You’ve been here before: someone gives you a compliment and then a few minutes later it dawns on you…HEY, THAT WASN’T A COMPLIMENT! THAT WAS AN INSULT!
And then you get offended and start crying and you’re not friends with that person anymore…at least that’s the way it works for me…
What are some insults that people throw out that are cleverly designed as compliments?
Here’s what AskReddit users had to say.
1. Keep trying!
“I love what you’re trying to do with your hair…”
2. Ouch…
“Good for you.
This is passive aggressive through and through.”
3. That’s not nice.
“My grandma used to tell us that if you ever met an ugly baby you should said “wow that is SOME BABY”.”
4. Oh, Grandma.
“My grandma always says people are “good and kind” when they get on her nerves.
They think shes a sweet old lady, when shes really saying they’re “good for nothing and kinda stupid”.
I got it engraved on a mug for her.”
5. Standing out.
“That outfit is really brave.”
6. Thank you?
“You’re much smarter than you look.”
7. The very least.
“I was doing a timed work skills test a month into a new job and it took me forever so he let me do it again.
It took just as long the second time and he said, “Well… at least you’re consistent.””
8. Who would actually say that?
“Someone once said to me “you aren’t as horrible as everyone told me you’d be”.”
9. Packing on the pounds.
““You look…. healthy” where I’m from, the nice way of saying someone has gotten fat.”
10. You’re really doing it!
“You’re so confident!
This has got to be a kick to the nuts. Said in the right tone that must suck.
Cuz you know homeboy built up quite some courage to rock those assless chaps and now Aunt Karen just dropped that bomb on you at the family Christmas party…”
11. Major eye roll…
“I love my mother, but she used to hit me with this.
She’d say, “You know what I love about you – you just don’t care what other people think” when I’d leave the house without makeup.
12. Well, gee…
“Your sister is beautiful and you are…smart”
13. No respect.
“With all due respect,…” when it’s clear none is due.”
14. Not a good thing to hear.
“You are impossible to underestimate.”
15. Over sharing.
“One of the guys I was dating told me ‘you share your emotions and feelings quite often’.
I took it as I probably talk too much about things and shouldn’t, but he told me that no it’s a good thing and it helps. Still made me think twice the next time I wanted to share things.”
16. An old classic.
“Classic chubby girl insult: “But you have such a pretty face!””
17. That’s so rude.
“While waiting tables, an old woman told my coworker that he’s “handsome for a Mexican”
Biiitch he’s just handsome.”
18. Insulted.
“That reminds me so much of “you’re a lesbian?? but you’re so pretty!!”
Like, good job insulting both my people and my taste in people in one swift blow.”
19. Some people need to hear this.
“I hope you have the day you deserve.”
20. I might’ve heard this one before…
“You’ve got a face for radio.”
21. Smart…for a girl.
“In the line at Walmart there was an old lady and a man trying to figure out how much money they needed to pay and when I said the amount,
He told me that I was pretty smart for being a girl.”
22. Name the movie!!!
“It’s understanding that makes it possible for people like us to tolerate a person like yourself.
-Abe Froman”
23. Is that good or bad?
“You have completely met my expectations”
24. Very insulting.
“You talk so eloquently” “you speak so well” towards a black person as if we all talk like we’re from the depths if the hood.”
25. Hahaha.
“If you are in the South, “Bless your heart”.”
26. Not sure how to take that.
“You haven’t changed a bit!”
27. Who are you?
“You look so pretty I didn’t even recognize you.” My mom said that to me one day when I was leaving for high school. She totally didn’t mean it to be an insult, but I felt that one.”
28. Fashionista.
“I love how you just wear anything!”
29. Growing up…and into…
“Oh, I see you’re finally growing into those ears.”
30. Carry the weight.
“You carry your weight well.
Said to me by a much thinner friend.”
31. Never thought of that…
“I’m a little surprised this isn’t on here.
I heard that stewardesses will say “See you next time” to airline passengers that have been particularly troublesome. Sounds innocent until you abbreviate it “C U Next Time”.”
32. You look…
““You look tired”.
Just another way of saying you look like shit.”
33. How do you interpret this one?
“You really are something else.”
34. No one wants to hear this.
“Well, aren’t you precious?”
35. A modern classic.
“Cool story bro.”
Ouch…those really leave a sting, don’t they?
Okay, now it’s your turn!
In the comments, tell us about insults you’ve received in your life that sound like compliments.
Please and thank you!
The post People Share Insults People Say That Sound Like Compliments appeared first on UberFacts.