People Share What They Have Absolutely Zero Sympathy for

Do you have things that make your blood boil and you have ZERO SYMPATHY for the people who commit them? Maybe it’s littering, bad drivers, etc.?

Whatever they are, share yours in the comments so we can see what gets everybody out there extremely PO’d.

AskReddit users did not hold back in their responses.

1. No litterbugs allowed.

“People who litter. One that really boils my piss is whenever it’s a nice sunny day, we don’t go to our local beaches. Hell none of the locals do in the holidays, because they’re packed with literal bus loads of tourists coming in from the cities, bringing their entire extended families to cause chaos and havoc everywhere. And the litter they leave is insane. It’s worse than some of the festivals I’ve been to.”

2. Don’t listen to other people.

“People who make fun of other people starting new things. Makes people leave hobbies that could’ve been their favourite thing to in their spare time. Made me lose interest in speed-cubing, because that community can be pretty toxic to new people.”

3. Can you help me out?

“People that go to foreign countries with strict and unreasonable consequences for minor infractions that expect their home country to bail them out when they they try to steal something/commit a crime (in the eyes of the country they are in). I feel bad for their families for having a such a stupid relative.”

4. On to the impound lot.

“People who get towed when they leave their car running in the fire lane in front of supermarkets.”

5. Always the victim.

“People who act like the victim with everything, after dating one for a while it finally hits you how cancerous it is, it weighed on my mental health and I almost went to a psyche ward, her ghosting me was the best thing to ever happen to me last year.”

6. Maybe you should stop having kids?

“People who won’t stop having kids even though all you hear from them is griping about how they have no money or a life of their own or they’re tired all the time or they say stuff like “but this is so haaaaard”. Don’t act surprised that that kind of shit happens once you start having kids; it’s some of the most common frigging knowledge in the world. And don’t start palming off your younger kids on your older ones all the time, either; you wanted a baseball team, you gotta coach ’em all.

(This is not about parents whose older children want to help or have some responsibilities like helping their siblings with tying shoes and whatall. This is about parents whose older kids don’t get to be kids because they are too busy raising their siblings.)”

7. These people are the worst.

“People who take their anger out on people who can’t defend themselves. doesn’t matter if it’s customer service people, their spouse, their kids, some homeless person, an animal… just get your shit together and deal with your own problems instead of becoming someone else’s.”

8. Just be nice to everyone.

“People who treat everybody like garbage then complain about being lonely. Like, I’m not getting paid to be here. If you act like a dick I’m leaving.”

9. I’ll be with you…later.

“Guests who sit down and aren’t served within 30 seconds even though I acknowledged them while helping another guest: “HELLO? CAN I GET SOME SERVICE HERE??” “

10. This drives me INSANE.

“Needing to listen to music badly enough that you play your phone speaker on public transportation.”

11. It’s okay to say no.

“I have zero sympathy for a parent that never says no to their child.”

12. Not going to associate with you.

“Manipulators. As soon as I see you trying to bend someone’s actions/emotions towards your gain, we don’t need to associate anymore.”

13. Don’t sweat the little stuff.

“People who lose their shit over things that don’t matter for example when McDonalds runs out of sauce.”

14. I’m with this.

“I entirely lack sympathy for people that abuse animals and kids or the elderly. In fact, those people actually inspire homicidal tendencies whenever I hear about their bullshit.”

15. Too lazy to move your hand?

“People who do not use their blinker while driving. Why? You’re too lazy to move your hand for a second? You expect everyone else on the road to read your mind?”

The post People Share What They Have Absolutely Zero Sympathy for appeared first on UberFacts.