People Shared Their “Wow, I’m Pretty Awesome” Stories

You’re good enough, you’re smart enough, and doggone it, people really like you!

Now, before we proceed, I want you to go say that to yourself in the mirror a few times…I’ll wait…

Okay, great, you’re back!

Now we can move on.

People took to AskReddit to share stories of when they thought they were pretty awesome.

1. Congrats!

“Obese most of my life. Worked really hard, lost 100lbs. Took up running, and decided to run a marathon. I’ve never felt more like a bada** than when I crossed that finish line.

The training and the race itself were the hardest things I’ve done in my life, and there were many times throughout where I really wasn’t sure I was going to make it.”

2. WWE-style.

“When I was like 9 years old, I choke-slammed the neighborhood bully, full WWE-style.

It was directly under a streetlight, and there were people all around to witness it, because I think someone was having a party. I ran away because I thought I would get in trouble, but the adults (actually teenagers, but being 9 I thought of them as “adults”) just wanted to give me high-fives.

And don’t worry, the kid was totally fine other than being shaken up.”

3. Not a joke.

“Leaving work at a big box store a little after 1am and I’m next to my car in the parking lot and changing out of my work shirt into a t-shirt.

There’s a couple benches outside a few random people around. I see a car swerve toward one woman and then brake hard and knowing a couple people out there I figured it was just a very bad joke.

But then I see the car lurch forward and brake hard again and can see a woman in the headlights with a terrified look on her face so I start running as fast as I can toward them. A ridiculously muscled guy gets out of the car and starts moving toward her.

I wasn’t the first person there. The first was a 14-year old kid who was very short and skinny. The kid shoves the guy and then the guy knocks him down and gets right on top of him. The guy hits him three times before I get there and hit him in the back of the head.

This dude was hella dr**k and got off the kid to take a couple swings at me that I was able to avoid. One of the others in the crowd yells that the cops have been called and he books it out of there.

Thankfully the cops got him before any more damage happened. He pled guilty and went to jail for a bunch of charges. I don’t think I was the most bada** because the kid took those hits like a champ and saved the girl, but I still felt pretty awesome.”

4. Accident.

“Possibly saving a life. I saw a motorcycle crash in a parking lot late at night. No one but me went to check on the guy, everyone else was just standing around looking.

Dude had a compound fracture on his leg and blood was pouring through his jeans onto the ground. I used my belt to tourniquet the leg. The ambulance didn’t arrive for another 2 minutes so I might have saved him from bleeding out.”

5. At the concert.

“At a concert in between sets, saw this lady go down. I had just found a seat along the barrier between pit and general seating.

I went up to the girl and her boyfriend and told them I had a seat in the wall if she needed to sit down a minute. She was pretty out of it but the boyfriend said thatd be a good idea. We walked her over and flagged down one of the vendors to get her some water since she was really dehydrated.

Right about now the headliner (Rob Zombie) came out on stage and then a huge mosh pit started right in front of us. Myself, the boyfriend, and another guy formed a protective wall around her, myself at the very front cause I’m the biggest. Most of the people were respectful and following mosh etiquette, but there was this one dr**k dude who I guess saw what we were doing and decided itd be fun to try and knock me down onto her.

He came at me a little harder than everyone else, I just pushed him back in, then he came at me a little harder and I started to get a little angry. The third time he was almost rushing me, I gave him a decent shove and told him “come at me like that one more time motherf**ker”.

He did, I saw him coming and this time I stepped forward into him and shoved my palms into his chest. He stumbled backwards clear across the other side of the pit and looked terrified.

I shouted “try again and I’ll knock you the f**k out, a**hole”. He didnt come in our direction again after that. Felt pretty cool protecting that girl and checking that a**hole.”

6. Way too forward.

“My brother and I had some friends over at my parents’ house while we were home for a visit. We were hanging out in the backyard and at the end of the night I was alone with one of brother’s friends.

He started coming on to me, grabbing me, being way too forward and gross. I told him repeatedly to stop and to leave but that just made him more aggressive. He eventually knocked me down and had me pinned on the ground, broke my glasses and was laughing in my face about what he was going to do to me while I screamed for help but no one could hear me. I eventually managed to choke him out just enough that he fell over then kicked him a bunch of times.

He got up and came at me again. I shoved him back over and over til we reached the end of the driveway, the whole time he is still trying to grab at me and laughing at me. Eventually I just swung at his face and ended up breaking his nose, I felt it crack on my hand and blood went everywhere.

It was sickening but also kinda euphoric. He ended up running away after that.”

7. Jeez…

“So I was in high school, got a pass to go to the restroom.

On the way there one of my friends sisters is being held against the locker by a couple of dudes and being groped by another couple. I was a 6 foot 400lb teen, I just ran as fast as my fat legs could take me and barreled into a few of them. Screamed at her to go get her brother.

I proceeded to get the ever living s**t kicked out of me. I had bruised/broken ribs, a broken hand, fingers, nose, concussion. But I consider it to be one of the most bada** things I’ve done.”

8. You should be proud.

“I’m a relatively petite woman and I changed my flat tire without any help in a snowstorm.

It was a struggle, and my hands were scraped and bleeding by the end, but I felt really proud of myself.”

9. A happy ending.

“My girlfriend took me.over her grandmother one day.

She was a super nice lady and while we were talking she said something about how she wishes her record player still worked because she just missed listening to her old albums so much. I’d always been a big audio guy so I asked if I could take a look at it for her.

I spent about five minutes working my magic and was able to make an old woman cry because she was so happy to hear the music she and her husband used to dance to again for the first time in years.

I ended up marrying that girl and when grandmother passed away she had made sure that I got her old record player.”

10. Legend.

“Being an untouchable and unbeatable b**tard at dodgeball.

If it was an Olympic discipline you would all know my name by now.”

11. Ha!

“Someone pulled a g** on me but the shop was shutting in 5 minutes and I really wanted beer so I told the guy to f**k off and kept walking.”

12. Lifesaver.

“I saved a life as a 911 dispatcher.

“My address is [address], my name is [Ms. Patient], and I think I’ve just developed a penicillin allergy.”

The call started off normal enough, 50s female took penicillin and was now breaking out in hives. As the call went on, she got harder and harder to understand, both because her tongue was swelling, and because she was getting more and more confused.

“I’m in the basement. Will they be able to find me? I don’t know if my door is unlocked. I’m gonna go unlock it.”

“NO. Stay in the basement. I’ll tell the paramedics you’re down there. They’ll find a way to get in.” I wrote a note to my partner, who was dispatching the ambulances: Patient in basement, door may be locked

“Why did you call me? Can I hang up?”

“You called me, Ms. Patient. You’re allergic to penicillin. You called 911, the ambulance is on the way.”

As the paramedics called on scene, I heard a clunk and the tone of a button being pressed. That’s not good.

About one very long minute later, the paramedic picked up the phone. “It’s me, we’re here.”

The crew transported to the hospital, no lights or sirens. Interesting! I was expecting an emergent return. When they got done, the paramedic called me.

“If we hadn’t have known where the patient was, if we would have been one minute later, there’s a good chance she would have d**d. Thanks for telling us where to go.”

Yep. My bada** call taking skills saved a life.”

Now it’s your turn!

In the comments, tell us when you really felt you were awesome.

We can’t wait!

The post People Shared Their “Wow, I’m Pretty Awesome” Stories appeared first on UberFacts.