Cute Compliment Memes You Can Send To Your Special Someone

Valentine’s Day is far off, but that’s no excuse not to send Valentines to the people you love. Or at the very least a sort of off-brand version where you just text them cute meme compliments about how much you like their butt or whatever.

Any day of the year is the right day for those kinds of adorable shenanigans.

In that spirit, here are ten cute compliment memes for the special someone in your life.

10. Sweets for the sweet

You absolutely knock me out.

9. Stark realities

I may not be a billionaire, but I’ll scare off danger with my mighty growls.

8. Happy little me’s

Just take those feelings of loneliness and beat the devil out of ’em.

7. Snack attack

How does this dog look so smooth and why can’t I deal with it?

6. Crash into me

Gonna crush so hard they call me the super nova.

5. Needed contributions

Together, we can reach these goals. Not me, us.

4. Let’s get this bread

Garlic may not be easy on the breath but it’s still pretty great for the mouth.

3. Lizard licks

When your man saves you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.

2. Pretty potassium

“Why is any of this?” – dog, probably

1. Reporting for booty

Your future looks very bright.

If you want to brighten somebody’s day, just send them one of these. Or the whole list. You can’t lose, really.

What’s your favorite thing about being in love?

Share it in the comments.

The post Cute Compliment Memes You Can Send To Your Special Someone appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Insults People Say That Sound Like Compliments

You’ve been here before: someone gives you a compliment and then a few minutes later it dawns on you…HEY, THAT WASN’T A COMPLIMENT! THAT WAS AN INSULT!

And then you get offended and start crying and you’re not friends with that person anymore…at least that’s the way it works for me…

What are some insults that people throw out that are cleverly designed as compliments?

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say.

1. Keep trying!

“I love what you’re trying to do with your hair…”

2. Ouch…

“Good for you.

This is passive aggressive through and through.”

3. That’s not nice.

“My grandma used to tell us that if you ever met an ugly baby you should said “wow that is SOME BABY”.”

4. Oh, Grandma.

“My grandma always says people are “good and kind” when they get on her nerves.

They think shes a sweet old lady, when shes really saying they’re “good for nothing and kinda stupid”.

I got it engraved on a mug for her.”

5. Standing out.

“That outfit is really brave.”

6. Thank you?

“You’re much smarter than you look.”

7. The very least.

“I was doing a timed work skills test a month into a new job and it took me forever so he let me do it again.

It took just as long the second time and he said, “Well… at least you’re consistent.””

8. Who would actually say that?

“Someone once said to me “you aren’t as horrible as everyone told me you’d be”.”

9. Packing on the pounds.

““You look…. healthy” where I’m from, the nice way of saying someone has gotten fat.”

10. You’re really doing it!

“You’re so confident!

This has got to be a kick to the nuts. Said in the right tone that must suck.

Cuz you know homeboy built up quite some courage to rock those assless chaps and now Aunt Karen just dropped that bomb on you at the family Christmas party…”

11. Major eye roll…

“I love my mother, but she used to hit me with this.

She’d say, “You know what I love about you – you just don’t care what other people think” when I’d leave the house without makeup. 🙄

12. Well, gee…

“Your sister is beautiful and you are…smart”

13. No respect.

“With all due respect,…” when it’s clear none is due.”

14. Not a good thing to hear.

“You are impossible to underestimate.”

15. Over sharing.

“One of the guys I was dating told me ‘you share your emotions and feelings quite often’.

I took it as I probably talk too much about things and shouldn’t, but he told me that no it’s a good thing and it helps. Still made me think twice the next time I wanted to share things.”

16. An old classic.

“Classic chubby girl insult: “But you have such a pretty face!””

17. That’s so rude.

“While waiting tables, an old woman told my coworker that he’s “handsome for a Mexican”

Biiitch he’s just handsome.”

18. Insulted.

“That reminds me so much of “you’re a lesbian?? but you’re so pretty!!”

Like, good job insulting both my people and my taste in people in one swift blow.”

19. Some people need to hear this.

“I hope you have the day you deserve.”

20. I might’ve heard this one before…

“You’ve got a face for radio.”

21. Smart…for a girl.

“In the line at Walmart there was an old lady and a man trying to figure out how much money they needed to pay and when I said the amount,

He told me that I was pretty smart for being a girl.”

22. Name the movie!!!

“It’s understanding that makes it possible for people like us to tolerate a person like yourself.

-Abe Froman”

23. Is that good or bad?

“You have completely met my expectations”

24. Very insulting.

“You talk so eloquently” “you speak so well” towards a black person as if we all talk like we’re from the depths if the hood.”

25. Hahaha.

“If you are in the South, “Bless your heart”.”

26. Not sure how to take that.

“You haven’t changed a bit!”

27. Who are you?

“You look so pretty I didn’t even recognize you.” My mom said that to me one day when I was leaving for high school. She totally didn’t mean it to be an insult, but I felt that one.”

