People Share the Dumbest Things Folks Have Ever Confidently Said To Them

As you get a little bit older, you really pick up on one important thing about the world…there sure are a lot of DUMMIES out there!

You know what I’m talking about, right?!?!

And it also doesn’t really help that we currently live at a time when people don’t believe in facts and everyone thinks they’re right about everything.

Oh, boy…

AskReddit users shared really dumb things that people have said to them with confidence.

This should be interesting…

1. Beware of vampires.

“You can only get Covid-19 if you get bitten by someone who had it.”

2. Timezones.

“How can it be 9 AM here (Toronto) and 6 AM in Vancouver, at the same time?” – a work colleague, years ago. I tried to explain it but it didn’t work.

I remember that she was a very sweet and kindhearted lady and she really could not understand it.

I think she lacked some basic knowledge so the concept of timezones was too advanced for her.”

3. A well-known fact.

“There was a guy I knew from the UAE in college with me.

We were talking about track and field for some reason and he blurts out “Ya, women shouldn’t be running so fast because their ovaries will burst”.

He was absolutely serious and insisted this is a well known fact taught in high school biology.”

4. Let’s consult the map.

“‘Amsterdam is a city in London’.

I couldn’t even begin to explain how wrong she was.”

5. You idiot!

“Totally looked me in the eyes and yelled that all I do is sit on my *ss and that I should go get a job.

I’m in a f*cking wheelchair.

True story!!!”

6. Ouch.

“I worked at CVS and this woman was buying a 6 pack of Smart Water.

She asked me if it would make her smarter and when I said no she asked to speak with a manager?”

7. I think you’re right.

“I had a co-worker, 45 year old white dude from interior Saskatchewan argue with me that the Chinese phrase he heard that one time was absolutely correct and that I just didnt know it.

I am Chinese, born in China and speak fluent Mandarin and Cantonese.”

8. One of those folks…

“That dinosaur bones are manmade by scientists to convince us there is no God.”

9. It’s also a country…

“I was asked what country I’m from and I replied Georgia.

The person then said “oh, honey that’s a state. That’s not a country”…”

10. This is amazing.

“My friends wife believed me when I told her La Quinta means “behind Denny’s”.

He told me later she argued with her sister about it.”

11. Clearly a genius.

“I was talking to a girl on vacation and when we got to “what do you do for work?” I said I worked in my parents’ hog farm.

She, with a disgusted face said, “Why Don’t You Get Your Meat Ethically From The Store Like Everybody Else!?”

I was too dumbfounded to even carry on with that conversation and it ended almost right away”

12. You think so?

“A super Conservative buddy of mine…

We had a debate about global warming, green energy and using oil/fossil fuels for energy. I pointed out that regardless of how you feel about fossil fuels, we would have to eventually move on to something else because theres a limit to using oil and sh*t.

He said in a drunken stooper..”WE”RE GONNA FIND OIL ON THE MOON AND MARS!”

I told him the conversation was over after that since he didn’t understand where the f*ck oil came from..I still f*ck with him about it once in a while.”

13. A beautiful country.

“From someone doing a presentation in front of our class: Norwegians are from Norwegia.”

Hmmmm…not too bright…

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us about the dumbest thing that someone has said to you with confidence.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post People Share the Dumbest Things Folks Have Ever Confidently Said To Them appeared first on UberFacts.