while their parents went out for date night. It was later in the evening and everything was quiet outside, but I had this overwhelming feeling of dread and anxiety that something bad was going to happen.

I locked all the doors and windows and made sure the kids were safe while I paced the house waiting for the feeling to subside. Not 5 minutes later I get an emergency alert on my phone (we were bordering a college campus) that there had been an armed robbery not 2 blocks from my location. That event gave me more trust in my gut instinct than anything to this day.”

12. You knew.

“I was 26 (roughly 10 years ago) and went on a date with a very successful property developer. He held my hand so strongly it actually hurt and when we kissed goodnight I felt sick.

Didn’t go on another date with him and he was in the news recently for family v**lence/stalking and then st**bing his ex fiancée.”

13. Totally crazy.

“So me and my family were helping out my stepdad daughter (she’s 30 btw and has been on drugs for a while) and she had claimed shed been sober with her boyfriend, at first I payed no mind to them or her boyfriend at all because it wasn’t really my business anyway.

I started getting a bad vibe from her boyfriend after a while, come to find out he was actually wanted and was a hard career criminal and was robbing people behind our backs and,selling the stolen stuff, pretty crazy if u ask me.”

Have you ever trusted your gut and it turned out to be a good thing?

If so, tell us your stories in the comments.

Thanks a lot!

The post People Talk About When Their Gut Feeling Turned Out to Be Right appeared first on UberFacts.