28. Fashionista.

“I love how you just wear anything!”

29. Growing up…and into…

“Oh, I see you’re finally growing into those ears.”

30. Carry the weight.

“You carry your weight well.

Said to me by a much thinner friend.”

31. Never thought of that…

“I’m a little surprised this isn’t on here.

I heard that stewardesses will say “See you next time” to airline passengers that have been particularly troublesome. Sounds innocent until you abbreviate it “C U Next Time”.”

32. You look…

““You look tired”.

Just another way of saying you look like shit.”

33. How do you interpret this one?

“You really are something else.”

34. No one wants to hear this.

“Well, aren’t you precious?”

35. A modern classic.

“Cool story bro.”

Ouch…those really leave a sting, don’t they?

Okay, now it’s your turn!

In the comments, tell us about insults you’ve received in your life that sound like compliments.

Please and thank you!

The post People Share Insults People Say That Sound Like Compliments appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Weird and Hilarious Compliments They Got from Strangers

You know when people tell you that you have a nice smile or beautiful hair?

Yeah, these aren’t those kind of compliments.

Things are about to get weird in there, in 3, 2, 1…

1. Why do people say “no homo”??? Dumbest thing…

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. I’m right there with you… WTF was that about?

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Well, would you?!?

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Hey, not a bad compliment, all thing considered…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Okay, I legit laughed at this. Because terrorism!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Spoiler alert… we’re ALL soulless!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Well, your loss… I guess?

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Oh jeezus…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Granny!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Crazy like a fox!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Open wide!

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Just banana things. You wouldn’t understand.

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Dem hips gurrrrrrl!

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. It’s okay to be normal!

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. Yeah, super creepy.

Photo Credit: Whisper

16. OMG! What the fuck is this?!?

Photo Credit: Whisper

17. Ankles for DAYSSSSS!

Photo Credit: Whisper

18. Awwwww!

Photo Credit: Whisper

19. ACHOOOO!!!

Photo Credit: Whisper

20. Okay, legit good compliment. Not weird.

Photo Credit: Whisper

21. Sooo… ya got any weed?

Photo Credit: Whisper

OMG, I’m still laughing at that guy petting that girl’s hair.

That is insanely creepy! Who does that?!?

The post People Share Weird and Hilarious Compliments They Got from Strangers appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Weirdest Compliments They’ve Ever Received

Compliments are supposed to be nice and reassuring…but that’s not always the case. Sometimes they’re awkward, aggressive or downright chilling.

In this AskReddit thread, people shared the weirdest compliments they ever received.

1. Very awkward

“A young Asian woman walked up to me as I was talking to a friend on an outdoor mall, in halting English she said “Nice Adam’s apple.” “Thank you?” I responded. “Can I touch it?” she asked. I was a little taken aback, so it took me a moment to say “Um… I’d rather you not.”

But by that point it was too late. I cringed while she awkwardly caressed my larynx while those who witnessed it stared on in horrified fascination. That was, by far, the strangest compliment I’ve ever received.”1. A little strange…

“I was in town with my teething and grizzly youngest son in a stroller. He was tired and just generally DONE, so I knelt in front of the stroller and was soothing/stroking his cheeks and speaking to him in a soft low voice when a woman I’ve never seen before stopped and said “I wish I could trade places with him”.

So I guess that’s a compliment?”

2. A little strange…

“I was in town with my teething and grizzly youngest son in a stroller. He was tired and just generally DONE, so I knelt in front of the stroller and was soothing/stroking his cheeks and speaking to him in a soft low voice when a woman I’ve never seen before stopped and said “I wish I could trade places with him”.

So I guess that’s a compliment?”

3. Might be a serial killer

“Had a date with a guy that told me my cheeks were so soft that ‘he wanted to cut them off and put them in a jar on his bedside table so he could touch them anytime he wanted’.

He became my boyfriend for eight months.”

4. Thanks?

“A friend of mine once said to someone ‘I want to cut off your face skin and wear it on my face’…”

5. Red in the face

“Everyone always mentions that my face is red. I absolutely hate it.

I actually had a lady ask if I was sick, and when I told her it was just my face, she offered to pray for me. All of this happened while at work, so being polite I said “yeah sure”. I’m not really religious but I’m not gonna tell someone they can’t pray for me. She reached her hand over the counter and wouldn’t let me continue helping her until I held her hand while she prayed in front of me. And out loud. Talk about irritating and awkward. I’d much rather her have had your response.”

6. Handwriting

“On my first trip to the United States, my mom accompanied me as that was my first time studying abroad. It was back in 2008, and we have to fill the I-94 immigration card. My mom filled for both of us as she was always done for our family when we traveled.

When we touched down the airport, I was nervous at that time. I heard many stories of people being interrogated for hours after 9/11 attacks and sometimes was denied entry. I am wearing a hijab, and so is my mom. The whole time during the queuing I was trying to calm my nerves and praying hard everything goes well.

