Have you ever had a truly terrible date? One that was a disaster start to finish and made you never want to go out with anyone ever again?
I’m sure you have…and so have these folks on Twitter.
This is the question that got everything going.
What is the worst date you've ever been on?
— Nick Harvey (@mrnickharvey) October 21, 2019
Let’s take a look at the responses.
1. Get outta there!
When I was 18 and went on a date with a much older guy. At the end of the night he told me he was into 'blood play'. I stupidly asked for more details… 5 minutes later I was on the bus heading home.
— Sarah Taylor (@SairLondon) October 21, 2019
2. Won’t be a second date.
He asked me what the worst thing I’d ever done was (I was 17 not much) then told me his was that he’d had sex with his sister. His actual biological sister…
— Sophia Behn (@SophiaBehn) October 21, 2019
3. Still haunted.
Met up, she bought a mate, walked along the coast, asked me to wait there she’ll be back in a minute. After an hour went to meet my mates in the pub, she was sitting on my mates knee having lots of fun. I was 16, don’t think I spoke to another girl a for 2 years. It haunts me now
— baconbaps (@baconbaps1) October 21, 2019
4. Mama’s boy.
..I tentatively asked. He burst into tears at the table. Big, splashy, non-stop tears. The waitress handed him tissues as he sobbed. “I’m so sorry” I said, presuming the worst but thinking it was an odd choice for a dating app photo, “I didn’t realise your Mother had passed away”
— Hels Bels (@_Hels_) October 21, 2019
At this point he starts actually wailing, gets up and goes to the toilets. 10 minutes later he comes back, face still streaked with tears. He looks at me & says, “No, she’s not dead, I’m crying because…well…. I just really love my Mum” OMG!
— Hels Bels (@_Hels_) October 21, 2019
5. Sounds like a catch!
I have LOADS, but this one from my friend still makes me laugh
She went on a tinder date with a guy, got a bit drunk, went back to his, they had sex, he finished on her outer thigh (
) and then started crying and went off to write in his journal. She left promptly afterwards.
— Anna (@AnnaSels) October 21, 2019
6. No way.
He took me out for a drink, drove me home but on the way he stopped the car, opened his door, puked out the side of the car then tried to snog me. Gross.
— HYBRID (@hybridscores) October 21, 2019
7. Ouch!
He was boring, humourless, & smelled odd, like pork. Said he'd pay for dinner so I'd "owe" him & winked pointedly. Had the gall to get offended when I asked him if he'd blow a guy in exchange for a night of tedious conversation, badly grilled fish & a bottle of sparkling water.
— Mealy Pertaters (@MPertaters) October 21, 2019
8. Okay, this is the worst ever.
Not me, but my mate Dan met her parents on a (near) first date. He sat on their sofa and accidentally sat on the family pet dog breaking its back. It had to be put down.
— Phillip Smith Esq. (@PhilAtCreamCow) October 21, 2019
9. Homicidal maniac.
How was the date, though?
— TheDweeb #FBPE (@thedweebster) October 22, 2019
10. Yeah, I’ve had enough.
Spent the whole evening asking me “controversial” questions eg. Do you need glasses or just wear them for attention, would you rather have a child with autism or Downe syndrome? I left after 1 glass of wine at 9pm claiming I “had to go to the gym”
— Sophie Gadd (@sophie_gadd) October 21, 2019
11. Maybe he was a nice guy?
I think you mean best date
— Tom Riley (@tomriley84) October 21, 2019
12. That’s weird.
She sat smiling and not saying anything for 2 hours, then “Gay Bar” by Electic Six played and she burst into tears and ran to the toilets. When she came back she told me she’s been seeing the synth player in the band and had been dumped when his wife found out a few days earlier https://t.co/JUCXEgIH2r
— Bethany Black (@BeffernieBlack) October 21, 2019
13. We don’t want you to be hysterical.
The very first thing she did on sitting down was take out a small glass bottle and started spooning a syrupy liquid into her mouth. "Homeopathy?" I asked, heart sinking. "No, a powerful sedative-hypnotic drug" she replied, "If I don't take it I'd be hysterical right now."
— Conor Horgan (@ConorHorgan) October 21, 2019
14. What a story!
"I don't like yours much!"
(@AntiProfessor) October 21, 2019
We’re begging you! Tell us about your awful dates in the comments!
These kinds of stories give us LIFE!
The post People Open up About the Worst Dates They’ve Ever Had appeared first on UberFacts.