People Admit What Naturally Occurring Bodily Function Bothers Them the Most

We obviously have a lot of naturally occurring bodily functions, but are there some that really bother you?

Whether if it’s from you or other people?

I guess the answer is yes, based on what you’re about to read…

People on AskReddit talked about which naturally occurring bodily functions really bother them.

Let’s get weird!

1. That’s too bad.


I have PTSD stemming from childhood trauma so even my roommate stepping heavily on the floor triggers anxiety and hyper-awaredness.”

2. Sounds like thunder.

“My tummy making sounds like I haven’t eaten for 5 years.”

3. It’s burning!

“Runny noses.

That s**t sucks and when you’re sick enough it starts to burn.”

4. Awful.

“Acid reflux.

Nothing like waking up with intense chest pains and a mouth full of stomach acid throw up.”

5. Sucks

“F**k periods and PMS. Good lord what a hassle!

You have to buy special things (pads, tampons, IB profen) and you feel like dog s**t the days immediately preceding and during.

You have to make sure to have a pad or tampon every time you go to the bathroom and it sucks if you forget.

And God forbid any tampon/pad dispensary is actually stocked in a bathroom!”

6. Fat.

“The body storing excess energy in fat cells….that kind of thing needs a cap.

Like, up to 15% of body weight can be fat, any excess beyond that gets flushed out of the system.”

7. What are you dreaming about?

“As a guy, in my opinion, wet dreams.

They’re so annoying, inconvenient and just straight up unwanted.”

8. It’s time again.

“Growing nails.

Mine grow too fast, I have to cut them every 3 days”

9. Not fun.


It’s generally activated to evacuate poisons/irritants from the body but the wind up to and the act of…I am grown and will still cry every time.”

10. Uh oh.

“Getting a huge b**er in public.

Like while having to present in front of class or while being in other public places.”

11. It happens.

“Very rarely I choke on my own saliva and my body goes instantly in fight mode to survive.

Coughing like a maniac, adrenalin rush, and my heart goes crazy.

Out of nowhere. This is ridiculous.”

12. The big one.


Especially when you can’t let them go and they build up or these quite ones that mark their presence in other ways.”

13. Why is this happening?


I dont sleep much so it happens several times a minute, it makes my ears pop and my eyes water so I’m basically crying all day and then my eyes get sore from wiping away all the tears.”

14. Make it go away.

“Body hair. I got hair everywhere. Literally.

Shoulders? Check! Toes? Check! Back? Check! And many more places I don’t want to name.

It might have been useful ages ago but now please just let it go away please.”

What bodily function bothers you the most?

Tell us what you think in the comments.

Please and thank you!

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