The line went on and on, and we were lining up for almost an hour. Finally, it’s our turn, and we decided to go to the counter together as a family. When the TSA officer took our passport, he took a hard look at our I-94 form. Then he asked if I filled it myself. I almost died at that moment thinking the first blunder I made when entering the US was to let my mom wrote for me. I told her my mom wrote it.

He looked at my mom and said, “Wow, that was really beautiful handwriting. It seems like you type on this form.” My mom smiled. That was not the first time she heard that compliment. My mom has the most beautiful handwriting that I ever saw compared to all the people that I have met.

Also, that officer has changed my perception of United States.”

7. Kissable

“When I was about eleven years old, I went to a flea market in Arizona with my grandparents. While perusing for knives and shiny things that eleven year old boys love, an elderly woman of about 70 decided she should tell me how nice my lips are.

The image of being cornered and told I have “such kissable, lickable lips” will forever be etched in my brain. On the plus side, my grandma didn’t allow me to purchase a set of samurai swords that day, so that could’ve halted some sort of mall ninja trajectory.”

8. Not a good word choice

“Not received, but gave.

At 15, I was trying to compliment my then-girlfriend on her athletic figure and hairdo in one smooth swoop.

In extremely flowery language, I proceeded to tell her that she resembled “a purebred racehorse, but with a shinier mane”.

Seemed pretty poetic in my hormone-amped head, not so much in reality. 0/5 wouldn’t recommend.”

9. A very good sentence

“Casual conversation before class started. I said something and the one guy that was only half paying attention suddenly whips his head up with “that was such a wonderfully constructed sentence.”

If we had been in a writing class it wouldn’t have struck me as odd, but this was an entrepreneurship class.”

10. Salt and pepper

“I’m very self-conscious to be going grey when I’m in my early 20’s. But then one day a (guy) friend I hadn’t seen in ages walked by and said “hey girl! You’re rocking that salt and pepper!” and it took me completely by surprise. It felt like the most honest compliment I have ever received.

I mean it’s way better than the stranger walking by and just saying “you have a hot bod, weird face” as he passed me. Still don’t know how that one’s sitting.”

11. Teeth

“While ringing a customer up, she said, “You have really pretty teeth,” with a very straight face. I started to thank her, even though her tone didn’t really imply it was a compliment, but she immediately followed it up with a scowl and, “I bet your parents paid a lot of money for those.”

Uh, I did have braces as a preteen, if that’s what you mean?”

12. Compliment from a celebrity

“I work for a touring event for kids.In NY, I met Drew Barrymore and was fixing one of our toys for her kid. Our company doesn’t love us getting excited when famous types come and usually I do my absolute best not to make things weird… but, I’d literally been watching Santa Clarita Diet in my office maybe ten minutes before coming down.

Figured whatever on if the company wouldn’t like me fangirling when I was working and told her thanks for coming to our show, she’s a fantastic actress, and that our performers would really appreciate it. She starts talking about how excited her kids were and saying all this nice stuff, stops, and says “you have like, the best teeth ever” and continues on with what she was saying.

I have a pretty decent sized diastema between my front teeth I’ve been low key insecure about my entire life (it can’t be closed completely via braces, so I either have a big one or a clearly manipulated smaller one forever) and having one of my favorite actresses just be awesome and compliment me because she could pretty much made my year. I had to go to my office on the seventh floor, sit down, and call my mother I got so excited.”

13. Hey hot stuff

“I’m a guy and I started growing my hair out when I was in high school.

While I was bent over, drinking from a water fountain, my hair covered my face and I heard a whistle from behind me. When I turned around to see who it was a guy audibly shouted and looked at me like I’d betrayed him and his friends couldn’t breathe from laughing so hard. I had a smile on my face the rest of the day.”

14. You look just like…

“I often shower at night because I’m not much of a morning person. Sometimes my hair is a little disheveled in the morning because of this, and combing/brushing does very little to fix it. I also have very thick black hair that I typically like to wear long. My nose used to be a lot bigger on my face than it is now (I grew into it).

I was staying with a friend for a weekend during ACL, and the following Monday, I went to breakfast with some of his friends, only a few of whom I’d met previously. I was wearing a thick green jacket and hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before, though I had showered. One of the girls told me, “You’ve got a very ‘Adrien Brody’ thing going on today.” Not necessarily a compliment, but I happen to be a fan, and the comment has stuck with me even though it’s been close to a decade at this point.”

15. Ocean Roses

“I’ve gotten the weirdest complements lately regarding the way I smell lately. Mostly people telling me I smell like fresh laundry, but not my clothes, me. Like my skin. It sometimes looks like a clip from those Gain commercials lol.

And then I had a girl tell me I smelled like “Ocean Roses”, which threw me for a loop because I’ve never heard of that haha.”

Do any of the compliments you’ve received top these?

The post People Share the Weirdest Compliments They’ve Ever Received appeared first on UberFacts.