The economy is all over the place and things are looking pretty sketchy right about now.
I’m no expert in these matters but I propose a solution: let’s turn to a meme-based economy. Like cryptocurrencies, except not like that at all, because I honestly don’t understand how those work.
What I’m saying is let’s start treating memes like money and it’ll probably go great! Even if it doesn’t, we’ll have all these memes to laugh at, which will distract us from how not-great everything went. You can’t lose.
To give you an idea of how this would go, I’ve gathered twelve completely random memes and assigned a currency conversion calculation to let you know what I think they’re worth.
12. Mind on my money
Meme value: $1.00
Via: someecards
11. Gettin’ chipped, gotta dip
Meme value: $4.79, the retail price of a family sized bag.
Via: someecards
10. Pupper slumber
Meme value: $4 and gentle pats on the head.
Via: someecards
9. All in the phrasing
Meme value: $2 and the wisdom to know who not to screw with.
Via: someecards
8. Killing it
Meme value: the college fund your parents didn’t end up having to spend on you.
Via: someecards
7. Die laughing
Meme value: your life.
Via: someecards
6. Pain by numbers
Meme value: the price of a set of permanent markers and even more permanent emotional scarring.
Via: someecards
5. Chill pills
Meme value: $50, or a $10 copay with insurance.
Via: someecards
4. I scream
Meme value: priceless.
Via: someecards
3. Phony phone time
Meme value: dog.
Via: someecards
2. Follow your memes
Meme value: an $8 take and bake pizza.
Via: someecards
1. The grudge
Meme value: a forest worth of burn books.
Via: someecards
Some critics have claimed that my system of memes as currency “makes no sense,” and “is wildly inconsistent.” But to them I say – that’s never stopped us before.
Do you think we should replace money with memes? Why or why not?
Tell us your scholarly opinion in the comments.
The post Memes That Are on the Money About Life in 2020 appeared first on UberFacts.