If you’re seriously thinking about turning 30, I really wouldn’t recommend it. It’s not that it’s terrible, it’s just that it’s meh.
It’s not like 20, which feels like an exciting milestone. It’s not like 80, where people start to admire you just for sticking around so long. It’s just…30. It’s just a middle number.
But if I had to try to describe it with a little more flavor than that, I might use these memes.
10. “Boom boxes”
These days you plug a bluetooth speaker into a little charger for twenty minutes and you’re good to rock all day.
Back in the 90’s though…
Via: Someecards
9. Responsible eating
Cut to me just eating a jar of peanut butter before it expires because I have nothing to go with it but I don’t wanna waste it.
Via: Someecards
8. The tired game
Just thinking about playing is making me sleepy.
Via: Someecards
7. A breadtangle of pizza
I’d still be pretty psyched to eat this, not gonna lie.
Via: Someecards
6. Dashed expectations
It’s a really, really good spatula though.
Via: Someecards
5. Lotsa pain
All the back rubs in the world can’t save you now.
Via: Someecards
4. Early to bed
What do you think I am, some kind of bat?
Via: Someecards
3. You’re a classic now
Oops, they did it again.
Via: Someecards
2. Very different paths
Whatever, I’m living my true life.
Via: Someecards
1. Flip phones
The one thing I miss about these bad boys is that T9 allowed me to text without even looking.
Via: Someecards
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go take one of my nine daily pain naps.
What’s the strangest thing about being your age?
Tell us in the comments.
The post Memes People Over 30 Will Definitely Understand appeared first on UberFacts.